Read Catch A Succubus Page 13

Chapter 13

  Tarla looked up from her cushioned arm chair as Daniel entered the living room.

  “We saw Deputy Fletcher driving up. Jimmy will be here in a minute.” Daniel answered the question in her eyes.

  Daniel sank down on the couch and felt his stomach flop as the sound of the spring on the screen door screeched and slam shut. Then the strong pounding of the Deputy’s knock battered his nerves. He flashed a nervous glance At Tarla to see if she wanted him to get it but she was already standing.

  “Ms. Breed, good evening.” He removed his hat rubbing his hair to flatten its stiffness and paused waiting for her to ask him in.

  “Come in Deputy. Master Daniel is waiting and Master Jimmy will be in, in a moment.” She stepped aside as he swaggered in, whether it was pretense or the weight of the gun belt he wore, Daniel wasn't sure.

  “Thank you.” He sat down across from Daniel, nodded at him, laid his hat on the coffee table and flipped through several pages on his clipboard.

  “Would you like some tea, Deputy?” Tarla asked already pouring the liquid from a rose colored porcelain pitcher and brought it to Daniel.

  “I don't want any, thank you anyway.” Daniel looked up at her.

  “Drink it.” She smiled for the first time today at him. “If you be talking much your throat be parched.”

  “Uh, okay.” Daniel accepted the tea cup and saucer. He felt ridiculous, drinking tea, ugh, he would rather have pop, but then again everything Tarla did seemed strange so he didn't argue. “Mind if I add some milk and sugar?”

  “That be fine.” She indicated it was on the server. “Deputy?”

  “That would be fine, ma'am.”

  Tarla began pouring him a cup from a pale blue pastel pitcher sitting beside the rose colored one. Daniel watched her as he loaded his drink with milk and sugar thinking it was rather strange. For some reason his tea was different from what she gave the Deputy.

  “Hello.” Jimmy said as he walked in sat down on the couch next to where Daniel had was sitting.

  “Master Jimmy.” Tarla nodded and then looked at the Fletcher. “Cream and sugar?”

  “No thanks.” He glanced over at her while he scribbled several notes on a pad.

  She took him the cup and saucer sitting it on the coaster on the coffee table. Daniel watched her as she poured another cup from the rose pitcher. “Master Jimmy do you want cream and sugar in your tea?”

  “I don't want any tea, haven't you got any pop.”

  “Soft drinks are not good for growing boys.”

  Daniel glanced at Fletcher and then caught Jimmy's eye and nodded for him to take the tea.

  “Okay, cream and sugar and plenty of it.” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

  “Ms. Breed,” Fletcher looked up, “I want to talk to the boys alone, they may be willing to talk more if it just guys; you know what I mean?”

  “Do you be thinking maybe they should wait 'til Master Duncan and the Misses comes home. They should be here sometime tonight, although I not be too sure what time?” Tarla gazed down at him, her voice almost stern.

  “I'm sure it'll be okay. It's not like I suspect them or anything. Not like their rights would be violated.”

  Tarla nodded. “I'll be in my room then ifs you needs me. I'm sure them boys be telling you everything.” She glanced over at Daniel raising her eyebrows to remind him to tell about the Ouija Board. She gave him a tight smile when he nodded his understanding.

  Fletcher sat quietly watching them as he listened to her footsteps up the stairs until they faded. He laid his board down on the coffee table, leaned back, spread his legs wide, scratched his balls, and grinned his shit eaten grin at them.

  Son of a bitch probably has crabs, Daniel thought.

  “You boys, been thinking about our little talk?” He reached down and scratched unconsciously at his crotch.

  When they didn't say anything he leaned forward and pointed his finger. “You know what I think happened to old Gurvis. I think maybe you two are little gay boys and maybe one of you was letting old Gurvis butt fuck you and the other one got mad and killed him.” He reached down again and clawed harder at his crotch.

