Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 4

  Chapter 4: Treacherous Waters

  They say, “time heals all wounds,” but, this is not true for Cass. It’s been over a year since Nuku Hiva, and his chance meeting with beautiful Brandy. Cass keeps his mind occupied with as many hard tasks as can handle. He constantly volunteers to help the crew with their duties after completing all his. No job is too hard or too dirty for Cass.


  All the crew notice how different Cass is now. He seems much quieter these days. He often checks the captain’s manifesto to see if there is any cargo scheduled for the French Polynesia Islands. I think he might jump ship if he were to get anywhere close to Nuku Hiva. The only other time he seems to talk is when there is necessary conversation, and the like. And when he smiles, it’s more out of respect than for joy. He does his best to put her out of his mind, but his restless heart keeps him awake many of moonlit nights. These nights' the watchmen can see his restless silhouette pacing the “bow” of the ship just staring off at the distant starry horizon. I pray for him. I pray time heals his soul. He has experienced too much pain for such a young heart.


  It’s a new day in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and twenty and six. A summer’s swell is developing as the “Virgin Queen” nears the Barbary Coast port of Dakar. The men grow restless with cautious anticipation. It’s not just for the approaching storm, but for the trouble often found in this dark port. This is a dishonest place full of shenanigans. Evil men wait to play out their dastardly deeds on unwise sailors. The best we can hope for in this barbaric haven is for a quick cargo transfer, and then a hasty shove-off.


  The sky darkens as the “sterns man” cries out, “12 fathoms and six knots Cap.”


  The depth indicates the ship is safely in the harbor's deep waters now. The menace on the dock is in plain view, as the “Virgin Queen” slowly pulls up towards the dock-head.


  This place has an exceedingly eerie stench filled with a troublesome aroma. This heightens the crew’s senses as it slowly “oozes” over their faces. It’s that feeling like something’s just not right. They can’t put their finger on it, at least not yet.


  The ship's unusually quiet as the crew stares on dock. Each man waits for the Cap’s next command. It’s so quiet the crew can hear the “creaking” sound from the ship’s adjusting metal haul. The momentum of the heavy cargo slowly shifts to match the ship’s slowing speed, causing this intimidating sound.


  Cap yells down from the “wheelhouse,” “Prepare to dock.”


  One of the crew whispers, “Keep your wits about you fellows.”


  This is the first time Cass’ presence has graced this port. No one thinks Cass realizes how rancid and dangerous a place this is. He is the only crew member attending his duties as usual.


  Unks tries to warn the young man; now eighteen years of age, to keep an eye out for peril. Cass doesn’t look too concerned though. I don’t know if it’s because of his imposing chest, his tall stature-of one fathom plus six inches, or his lack of concern towards fear.


  The crew stands reverent awaiting the command to “toss ropes” and “secure the vessel.” A strange cold rain for this time of year begins trickling down. Some superstitious crew-members take this as a bad omen.


  The command comes from Cap, “Toss ropes! Secure ship!”


  Several Scruffy dock-hands receive the ropes, but seem reluctant to tie the ship down.


  Cap descends top-deck while the crew extends the gangplank.


  Unks stares at a man on the dock, trying to stare Unks down. But, Unks doesn’t bat an eyelid. They continue staring into each other’s soul, as the Cap bounces the plank up and down while crossing over. The intimidating dock-hand decides to up the ante with his grimiest smile; revealing the one and only tooth in his mouth-and it is made of gold. His sinister face doesn’t bother Unks a bit; not outwardly at least.


  Cap is met on dock by a man most likely from “Customs.” Cap hands the man the “Virgin’s” manifesto. After a minute of reading and staring, the man signs it. Cap waves the crew off ship while the dock-hands move in place to unload the ship’s cargo.


  Cass stops working long enough to finally see what every crew member has been staring at.


  He remarks, “Not too savory, are they? Sure hope you guys locked your lockers.”


  This is the first time any of the crew smiles. It's a well needed moment to relieve some of the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The crew forms in a huddle before exiting over the gangplank.


