Read By Conduct and Courage: A Story of the Days of Nelson Page 28




  A Rough Shaking. With 12 page Illustrations by W. PARKINSON. Crown 8vo,cloth elegant, 3_s._ 6_d._

  Clare, the hero of the story, is a boy whose mother is killed at his sideby the fall of a church during an earthquake. The kindly clergyman and hiswife, who adopt him, die while he is still very young, and he is thrownupon the world a second time. The narrative of his wanderings is full ofinterest and novelty, the boy's unswerving honesty and his passion forchildren and animals leading him into all sorts of adventures. He works ona farm, supports a baby in an old deserted house, finds employment in amenagerie, becomes a bank clerk, is kidnapped, and ultimately discovershis father on board the ship to which he has been conveyed.

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  A sequel to _The Princess and the Goblin_, tracing the history of theyoung miner and the princess after the return of the latter to herfather's court, where more terrible foes have to be encountered than thegrotesque earth-dwellers.