Read Catch A Succubus Page 14

Chapter 14

  Daniel awoke with a start as the light came on. Duncan was staring down at him, a scowl embedded in his forehead.

  “Get up and get dressed. Now!” His voice boomed in anger. “Him too! And hurry.” His massive hand unconsciously flexing into a fist. He turned as if to leave and then stopped and jerked back the covers uncovering them. He stared down at the stained bed and underwear, his anger replaced with a severe look of disgust. He stormed away slamming the bedroom door.

  “What's going on?” Jimmy wiped at the numbness in his face. Then sat straight up, wondering if they had found out about last night. Maybe he had seen Jimmy staring at him and Daniel's Mom. He cringed in embarrassed fear as the memories flooded back.

  “I don't what's going on but we better hurry up.”

  “Do you think he found out about last night?” Jimmy asked as he slid out of bed and into his jeans.

  Daniel shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

  “Daniel, I ah, well after the lady in blue left I followed her?”

  “What? How?”

  “Behind the fireplace there's another staircase like the one you found in Duncan's room. It goes upstairs and down in the ground. Well, I followed her or I thought I did. I didn't find her but I went up and crossed over to another room and then those other stairs. It led to a room just like you said. There was a crack where the wall met the fireplace and I peeped through.” Jimmy turned his back in embarrassment. “I saw Duncan and your mother doing it?”

  “Doing it?” Daniel asked but he knew what Jimmy was saying without asking for clarification.

  “Yeah.” He pulled on his shirt and flopped down on the bed and slipped into his tennis shoes. “I thought the blue lady went there but I saw them. I felt bad but I couldn't help but watch. I could see real clear, they had the room lit with candles. I'm sorry Daniel, I didn't mean to. Then when I came back well that's when I ah, you know.”

  Daniel nodded his head, he didn't blame Jimmy for looking but watching his mother it seemed sacrilegious or something. “It's okay.” He paused as he finished dressing flatting his hair with his hand. “I don't think it's about that. It wouldn't make any sense now. If he was going to do something or thought you had seen them he would have done it then. Believe me when he acts on something he just does it. He wouldn't have waited. He’d have pulled out and come over and beat the hell out of you right there.”

  Jimmy felt a little tension release but shrugged anyway. “Something's wrong. I guess we better find out. I got to piss first.”

  “Hurry up. So do I.”

  They took turns pissing then left the room.

  As they entered the living room Daniel's stomach bunched in a knot as he saw Deputy Fletcher sitting in the chair. His ugly shit-eating-grin cut across his face as Daniel met his eyes.”

  Kelli ran over to hug her son. “Honey it'll be all right. We'll get you a lawyer.”

  “What?” Daniel asked in confusion as his mind rejected the truth of what was going on.

  “You're being arrested for murder.” Kelli held back a choked sob.

  Daniel's eyes flashed at Fletcher in anger. “What! You wake us up at four in the morning to arrest us. Why the hell didn't you arrest us last night!”

  Duncan stepped forward his voice stiff. “Watch your mouth and don't answer any questions until we get a lawyer. You understand?”

  “But why now?” Daniel protested as he stared back at Fletcher.

  “We found your murder weapon. The rock with blood on it.”

  “We told you about it?” Daniel argued.

  “Daniel, don't say any more.” Duncan cut in. “We'll have you a lawyer down as soon as I can reach them and get you out on bail.”

  “On bail?” Daniel half cried he stared at Jimmy. Jimmy stood stunned in disbelief.

  Deputy Fletcher stood up and walked over pulling out a set of handcuffs.

  “Is that necessary?” Kelli wiped at her tears with the back of hand.

  “Standard procedure, ma'am.” He grabbed Jimmy's shoulders first and cuffed one hand then spun him around and slapped on the other one.

  Daniel saw a smile flicker in his eyes as he squeezed Daniel's shoulders and roughly pulled his arm behind. As an automatic response, Daniel pulled away causing the Deputy to smile more. Fletcher then dug his hand into Daniel’s shoulder harder until Daniel winced from the pain. He had both hands cuffed behind now and then squeezed the cuffs an extra notch to where Daniel knew he did it just to cause him extra pain.

  Daniel looked up at him defiantly and the thought of spitting in his face crossed his mind but he held himself back.

  “What other evidence do you have?” Duncan's moved closer to the Deputy.

  “A witness said these two met Gurvis at the store yesterday and then they went skinny dipping up at the lake.”

  “So we met him at the store but nobody could have seen us go to the lake. There wasn't anybody around.” Daniel said as he thought of Brownie at the store but had no idea who could have seen them at the scout camp.

  “Shut up!” Duncan snapped and hugged Kelli as her tears streamed forward harder. “Don't you say anything until we get you a lawyer.”

  Daniel stared back at his stepfather defiantly. “I've seen enough TV. He can't use a damn thing I say until he reads us our rights and he hasn't done it yet.”

  Duncan drew back his hand to slap Daniel but stopped as Daniel glared hatred back at him.