  As they cross over, you can hear them whisper under their breaths, “Keep close and keep your eyes’ on each other’s backs.”


  Unks concentration is dedicated to “one tooth,” which follows him as he crosses the plank. Unks breaks his concentration momentarily to spit in the sea. It is his way of telling “one tooth” what he thinks of him. Unks resumes staring with a slight squint in his eye this time.


  Each crew-member waits on dock for the rest of the men to crossover. After the last member arrives, they move together towards their unflinching greedy captain. The rain starts coming down hard. It becomes bone chilling, but no one dares to shiver. This would be a sign of weakness, and no one wants to send that message to these motley dock-hands.


  Several of Dakar’s burly finest begin rubbing their hands on their arms. They stare the crew down while making a loud “Brrr” sound. It’s their way of insulting the “Virgin Queen’s” crew. They must sense fear. The dock-hands begin forming a circle around the crew, as the crew

  huddles around the Cap.

  All of a sudden, the dock-hands begin to act up. They kind of seem like they’re dancing while making a crazy man’s laughter. Suddenly, two men fly in opposing direction as Cass appears between the line-up of thugs. The crazy men stare for a moment at Cass.


  He turns his head side to side while roaring at them, and then warns them, “Get back to work!”


  All of them fearfully begin backing up, all but one that is.


  This burly man, almost Cass’s stature and size, remains steadfast staring at Cass. The rest have sense to return to work. Just this one large black fellow dares to stand there. There is evil in his eyes. It permeates his mean stare.


  He threatens Cass with, “I’ll see you later, honey.”


  Everyone on dock stops. They all know war has just been declared between the two giants.


  The cold rain stops as fast as it started. There is a moment of silence as Cass turns his back towards the burly menace. The crew watches Cass’ face for any clue of what he will do next. Cass places his clenched fist on his sides while staring off harbor. The crew realizes another type war is occurring. It’s one that happens when a heart has been strained to the point of breaking.


  A westerly wind gradually blows across the silent dock. A small mystifying cyclone of dust mixed with trash dances across the dock-head. Cass’ eyes change directions as they shift along with the tiny twister. It’s like he sees something in it. The anger on Cass’ face slowly turns somber. Maybe, Cass sees the devil in the swirling dirt. Or, he has a revelation of some sort.

  The hypnotic cyclone dumps its stolen debris as it disappears. A small round piece of wood the size of a pencil gradually rolls across the dock. It acts as a conductor's wand orchestrating and end to this mysterious show. Every ear listens to it roll slowly to a rocking stop.


  Cass lifts his eyes up, and then turns back towards his mighty foe.


  He remarks, “Were you thinking of buying me dinner, or did you just want to put on a fine dress and go dancing fellow?”


  Every dock-hand and crew-member can’t refuse to laugh at Cass’ exquisite insult. All accept one.


  The large black fellow warns Cass, “Yeah. We will dance later!”


  He turns slowly away while keeping his patient sinister eyes trained on Cass.


  Fearless Cass lunges forward, ready to take him apart, but Unks knows there's more to this guy than meets the eye.


  Unks blocks his nephew with good cause. Cass sees it now. There’s a long curved dagger sticking through his sash belt hanging in the middle of his back. Fearless Cass shakes with steaming anger in Unks restraining embrace. He gradually notices Unks trembling. This startles Cass into obliging his uncle’s request.


  Unks whispers up to Cass, “You don’t want to mess with the likes of him. He’s a stone cold killer.”


  Cass is still fuming, but he respectfully obeys and turns away. He goes to work, not out of fear, but rather out of respect for the uncle he has come to love.


  The Cap reminds the dock-hands they’re working for him right now.


  “Get to it!,” he barks out, “Your time is my money.”


  His crude comment slows the dock-hands down to a crawl.


  But Cap warns them, “This will be the last time I pull in this port. What will your boss think of that?”


