Read Call Me Crazy Page 15

  Chapter 15

  Day 180

  When I looked at the calendar in the morning I wanted to cry. I was at the half way point. It had been six months since I was sentenced to the hospital. Had I still been there I’d have started faking that I took my pills and my “symptoms” would start going away. I’d be getting ready to finally go home and have everything go back to normal. Instead I’d been in Vegas for over two months. It was certainly not where I ever imagined my life going.

  I knew I was starting to not be so myself anymore. I’d always imagined my life being different. I’d wanted to become an artist, and my logical career choice was a teacher. I’d imagined finishing senior year and getting as far from my small town and its backwards politics. Instead I was a child, pretending to be an adult. I worked more than I slept. I was a waitress, and a casino girl. I’d achieved nothing in my life. What was normal? Was it life before, or life now, or neither? I didn’t know anymore.

  I couldn’t say this hadn’t been a learning experience. I learned not to let people get under my skin. I learned that sometimes you had to be the bigger person and just walk away. It wasn’t always about what’s fair and right, but about you doing what’s fair and right even when others don’t. I’d become a mother and a sister and an aunt. I had a family that I loved and cared about again, and I was happy with them. We just seemed to blend seamlessly together, even thought we didn’t quite fit the circumstances.

  We had eventually had to readjust after Bob passed out at work one day after pulling five straight shifts. I could get why. Working one shift was exhausting, pulling five straight was like pulling teeth. By the end you wanted to die or pass out just so it would stop. Jenny was taking virtual surveys under my fake name and working under her own for a few at home businesses. We were all working less hours. Today I was the babysitter of the day, and it had quickly become my favorite job.

  Little Kelly was really starting to babble and she was undoubtedly the cutest little thing. Plus Jeremy was really great about everything and I loved hanging out with the kid. I’d always take him somewhere when I was babysitter of the day on weekends. We’d been to most of the tourist attractions in town, but we’d always revisit his favorites, and mine. Today we were going to a place we both loved, AdventureQuest. It was almost a massive virtual game place, but not quite. It was absolutely massive. The top floor was a virtual world game. You got to run around pretending to be a wizard and just having the best time. Jeremy loved it up there. The floor beneath that was a more child’s game floor with things that Kelly and other younger kids loved. The bottom two floors were family attractions and the restaurants. It was too expensive to come all the time, but cheap enough that we could afford it.

  When we approached the building I first noticed the massive sign Help Wanted. I walked Jeremy up to the top floor and went downstairs to inquire about the job with Kelly. She was happily playing with my hair, although you could tell she wasn’t feeling patient about it. She was sighing and squirming constantly

  “I’m here about the sign in the front window,” I said to the man at the front desk.

  He smiled, “You looking for a job?”

  “A better job,” I said. “I work two jobs already; I figured I’d rather work here.”

  “Well, we definitely need new employees. We’d need you to work days from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM and some nights from 5:00 PM until midnight. Some weeks you’d have to pull double shifts. Almost all of our employees are heading off to college, and we’re gonna be working you hard.”

  “Sounds great, but what’s the pay?” I said. I could only take it if the pay was high. I actually made great money, and so anything not close wouldn’t really work.

  He smiled, “We pay you in salary with benefits, and you make overtime if you work more than 50 hours a week. Starting employees normally make 500 a week plus 5 dollars an hour for overtime. You also get health insurance completely covered.”

  I nodded, “Can you request extra hours?”

  He nodded happily, “We appreciate it actually.”

  “Can I get an application?” I asked feeling happier than I had in days.

  “I need you to fill it out so I can check you out, but you’ve got the job. I’m in charge of new hires. I’d give your two weeks’ notice today.”

  I beamed, “Thank you!” He slid the form across the table along with a pen. I took Kelly upstairs and kept an eye on her while filling out the form. By the time she was hungry and bored I’d finished and handed the forms back to the man. I went upstairs and grabbed Jeremy before going into our usual restaurant. I ordered a cheeseburger for Jeremy, a hotdog for Kelly, and grabbed myself a chicken sandwich. We plopped down at the table and I started cutting up Kelly’s food for her.

  “So guess what kiddo?” I said smiling at Jeremy.

  He smiled happily and munched on a fry, “What?”

  “I got a new job,” I told him.

  He sat silently for a moment, “So you’re gonna stop working at the diner and at the casino?”

  I thought for a moment, “Well I’ll probably still work some nights at the casino, but only after you’re asleep and I’m not going to work at the diner anymore.”

  A small smile was on his face, “That’s good, but where are you gonna work?”

  “Here,” I said.