  They didn't say anything as he waited quietly for some kind of response. When he saw he wasn't getting any he balled up a fist and slammed it hard on the coffee table making the tea cup rattle. He squirmed in the chair for several seconds and scratched again. “I think you both are little butt fuckers, or is one of you the fucker and the other the fuckie?”

  Daniel had enough. He wasn't going to listen to any of this and jumped up. He pointed his finger at him and glanced over at Jimmy for support but Jimmy just watched in shock. “I don't know what your problem is but we didn't kill Gurvis and we're not gay! We were walking over the hill last night and Gurvis confronted us and yeah, he did try to get us to do things with him. He tried to force us to do things and I hit him with a rock in the head. He fell down and we thought we had killed him but then he had only been pretending. He grabbed at us and we took off running home. He laughed and yelled that he thought he had us. We didn't do anything and we didn't kill him.

  Daniel glared down at Fletcher his whole body was shaking in anger. “If anybody is gay, it is you... talking about butt fucking and scratching your balls like you have crabs. You probably do.”

  Fletcher's face turned red and he jumped up like he was going to attack Daniel but Daniel stood his ground. Suddenly he started scratching his crotch hard and became unaware of Daniel. Both of his hands were rubbing hard at the khaki material. He started shuffling around, unzipped his pants. His hands were scrubbing as if he was on fire. He reached in through the fly and dug. When this didn't seem to ease his discomfort he unbuckled his gun belt and let it flop to the chair. Then he unbuckled his pants and in one quick motion dropped his trousers with underwear down to his knees.

  “Oh my god!” He screamed as he looked down at a mass of gray and white covering his pubic hair. It itched so bad he wanted to tear at it with his hands but held back with repulsions of touching the unbelievable mass of lice and nits.

  “Where's a bathroom?” He barked.

  “Well, let me see.” Daniel said pausing, enjoying his pain.

  “Dammit! Show me the bathroom and get me a razor.”

  “Okay, follow me.” Daniel headed for his room with the Deputy hanging on to his trousers following behind. Jimmy followed in surprise trying his best not to laugh.

  Daniel pointed to his bathroom as they entered his room and the Deputy took off as fast as he could half step. Holding his pants and trying to scratch himself with his elbow. Soon as he entered the room he jerked off his shoes and slipped out of his pants letting them lie on the tile floor.

  Jimmy moved over beside Daniel as they watched the man's frantic efforts to find a razor remove his shirt and turn on the shower almost at the same time.

  “Where's the razor and shave cream?” He yelled.

  “I don't have any. I don't shave too often.” Daniel yelled back.

  “Dammit, get me one.” He almost pleaded as he climbed into the shower.

  “I'll see if Duncan has one.” Daniel yelled back and then lowered his voice and grinned at Jimmy. “But I'll take my good old time.”

  He headed for Duncan's room. He hadn't been there since his mother showed it to him and he wasn't sure if they locked it or not.

  He turned the door knob and was surprised when it opened. He had half expected them to lock it. He went to the bathroom and located a disposable razor but didn't see any shave cream. He half grinned to himself. He guessed the good old Deputy would just have to use soap or shampoo. He flicked off the bathroom light switch and headed out of the room. As he was ready to turn the bedroom light out he glanced over at the fireplace where a blue piece of material was lodged between the wall and the brick. He started to pull it out but decided against it. He didn't want to disturb anything. He wondered why it was
like that. He examined the wall and noticed there was a crack where the wall met the fireplace. Could there be something behind it?”

  He touched the soft material and his hand pushed on the brick in the fireplace. The wall opened.

  He peered into the darkness at a small room. He moved in cautiously. A metal rung latter spiraled upward but what caught his eye was several envelopes lying on a desk. The top one was marked with a black felt tip marker, DANIEL.

  He glanced over his shoulder simultaneously watching the sliding panel and listening for anyone who might catch him. He opened the envelopes and pulled out a group of pictures of himself.