  It seems they fear their own boss’s appetite for money more than looking weak. It might be because of the lashing their boss will give them for losing another shipping contract. There’s evidence they’ve tasted the lash before. There are welts of scares showing through their soaked shirts. They hustle to unload the “Virgin Queen,” as the crew file behind the Cap.


  He senses the tension coming from the crew, and then says something amazing.


  “How bout I treat you fellow’s to a fine dinner?”


  They sense the Cap knows they might be coming apart. All accept Cass. He is lifting heavy boxes out of the cargo net that the loading cranes swing over to the dock.


  Unks yells over to him, “Stop!”


  It takes Cass a moment to realize this was not a request. It seems his mind was concentrating on other things.


  Cass moves towards the pack, as they begin to follow the Cap off the dock-head.


  Cap proclaims, “I know just the place to eat.”


  One of the crew-member whispers, “I sure hope they don’t have roaches in the grub.”


  Most everyone silently chuckles while marching off.


  One more crew-member comments, “I just hope they’re cooked.”


  Cass catches up and asks Unks, “Where we going?”

  Several of the crew state simultaneously, “Dinner!”


  Cass looks at Unks as they continue marching.


  “You mean the Cap is actually taking us out to dinner?”


  Unks places his finger over his mouth, signifying to Cass to hold his voice down.


  He then whispers to Cass, “I think the Cap is going to try and poison us.”


  Cass smiles at Unks, knowing he just made a “funny.”


  Unks just grins and winks at Cass.


  They pass by a worn down sailors saloon along their journey. It looks abandon, but the crew knows nothing happens there till dark. Unks guesses they have a little over an hour and a half before sunset. He reminds them this is where the dock-hands hangout.


  The men try and hurry their Cap’s pace in an attempt to make it back by here before sundown. Cap remains steady marching towards “The Bore’s Head” eating establishment. Everyone can see it now. It’s just uphill from them.


  The Cap holds the door open for the crew. They commence entering the dreary rundown diner. A surprised looking man appears from behind the counter.


  “How many will we be seating tonight?”


  Cap spits out, “Let us have 16 of your specials along with matching pints of ale.”


  The waiter realizes this is a tall order as he fumbles through his apron to find his “ordering tablet.”


  The gent hurries back towards the kitchen while repeating the order back to the Cap,


  “16 specials and 16 pints- right? All right then.”


  Cap tells the crew, “Well, don’t just stand there. Take a chair.”


  Everyone turns to find their selves a seat.


  Meanwhile, Cap grabs Cass’ large arm and tells him, “You sit with me.”


  Cass knows something’s up, but he follows orders. He walks behind the Cap to a secluded corner table.


  After sitting down, the Cap asks, “Are you comfortable?”

  Cass is shocked by the Cap’s courtesy. This is something he thought the captain never possessed.


  “Yes I am,” Cass respectfully replies.


  Cap quietly and sternly says, “I saw what happened back there. Don’t let that thug under your skin. He’s not worth it.”


  Cass just somberly stares at the Cap’s eyes.


  “This is for your own good. Pay heed to your uncle, and stay away from the likes of his kind. He’s filled with hate. You’d have to kill him before you’d beat him.”


  Cass realizes the sincerity of the captain, and the situation.


  “Nothing good will come of it, you hear. Now, let us have a drink before dinner.”


  Cap says this right as the waiter sets down two pints of ale in front of both men.


  Cass immediately asks the waiter to bring him coffee instead.


  Cap states, “You’re a good man second mate Casanova Rouseco. Don’t let strong drink in your life.”


  These are the last words the Cap will say to Cass this night. They just sip and eat their fill from then on.


  The crew exits “The Bore’s Head” just in time to see the Sun setting.


  Cap states, “Red sky at night, it’s a sailor’s delight.”


  Cap leads the way as they step out briskly back towards the dock. They approach the darkened saloon and realize luck is with them this night.


  Cass and his Unks bring up the rear. As they pass the dilapidated establishment everyone hears the distant crazy laughter coming from inside. Its sadistic sound comes from just one person this time. Cass just keeps staring forward towards his crew-members. Unks, on the other hand, is looking at Cass’ face as they finish passing by. The laughter continues as is dissipates the further the crew moves away. Cass knows this part of the story is not over. It will be written about another day.


