Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 5

  Chapter 5: Unks Returns


  The shadows of day races away, for wherever they come and go; as the dark of the evening chases the day, forcing an end to this show.


  A sudden “wrapping” on the shop’s front glass door vibrates through the store startling Cass. The pair stops their book search, and their most revealing heartfelt sharing of dreams and desires. Again, there is a “knocking.” This time it is much louder. As quickly as this fascinating day has started, both realize its time is at an end.


  Cass asks Margret, “What time do you think it is?”


  She looks towards the shop window seeing the Sun has set, and seeing a stout man peering through as if he is looking for someone.


  Margret replies, “Just this side of night.”


  Cass slams the book closed that he is browsing through. Instantly he thinks about, “UNKS!” He hurries to grab the books they've collected throughout the day.


  “I’ve got to get going. I forgot about my Uncle Jared. Oh, whom I’m now to address only as: Unks.”


  She smiles while slowly closing her book, and then states, “I’ll bet you that’s who that is.”


  Cass walks towards her while staring at the shop’s display window.


  “Yep, that’s my Unks.”


  Margret naturally performs her most dignified walk towards the shop entrance while replying, “I’m coming sir!”


  Cass yells to her, “You see, your walk drives me nuts'.”


  This encourages Margret to walk even more stout, while lifting her chin and throwing her

  proud head backwards.


  He responds, “Marvelous!”


  Her proud face blushes as she turns it half way back towards Cass. A smile grows as she

  continues to walk away. She stops and unlocks the door.


  As she is doing so, Unks yells, “I’m looking for my nephew Cass! I need to find him right away! Is he here?”


  She opens the door, and then stands aside, allowing him to frantically rush in. Uncle Jared does not notice Cass standing just down the aisle.


  Unks anxiously continues his request by stating to Margret, “Some young ladies told me a man meeting my nephew’s description entered here earlier today. I need to find him right away. This is an emergency. Our ship is getting ready to hoist anchor.”


  The urgency of his request changes the shop’s entire atmosphere.


  Cass yells, “I’m over here Unks!”


  He drops most of the books he’s accumulated throughout the day. Cass is now clutching one book with each of his massive hands. He rushes towards the entrance as Margret solemnly realizes this is the end of her perfect day. Unks switches places with Margret by holding the door open. She strolls to Unks opposing side.


  Unks suddenly realizes how much of a lady she really is. He quickly tips his hat and bids her, “Good evening.”


  Cass meets in between the pair and sees Margret staring at the floor.


  Softly she tells Cass, “I had a wonderful time today.”


  Unks squeezes behind his nephew and the space between the door, attempting to exit.

  Cass is also under attack by the barrage of emotions this moment is causing. He can only think to

  hurry. He puts his hand gently under her chin while Unks attempts to yank him away-with little success. Cass gently lifts her hung head and stares into her eyes.


  “Count on this. I am honest as the day is long. I will be back.”


  This promise invites her heart to smile once more. It’s because of the hope of his return, and that he would care enough to do so. He surprises her with a swooping kiss, and then runs after Unks.


  Margret exits to see the back side of Cass in his frantic dash. He suddenly stops, and then turns back towards the shop.


  “I forgot to pay!”


  It seems the surprise kiss has stifled her mouth from working. She just waves with the back of her hand, suggesting him to continue on.


  He turns and starts dashing away again while yelling out, “Thanks Margret!”


  Her emotional heart allows her a brief interruption, permitting her to compose a firm response.


  “Don’t worry about the money honey! I’ll hold the other books till you return! I had a wonderful time!”


  Filled with this glory of mixed emotions, she stands there watching Cass fade down over the distant hill. One of her hands eases upward to cover that part of her face he kissed, as her other secures her throbbing heart.


  She can’t help but keep her gaze fixed on that point leading over the hill; even though Cass is long gone. As she stares off towards the horizon, two young ladies sneak up behind Margret. They saw what just happened. Their elevated social stature, along with their good looks, has always prevented any meaningful conversation with Margret. But now, they stand behind majestic Margret with a dire need to know her romantic secret. How was she able to catch such a fine, handsome, gorgeous man?


  They beg her for any information, repeating, “Please,” over and over.


  But, Margret does not kiss and tell. Instead, she continues standing there gazing up the hill, while wearing a gigantic vengeful smile filled with timeless bliss. She knows she was Queen for a day.


  Needless to say; it is not Margret’s colorful canopy that will overfill her shop in the coming days and months ahead. Rather, it will be Margret’s wonderful secret these fascinated young ladies are so desperate to learn.