Read Casanova's Adventure of a Lifetme Page 6

Out to Sea!

  (The Lost Chapter)


  Cass leans over the “stern” side railing of the ship, resting his exhausted body. He takes deep breaths while Unks explains the reason for the quick departure. Cass hears between his gulps the captain’s rational for the shorten visit to Morocco.


  “The ‘Virgin Queen” is taking on water. Something must have happened in Dakar.”


  Cass slowly looks over towards Unks, as both their suspicious eyes acknowledge their assumption with a slow nod up and down.


  Unks suggests. “It must have happened when we were at the diner.”


  Both men look at each other incredulity, as Unks continues.


  “Any ways, the slow leak is soaking the cargo below deck. The crew can’t get to the source because we’re loaded to the till. The Cap thinks we can make it to Lisbon, just north of Spain, before the water ruins the freight. You see, he’s too cheap and greedy to unload, fix the leak, and pay to have it reloaded again in Morocco. That might cost him too much.”


  Cass’ pounding heart finally settles to match the ship’s slower steady pace. He stands up while absorbing these unsavory facts. The Cap’s lack of concern towards the crew’s safety angers him. Cass hangs his head down slightly while nodding. This time it is side to side in disbelief of the Cap’s unwise decision. In this brief moment, Cass notices the dimming lights of Morocco. The distant shop lights look like twinkling stars setting over the ocean. This sweet memory of this day fills him once more, temporarily forcing away the Cap’s selfish and dangerous act.


  Unks thinks Cass is filled with justifiable concern.


  He tries to comfort him by stating, “We should be alright laddie. Don’t fret. We should be fine.”


  But, what Unks really is thinking:


  “We’re safe as long as the bilge pumps hold up, we don’t take on too much water, and we make it to Lisbon in the next two days.”


  He slaps Cass on the back, turns, and then walks away.


  “Yeah, we’ll be just fine,” are the last words Unks says that drift off into this dark night’s air.


  Cass stays a moment longer watching the last of the lights drown under the glimmering horizon. It seems he has many concerns on his mind; and many thoughts of the women in his life-and in his heart. He stands straight up as he casually begins to smile. Although he has many conflicting emotions about all that has happened in his life, he has an epiphany. This really is an adventure of a lifetime. Cass meditates on this revelation as he lay in his bunk before falling off to sleep.


  The sunlight brings new wonder to Cass. He rolls the ship’s extra cargo rope on top-deck while struggling to view this majestic marvel fast approaching. The “Virgin Queen” cruises out of the Mediterranean gradually revealing the size of this huge purple outcrop. It grows larger and larger each passing moment.


  Cass’ head lifts higher and higher to see the top of this monstrous rock. The nearing Unks sees the amazement on his nephew’s face. Cass' body strains to work while his lifted eyes capture the height of this unforgettable memory. Unks knows this is something to share.


  “That there laddie is the great ancient ‘Rock of Gibraltar’.”


  He continues his history class by explaining the seafaring myths surrounding this magnificent monolith.


  “The Greeks told stories about this area of their world. This was the beginning and the

  end of it.”


  Unks stops him from twirling the rope by mildly grabbing Cass' arm. He guides Cass upward while continuing to share another of his great pearls of wisdom.


  “Some cultures even worshiped this stone as some sort of god. Many ships have fallen to her curse by running into this dark wonder at night, or during sudden mysterious storms.”


  Unks drops Cass’ arm, as both men grab a section of railing. Cass stands there gawking ever skyward.


  “Some say 'sirens' or 'mermaids' call to the 'steersman', hypnotizing him to steer right into her. Some sailor’s tell stories it is Poseidon’s revenge on them for not offering a 'virgin' before circling her.”


  Unks snickers at Cass, knowing he is still a virgin. Bewildered Cass begins to snicker right back.


  Unks hides this innocent fact by stating, “Don’t worry Cass. I think this is why the Cap gave this vessel her name.”


  Unks just stares sternly into Cass’ eyes for a moment, and then subtly laughs. Confused Cass stares at Unks as he parts ways. Cass acts as if he knows why by laughing himself. It seems Unks can’t contain his laughter. It follows him “stern-ward.” Cass returns to twirling the remaining rope while savoring this moment. He never takes his eyes off the menacing wonder.