  After the crew finishes making it back on the “Virgin Queen,” the Cap announces, “Get a good night’s sleep. We pull-out at first light.”


  The crew looks at one another, seemingly thankful. They realize the Cap will use the Sun and proper tide this time to get them out to safe water. They are also happy to shake the dust off from this place as fast as they can.

  Cap says, “We’re
all loaded and headed off to Morocco, Lisbon, America, and then Panamal.”


  All the crew understands that after venturing through European waters, they’ll be heading back to the Pacific. The mention of sailing straight across the Atlantic causes tension to fill their faces. For, this can be a treacherous ocean this time of year.


  Cap then states, “We’ll finish up in the Marquesas Islands.”


  Cass’ eyes light up as his whole attitude changes. It is the first time in a long that the crew has seen a real smile on Cass’ face.


  Unks notices him walking down deck with a clinched fist, quietly saying, “Yes!”


  The attitude of the crew seems to change as well.


  First light comes as they leave this piece of Hell behind. Cass stands on the “stern” watching Dakar disappear behind the stinking marsh, as the “Virgin Queen” turns toward “starboard.”


  Unks comes to his side while saying, “Good ridden's. If we never come back, that will be

  too soon. Come on Cass, let’s go to work.”


  The smell of a new day combines with the fresh salt air flowing over the ship. Cass fills his lungs knowing this intense odor only comes from the open seas. Everyone seems filled with anticipation. The crew appears eager for their next port. This will be a welcomed place for relaxation; and maybe, a bit of adventure. It is a friendlier harbor. Yeah, today the sea seems to sparkle more. So does Cass’ eyes.


  Two days later, the “Virgin Queen” anchors in the Moroccan harbor. The crew gathers on the “port-side” railing discussing their plans and escapades. They laugh while staring at this white pristine city.


  Cowboy states, “If ever there was a piece of Heaven on Earth, this would be it. This place is so clean it hurt to look at it. It's like looking at the Sun too long.”


  Frenchy walks up to the gathering while proclaiming he has a pocket full of money to spend.


  Wong grabs his nose and says with his strong oriental accent, “Oh man! What you have on?”


  Most of the crew laughs at Wong’s comment. They begin to smell it too.


  Cowboy tells Frenchy, “I think you slapped on the wrong type of 'toilet water'.”

  The joyful crew’s spirits are high.

  Frenchy comments “Go ahead and laugh. I’m already ready. I’ll be the first one off ship; stealing all the honeys for myself.”


  A race suddenly erupts as most of the crew dart off to get ready.

  Cowboy gives Frenchy a friendly shove as he passes him, while asking, “Will you be my date sweetie?”


  Frenchy pushes him back, which throws him slightly off course.


  He tells the dashing Dan, “Get out of here!”


  Only Unks and Cass hang over the railing staring on shore. Out of the corner of his mouth, Unks confirms his affection for Cass.


  “I guess I can’t call you boy anymore. You sure have grown into a 'man’s man'.”


  Unks continues gazing at this desert oasis while patting Cass several times on his back.


  “I had some reservation when we first met. Not so much about taking you, but about the life I’d be giving you. It kind of scared me.”


  Cass leans into Unks and whispers, “I’ve learned to love the sea Unks. I can’t imagine any other life now.”


  Unks nods his affirmation slowly up and down agreeing with that proclamation.


  “I know what you mean laddie. She sure has a way of growing on you. I’ve never met a woman as temperamental as the sea. But, I never loved one as much either.”


  Unks notices Cass’ face turn away. Cass would be lying if he agreed with him, so honest Cass just stares on shore. Unks pats Cass’ back once before turning away.


  “I pray I’ve done right by you and your dear momma.”


  As he departs, Cass tells Unks something a sailor should never have to hear.


  “I love you Unks.”


  Unks stops dead in his tracks and freezes still.