  Daniel's eyes widened when the blow didn't come and he thought he saw a faint hint of respect in Duncan's eyes.

  “What other evidence do you have?” Duncan exhaled his tension and looked at the Deputy.

  “I've got a picture of that boy naked in the shower.”

  Daniel glanced at Duncan and saw his face blanch. Good he thought now he would have to explain why he had those photos.

  Duncan paused as if he were thinking what all of it meant. “Any other evidence?”

  “Yep. Ms. Breed found these boys Ouija Board on the hill above the murder site.”

  Daniel started to protest but shut his mouth. Tarla had said she didn't tell Fletcher about finding it there unless she did later but no, that wasn't possible every time that Fletcher had been there Jimmy and him had been there too. Unless Tarla lied! No, he didn't believe that. He wondered where she was. He guessed they hadn't woken her up.

  Fletcher turned the boys towards the door and gave them a light shove. “Let's go boys.” He looked back at Kelli a moment. “Sorry about this ma'am. But everybody in these parts knew old Gurvis was fond of little boys.”

  He took delight when shock registered on her face.

  “Yeah, he liked them right about these boys’ ages. We think this is one of them homosexual killings.”

  Daniel twisted around ready to deny it to his mother but the look on her face was more than he could bear. He said nothing and walked over to the door and waited for Fletcher to open it.

  Fletcher opened the door and they walked out into the crisp morning air. The sun hadn't risen and the night birds were still calling.. When they were outside without his Mom around, Fletcher shoved them hard down the sidewalk towards the waiting squad car.

  “Looks like I got me a couple of murdering little butt fuckers.” He laughed and shoved at Daniel again almost making him fall. When they got to the car he shoved their heads down and threw them into the back seat.

  He got in and started the engine and flicked on his flashing blue lights. He threw his hat on the seat beside him, flicked on the headlights and slammed it into reverse, the forward and sped off shooting dust and gravel into the air.

  Just over the hill he grinned into the rear view mirror. “Here's the scene of the crime ain't it.” His laughter was almost deafening.

  At the gate he got out opened the gate drove through and then got back out and shut the gate. He put the car in gear and started out but instead of turning right towards the main road he turne
d left up the gravel road towards the scout camp.

  Daniel sat up straight clearing his throat. “Where’re you taking us?”

  “This is the back way to Hiwassee. That's where the jail is. Don't you little shits know anything except how to pack fudge.”

  “You mean that other road goes too Hiwassee?” Daniel leaned back against the seat trying to relieve the pain biting into his wrists.

  “That's what I said boy. You hard of hearing or you just had too many dicks stuck in your ears.” He burst out in more laughter.

  Daniel just leaned back and looked over at Jimmy. He felt sorry for himself but he felt even more sorry for Jimmy. He knew Jimmy wished he had never met him as a friend.

  “Had enough adventure?” Daniel weakly joked.

  Jimmy looked over obviously fighting back tears. He shook his head and forced a pathetic smile. “Looks like it is just starting.”

  “You boys joke around all you want. Since you're underage you probably won't get the chair but you'll do enough time in reform school and the prison to make you wish you never butt fucked anybody. I'm sure you'll have plenty of boyfriends there.”

  “You're a sick puppy.” Daniel spat out. He watched out the window as they passed the turn that went to the scout camp. The patrol car went down a steeper hill and rounded a curve into a straightaway.

  Further down the road Fletcher slowed down and stopped in front of a waterfall. “I got to take a leak.” As he opened the door the roar of the eight foot high falls blasted at their ears.

  As he slammed the door Daniel leaned back and closed his eyes. The faint roaring was drumming at his senses. Then he heard it. He sat up looking around.

  “When the earth and sky meet the sea.”

  “Did you hear that?” Daniel looked at Jimmy.

  “Yeah, pretty loud water fall.”

  “No, not that. I heard a voice. Didn't you hear it?”

  “Probably Fletcher talking to his dick.”

  “No it said, 'when the earth and sky meet the sea.’”

  Jimmy shook his head. “No, I didn't hear it.”

  Fletcher opened the back door. “You boys need to take a leak? I got there pretty early you boys probably didn't have any time to go.”

  “We went.” Jimmy said but Daniel interrupted him.

  Fletcher was up to something he could feel it. “I've got to go again.”

  Fletcher grinned. “Well come on then.”

  Jimmy had to get out first to let Daniel out.

  “Uh, I can't uh, you know, I need my hands unless you want to pull it out for me.” Daniel twisted his cuffed hands towards him.

  “I don't think I have to worry about you escaping. If you try it, I'll just shoot you.” He pulled the key out and watched as Daniel rubbed his wrist. He moved away and turned his back on Fletcher fumbling with his zipper.

  Fletcher moved over until he was staring at Daniel fumbling with his fly. The only light was that of the car’s headlights shining up the road. Daniel glared at him but pulled himself out waiting for the pee to flow. He had always been pee shy when somebody watched.

  “Well boy, you wasn't lying last night when you said that thing was pretty big.” His face seemed to leer at Daniel.