  The “Virgin Queen” finishes passing by, and then begins putting distant waters between the ship and her diminishing gracefulness. In the solitude of this moment, Cass thinks he hears a voice coming from the rock’s direction.


  He's not sure if it's the mysterious beckoning call so many sailors have heard before, or just the winds blowing down her sheer steep cliffs. This is definitely one of those unforgettable

  instances. He takes this breathtaking memory with him, knowing somehow, one day he’ll pass

  this way again.


  A day later, the low lying “Virgin Queen” struggles to steam in the “Port of Lisbon.” The crew prepares to dock while Cass taste the sweet sensation of a new day.


  He stands on deck taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells this historic harbor presents. The tight quarters of the harbor are crowded with impatient vessels of all sizes and shapes attempting to dock. Each is forced to compete for an available section along the busy dock-head. Whistles blow, ship's stacker steam, and captains curse out for their rightful place in line. The anguish an outburst does not bother Cass though. He chooses to feel the excitement hemorrhaging over the harbor instead.


  Unks comes alongside his nephew, whom is standing with his face towards this bustling city port. Suddenly, seagulls swarm over deck as they pass through the varying layers of early morning mist. Their loud squawking dissolves as they turn up into the early light before heading towards the distant city.


  Cass’ attention changes as they are allured toward the captivating sensation entering his nostrils. His chest slowly expands to its intimidating size as he attempts to suck in the entire morning aroma coming from the bakeries on shore.


  Unks tells him, “How are you on this fine brisk sparkly morn? You’ve seen the Moroccan entrance to Heaven. Well, this is Heaven’s backdoor.”


  Unks takes a moment to explain the ship’s current situation while taking a panoramic gander at this amazing port he’s seen so many times before.


  “Once you’ve tasted her sweet wine of desire, they say you’re destined to come back. Anyways, we made it. The engine room found the leak this morning. It definitely was sabotage.”


  This news breaks Cass’ concentration, as Unks continues.


  Whoever did it was planning on the leak becoming worse. They also hoped it would go undetected till we were well out to see.”


  Both men turn towards each other as Cass realizes the full gravity of the situation.


  “Yes laddie, they were hoping we’d all die.”


  Cass just shakes his head in disbelief that someo
ne could be so callous and heartless. Unks knows what Cass is feeling.


  “Go back to your day dreaming laddie. I didn’t mean to ruin your grand experience.”


  Cass replies, “You were right Unks. Those guys at Dakar are stone cold killers.”


  It takes the Cap several hours to jockey the “Virgin Queen” into position to dock. The crew finishes their morning duties, and then proceeds to pretty themselves with fresh attire and clean shaven faces. Wet towels snap between two mates letting off steam, as the rest of the “living quarters” fills with whispering rumors around the “Virgin’s” sabotage.


  Cass overhears their concern, wishing not to return to Dakar ever again. Some swear they’ll jump ship if the greedy Cap forces them to go back there. Cass thinks a different though. His mind is preoccupied with imaginative ways to rid this world of that evil horde and its wicked leader. This will be a much needed “shore leave” for the crew and Cass.


  The ship’s bell “rings,” calling all hands on deck.


  Cap gives last orders to the crew before they exit on “shore leave.”


  “Gentlemen; we’ll have extended time in port to make up for the gained time from Morocco. This will put us back on course with our calendar. Next stop is the 'Port of Norris' in New Jersey. Then, we'll head off to the Pacific. Stay out of trouble the next three days.”


  The Cap’s announcement excites the crew; for this is an unusually long time at port. Most

  of the crew head back to the “living quarters” to retrieve more of their savings. Three days on shore means they’ll be able to stay at a fine hotel with a real bedroom; a luxury seldom enjoyed by the crew.


  Unks and Cass know the Cap will be in fine spirits the rest of the journey. You see, Lucy lives in the “Port of Norris” in New Jersey.


  Unks winks at Cass, and then says, “Seems we’re picking up a passenger.”