  Cass realizes Unks' departing footsteps have stopped, so he looks over his shoulder and sees the back of Unks head. He watches as it slowly moves up and down.


  Unks quietly proclaims, “You too laddie. You too.”


  He proudly paces across deck the rest of the way.


  The ship’s bell “rings,” alerting the crew “shore leave” has commenced. A few minutes

  later, a dozen crew members jostle for their position in front of the gangplank.


  The Cap yells down from his “wheelhouse,” “Stay out of trouble,” right before giving the order to extend the gangplank.


  Several of the fellows festively push and shove themselves into a better position at being first off.


  Frenchy gets the last sarcastic word in about the criticism he received earlier.


  “Oh my, don’t you smell like a bunch of fine fragrant flowers fellows.”


  His comment does nothing to settle the crew, but rather increase the amount of joyful shoving.


  Cowboy proclaims, “Morocco is the best place to buy aged French wine; and at the best price. I’m buying a bottle to bring back for my mother.”


  As the gangplank touches, you can hear several crew members mention, “I’m buying some too.”


  One says, “I’m bringing three back for my girl back home.”


  The reverberating of the plank resides as their conversation drifts slowly across towards the dock.


  Only Unks, Cass, and the Cap remain on board. Unks comes inside the “living quarters,” wiping his hair with his drenched towel. A cloud of steam drifts away with each swirling stroke. He sees Cass lying on his bunk with his arms propped under his head.


  Unks asks, “So, what you got planned?”


  Cass just shakes his head side to side while replying, “Nothing.”


  He seems content just waiting for the time he might see Brandy again.


  As Unks finishes drying, he tells Cass, “Are you trying to save all your money to spend

  on your sweetie?”


  Cass shyly smiles, and then smirks at Unks embarrassing question.


  “I’ll tell you laddie. Why don’t you come have an adventure with your old Unks?”


  Cass lays there pondering the notion.


  “You heard what the Cap said. Maybe you can keep your old Unks from getting into any mischief. Besides, Morocco has a whole street filled with fashionable shops and the likes.”


  Cass reluctantly declines the offer.


  Unks tries out maneuvering Cass by introducing the fact some may sell books.


  Cass’ eyes light up!


  Unks raises the ante by stating, “I know I’ve seen a whole street lined with quaint bookshops here before.”


  Cass thinks real hard as Unks drives the final nail in.


  “Come on. It will give you something to do, and you’ll have a new book to occupy your mind on the long trip back to Nuku Hiva.”


  That works
as Cass leaps to his feet.


  “Give me 10 minutes to get ready.”


  Unks humorously warns the passing Cass, “You better hurry. There’s a bunch of pretty things waiting for me.”


  Cass laughs as he departs the quarters.


  Unks yells to him as he nears the showers, “And, you can’t keep a pretty woman waiting!”


  This is the first time Cass has had a real chance to explore any exotic port. Unks adjusts

  the back of Cass’ shirt while they cross over the gangplank.


  As they reach the other side, Unks commands him, “Stop!”


  He holds his fist in front of Cass' eyes and says, “This won’t hurt a bit.”


  He opens his fist and gently slaps Cass’ face. Cass immediately realizes this is a special occasion. The pair sniffs the cologne “tingling” on Cass’ face. They suck in its essence as it were the delightful aroma from a fine cigar.


  Unks tells him, “Now, you’re ready. Let’s go have a fine time on the old town.”


  The late morning Sun turns the approaching parish into what can only be described as a living artist’s tapestry. Cass stares up the long street lined with shiny pearl white buildings. Each shop is distinguished by their amusing assortment of colorful pastel canopies. Just above them is a network of balconies framed by swirling black wrought iron railings. The changing morning light causes the wrought iron shadows to slowly wiggle like snakes, as they crawl along and then around the bright white buildings.


  Each shop they pass invites Cass to come in and satisfy his adventurous curiosity.


  He thinks to himself, “Unks was not lying.”


  Cass sees dozens of shops selling all types of books. He spins slowly half way around observing the height of the city. He notices the miraculous moving shadow festival exploding before his eyes.


