Read Caged by Damnation Page 21

  The longer we walked, the quieter the woods became, until the night was deafening. A few animals scattered at our approach and an owl rested on a nearby tree, eyeing potential prey and hooting in excitement. The trees swayed in the gusts of wind, denying the frigidity. My nose tingled with new smells. I had to trust the others to follow the correct ones, because I couldn't tell deer from human.

  Smoke began to overwhelm me. The fumes were strong enough that had it not been for my eyesight, I would have been convinced that I was standing in the middle of the inferno. A fit of coughing enveloped me, as if I were suffocating, but I knew it was my mind playing tricks on me. I simply needed to force reason upon myself.

  "You okay?" Ash asked, his voice softening in concern.

  "She's fine, it's just the scent of smoke that's getting to her," Whisper said, her nose to the sky. Echo nodded in confirmation.

  Our steps quickened, anxious to reach the cause of smoke. The scent became stronger and I found myself running towards it.

  A cottage appeared outside the trees. It looked like a home for a family or an elderly couple, peaceful with the glow of a fireplace lighting the windows. Light posts stood on either side of the gate and the sidewalk inside the white fence.

  Now that I was closer, I smelled venison stew, rolls and ... blood. I hoped the last was stale, but knew it wasn't the case. Scrye squeezed my arm in support, but it didn't help. I was terrified to place one foot in front of the other. What if I learned that my friends were dead and I had let them down?

  The piece of Death secreted within began to vibrate, incinerating my lung capacity until I was left gasping for air. The quickening dispersed, attacking my mind, leaving behind a trail of flaming breadcrumbs.

  Furious, I gave into the Hellhound, reveling in its power. A red haze sheltered my vision and the door of the cottage flew open. I entered, while Echo and the others took up stances in the shape of an arrowhead. They wailed at the masculine occupants, who hissed back.

  My dress tightened against the front of my body, as if wind were attempting to push me out of the cottage. My hair flew about in a tempest and I bared my teeth, ready to incinerate those standing between me and knowledge of my friends’ fates.


  Strange sounds woke me from my musing. I wasn't sure what was causing the ruckus, but guessed demons were involved. Vaulting off the bed, I grabbed a piece of the chair that Nicolai had broken and moved to the door, ready to do some damage.

  I made it to the end of the hallway and stood in shock. Willow and the other Hellhounds were about to attack the Draconians on the opposite side of the room. The sounds were coming from them.

  It took me a moment to react; the appearance of Willow had taken me aback. She looked like the girl from Resident Evil with longer hair, and was much more terrifying, especially since she had a pack of Hellhounds backing her up.

  Willow made a move towards Nicolai, who had taken her as a threat. Her teeth had elongated, as had her claws, when I raced out to get between the two groups. "Stop!"

  Willow didn't have enough control to stop lunging with her claws, but instead of slitting Nicolai's throat, they sliced across my forehead, which immediately began gushing blood.

  "Oh, my God! Savannah!" Willow backed away sharply, knocking into the Hellhounds behind her.

  Nicolai tore off his shirt and wrapped my head in it, pressing against the wound. "Relax, you're going to be okay."

  I slipped down to the ground and he followed, keeping me in an upright position. He surprised me with a momentary laugh. "I guess we're even now."

  Willow fell to her knees, pain evident throughout her body. "Savannah, I'm so sorry. I thought they were demons and ... I didn't mean to hurt you."

  "Don't worry. I'm okay It's just a head wound. Someone can heal it; I won't even have a scar." A false smile lit up my face and I hoped she didn't recognize the pain.


  I looked up to find Ash eyeing me and Nicolai with distaste. My eyes widened, forgetting my wounds, I jumped up and into his arms. He caught me and held me still.

  "I'm sorry I was a jerk. I never should have left you guys."

  I smiled, dismissing the apology. His behavior before the attack wasn't even a blip on my radar. There was a question in his eyes, but I knew he was afraid to ask. "I don't know about the others, but Izzy, Griffin, and Isis are here. Griffin is pretty bad off. I haven't been down to see him yet ... kind of dealing with my own injuries."

