Read Camp Clearwater Page 4

  Chapter 4

  In Sync with the Campers

  “Before we get started on our first outing, it would be a good idea for each of you to tell me something about yourself and why you are here. I’ll start,” said Cindi. Pausing, she noticed Jorgina and Sarah Beth still sneaking away from the group. “Please everybody just leave everything in your cabin and come outside and sit around this campfire stone circle. You can get what you need later. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can have some fun. Jorgina and Sarah Beth, you need to come back now!” she said authoritatively.

  Trying not to lose her patience, she noticed Jorgina and Sarah Beth had completely disregarded her and continued walking away from the campfire pit where the rest were sitting. Again, firmly she said, “Jorgina and Sarah Beth come join the group, or you will miss out on white water rafting.”

  Relieved, Cindi inwardly smiled when they returned, even though they were moaning and groaning. She continued. “As you know, my name is Cindi. I’m twenty six and I’ve been coming to Camp Clearwater since I was thirteen.

  During the school year, I’m a counselor in a middle school in Texas. I love the area and working with kids, so this is the perfect summer job for me. I like Mexican food; especially chicken enchiladas. I love the outdoors…hiking, horseback riding, and white water rafting. I’m the oldest of six kids, and my favorite vacation was the second year I came to camp here, when I was about your age.”

  Quickly, she asked Eugene to tell about himself because he seemed the most compliant.

  He began, “I’m Eugene Eddweiser, thirteen, and the smartest kid in town. As you can see, I have brown hair.”

  “Why are you here?” asked Cindi.

  “I already told you, I’m at the wrong camp. I was accidentally placed here by my illogical parents,” he responded.

  “Go ahead continue,” implored Cindi.

  “Okay, let’s see. I was talking about being the smartest kid in town. I only make all “A” pluses and I’ve never committed a crime in my life. I guess I’m going to be bunking with Cody,” he said; then he thought back about how Cody had messed up his perfect bed which made him want to curl up into a ball. “Back to my family… they are so stupid. I just want to pull my hair out because I have to pay the bills and manage things. I’m sort of worried what’s going to happen to them while I’m gone. My parents think I’m in Florida.”

  He sighed and continued. “I was born on November 15, 1998, but I was supposed to be born on Thanksgiving.” Feeling self conscious and like he had said enough, he didn’t tell what was really on his mind. He would have liked to have confided to the group about how he was afraid of lots of things: Sarah Beth and Jorgina, being alone in the bathroom, ghosts, playing Bloody Mary, and large dark clouds with distinctive faces on them, but instead he said, “That’s all about me.”

  Next to talk was Jorgina. She began, “Hey, my name is Jorgina. My birthday is December 16th. I’m fifteen and what you’d call a juvenile delinquent. I blame my parents for my wretched life. My dad’s a famous attorney. He works on contracts with sports players in Dallas that play for the Rangers, and Cowboys. My mom is an actress on the reality show, Dallas Dynasty. Neither of them are ever home! There are times I don’t see them for weeks because they go out of town, even out of the country, all the time. People are always checking up on me at school. It’s so annoying when my name is called over the loud speakers, and I’m ordered to go to the counselor’s office. It happens almost three times a week,” she said with a sigh.

  “We have a three story house which I think is pretty stupid because I’m an only child, and like I’ve said my parents are hardly ever home.”

  “What are your parents’ names?” asked Eugene.

  “Matthew Pierce is my dad, and my mom is the famous Christina Right.”

  The group nodded, affirming they had all heard of them, except for Eugene who shook his head and said, “No, I’ve never heard of them.”

  “Why are you here?” asked Cindi.

  “I’m here for shoplifting, hitting a cop, getting in two fights, and skipping school. I've been arrested four times in the past year, but my parents always get me off. They thought they were sending me to an exclusive rich kids’ camp, so I could meet the “right” kind of people. They also wanted to get me away from Sarah Beth, who they think is a bad influence on me, but Sarah Beth is my best friend, so I told her about this camp and we arranged this whole thing.