  There were pictures where he was walking down the halls of the school, in the cafeteria, and in the gym waiting to be the last one chosen for the basketball team. He was always the last chosen. Nobody ever wanted the fat kid. He was fat in these pictures, not just chubby. He glanced down at the leanness of his stomach and how his pants sagged on him. He had changed.

  There was a picture of him getting in the car with his mother. Why did Duncan have these pictures? He remembered when they were taken. It had been shortly before Duncan started dating his mother. He shuffled through the thirty or so pictures trying to keep them in the same order and then came across one that really angered him.

  He stared down at it almost in disbelief. He remembered that day when Duncan being his coach had cornered him in the locker room and forced him to take a shower. He never did, he hated to shower with the other boys, he always felt self-conscious. He had P.E. last period and Duncan called him into his office after he had redressed and was getting ready to leave. It had been before his mother had started dating him. It was the beginning of his hatred for Duncan. He had bawled him out for not showering and threatened to use his board paddle on him if he didn't go shower. He had thrown a towel and soap at him, telling him to do it and he was going to come and check.

  Daniel had been too afraid to not so he did. He had been in the shower and Duncan stood at the door with his hands behind his back and told him to wash his hair with the soap. He remembered how his voice echoed in the tiled room, barking at him. The picture was when he had his eyes closed and water streaming down over his head, his fat naked body exposed. Duncan had taken it then, but why?

  He tucked the picture under his arm and flipped through the rest of them. It was the worst one. He tucked them back into the envelope as he read the name Jason on the next one.

  He picked it up and pulled out a group of photos there were much like the ones of him. It was Jason Goddard a skinny kid that was in the grade above him. Daniel didn’t know him but he knew who he was. Then he came across one of Jason in the shower.

  Why did Duncan have these pictures? He slipped them back in the envelope and leafed through the remaining stacks. Billie Thompson, Jeff Bloom, and John Bowles, all pretty much the same and all of them had a picture exposing them in the shower.

  Was Duncan a pervert? He could believe that it was quite possible. That would explain why he kept catching Daniel naked and staring at him. Duncan had even exposed himself to Daniel. Why?

  He wondered what he had in common with these other boys. With the exception of scrawny Jason the other boys were in pretty good physical shape. But then in the back of his mind he seemed to remember that Jason's parents were divorced and he lived with his mother. He didn't know about the other boys' mothers but he wondered.

  Surly that was it. His mother for all her faults loved Duncan and he seemed to love her. Could he have married her because of Daniel? He shook his head as if he could shake the thought out of his head.

  He stacked the envelopes the way he found them and left. He picked up the blue piece of material and then pushed on the brick and the panel slid shut trapping it much like it was before.

  He kept the picture of his naked body tucked under his arm and started out of the room almost forgetting why he had come in here.

  He had been gone longer than he planned and knew Fletcher must be cussing up a storm by now so he hurried. As his thoughts settled back on Fletcher he couldn't help thinking how strange it was that he had thought the man had crabs and then suddenly he had been clustered with them almost the way his thoughts he had earlier about the snake.

  He was losing his mind. What he was thinking wasn't possible, or was it?

  When he got back to his room Jimmy was doubled over in silent laughter while Fletcher screamed from the bathroom.

  Daniel grinned at Jimmy as he took the razor to Fletcher.

  “It’s about damn time.” Fletcher opened the shower door splashing water out into the room and reached for the offered razor. “Where's the shave cream?”

  “There wasn't any.” Daniel had to grit his teeth from laughing.

  Fletcher left the door open and slapped some more shampoo on the affected area and began shaving off his hair so fast Daniel was sure he was going to cut himself. Daniel leaned against the sink, crossed his arms and watched in amusement.

  After he had cleared the area pubic area he started shaving down his legs and then his balls. Hunks of infested hair fell on the shower floor stopping up the drain a little.