  The smile that lit up the kid’s face was one I hadn’t seen in ages. His teeth showed all around and his dimples were extremely pronounced, “Really?”

  I nodded, “Nothing’s for sure yet, but most likely. What do you think buddy?”

  “That’s awesome!” He yelled. A few other parents turned to look at us, but seeing that I was only a teenager let it go. Who would complain about a teenage girl with her younger siblings, even if they got a bit out of control? “Maybe, when you work sometimes I can come and hang out here!”

  “If I work any weekends I might be able to do that for you,” I said. I didn’t want to disappoint him, but it would only be him and he wouldn’t need all day, just a few hours. Plus I would get a small employee discount, which would definitely help.

  He giggled, “I like that. Are you happier?”

  I nodded, “I am.” I meant it too, I hated the diner and this was the one place where I’d seen the least number of drunks around. It was a kid’s place and didn’t serve alcohol. If I couldn’t quit my other jobs entirely at least I could work there less and less.

  “Good,” He said.

  Little Kelly clapped, “Everyone happy!”

  I nodded, “Yup pipsqueak, everyone’s happy.”

  “We go play?” She asked.

  I shook my head, “After you eat your food munchkin.”

  She picked up her little fork and started popping pieces of hot dog into her mouth. We all dug into our food and headed to the kids’ favorite rides. Around two-thirty, I got a call confirming my new job. I’d have to be drug tested tomorrow and I could start a week after that. I called my boss at the diner who wished me the best of luck and said she’d see me in two days. I knew I needed to actually go to the casino so I grabbed my pipsqueaks and headed home. I dropped them off with Jenny and headed to talk to Ace, my boss.

  “Why if it isn’t little miss Australia,” He said standing up and hugging me. I rolled my eyes. He’d instantly called me Australia after hearing my name. He even had it printed on one of my nametags.

  “Hey Ace, we need to talk,” I said.

  He sat down and gestured to the chair across from him. I plopped into it, “What’s up Aussie?”

  “I need less hours,” I said. “I got a new job and I can’t lose it. It’s got benefits and it’s safe for me to bring the kids.”

  He frowned a bit. He’d become a bit of an uncle to me in the short time I’d been here. He knew I was really younger than I said, but he didn’t ask. When I’d asked why he’d said he knew I had a good reason and he trusted me. I loved him, and I knew he worried about me. “Well I’m happy for you, kid. How about when you get your s
chedule you forward it to me and I’ll work you in for the late shifts around your schedule there?”

  “Thanks Uncle Ace,” I said beaming.

  He nodded, “No problem Aussie. You still working tomorrow night?”

  I nodded in return, “It’ll be a week before the drug test goes through.”

  “So what’s the job?”

  I smiled, “AdventureQuest.”

  He laughed, “Sounds great, although you’re a bit young. They might mistake you for a patron.”

  “I have a uniform and I’ll wear makeup,” I said rolling my eyes and brushing off his concern.

  He nodded, “Good girl. Be safe.”

  “You too,” I said standing up.

  He chuckled and ruffled my hair, “I’m always safe, and I keep things normal. You’re the weird one.”

  I rolled my eyes and waved as I walked out the door and ran home to talk to the others. They were all happy for me, and I appreciated it. I sat on the couch with Kelly as Karen and Bob headed off to work again.

  “Syd,” She said. “Can we have ice cream?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  She smiled, “To celebrate!”

  “Sure kid.” I said. “Jeremy, you want ice cream?” He came in and I scooped four bowls. Jenny ate hers working. Jeremy joined us on the couch watching kids’ movies. We ate and watched the animated songs and happy endings. That was the best part of kids’ movies, the happy endings. Real movies weren’t all like that, and I wished they were.

  I tucked Kelly in and she snuggled into Jenny’s bed. I went out and watched another movie with Jeremy. He fell asleep and I carefully picked him up and took him to bed.

  “Hey,” I put a hand on Jenny’s shoulder. “Finish up. You need to get to bed Jen.”

  “I will,” She smiled. “Thanks.”

  I headed into our room and started brushing my hair.

  How nice. You had a great day and can sit and brush your hair. That’s so productive.

  “Really?” I hissed. “I can’t enjoy one night.”

  I guess not. Now maybe you should go clean. I mean this place is a mess.

  “That’s what you’re worried about?”

  At least I’m not spending ten minutes brushing my hair.

  “You have no hair!”


  “Ugh! You’re so annoying Two.”

  Thank you!

  Jenny entered and I put away the brush and lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes and fell into a restless sleep filled with voices that I couldn’t identify.