  “Can't anybody piss in peace.” Daniel looked over at the waterfall trying to ignore him. “Nice fall.”

  Fletcher glanced over. “Yeah but you can't drink it from here down.”

  “Why's that?” Daniel felt the flow start as the Deputy glanced away.

  “It flows over a natural salt lick.” He pointed at the top of the fall.

  Salt? Daniel thought. Sea? Was it possible?

  Fletcher looked back around at Daniel as he zipped up. “You know boys, I ain't been getting any lately and I could sure use some sweet lips on my cock right now. How's about one of you boys giving me a blow job.”

  He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock and hairless balls.

  Jimmy started backing towards the squad car and Daniel just stared.

  “What's the matter boys? You can do it for old Gurvis but you can't do it for me.” He stroked his limp dick a couple of times.

  “You sure you want to do this. Look what we did to Gurvis.” Daniel stepped forward defiantly.

  “Yeah but you know I really think that was an accident.” He squeezed himself and moved towards Jimmy.

  Jimmy fell down as he backed away.

  “I'll do it Deputy. You're right it was an accident. But you know I really like men in uniform. I get off on it.” Daniel moved closer.

  “Daniel!” Jimmy looked over from where he had fallen. “What are you doing? Don't!”

  “Well that's more like it.” Fletcher stepped closer to Daniel reaching behind his head forcing him down to the ground.

  Daniel fell on his knees but pulled his head free of Fletcher's hold. “You just stand there and enjoy it. I'll do all the work.”

  “Yeah boy, you do that.”

  Daniel straightened up on his knees and reached out grabbing Fletcher's cock with his left hand squeezing slightly. He looked up as Fletcher groaned. “Now you just close your eyes and enjoy it.”

  “Daniel!” Jimmy cried as he rolled around on the ground trying to work himself back to a standing position.

  “Shut up.” Daniel snapped. “You're just jealous because you can't have him. Just like you were with Gurvis.” He stared at Jimmy and shaking his head in secret warning.

  “You just relax and let me do all the work.” Daniel said as he skinned the flesh back from the head of his cock.

  Daniel glanced up as Fletcher responded to his hand and then pulled back his right fist and slammed him in the balls with all the physical force he could muster.

  Fletcher doubled over in unconsciousness as the pain drove through his entire body.

  “Oh Jesus God, Daniel, you've killed him.” Jimmy cried.

  Daniel leaned over the man feeling his neck. “He's still got a pulse. He ain't dead yet.” He reached down into his pocket and found the handcuff key.

  He went over helping Jimmy to struggle back to his feet and unlocked his. Jimmy rubbed at the indentures on his wrists.

  “Are you crazy! If he ain't dead he might die. That'll make two murders they'll pin on us.”

  “Jimmy he wasn't taking us to jail. There's no jail in Hiwassee, besides he tried to make us suck him. Daniel's fist balled in the remembering glory of his greatest punch.

  “Who’re they going to believe, him or us? We're already accused of murder.”

  “Jimmy's there's more going on around here than we know but it has something to do with this waterfall and I aim to find out what it is.”

  “What are we going to do now? We don't have anywhere we can go?”

  Daniel leaned down and un-snapped Fletcher's weapon's holster. Carefully he pulled out the nickel plated 9mm Sig Sauer. It's heavy coldness felt soothing to his touch.

  “Are you crazy? What are you doing?”

  Daniel didn't even glance at Jimmy his eyes stared wildly at Fletcher. He grasped the gun in both hands holding out and aiming it at Fletcher's head. His finger moved flicking what he felt was the safety.

  Jimmy moved closer to Daniel as he saw him finger the trigger. “Daniel don't!”

  Daniel gritted his teeth and after a moment he moved the gun away. Jimmy watched as he flicked a lever and its clip dropped into Daniel's hand. Jimmy watched in amazement and awe at his familiarity with the weapon.

  Daniel looked up at Jimmy and replaced the clip, flicking on the safety and mumbled. “Fifteen rounds.”

  “Daniel you've never held a gun before, how do you know so much.”

  Sometimes Jimmy was so stupid, Daniel thought, but said blandly. “I can read.”


  Daniel glanced back down at the sprawled figure to make sure he wasn't getting up and then went to the back door of the patrol car which still stood open. He close
d the door then calmly went around to the driver's side and got behind the wheel. He stared down at the automatic shift thinking it would be easier than the tractor.

  He turned to watch as Jimmy continued to stare at him. He reached over to the passenger door flinging it open with a push. “Come on!”

  “We can't steal a police car!” Jimmy badgered.

  “You going to hang around until he comes too? They’re charging us with murder, now assault, what's a little grand theft auto.”

  Jimmy looked down at Fletcher and shuttered. He climbed into the car. “You sure you can drive?”

  “Piece a cake.” He turned the wheel and shoved it into drive easing down on the gas pedal. The powerful Crown Vic jumped forward with more speed than Daniel expected spewing gravel and lurched across the road into a three foot ditch.

  Daniel threw it into reverse and the positraction rear end gave a loud snap. The engine revved but nothing happened.