  Apparently the itching must have started dying down and Fletcher looked up. “What the fuck you looking at you little fag!”

  Daniel gave him a nasty smirk. “A big fag, with a needle dick; even little boys like me got more junk.” Daniel turned and walked out calmly. He couldn't believe he had said that to him but he had. Fletcher must have been just as shocked as he was because he didn't say anything back.

  Daniel looked over at Jimmy who had now doubled over and was laughing out loud. Tears were streaming down his eyes and a bubble of snot popped out.

  Fletcher turned the water off and came to the door fuming. He was drying his hairless groin. Listen you little pud-puckers, I don't won't you telling anybody about this you understand. If you do I'll make your life hell. That's not a threat that's a promise.” He slammed the door as they continued to laugh.

  Their laughter was subsiding and Daniel was wiping his eyes when he saw Duncan's car come over the hill.

  He remembered the picture still under his arm and grimaced, “Jimmy here comes Mom and Duncan we better go wait on them in the living room.”

  That sobered Jimmy up fast and he straightened himself up.

  “Yo! Deputy!” Daniel called through the door. “My Mom's and Duncan are here, I'll tell them you just had to use the bathroom. We will be in the living room.”

  Jimmy headed towards the living room and Daniel slipped the picture under the mattress just as soon as Jimmy turned his back.

  Fletcher had opened the door watching him. “Thanks kid. I owe you.”

  Daniel jumped but left the picture there. He wasn't sure if Fletcher saw him put it there. He nodded to Fletcher and waited a moment to see if the Deputy was going to ask him what he was hiding. When he didn't say anything Daniel sighed, thinking maybe he hadn't seen him.

  Soon as Daniel left, Fletcher went over and pulled out the picture. He stared down at the naked photo and grinned holding it while he dressed.

  “Daniel!” Kelli dropped her purse on the sofa and hurried over throwing her arms around Daniel. “Baby, are you okay.”

  “Oh Mom….” Daniel tried to shrug off her hug, feeling Jimmy grinning at his back.

  “Don't oh Mom me. I've been worried to death ever since Tarla told us about this horrible death.” She leaned back and looked up at her son. “You've grown another three inches since we've been gone. I can't believe it. We're going to have to buy you all new clothes.” She turned to Jimmy and smiled. “Hello Jimmy, he's even taller than you now, almost as tall as Duncan.”

  As if cued, Duncan came in carrying several suitcases and set them down on the floor. “Boys.”

  “Hello Mr. Osborne,” Jimmy responded.

  Daniel nodded and glared thinking about the photo he had found.

  “I see the sheriff
's car outside. Where is he?” Duncan asked moving the bags from the doorway.

  “He had to go to the bathroom.” Jimmy grinned but noticed the additional hostility Daniel flashed at his stepfather and wondered what was wrong.

  Daniel pulled loose from his mother's hug and sat down on the couch. “He'll be here in a few minutes.”

  “Duncan.” Deputy Fletcher acknowledged as he entered.

  “Willie.” Duncan shook hands with him. “Want to fill us in on what's going on?”

  The next half hour was spent by Deputy Fletcher explaining about Gurvis's death and how it appeared to be murder. The only thing he left out was what Daniel and Jimmy had told of their involvement. Daniel wondered why but he wasn't going to press the issue.

  Fletcher gathered his clipboard and hat, and then offered out his hand in his departure. When it was Daniel's turn he squeezed hard and scraped his middle finger down Daniel's palm. Daniel jerked back and glared at him. Fletcher smiled, raising his eyebrows and patted his pocket.

  “Well good night folks. I'll be in and out while we investigate, so I'll probably see you tomorrow.” He walked over to the door to leave and turned to Duncan. “I can let myself out but Duncan would you walk down to the car with me for a minute.”

  “Sure.” Duncan followed him out.

  When they left Kelli turned to Daniel. “Are you sure you're okay?”