  Unks remarks “See all the Spanish wrought iron. It surely is a thing of beauty.”


  Cass’ jaw drops in awe as he marvels at this living spectacle.


  Unks notices Cass’ reaction, and then responds, “Don’t see this where you’re from.”


  Unks comment about home abruptly ends this surreal moment with a sobering though. It touches Cass’ heart, forcing him to remember momma.


  Unks realizes the effects of what he just said. He quickly changes the subject.


  “You see that café over there Cass?”


  Unks points down the street.


  Cass stares to locate it, and then tells Unks, “Sure.”


  “Well, I’m not much for books. How about if my old legs spend time sitting down over there while yours explore the stores?”


  Unks coaxes him to agree by shaking his head up and down several times quickly.


  “Come and get me when you’re done finding a good book, or two.”


  He pats Cass’ shoulder and takes off.


  Cass stands there looking at him march away. He hears Unks asking something to a few ladies sitting at the café. He watches as they wave to Unks, inviting him to join them. Cass smiles in amazement. This charming side of his uncle is a side he’s never seen before.


  He thinks, “What the lady’s man,” before turning away.


  Cass looks down the street marveling at the line of shops, while deciding where to start his adventure. Under his chin, he notices the three very pretty passing young ladies in fancy dresses. Cass hears them conversing in Spanish and in French as they stroll under.

  They shyly look up towards Cass’ face as he gazes down. One of the lady’s mouths instantly drops open. She stumbles over her girlfriend-whom also stops for a peak.


  Cass tells the ladies in Spanish, “This day is as beautiful as you are.”


  All three ladies immediately melt down toward their knees.


  One of the ladies whispers to the others, “Wow!”


  They turn their stare towards each other to confirm what they are seeing. They cover their mouths as they begin to laugh. Not the laughter of insult, but the kind that is made in agreement towards sheer amazement and elation.


  Cass walks by these pretties as their gaze follows him. He tips his right hand off his

  forehead offering them his parting salutation.


  Politely he states, “Senoras jovenes;” which means: “young ladies,” before continuing on his way.


  The pretty ladies remain standing there gawking at him as if he were “God's gift to women.”


  Cass approaches the first book shop he sees. He abruptly notices a heard of young ladies forming behind him. He looks over his shoulder wondering what all the commotion could be about.


  The chatter suddenly stops as the girls notice him staring in their direction.


  He quickly counts at least nine pretty young smiling women standing there before snapping his head back around. Cass is not use to this kind of attention. He hurries to enter the book shop.


  As he opens the door, he hears one of the young ladies yell out, “How about a date cutie!”


  This unusual affection scares Cass. He hurries inside and quickly moves as far back into the store as he can. He sees through the shop’s display window that the crowd of girls has followed him. Their wandering eyes and their searching faces press onto the shop’s display window attempting to locate Cass inside.


  He quickly grabs a book and covers most of his face, while continuing to stare at the display window. Cass doesn’t know what to do. He knows that he can’t leave through the front door till they leave. He watches as the crowd grows even larger. He hears the “tingling” of the front door bell alerting the proprietor of a possible customer. It “tings” again and again as Cass grows more and more nervous. He bends down hoping the bookcase might hide his tall stature,

  but he bumps someone in the process.


  “Can I help you sir?”


  Cass looks down and sees a young lady speaking up to him.


  “Is there a book I might help you find?”


  Cass responds while slowly lowering his concealing book part way.

  “I’m sorry for bumping into you madam.”


  She catches a quick glimpse of his partially revealed worried face and immediately realizes the gravity of his situation. She sees several young ladies heading in this direction.


  The proprietor says, “Follow me sir!”


  She leads tall Cass to a set of stairs leading to an upper loft filled with books.


  “You wait up there.”


  Cass hurries up the steps as she hangs a velvet rope across the staircase entrance. A sign hanging on it that reads, “!cerrado/closed!” Cass nervously looks through one of the bookcases to see what is happening.