  Cass realizes he’ll be seeing his second momma. This welcomed news lifts everyone’s spirits.


  The crew assembles on deck. They wait for the gangplank to extend. There is a more relaxed atmosphere permeating top-deck than usual. No one seems to be in any real hurry to enjoy all that the “Port of Lisbon” has to offer. Instead, each of the crew patiently waits their turn to stroll across the plank.


  Unks informs Cass he’ll be coming with him.


  “I have a friend here, and a place where we both might stay. She’s a pretty friend at that.”


  He nudges his elbow into Cass’ side while saying, “That’s if you know what I mean.”


  Cass follows Unks across, through the swirling fog cloud towards the dock-head. All the while, Cass stares upward at all the tall ancient structures, absorbing the poetic scenery only discussed in his books. Cass’ eyes fill with adventure as Unks fills with a more serene purpose.


  The morning mist, common for this time of year, gradually begins to lift. This unveils the dew laden cobblestone “slapping” under each of their steps.


  Cass says, “I hear Portuguese is the language of love.”


  Unks just stares ahead, straining to see his way through the remaining fog blanketing this lower section of town. He is able to see the store fronts ahead, and then steers towards them.

  Cass blindly smells his way along behind Unks. The last time Cass has smelled this delicious aroma was when momma baked her pies and cakes.


  The shadow of a canopy hangs just above Cass’ head as Unks says, “Have you ever had a pastry laddie?”


  The French door entrance-way appears through the mist. Unks swings it open, inviting Cass to be the first inside.

  While entering, he is immediately captivated by the wonderful vision appearing. Neatly arranged colorful treasures of delight, just inches away, are trapped securely behind the display case windows.


  Cass thinks, “The sight and smell of these would soften the will of even the most stubborn of sailor's.”


  Unks joins Cass alongside the long display cases filled with the stuff dreams are made of. Both men gawk while thinking which gems they might try first. During their state of enchantment, they hear the “clicking” steps of the approaching proprietor. Cass bends down while placing his nose inches from the glass wall imprisoning these jewels. His growling stomach informs the hostess of his urgency.


  “May I help you gentlemen?”


  Unks swipes his chin while thinking. She resolves to help them decide.


  “May I offer you a sample of some of our finest delicacies?”


  It seems Unks has more control over his appetite. He is content to watch Cass experience this wonder for the first time.


  Unks romantically states, “Yes madam. I think a sample might help us better choose the desires of our hearts.”


  She politely nods while replying, “Sim senhores,” which simply means: “yes gentlemen”

  in Portuguese.


  It seems Unks has other thoughts than just pastry. He stands there looking at the pretty young parishioner as she assembles a platter with portions of strudels, cream puffs, and a host of fruit filled confectioneries. She finishes collecting the samples as Cass takes a deep sucking breath just before standing. Unks anxiously watches from a distance knowing she will see a possible delight herself.


  A fully erect Cass now towers over the young lady. His gaze moves from off the cakes, decorating the top of the display case, and towards the shaking voice holding out the trembling complimentary offering. Her stare moves up pass his smiling face and into his majestic eyes.


  Cass softly replies, “Obrigado senhora,” meaning: “thank you madam.”


  He concentrates while attempting to grab a treat from the trembling platter. Her shaking seems to be too much for Cass. He grabs her right hand with his left hand. His grasp steadies the tray, and her excited state. The strength from his grip causes her to giggle. It seems she is temporarily at a loss for words.


  With his other hand, he invites Unks to take a portion.


  “Don’t mind if I do.”


  After, Cass takes two more creamy delights before compassionately releasing her imprisoned hand.


  “My name is Cass. I’m ship’s mate 'second class' of the 'Virgin Queen.' Your Portuguese is excellent.”


  Cass’ conversation and compliment soothes the young petitioner into stating, “Thank you kind sir. You too speak it very well.”


  She again giggles, and then attempts to hide her embarrassment by placing her right hand partially over her excited mouth.


  “My name is Isabella.”


  She sets the platter down on the counter.


  Unks decides he'd like a half dozen of the fruit pastries, and a half dozen of the creamed filled puffs.