  “I'm sure Mom.” Daniel got up from the couch and headed for his room. “I think it's time for us to turn in now. Good night.”

  “Are you too big to hug your Mom good night?” Kelli challenged.

  He hugged her somewhat embarrassed and left with Jimmy close behind.

  When they were in his room Daniel let out a sigh of exhaustion. “This has been one day I don't think I'll ever forget.”

  “Me neither.” Jimmy sprawled out on the bed his shoes hanging over the edge.

  “Get up a minute.” Daniel prodded at Jimmy. “I want to show you something.”

  Daniel reached under the edge of the mattress feeling for the photo. When his hands failed to find it he lifted up the edge of the mattress. “Damn that son of a bitch!”

  “What?” Jimmy asked in frustration.

  “He stole the picture.” Daniel balled up his fist in embarrassment and anger.

  “Dammit it, would you tell me what you're talking about?”

  “When I went to get the razor I found a small room behind a panel in his bedroom.” He spit out the word 'his' as if it were foul. “I found some folders of pictures of some boys we went to school with. Each one was labeled with their names on it and there was a folder labeled Daniel. Inside was a bunch of pictures and one of me in the shower with nothing on.”

  “Are you serious?” Jimmy's eyes widened in disbelief as Daniel frowned at him. “I mean, I believe you, but… it's crazy. Why? You think Duncan took them?”

  “Who else, but what I don't know is why, and Fletcher must have seen me hide it under the mattress and took it.” Daniel's mind flashed as the memory of Fletcher asking Duncan to walk him to the car. “Jimmy I don't know what we're going to do. Something's up with Duncan but I think Fletcher seriously believes we're gay and that you probably took the picture. He's probably planning to give it to Duncan and tell him but he doesn't realize it was Duncan that took it. Jesus Christ, Duncan's going to go crazy. He'll know I found them. He's liable to go berserk.”

  True fear shown in Jimmy's eyes. “You got a baseball bat or something.” He shrugged knowing his friend didn't after he had asked the question.

  “No just the hatchet.”

  “Well I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep with it tonight.”

  “Okay but we better get ready for bed.” Daniel nodded in agreement.

  Daniel cleaned up the mess Fletcher had left and they finally climbed in the bed just as Duncan opened the door.

  “Well boys, sounds like you two had some excitement around here while we were gone.” Duncan strolled in and glanced around the room. He walked over to the bed and Daniel cringed expecting Duncan to jerk him out. He heard Jimmy's hand slide up under the pillow and knew he was grasping the hatchet.

  “Some.” Daniel answered watching Duncan apprehensively.

  Duncan reached out and tousled Daniel's hair and actually smiled. Daniel felt every muscle and nerve ending in his body cringe in expectation. He felt Jimmy's body stiffen in anticipation but Duncan turned and walked to the door pausing. He flipped off the light.

  “Goodnight boys. I guess you've had enough excitement for one day. We will talk about this tomorrow.”

  They felt the energy drain from their bodies as the door closed.

  “I thought he was going to kill us.” Daniel finally said gazing at the faint light coming through the window.

  “Me too.” Jimmy exhaled and paused as if he were looking for words. “Daniel I’ve enjoyed all this adventure but I think I'm ready to go home.”

  Daniel nodded to himself. “I don't blame you. I wish I could go back too.” He felt like he wanted to cry but refused to let himself. “I don't know how much more I can take.”

  “Let's get some sleep maybe the worst is over.” Jimmy rolled over facing away from him. “Goodnight.”

  “Night.” Daniel half whispered as he lay there his mind a turmoil of all that had been happening. He played every scene over in his head for several hours and tried to calm his mind in hopes of sleep. They hadn't even told him about the snake. He would tell them in the morning. He was glad Duncan hadn't seen it at least not tonight.

  As he felt himself drifting in a quiet slumber he heard a faint swish. His eyes opened wide as his mind questioned his ears. He wasn't sure if he actually heard it or just thought he had.