  He watches the gracious proprietor explaining to the approaching herd of pretty ladies, “This section of the store is closed. And, if you are looking for that tall handsome man, he left out the back entrance.”


  Most of the ladies hurry out the back of the shop, while the rest scurry back out the front entrance.


  He stares downward between the bookshe
lves seeing the proprietor returning from the rear entrance.


  As she walks pass the loft's staircase towards the front of the store, she proclaims over her shoulder, “I've locked the rear door, and I’m going to lock the front as well.”


  After securing the door, she turns the hanging sign on it around that reads, “Closed for Business!”


  As she walks towards Cass, she yells, “You’re safe sir. I closed the shop temporarily!”


  It takes a moment for Cass’ racing heart to subside. He patiently gazes at the returning lady, observing her very dignified approach. Cass is amazed at her proud posture while noticing the subtle sound of her heels echoing off the wooden floor. Each and every step repeats in perfect “metronome” time. His heart instantly slows to match her soothing pace.


  The dignified lady calmly speaks, “It’s safe to come down now.”


  In this sublime moment, he notices this treasure of adventure before his very eyes.


  “Could I please have a moment to locate a good book madam?”


  His formal request forces her to smile.


  She removes the velvet rope while politely stating, “Maybe I can assist you.”


  As she ascends the staircase to the loft, she begins to see the reason for all the commotion making it impossible for her to really notice him earlier.


  Cass stands tall gazing at the coffers of booty lining each shelf.


  She stops on the top step, suddenly hypnotized by Cass’ muscular physique. Her eyes slowly scan upwards, ending at his unusual height. She immediately knows she is staring at the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Every part of her being screaming out to worship this handsome idol, but her heart scolds her for thinking she is worthy to even approach him. For, she knows she looks as plain as vanilla paper.


  Totally embarrassed, she abruptly turns to sneak down the staircase; hopefully unnoticed. She hurries to hide the ugliness she feels with her large awkward hand. She feels its curse now is

  that God made it too small.


  Cass sees her rushing down the steps and commands her, “Stop!”


  She freezes instantly at the position of attention, for her body has no defense or recourse against his strong voice. Her chest pounds from the pressure of her swollen heart. It warns her not to turn around.


  But, Cass gently beckons her, “Please come here and help me.”


  Her mind frantically tries to think of any excuse not to oblige, but it is in a quandary, filled with a foggy blur of emotions.


  Cass knows something is wrong. He immediately drops his book and races to her side on the steps. She has no other recourse left, but to cringe down on the steps and die. Her arms try and wrap over her head as her legs fall out beneath her.


  Cass catches and rescues her.


  These are the arms she’s always dreamed of.


  He tenderly tries to pry her hand away from her blushing embarrassed face. She wrestles to resist his attempt, but she is no match for his strong masculine fingers.


  Cass slowly proceeds to tear away her only defense against her worthlessness.


  He calmly whispers, “Now then, I don’t want to hurt you.”


  He forcefully, but oh so tenderly, frees her from those dungeon chains she constructed, protecting her all her life. Her head hangs down exposed, as her face is unveiled for him to see. In her nakedness, she hears the very, very last thing the deepest part of her soul oh so yearns for, but never ever expects to hear.


  “Oh dear, don’t you know you’re beautiful!”


  A rush of adulation immediately smashes down every wall her heart has ever constructed.

  His godly proclamation causes uncontrollably tears to profusely poor out her eyes. She slowly

  turns her nervous shaking head, and begins to gaze upward. Her watery eyes savor every moment as they precede over his oh so handsome face.


  As she stares into his bold mysterious eyes, Cass smiles and softly chuckles.


  “I’ve never seen such a dignified woman walk the way you do.”


  She cries all the harder in her battle of emotions. She feels her heart’s being lifted up to Heaven to meet him on his godly pedestal. She completely and most willingly submits to him unconditionally.


  Cass wraps her in his soothing protecting embrace.