  “We have freshly baked ones, but I’ll need to go retrieve them near the oven in back.”


  Isabella scurries away as Cass fills the empty part of his stomach with the complimentary samples. She seems filled with urgency to fulfill Unks order as he watches her scurry away.


  Unks stands there watching Cass’ face. He smiles at him as he devours the last of the samples.


  “You missed a crumb laddie. Oh, and you have some jelly an
d cream on your chin.”


  Cass tries to swipe the remnants with his finger as his expanded cheeks hurry to swallow the tasty treats.


  A different young lady rushes toward the counter while removing her apron.


  “Good day gentlemen. Isabella is placing your order in a box. I’m Sherrie.”


  Cass swallows as she slowly bends over the counter. She places her elbows on the glass counter top, and then props her pretty smiling face into her supporting hands. Her eyes are mesmerized on Cass’ handsome face awaiting his command.


  Cass states, “I can’t tell which one I liked best. They’re all so good. May I please have one more cream puff?”


  His response spurs her to say, “You’re wish, is my command!”


  As she stands to fulfill his request, Cass replies, “Aladdin.”


  Cass seems to have confused her with this comment.


  Sherrie continues to retrieve a cream puff as he states, “I was just responding to your statement. It is a line from the story of ‘Aladdin’.”


  Cass’ explanation does not seem to resonate with her memory. A slightly baffled Sherrie finishes grabbing a cream puff, as confused Cass cannot understand how she would not know this common children's story.


  Her smile returns, as she seductively offers Cass his desire. He takes the creamy creation and somberly thanks her.


  Isabella returns with the box. All heads turn towards her as she rushes toward the counter.


  Sherry tells her, “Silly, you forgot to tie the box.”


  Isabella hurries to lay the box down on the display top while both ladies continue gawking over Cass. They fumble to tie the box while never taking their eyes off him.


  Unks states, “How much will it be ladies?”


  Never once does Isabella’s eyes move away from Cass while replying, “No charge fellows. Since this is your first time here, this order is 'on the house'. But, only if you promise to grace us with your business again.”


  Unks suddenly realizes the perks associated with his nephew’s good looks.


  He replies, “Thank you kind ladies,” as he grabs the finely wrapped box.


  Both of the men prepare to exit as the Sherry and Isabella converse with an assortment of giggles.


  The men close the shop door, and then turn in front of the shop window before marching off. Cass sees each lady grasping one another by their elbows. They stare at each other with their mouths hung open. He salutes them as he moves away. Both ladies smile at Cass while their

  hand's frantically wave back. Moments later, Cass notices what they wrote on the box.


  “A little gift from your friends: Isabella and Sherry. See you again soon!”


  Cass just does not seem to understand what all the commotion is about every time he meets women. He realizes he is just a man.


  He sees Unks up ahead, stepping away in his hurried pace. Unks' anxious legs have put some distance between them. He also sees the mist has risen to the tops of these historic towers. The sparkling sunlight glimmers off the shop windows, which act like blinding mirrors lighting the town square. Cass quickens his steps while lifting his arm to shield his eyes. Unks never slows as Cass stumbles to catch up.


  A dozen blocks later, Unks turns down a winding street. Each window is adorned with flower boxes, fresh baked bread, or bedding- hung out to freshen. They pass by as a pair of neighbors sharing the current news from each side of their street. Cass hears “the weather will be nice today.”


  A few more turns, and a mile later, Unks states, “We’re almost there.”


  Unks sees a beautiful brilliant flower bed just on the other side of this picket fence. He stops and gives Cass the bakery box, and then looks back up and down the street. Quickly and sneakily, he leans over and plucks a half dozen assorted flowers. Cass is shocked that Unks would do such a thing! Unks places a dollar coin on top the soil where he foraged the fancy foliage from.


  He whispers, “I forgot a gift. Never show up empty handed when visiting a lady.”


  The hefty payment seems to sooth both men's consciences. As they quickly stroll away, Cass smirks at his uncle.


  Unks says, “Why are you looking at me like that?”


  “I just can’t picture you carrying flowers. Well, until now.”


  They speed away as Unks shirks his snickering head side to side.