  Then he heard another swish and he held his breath listening. His heart pounded blood in his ears and then he saw it. It hung in the air as if it were suspended by wires.

  The planchette hung above his head shadowed in the darkness. At first he thought it was his imagination seeing childhood fears hidden in the dark but then he wasn’t sure. He sat up with a jerk and jabbed at Jimmy's side.

  Jimmy moaned and slowly came awake. “What?”

  “Jimmy look there” Daniel pointed at the planchette hanging in the air at the foot of the bed.

  Jimmy stared into the darkness for a moment not seeing what Daniel was talking about and then suddenly sprang up. “What the hell's going on?”

  “I don't know. Where's the flashlight?”

  “I put it on the desk?”

  “Can you reach it?”

  Jimmy leaned over grasping in the darkness until finally he had it. Flicking on the light he flipped the beam up illuminating the planchette as it hung unmoving.

  “Where's the board?” Daniel broke the momentary silence.

  “I slipped it under your side of the bed.”

  Daniel leaned over without leaving the bed and felt around for several minutes almost fearful of reaching into the blackness under the bed. He finally felt its slick surface and pulled it out and sat it down on the foot of the bed.

  As soon as the board was laid flat the planchette floated gently down and rested on it's surface.

  “I think something's trying to tell us something.” Daniel managed to say.

  The light reflected off the tan board as the planchette began its slow journey across it pausing, spelling out, JIBBERJAB.

  “It's Mr. Jibberjab.” Jimmy gulped his fear down.

  Daniel stared blankly at the board for several seconds remembering what Lynda had said. She had thought Jibberjab was dead. But was that possible? Jibberjab had said he wasn't a person but an entity.

  “He wants to tell us something but what do we ask him?” Jimmy's hand shook as he held the flashlight.

  “Mr. Jibberjab,” Daniel almost whispered, “what do you want?”

  Slowly the planchette spelled out, DANGER.

  “You said that the other n
ight.” Daniel questioned. “You said you were in danger. After what happen with the abortion or at least we were told there was an abortion, I thought you were dead.”


  “Not yet? We don't understand what's happening.” Daniel asked, as confusion bounding through his mind.


  “What kind of choice?”


  “You mean the women?”


  “Are you an unborn spirit?” Daniel strained his eyes watching the shadow play across the board as the planchette moved but it went up the middle and then rose in the air floating across the room towards the fireplace. Stopping it moved back and forth across the edge and then dropped to the floor.

  Jimmy followed it's decent with the light and then turned to question Daniel. Shock was on Daniel's face as he stared at the fireplace and Jimmy jerked back around to see what Daniel was staring at.

  He gasped when he saw two women standing there. One dressed in red and one blue. Their bodies seemed to glow as the clothing they wore swayed gently as if it were being caressed by a soft wind. Jimmy opened his mouth to yell but found he couldn't. He couldn't vocalize. No matter how hard he tried nothing came out.

  They began to approach and with each step the air in the room seemed to thicken as if he were being immersed in molasses. Slowly and with great effort he turned to see what Daniel was doing and was shocked at the pleasant smile on his friend’s lips. He realized what Daniel had told him about the women had been true. He hadn't believed him, not really, he had thought Daniel had just imagined it but hadn't lied to him. But now!

  Jimmy managed to turn his head ever so slowly back to where the figures were standing at the edge of the bed. Then in the corner of his eye he saw Daniel's hand reach out and the one in red seemed to glide over the edge of the bed almost dream like.

  As she passed her face seemed familiar and as he turned back he saw tenderness in Daniel's eyes. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and in a sluggish response he turned away and felt the woman in blue pushing him back onto the bed. The flashlight dropped from his hand to the carpet with an echoing thump.