  “Fuck!” Daniel beat his fists against the steering wheel then looked over at Jimmy sheepish. “How about bad cake? I thought it would be a piece of cake.”

  He tried to open the door but it wedged against the ground. “We'll have to get out on your side.” He drew back his foot and drove his heel into the radio.

  Jimmy looked at him in blanked surprise and opened the door before he got violent. Daniel slid out after him and stood for a second looking down the road.

  “We need to get out of here and find a phone.” Daniel scanned the steep hill behind the waterfall.

  “Let's just go back to your house.”

  “Man we can do that. Duncan's mixed up in all this. What do you think he would do?”

  “I guess you're right.”

  “Damn right, I'm right. We'll call your house and see if your parents can come and get us.”

  “Yeah my parents. That's a good idea but where are we going to find a phone?”

  “I don't know but the first thing we need to do is get off this road in case our nut smashed Deputy has some of his buddies come by.” Daniel headed for the waterfall. “Let's cross over and go up that bank. His eyes moved up the incline and scaled the high mountain behind it.”

  Daniel stared down at Fletcher as they passed him and thought his body had changed position. He must be getting ready to wake up, he thought, and then noticed the man had a faint smile on his mouth.

  “Come on let's hurry and get out of here before he wakes up.” Daniel stopped below the thick rush of the waterfalls scanning to see if there was an easier crossing, shook his head and stepped into the freezing water. Even in the summer the mountain water numbed his legs up to his knees. As he climbed onto the bank he heard complaining about the cold. The steep hill rested against the stream's edge and Daniel started grabbing roots pulling himself up the bank. After ten minutes they had managed to get to the top and paused for a breath looking down at the broke dirt clods they had displaced in their efforts.

  “Shit we left a trail a blind man could follow.” Daniel complained as he scanned the area above the waterfall. Even in their flight he couldn't help appreciating that moment of beauty as his mind beheld the hard driving force of the water over what must have been the salt lick. Salt lick? Sea water was salt water, did that have something to do with the voice he kept hearing.

  “If we follow the stream back we should come to the scout camp. Maybe we can break into one of the buildings and find a phone.” Daniel headed out through the thick pines appreciating the lack of undergrowth beneath them.

  “Why not? What's a little breaking and entering piled on everything else.” Jimmy bitched but fell in behind Daniel's lead.

  Over an hour later with bruises, scratches and tired feet they stood in the pines above the camp. They scouted the area looking for any signs of movement and then went to the largest building. Daniel picked up a heavy round rock and smashed a window, reached in and unlocked a window. They shimmied over its ledge and spied a pay phone on the wall.

  “Must be the cafeteria.” Daniel said as he picked up the receiver and stuck it to his ear. Then he slammed it back down. “Dammit it, can't anything go right for us. It's dead.”

  Jimmy slid down to the floor resting his head on his hands. Daniel stared at him blaming himself for everything that happened.

  Jimmy finally looked up. “Now what?”

  “Let's go on maybe we can find Lynda. Yeah, she'll help us. If she can't sneak us in maybe she can use the phone and call your house.”

  Jimmy stood up without saying a word and headed for their port of entry.

  Another hour down the road they came to the area to the remains of the cabin.

  “Hope she's here.” Daniel said as they moved through the last of the bushes. When he didn't see any sign of her he sat himself down on the hard packed surface of the cabin's floor. Jimmy flopped down beside him. “Well wait here for a while. Maybe she'll come along. At least this lets us watch the coming and going on the farm without being seen.” Then he thought about all the times when he had been there and hadn't seen Duncan or his mother's car come or go. He gave a silent prayer of desperate hope. They needed help.

  After twenty minutes of waiting Daniel decided they shouldn't wait. “She always comes from that direction. Maybe we can find her house. She comes here so often there's got to be a path.”

  Jimmy's face brightened. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  They went to the bush from which she always seemed to appear and pushed through pausing on the other side looking for a path. They stood there in frustration trying to no avail to find a path. It was nothing but a thick growth of briars and weeds entangling the fragmented remains of a wooden fence.

  “Now what?” Jimmy half cried in frustration.

  “What's the matter?” Lynda's voice came from behind the bush from which they had just come around.

  They pushed through and there she stood. They sighed in hopeful relief. Daniel wanted to run over and hug her but held back. “Where did you come from? You usually come from this way.”

  “Well hello to you too.” Lynda curtly replied to Daniel's response.

  “I'm sorry. It is just that we've got ourselves in a heap of shit and we don't know what to do.” Daniel moved closer to her wanting to touch her to ensure himself she was really there. “We need your help. We want to use your phone.”

  “I ah, I don't have a phone.” Lynda looked away gazing at the trees.

  “I don’t have a cell phone but everybody has a phone.” Jimmy cried out.

  “Sorry.” Lynda looked back at them. “I don't.”

  “How did your Aunt Ida call Tarla to have her go berry picking with her?” Daniel quizzed her suspiciously.