  He glanced from my head to the blood still marring my top and growled. "I should have been with you. I'll never forgive myself." He grabbed my face and pulled me closer, gazing into my eyes. "This world would be hell without you."

  I was ensnared. Everything around us evaporated as he bent down to me. Then he turned his face and hugged me, allowing everything to flood back. I thought he was about to kiss me and part of me wanted it to happen. Instead, he pulled aside my hair and settled for grazing his lips against my neck. I shuddered, tingles spreading from my neck to my tailbone, and I fell into him.

  Rafe cleared his throat, reminding us that we weren't alone. I turned to find Nicolai staring at us, but I couldn't decipher his poker face.


  Watching the Hellhounds lose it on the Draconians was enlightening, but also confusing. I had no grief with them. If they protected my friends, they were all right in my book.

  Ash's reunion with Savannah was endearing, but I was more interested in the fire I saw in the scarred Draconian’s eyes at their embrace. In the midst, Izzy walked into the fray, smiling when she saw me and Ash, as if she’d expected our arrival. Isis came up behind her, maneuvering around Izzy’s wings, and leaned into the wall to watch the interaction.

  Isis looked different. Normally her appearance was her number one concern, but she looked like the living dead. Her skin was pale and her eyes were bruised. Her fingernails looked bloody and raw, as if she had been buried alive and tried to claw her way out. She was also unnaturally quiet.

  Ash left Savannah to speak with Rafe. "Can you bring me to Griffin?"

  Rafe looked to the other Draconians and then signaled for Ash to follow him past Isis and Izzy, who I was surprised to see didn't snap at them. Savannah asked my pack to come in and they looked at her like she was crazy.

  Poison Ivy sizzled. "I'm not getting any closer to them."

  "We're not anxious to have you around either," a platinum-blonde man with green eyes said. Izzy mouthed ‘Ryder’ to me. I nodded in understanding.

  "At least we can be trusted," Vixen aimed at a different Draconian, as Liam entered and sat on the sofa.

  "Well, we saved lives while you were off doing the bidding of your master," the Draconian shouted back at Vixen. His anger was a bizarre contrast to his appearance. He was wearing a hat from the 1920s over his light brown hair. His eyes matched his hair perfectly, and under different circumstances I would have thought him to be a cheerful sort. Although, I had a feeling those circumstances would need to be far from the Hellhounds.

  "Cooper, enough," the scarred leader growled. "We all need to put aside our differences. We are supposed to be protectors and can't do that if we're too busy fighting one another. That's how people get killed." His eyes narrowed at Ryder and turned back to us. "I'm Nicolai."

  Once quiet ensued, Echo addressed the Hellhounds. "That goes for you as well." Vixen showed signs of protesting, but Echo covered Vixen’s mouth. "I don't want to hear it. If you can't follow this simple order, go back to the lair because you will be of no help here. End of discussion." Vixen took on the guise of an angst-ridden teenager, crossing her arms and pouting.

  Reluctantly, we arranged ourselves among the Draconians. It was a tight fit, but at least the arguing had ceased. They filled us in on the events that had transpired and recited the prophecy, leaving us all speechless and darting looks at Savannah as if she were an escaped gorilla terrorizing civilians.

  Scrye grasped Savannah in a tight hug, but Savannah's body rem
ained stiff as a board, uncomfortable with the contact. "Prophecies are tricky and can have many meanings. It's clear that you are the one it speaks of, but don't fear it. Once you do, the power comes from the belief that fate is controlling you. It takes away your free will because you forget that it's your greatest power."

  Scrye had turned to address us all when a knock sounded at the door. "Finally!" She grinned, as if she knew visitors would arrive soon. She opened the door and the Draconians screamed for her to stop, but it was too late.

  Maye, Josephine, and Diamante stood at the door with relieved expressions. Soon we were all hugging, crying, and pulling them into the warmth of the cottage.

  Isis gave the newcomers an exasperated look. "What took you so long? I've been calling you since the battle."

  Maye flung up her hands. "We didn't hear you because we were weak." She held Savannah tightly and looked at the others. "Thank you for keeping them safe."