  When she had him flat he felt her body come up over him taking his hands and placing them on her breast. The silky material snagged on his slightly calloused hands. Her hands began to rove over his body and his moans seemed to catch in his throat. Her face was soft and gentle yet he wasn't sure what she looked like even though her body glowed blue.

  From his peripheral vision he saw the woman in red leaning over Daniel kissing him. Then his attention was drawn back as her clothing slipped from her shoulders and exposed her nakedness. Her nipples were hard against the palms of his hands. She pushed his arms to the side and leaned down over his chest. Her lips brushed gently at his and then she kissed slowly down his chin. Her long hair falling forward covering him and he thought he was going crazy as her lips worked down his chest, her hair flowing gently downward, sweeping over her trail of moist kisses.

  Her lips and teeth nibbled at his cock through his underwear. He thought he was going to shoot as her tongue moistened it. Her fingers slipped his briefs down and his cock flopped upward against her chin as she licked at his fuzz. If he could have groaned he would have when her lips came down engulfing him and he shot his first load of fluid into her mouth. With each spasm she sucked harder until he wished he could scream. She looked up at him with a drop on her tight lips.

  As his mind floated back to sanity he felt the bed vibrating and slowly looked over at the woman riding Daniel. He cursed himself for coming so fast and wished he could have waited. He wanted to do that too. He looked back at the woman in blue when he felt her soft hands squeezing him. Warm and gentle she had him aroused again even before he had lost his erection. Almost as if she had read his mind she moved her body over him and guided him in. Moist, tight warmth enveloped him and as she rose up and down he felt his breath catch. With each stroke the tension built until he finally spurted forth deep within her. He felt her tighten down harder as he come. Sucking at him with her moisture, draining him physically and mentally.

  He felt void as she stood and backed away from him. He tried to speak and ask her who she was but he couldn't talk. The woman in red was still on top of Daniel. It had been over too fast!

  He turned and sat up as she seemed to disappear into the fireplace. Slowly he managed to stand and trudge through the thickness that engulfed him, following her. As he stood in front of the fireplace the thickness seemed to ease and he glanced back again at Daniel.

  Where had she gone? He pressed his hands across the fireplace and then slowly the wall on the far side opened up with a swish when he pressed one of the lower stones. The room inside was almost totally dark but he looked up as a faint flicker of blue seemed to disappear. He reached his hands out groping in the darkness until he felt the cool metal of a spiral staircase. It seemed to go upstairs and yet it seemed to lead down into the ground.

  With more bravery than he thought he had, he ascended the stairs thinking of the faint blue light he had seen disappear there. He wanted to meet her. As he got to the top he entered a room and the faint light through the window showed the darkness of a door across the room. He crossed the room and passed through the door and saw a faint light from below another metal staircase cutting through the floor. He quietly descended the staircase and held his breath as he heard the moans in the room next to it. He creeps slowly and peered through the crack that bleed in its faint light. As he stared he saw Daniel's parent's room. He corrected himself. It was Daniel's mother and Duncan's room. Duncan was straddled on Daniel's mother pumping with precision motion at her. The light from several candles flickered their shadows. A bottle of wine and glasses sat on the night stand. He stared shamelessly at their naked gyrations. Tinges of guilt passed over him but was dismissed by his hormonal drives. He couldn't help but feel more excited.

  He had already come twice tonight and yet he still felt excited watching them. His own hardness poked at his underwear, finally unable to watch anymore as Duncan drove forcefully into her, he walked back up the steps glancing at the stack of envelopes on the desk. Those must have been the ones Daniel had told him about.

  When he got back the woman in red was still in bed on top of Daniel. Damn, he cursed himself, he wished he hadn't gone so fast. He wished she would return. As he came closer to the bed watching her slowly plunging down on Daniel the thick air began to creep over him. His actions slowed as he fought himself through it. At the edge of the bed he stopped and watched them and then she turned smiling. Reaching out her hand for him. He glanced down at Daniel. Daniel shrugged a why not and he moved onto the bed stripping off his underwear.