  Lynda picked up the end of her shoulder length hair and played with it. “Daniel I ....” She looked up tears streaming down her face. “I’m so tired Daniel.” She pulled her shoulders back in a determined effort. “I'm going to tell you everything.”

  “Everything?” Daniel watched her discomfort and felt bad. He wanted to hear it but they just didn't have time, not now. “Lynda, I want to hear what you have to say but you’ve got to at least hide us. We're on the run from the law.” He watched her face as she gave no surprised reaction to his statement.

  “I know.” She turned and walked to the cabin, went in then stopped. “Follow me.”

  Jimmy and Daniel looked at each other blankly and then followed after her. She stood in front of the tumbled stones of the fireplace and shoved hard on one of the stones.

  The fire pit grumbled and a hole slid gaping in darkness. A chill of cool air rose out into the summer's heat blasting at their faces.

  Lynda crouched down tucking her long skirt tight against her legs and stepped down. Daniel followed her example backing down into the hole until they were on their hands and knees in a crawl space below the area. Jimmy followed close behind and as soon as he rested on the cool rough stone the gap above them closed.
r />   “What?” Jimmy said without thinking.

  “I have a candle.” Lynda's voice answered softly through the total blackness. She fumbled around in the darkness and then struck a match against a rock. The flame blazed forward display a long narrow tunnel. She found her candle and lit it blowing the match out. She crawled on her hands and knees forward, struggling to keep her skirt from tangling against her legs.

  Daniel and Jimmy followed wordlessly. After a thirty foot crawl the tunnel opened into a huge cavern with a twenty foot drop from where they were. Lynda twisted and scooted her feet down holding on the ledge with one hand and the candle in the other.

  “I know where the foot holds are but feel.” Lynda stared into Daniel's eyes and pursed her lips. “When I get to the bottom I'll hold the light so you can see them.”

  Daniel and Jimmy leaned over watching her descent as she made her way gracefully down the cliff. “Okay. Daniel you first just put your feet in the holes that have been cut out.”

  Slowly he descended and then Jimmy followed. At the bottom they looked around in awe. A giant stalactite hung eight feet from the center of the cold room like a moist white cork screw. A six foot basin of milky water lay just beneath catching its fragile drops. The entire room was made up of white hard moist stones. Smaller stalactites hung like stars falling from the sky with several stalagmites’ sticking up throughout the cavern.

  “It's beautiful.” Daniel whispered in reverence.

  Lynda nodded walking across towards the other side cupping her hand to protect the flickering flame. “Come on.”

  On the other side of the cavern laid the mouth of a man size cave. “Follow this and it'll take you back to your house. You'll find a staircase that leads to the back of your bedroom fireplace. Push the lowest brick and the panel will open up.”

  “It's the one I told you about, the one I saw last night.” Jimmy's voice echoed through the chamber.

  Lynda nodded again and said softly casting her eyes down to the floor. “I know.”

  Daniel gasped audibly at the implication. That was how they got in, through this cavern. He looked lovingly at Lynda wondering if she had been one of them that had visited him last night. And he had shared her! She had seemed familiar but it was so hard to tell she had looked different.

  Lynda pulled Daniel close and hugged him almost as if she read his thoughts. “I can't go with you now but I'll come at one tonight. They shouldn't find you in your room but if you need to hide, stay in the room behind the fireplace until they're gone. There shouldn't be anybody traveling the steps tonight.” She then reached and drew Jimmy into a three-way-hug and added in a whisper. “Not tonight anyway.”

  They stood there clinging to each other offering comfort and support. Then Lynda pulled away handing out the candle for Daniel to take. The cold air replaced their lost huggable warmth making them all shiver.

  They stood watching her return the way they had come. Her ease and familiarity with the ledge reflecting the many times she had been here.

  Cupping his hand over the candle Daniel turned as she faded out of sight. “Let's go this should be a long cold walk.”

  “After all the heat it feels good.”

  “I just wish we had a flashlight instead of a candle. If it goes out we're going have to braille the walls.” As they neared the tunnel a silver gleam danced a flashing light at them.

  “Looks like we're in luck a flashlight, I just hope it works. Looks in pretty good condition.” Jimmy reached for the double battery light pushing up the slide and it beamed on. He shined it back at the cavern wanting one more look at its glory before entering the small tunnel. “I wonder why she didn't tell us about the flashlight.”

  Daniel wondered too as he followed into the milky white orifice. “May be it wasn't there before. May be she didn't know about it.”

  “You mean others have been down here that she doesn't know about.”

  “Well that's possible but what about this. Like the thing with the snake and the crabs. I know this sounds stupid but what if I somehow made them happen. I don't know how but I said I just soon see a snake and bang, suddenly there was one. And with Fletcher I said you probably have crabs and suddenly he was totally infested. I mean why then and why so bad. And then the flashlight.”

  Jimmy stopped and faced him. “You mean you just willed it and it happens?”

  “Well I don't know. May be it was just psychic or something. I don't know.”

  “Well how about a hamburger, I'm hungry why don't you just will one up. Make that an order of fries too.”