  My parents have no idea she is here. That shows how much they know or care. I pretty much do what I want to do just in case you want to know,” she said boastfully. Then she added, “Oh and by the way just so all you nerds know, nobody messes with me; so you better watch out ‘cause I don’t like it when losers like you put your hands on me, touch my hair, and especially when anyone tells me what to do. I thought I should let you know early so I don’t have to waste my energy and have you find out the hard way.” She laughed and high fived Sarah Beth. Under her breath she muttered, “Oh boy, this is going to be a good time!”

  Without responding, Cindi knew it was time to move on. “Who would like to go next?”

  Cody spoke up next. “Well I’m Cody as you all know. Actually, the reason I’m here is because I was on the internet, and I found a deal for a summer camp on Groupon. It was half off, and it sounded like fun, so I talked my mom into it. But there’s more to my story.”

  “Now I’ll tell you about myself. I was born on a Saturday; a glorious Saturday is what my parents say. I was nine pounds. Yeah, I know that’s fat, but now I’m sexy,” he said as she smiled and looked around for reactions.

  He added, “I came out with a full head of hair. Well, that’s what my parents have told me. When I was four years old, I started competing in beauty pageants for boys, and of course I won. I’ve also done quite a lot of modeling. I’d like to talk to you later Jorgina to get your mom to put in a good word for me, so maybe I could be on her reality show. It’s obvious I’d be perfect for it.”

  “No way, never,” said Jorgina.

  “Oh I believe you’ll change your mind after you get to know me a little better.”

  “I doubt it,” said Jorgina as she rolled her eyes.

  “My dad died when I was little, so I’ve only been around women. Know what I’m saying pretty ladies?” He laughed his unique flirty laugh and decided not to tell everyone the real reason he wanted to be at the camp was to buff up. He needed to get stronger, and he wanted to be more athletic.

  Luna spoke up next. “I never had a good family structure if you know what I mean, but I think I have a good personality. I’m here because I needed to get away from my mom, her boyfriend, and my brother. I thought about trying to sneak on the bus but decided to do fund raisers instead. I worked my tail off doing odd jobs and I got some money as a reward for working to rescue an endangered species of red foxes.” She looked at the stuffed fox in her lap. In reality, the only reason she wanted to come was because Cody was going, and she liked him, but she didn’t want to admit it. She continued, “I like to plan ahead and I’m very organized. I guess that’s enough.”

  “Okay, thanks, who wants to go next? What about you Maria?” asked Cindi not sure if she understood the deal about the fundraiser.

  “There’s nothing much to tell. I don’t like to talk. That’s all I care to say for now,” she ended abruptly.

  “Thanks for sharing,” said Cindi.

  “Alrighty then,” laughed Cody awkwardly. Then he looked at Cindi and said, “Are you married, pretty lady?”

  “No,” Cindi replied quickly not wanting to get into it. “Okay, who wants to be next? How about you Sarah Beth?”

  Sarah Beth rolled her eyes and snarled because she wasn’t allowed to leave. She had her legs pulled under her chin and rested her head on them like she was pretending to be asleep and bored by everything going on.

  Jorgina spoke for her. “This is really funny guys. Sarah Beth is here because she stole a car and ran it into a bank. The
police thought she was trying to rob the bank, but she wasn’t.”

  “What’s so funny about that?” asked Eugene perplexed.

  “The funny thing was that it was my mom’s Corvette, and she was stealing it for me, so we could go joy riding. It got my mom so mad that she said I couldn’t see Sarah Beth ever again, but I guess we can all see how well that worked,” she giggled.

  Luna was talking to Cody and not paying attention. Charlie was still crying. C.J. was in a trance. Maria was covered up by her hoodie and almost invisible.

  “Come on guys. Don’t make this so hard,” begged Cindi. “C. J. what’s your story? Why are you here?”

  “Don’t have a story, and don’t have anything to say. I came because it sounded like fun, and I didn’t have anything better to do,” explained C.J.