  Maloc nodded. "We're grateful that you're safe too. Please, sit down." He removed himself from the sofa, making room for her. The others took the cue and gave their seats to Diamante and Josephine.

  "Thank you." Maye sank peacefully into the sofa, watching everyone like a hawk.

  Scrye took her spot once more. "As I was saying...." She repeated the prophecy for Josephine, Maye, and Diamante. "We should assign protectors to individuals. They'll need them if the demons attack again."

  A sincere voice came from a brown-haired Draconian. "I know we are supposed to put aside our blood feud, but if we don't trust each other ... how are we going to be secure in the safety of these charges? How can we trust you to protect them?" His hazel eyes looked apologetic at the insult to the Hellhounds. Everyone considered the predicament and he adjusted his glasses, which had slipped down his nose. ”Anyone?"

  Whisper spoke up, her black hair obscuring her almond-shaped eyes. "We protect in teams, one Hellhound for each Draconian." Cooper objected, but Nicolai and Maloc told him to shut it.

  "Agreed," Nicolai stated, and looked at Echo. "It's probably the best way to ensure their safety. "I'll assign mine and you assign yours. Sound good?"

  She nodded.

  Savannah interrupted. "Why don't we all just protect one another?

  As if speaking to a child, Echo said, gently. "If there is a fight it can be difficult to keep track of everyone. This way we all know whose back to watch. Of course, if someone else needs help, we will go to their aid, but it's better to stick to a plan."

  "Oh." Savannah looked embarrassed.

  They decided that Scrye and Nicolai would watch over Savannah, since Nicolai was the best fighter among the Draconians, and Scrye having the sight might come in handy. Aidan was chosen as a stand-in if one of them were detained.

  Poison Ivy and I were both assigned Maye and Josephine, because I was basically a fledgling and they were the two least likely to need protection. Archer would be our backup.

  Vixen and Cooper were displeased to find themselves as partners. They would protect Liam and Ash with Gabriel as the stand in. Ryder and Whisper were given Griffin and Isis to watch over. Wolfe would cover them. Which left Echo and Rafe to protect Diamante and Izzy with Julian as the third protector.

  Though each group had been assigned three protectors, only two would take on the official duty. The third would act as the scapegoat, fighting the attackers long enough to allow the others to escape.

  "Everyone should speak with their charges and partners to develop a plan of action. Should something unexpected happen, it's better if everyone is on the same page." Nicolai nodded to Savannah. "You, Calla, and Aidan, come with me." His voice was demanding and I could see Savannah fighting not to go off on him. She hated being ordered around.

  Sure enough, Savannah allowed her emotions to best her. "I'm not some little lamb who's going to follow you around. My family just got here. I need some time with them. We can make plans in a bit.”

  Nicolai glared at her, his teeth gnashing together. "That's fine, if you want to get them killed. Without a plan, you're risking everyone's lives. If you love them so much, you should want them to be safe."

  Savannah sighed and disappeared down a hallway with the others.

  Soon, Poison Ivy, Josephine, and Maye were standing with me outside near the gate. "What do we do? What type of plan are we supposed to make? One for during or after a battle?"

  "You watch over Maye and I'll take Josephine. That way our attention isn't divided all the time. If something happens and we need to escape ... we'll need somewhere safe to hide out." She seemed more serious and less irritated than normal.

  Josephine and Maye were silently watching us, allowing us to take charge since we were supposed to be the experts. "What about an amusement park? We can find someplace to hide out in one of those, right? Avoiding guards should be easy compared to demons." Strangely, they all thought it was a brilliant plan.

  The meeting was brief, Maye and Josephine made their way back into the cottage, leaving me with Ivy. "Are you okay?"

  She glanced up and quickly looked towards the trees that we had come from. "That thing would have killed me. You stopped it." She looked back at me, her eyes narrowed and confusion abound. "Why?"

  "What do you mean, why?" When she didn't answer, I realized she was asking why I’d saved her. "You think I would let you die, if I could help it? What kind of impression do you have of me that you think I would care that little?" I was insulted, but mostly hurt.