  Daniel wished he hadn't said it. He realized how lame it sounded but what was it going to hurt to try. “I wish we had two hamburgers and some fries.”

  Jimmy shined the light around at the stone floor as if he was ready to believe it too. Nothing. “Maybe it's around the corner ahead somewhere just waiting for us.”

  “I guess I'm just letting my imagination run away with me.” Daniel moved forward but thinking to himself that maybe he didn't know how to use it.

  After thirty minutes of trudging up and down through the twists and turns they came to a black spiral staircase. They rubbed their hands together from the cold and the flashlight was beginning to dim.

  “Next time ask for some extra batteries.” Jimmy complained sarcastically.

  Daniel shrugged and snapped. “Let's just go on up. At least it should be warmer.”

  Although they tried to be as noiseless as possible their footsteps rang metallic echoes throughout the tunnel. “This is too noisy somebody's liable to hear us.” Daniel stopped, reached down and untied his tennis shoes. He grunted as he stuck his sock covered foot against the cold metal.

  Jimmy followed suit and as quietly as possible they crept upward until they entered the room.

  “This is it. The room behind your fireplace. Over there's the other stairs that goes up.” Jimmy whispered in half breath and guided the thinning beam in that direction.

  “Let's sit here and warm up for a minute. Maybe we can sneak and get something to eat.” Daniel sat down crossed leg on the floor and began to rub his numb toes.

  As Jimmy sat down his stomach rumbled. “My stomach seconds that.” He laid the flashlight down and rubbed at his feet for several minutes. “You know last night, what happen, it was pretty crazy. When the blue woman left I followed her and ....”

  “I know. You saw them doing the wild thing.”

  “But I followed her and I would almost swear on a stack of Bibles she went upstairs. That's why I followed her and then I saw them. I just don't know where she went.”

  Daniel slipped his tennis shoes back on and unconsciously fiddled with the laces. “Hey, you don't have to talk about it.”

  “But where did she go?”

  “What do I look like a fucking answer machine?” Daniel looked up and snapped.

  “Don't get pissed at me, I didn't do anything.”

  “I know. I'm sorry.” He shook his head. “I can't image what happened to her, or I just don't want to image it. I mean I had the lady in blue before you did and the one last night, the red woman, wasn't the same one as the first woman in red.”

  Jimmy didn't want to say it but he felt he had to voice his thoughts. “I think the woman in red was Lynda.”

  Daniel sat quietly for a second and nodded. “Me too.”

  “Uh, the one in blue, I uh, Daniel I know this sound awful but I, well I think it was your mother.”

  Anger flared over Daniel's face. He balled up his fist in rage ready to attach him. “God dammit! Don't say that.” A tear trickled down past his nose as the desperate thought surfaced, one he had been trying to keep suppressed.

  Jimmy shrugged and gestured with open hands. “May be it was Tarla?”

  Daniel let the stream of tears he had been fighting flow. “No it wasn't Tarla.” He fought back a shrill sob forming in his throat. “I don't know what to say. I don't wan
t to believe it was Mom. It's just that ever since you told me this morning it has been eating at my mind.” He stood up calming his tears shaking his head in denial. “I won't believe it. There's something else, there has got to be somebody else. Maybe another trap door or something.”

  “But it was Lynda, wasn't it?” Jimmy asked almost timidly.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was.” Daniel sighed wiping his face on his bare forearm. “Let's see if we can get something to eat.”

  “That sounds like a winner.” Jimmy hurried into his shoes and stood up. He rubbed an itch on his face and was surprised when his face had a little fluff of fuzz growing on it. “Hey man, I think I'm growing a beard.”

  Daniel grinned and punched his arm. “I'm not surprised. Mine started several days ago, after my first night.”

  “If I'm going to catch you in height I need some food, now!”

  “How do you open this panel?”

  “It's a brick down there,” Jimmy pointed, “but why don't we go upstairs and work our way through to the steps to the living room.”

  “Tarla lives up there somewhere.”

  “If we go through your room they bound to see us as soon as we cross Duncan's study.”

  “I guess you're right.” Daniel started up the metal steps relaxing a little when the sound was no longer amplified by the tunnel.

  At the top of the steps he peeped over the floor's edge and listened. When he was satisfied no one was around he eased into the room. He walked as quietly as possible over to a window and fingered a crack through the curtain.

  “Duncan's car's gone.” Daniel whispered.

  “Maybe they went to get a lawyer.”

  “I won't bet on it. Where ever he went Mom probably went with him. That means just Tarla is here. What time is it?”

  “I don't know, I forgot my watch but I would guess it's afternoon.”

  “Tarla's probably in the kitchen fixing herself something for lunch. That means she'll probably take a nap after lunch.”

  “It might be a lot later than twelve. I lost track of time down in that cave.”

  “Let's see if we can find Tarla's room. Somehow she figures into all this.”

  “Figures in but you said it wasn't her.”

  “The sex wasn't her but you got to admit she's just plain weird, all that stuff about glamour and shit.” Daniel spun around in the room for a second. “Where's the door that went to the staircase to their room?”