  Both hold on to the warmth of this perfect moment, while each feels the crushing control he has over her. This embrace causes Cass to remember fonder times. It’s like holding momma all over again. Cass releases her, and then sits on the steps. He gives her another command. It confuses her temporarily, but she must abide.


  He tells her, “Pinch me.”


  She blindly obeys and gives Cass’ arm just the tiniest of pinches. She immediately feels guilty and slightly ashamed, but she feels most obligated to do as he says.


  “Again, pinch me, but harder this time, or you’ll get it!”


  Passionately afraid, she has no option but to obey, so she gives him a slightly harder pinch.


  Cass yells, “Owww! Why did you do that?”


  Regret instantly fills her face as Cass lay backward laughing hysterically. Her mouth

  hangs open in confusion as to what is going on. Her fogged intellect suddenly allows her to realize he is just “deviling” her. As he lay on the staircase she begins tapping the sides of her fist

  on his stomach.


  Cass playfully offends her as he continues laughing, “Stop tickling me girly!”


  His insult joyfully teases her, daring her to give him a real beating. But, she quickly finds her rapidly pounding fists are only hurting her wrist.


  Comfortably overjoyed, she asks, “Why did you have me pinch you?”


  Cass responds, “If you prick me, do I not bleed?”


  She rolls over and attempts to lay in the thin area still remaining beside Cass and the staircase wall. She uses her “rear-end” to force him over as she squirms her body in between. Both of them lay there peacefully wearing giant smiles as they gaze at the ceiling.


  Serenely she states, “Shakespeare. I think that was from...Hamlet!”


  Her knowledge surprises Cass!


  He whispers to her, “There; you see?”


  Her face fills with confusion as her eyes search the ceiling to find what he’s talking about? Cass stares out the corner of his eye knowing her eyes are scanning the ceiling for the solution.


  “No silly,” he tells her. “You won’t find the answer up there.”


  Again confused, her face just becomes blank.


  Cass reaches his right arm over his body attempting to point it into her stomach, but his huge bicep stops him inches short.


  “What are you doing?” she asks.


  She leans up slightly to get a better look at Cass' face.


  He replies, “It’s you. You’re beautiful!”


  She is immediately thrown back into the same wonderful quandary of emotion all over again.


  She can’t take the torture of
elation any longer, and sorrowfully asks, “Why do you keep saying those things?”


  His wonderful comments keep battling with her realization. They force her to remember her not so perfect face on this most perfect day of her life.


  Cass slowly rises. As he towers over her submissive position he explains, “You’re dignified. The likes I’ve only seen one other woman possess.”


  He extends his mighty hand, offering to assist her up. He continues bombarding her with his words of ambrosia.


  “And two, you’re well versed. Any lady whom knows poetry and the likes, will possess my heart.”


  She places her honored hand into his kind gracious gentle clutch.


  He pulls her up as she attempts to guess what author might have said such a profound prose?


  He sees her thinking and replies, “The author is Cass. May I introduce myself? I am Casanova Rouseco, ‘ship’s mate’ second class of the honorable ‘Virgin Queen’.”


  After she is fully upright, he bows slightly, and then she slowly curtsies while grabbing the fringe of her skirt.


  Very eloquently she states, “I am Margret Frensheta.”


  This clumsy maneuver on the narrow steps causes her to fall over.


  Cass immediately catches her. He picks her up by her elbows, turns, and then carries her

  up to the loft.


  As he does, he asks, “Now, how about that book?”


  She stares at him utterly amazed at his ability to carry her rather large figure with so

  much ease.


  Again she stares into his eyes, and this time seriously asks, “Is there anything you can’t do?”


  Cass replies, “Yes. Find a good book by myself.”


  She smiles another wonderful gigantic smile while Cass sets her next to the bookcase.


  “Kind sir, would you follow me this way. I think I have just what you are looking for.”


  Margret’s soul suggests: “never has a woman been raised so high, so quickly, and so romantically.” She articulately plays the part of majesty, delighting in his grace's royalty and great expectations. The pair spends the rest of this amazing day foraging for an adventure of a lifetime.