  "It's not like I'm all that likable, and you barely know me. How could you care about me?" She hiccupped. "No one cares about me." The last was said with pain. "I ... don't inspire ... those types of ... emotions." The hiccupping had become worse and I wondered if it was a sort of defense mechanism.

  "Well, I do." I'll admit that you can be a pain in the ass, but that doesn't mean I want you to die! You should work on your people skills, though. I think there's more to you than you let the others see"

  "You know, I think I kind of like you." She smiled before tracing Maye and Josephine's steps.

  The Hellhounds were peculiar, and I hadn't even begun to delve beneath their exteriors. As much as I didn't want to leave my old pack for the new one, they were growing on me. Now, if only we could keep my old friends from dying. That would be quite the challenge.


  Savannah's Journal

  Dwelling over the fate of Maye and Ash had been worse than anything the demons could have done. My heartbeat and my soul resided with me, but my life had been nonexistent until we were reunited.

  Isis didn't seem angry with me for forcing her to leave with Maloc. In fact, it was almost as though she had forgotten; her mouth was firmly sealed and the memory stuffed into the back of her closet.

  Willow had perfect timing with her arrival. She still looked like herself, but it was deceptive. Beneath her exterior was a Hellhound: wild, dangerous, and intimidating.

  It was overwhelming being caught between the Hellhounds and the Draconians, while getting used to Willow and Izzy's changes. I hoped that a plateau was around the corner. I could use some downtime.


  My group of protectors led me up a staircase and into the attic, which turned out to be Nicolai's room. It was bland, like a hotel room, with a bed, bathroom, and a table with drawers build into it.

  I thought about the division of duties and a thought occurred to me. "What about Maloc?" Everyone stared at me. "Why wasn't he assigned to a group?"

  Nicolai ran his hand through his hair, brushing it away from his face, revealing his scar. He pulled a chair from the far corner and sat. "Maloc isn't a Draconian. He's a friend of our race."

  I nodded in understanding as Calla used some dust to heal both of my injuries. Silence ensued; Nicolai stood and paced like a cat waiting for a saucer of cream.

  Aidan broke the silence and I shot him a grateful look. "If I'm going to be backup, maybe I shouldn't know the details. Savannah can fill me in if I'm needed, but it's better for me to be in
the dark in case the enemy captures me."

  Nicolai nodded and Aidan vacated the room, making me wish I had an excuse to leave as well.

  "It's Calla, right?" She nodded. "I'll guard from a distance and you should stay close to get anyone who makes it past me.”

  "Sounds solid to me. Where do we go if we need to make a getaway?"

  Nicolai shrugged, as if there were no alternative. "We stay on the run."

  "Um, I know a place." They looked at me, but I could see that Nicolai didn't expect much. "When my parents died, I inherited everything. We sold the house recently, but kept the lodge. Only Maye and I know of it, and it's in my mother's maiden name." I worried at my lower lip, uncomfortable under Nicolai's examining gaze. "It's not a fortified castle, but it's a good place to lay low. I've never been there, but I know where it is."

  "Where?" Nicolai demanded and I decided that I was going to have to invest in a book about politeness.

  "Green Lake, Wisconsin. It's secluded on the lake and there is only supposed to be a tiny town nearby."

  Calla touched my hand gently. "You're sure that Maye is the only one who knows its whereabouts?"

  I nodded. Inevitably, my thoughts went to my parents and their hobby. I hoped we wouldn't find evidence that they had left behind. Given their preference for sacrifices, it was possible that the place might be inhabited by a few vengeful spirits, or bodily remains. The thought make me queasy.

  "Fine." Nicolai waved me away. "Go see your friends. We can work out the rest without you." The dismissal grated on me. It's true that I didn't want to go to the meeting in the first place, but I had a right to choose when I wanted to leave.

  Reaching my room in record time, I discovered Maye sitting on my bed. "Maye!"

  I scrambled towards her, nearly knocking her off the bed with my excitement. She laughed at my antics, pulling me to her side, and I curled up with her.