  “It was on that wall. It must have some kind of sliding panel covering it.”

  “With all these panels and hidden rooms, why wasn't the one we just came through closed?” Daniel went back over to inspect the gaping hole in the floor.

  “How the hell do I know. This is your house.”

  “It's not mine.” Daniel tapped around at the oak boards with his foot until he stepped on one near the wall and the panel slid shut with a faint thud. He stepped on it again and it opened. “Guess we better leave it like we found it.”

  “Want to look for that panel to their room now.” Jimmy headed towards the plastered wall.

  “Later. Let's see if we can find Tarla's room. This room we're in is over Duncan's study. That means that one is over the living room. Come on.”

  He opened the door slowly exposing a small sitting room with TV and couch. Across the room above the hall that led to the kitchen was a door. As they stepped into the room to their immediate right was another door. Daniel opened it exposing an enclosed staircase which led down to the living room.

  “This must be the one to Tarla's room.” Daniel crossed over and stuck his ear against the door holding his breath. “I don't hear anything come on.”

  He opened the door to a hallway just above the one that led to the kitchen. Above the kitchen was another door.

  “That must be a bathroom, it's right above the one downstairs. I got to go.” Jimmy headed for the door.

  “You should have gone in the cave.”

  “What did you want me to wipe with a stalactite?” Jimmy's face pinched.

  “Well wait till we get back to my room at least, you can't hear it if when you flush.”

  “All right but if I shit my drawers you're cleaning them.”

  “Come on.” Daniel eased silently down the hall hoping the floor wouldn't pop or creak. At the door he opened it slowly and stared in somewhat surprised. “It's not what I expected.”

  Jimmy tip toed and looked over his shoulder at the very pink and white obviously feminine room. “What did you expect?”

  “I don't know. Voodoo charms or skulls or something but not this.” Daniel stepped onto the soft pink plush carpet walking and scooped the room out. His eye stopped on an antique looking chest and almost as if he had some inner intuition he knew he had to open it. Carefully he fumbled at the lock and it popped open.

  As he lifted the lid his jaw dropped slightly. His mind spun in a curious emotional reaction. Fear, shock and amazement registered simultaneous as Jimmy bent closer to see what he saw.

  On a slate board written in chalk was a message.


  “What the fuck's that mean?” Jimmy whispered.

  “Got me but I guess she figured sooner or later we would be meddling. Let's get out of here.”

  Daniel closed the box and snapped the latch back but as he turned to stand a touch of brown caught his eye standing out boldly underneath the white four poster bed lying sedate on the pink rug.

  Daniel scooted across the carpet on his hands and knees and reached underneath to pull out a small brown box.

  “Now what?” Jimmy stopped at the door watching him.

  Daniel fingered the mahogany stained case and lifted the lid. Peering inside at the velvet green material he pushed its edge to the side exposing a jar.

  “What you got?” Jimmy's curiosity brought him back to where Daniel was crouched.

  “Looks like something floating in a Mason Jar?” Daniel held it up for inspection… shook it and then dropped it on the carpet.

  He slid backward tripping on his legs and lay sprawled.

  “What's the matter?” Jimmy reached and picked up the discarded jar, squinted his eyes and stared.

  He dropped it too. “Oh gees! Oh my god! Oh gees! That's a thing!”

  They leaned over staring at the piece of meat floating, wavering back and forth in its liquid.

  “That's somebody's dick and nuts!” Jimmy pushed at the jar with his index finger, pulling his legs together in unconscious defense.

  “But whose?” Daniel forced himself to pick it up carefully.

  “It's so shrunk and shriveled I wasn't sure what it was but one thing's for certain it ain't Gurvis'.”

  As if the thought just hit him Daniel stared at the door. “We got to get out of here.”

  “Tarla cut some son of a bitch's dick off. Let's get out of here before she catches us. If I got to die I don't want it to be that way.” Jimmy was already half way to the door. “Put it up.”

  Daniel sat staring at the floating flesh and shook his head. “Not Tarla, I don't believe it.”

  “The woman's a loon. Let get while the getting's good! What are you waiting for? A butcher’s knife.”

  “Wait a minute. We got to wipe our fingerprints off it.”

  “Uh yeah, I never thought of that. Do it and let's get the hell out of here.” He glanced nervously towards the door.

  Daniel picked up the velvet material and stopped with a groan. “I don't know what to do. If I wipe our prints off I might wipe off somebody else's. Whoever really did it.”

  “Just wipe them. They might not be any other prints on it. If I've got to go to prison for murdering Gurvis I don't want people saying I go around castrating and sticking them in jars.

  I can just see us sitting in a jail cell everybody thinking we're dick cutting perverts.” He grinned wearily. “On second thought it might kee
p us from becoming girl friends to some big guy named Bubba.”

  Daniel scrubbed vigorously at the box and then the jar. Wrapped it back in the cloth using his fingernail to shut the lid and pushed it with his foot back under the bed. “You're right the less evidence they have on us the better off we are. I still don't believe it was Tarla.”