  He wasn't sure what he was going to do but his cock seemed to have a mind of its own. He moved behind her and she reached backward and pulled him against her. His body rushed as it met her naked back and he kissed gently at her neck.

  He straddled Daniel's legs as she leaned forward. He was shocked as she reached behind her grabbing his cock pulling it towards her ass. He thought it was going to burst he was so hard. She rubbed his head between the smooth crack of her ass and then leaned further forward and guided him lower. He jerked backward as the head of his cock grazed Daniel's balls.

  She squeezed him harder and pulled him back to her and guided him up Daniel's length and into her moisture. The tightens was unbearably delicious as his mind rebelled at his cock sharing her slickness. For several moments they hung there stuck and then she slowly moved and he withdrew slightly as Daniel drove in. Then she moved backward drawing him in and Daniel out. Slowly their rhythm built and they worked in unison thrusting and withdrawing. His mind blanked the disgusted phobia as his passion replaced it with driving lust. Her sheath clamping them together made him want to scream. The pressure of his nuts pounding down on Daniel's and something inside her flipping back and forth across the hea
d of his dick sent him shooting another massive spasm. His warmth flowed into her triggering Daniel to burst a hot flood into her.

  Their movements became unbearably sensitive to the point of pleasurable pain and they lay like that several minutes throbbing. As their arousal deflated they slipped from her the slick fluid flowing down over them.

  Jimmy backed away and laid on the bed. She leaned over and kissed him and then kissed Daniel. She moved blithely away, almost floating and disappeared at the fireplace. The slow feeling of molasses disappeared as she moved away.

  Jimmy watched her but didn't follow although he wondered who she was and where she was going. He felt Daniel move and he groaned at the thought of what they had done. A great sense of guilt flowed over him. The guilt of not knowing them and guilt at the intimate contact he had with his best friend.

  Daniel exhaled and sighed contentedly. “Well now do you believe me?”

  “Uh yeah.” Jimmy grunted wishing he had somewhere else to sleep from guilt.

  “Pretty wild, huh?”


  “What's the matter Jimmy? I can tell something's wrong.” Daniel asked although he knew what was wrong with Jimmy. He felt the same thing. Guilt. As if he had screwed his best friend. It was a revolting thought.

  Finally after Jimmy said nothing Daniel turned to look at him through the darkness. “Jimmy don't let it bother you. It happened but it don't make us gay.”

  Jimmy nodded silently in the dark. “I guess you're right but Daniel, I enjoyed it.”

  “Me too.” Daniel agreed. “Me too, but just because you enjoyed it don't mean you have to practice it. It's not something you would search for and it wasn't our fault.” Daniel grinned in the darkness. “It's child abuse.”

  He punched Jimmy in the arm and laid back. “It happened so fast we were just swept up by it all. Come on get over it. If you don't it'll eat you up.”

  “I guess you're right.” Jimmy shrugged.

  “Besides you're my best friend, if it had to happen I'm glad it was with you. Anyway you said you were leaving tomorrow. I just hope this means you won't cast me off as a friend. It wasn't something we did, it just happened.” Sadly Daniel added. “Beside you're my only friend and you'll be going tomorrow.”

  Jimmy was silent for a moment and pillowed his head with his arms. “You know Daniel, you're right. The only place I'm going is to sleep. You couldn't drag me away now for nothing. There's always an adventure around you. Anyway, if I could, to be honest, I would do it all again and wouldn't change any of it.”

  “Me neither.” Daniel answered. “But it sure opens a lot more questions.” Daniel paused, thinking but before he spoke again he heard Jimmy snoring softly.

  He scooted down in the bed and pulled the covers up over them. When Jimmy felt the warmth of the blanket he scooted over in his sleep and reached out and hugged Daniel.

  Daniel started to push him away and then thought what the hell, and fell asleep.