  “Well it wasn't me or you so that only leaves Duncan, Tarla or your Mom.”

  “If I had to figure it was anybody I would say Duncan.” Daniel stood up and then as an afterthought took his shirt tail and wiped the hasp of the antique box. “I guess Tarla had a point.”

  “What's that?”

  “Layovers, did, catch meddlers. Come on let's go.” Daniel tucked his shirt tail back in his jeans and fingered the gun he had tucked in the back of his pants. He sure hoped he didn't have to use it. He wondered if he could. “Wipe the door knob off when you shut it.”

  “Okay but now what? I'm starving.”

  You know it just occurred to me, after all the noise we made with that jar, Tarla would have been up here if she was in the kitchen.”

  “You really think so?”

  “We dropped the jar twice, I fell down and you were screaming like a ...,” he was going to say like a girl but decided not to and said, “banshee.”

  “What's a banshee?”

  “Just a saying, I think it's a ghost that collects the dead.”

  “I wasn't screaming. I was just talking loud and if anyone's a ghost it was you. You're the one that went pale.” Jimmy raised his eyebrows. “As in white as a ....”

  “You made your point.” Daniel crossed the sitting room and opened the door to the enclosed stairs. He started to flip the light but stopped himself. “Shh! When we get to the bottom we will listen first.”

  Jimmy nodded and stepped lightly behind him. At the bottom of the steps they paused. After hearing nothing Daniel turned the door knob easing it a crack and peeped out. When he saw nothing they went into the living room and headed for the kitchen.

  When he got to the hall he exhaled and then relaxed. “Come on, nobody's here.” He spoke aloud.

  “I thought you said be quiet?”

  “Listen if Tarla was there she would have smelled us by now. Remember?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  They dug around the refrigerator and cupboard for several minutes filling a garbage bag with articles. “Take food that won't be discovered as missing. Stuff that is stuck up behind everything.” Daniel suggested.

  “Oh man! That cake looks so good.” Jimmy almost whined but caught himself.

  “Let's eat in my room. We can see anybody drive in.”

  Daniel scanned the kitchen making sure they left it as they had found it. They relaxed as soon as they got to his room.

  “You start.” Jimmy tossed what he carried on the bed. “I still got to shit. I got to let some out before I put anything in.”

  While Jimmy was gone Daniel spread out the food and began eating. After several minutes he heard the flush and Jimmy joined him.

  “What do we do after we eat?” Jimmy bit into a slightly wrinkled apple savoring its juice.

  “Wait. What else can we do?”

  “What are we doing sitting here?” Jimmy jumped up. “I forgot about calling home.”

  “Me too.” Daniel was close behind. “After finding that thing, I forgot all about it.”

  Jimmy went and found a phone then punched in the number and waited. “I'll call Mom at work.” Daniel said.

  “If she doesn't answer don't identify yourself. The cops probably already contacted them.”

  Jimmy nodded and lowered his voice. “May I speak to Mrs. Ray?” He paused. “Oh, I see. No, no message, thank you.”

  He pressed down on the receiver. “She's not at work. She must be home.” He groaned. “The cops probably already been there asking about us. She's going to kill me. Probably tearing her hair out.”

  “Try your Dad before you call home.”

  “Uh, okay, but to be truthful I would rather talk to Mom first.”

  “Just try him.” Daniel growled.

  “All right, all ready.” He punched and waited. “Mr. Ray please.” He paused. “No, no message. Uh, wait a minute do you expect him back today?” He paused. “Thank you.” He pushed the button down again. “He's not there and they don't expect him back. They’ve got to be home.”

  “Then call home. Come on hurry up. We can't see the road from here, somebody might come back.”

  Punching at the number he paused, put his hand over the mouthpiece. “Duncan's going to love all these long distance calls.”

  “I think that's the least of anybody's worries.”

  “Hello.” Sandy answered.

  “Hi, it's me.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Can I speak to Mom.”

  “She's not here.”

  “I called work and she's not there.”


  “Sandy this ain't the time. This is important. Can I speak to Dad?”


  “Why not.” He snapped.

  “He's not here.”

  “Well where are they?” He gritted his teeth to keep from yelling. If he pissed her off she would just hang up.

  “They went to Aunt Roxie's, one of Mom's distant cousins died.”

  “Oh.” Jimmy paused helplessly. He covered the mouthpiece and looked at Daniel bewildered. “They ain't home. Some cousin died or something.”

  “Ask her when they'll be back.”

  “When will they be home?”

  “They said they were staying through the weekend, probably Sunday.”

  “Sunday!” He cried out. “It's only Wednesday.”


  Daniel waved his hand to attract his attention. “Ask her if the cops have been around asking for us.”

  Jimmy nodded and tried to be casual. “By the way, has anybody been by looking for me or called?”

  “Who would want to call you?”

  Jimmy shook his head at Daniel and raised his shoulders in bewilderment. “It doesn't sound like it.”

  “Listen you little shit.” Sandy bitched. “If you're going to talk to me on the phone, do it. Don't be talking to your little fat buddy.” She grinned into the phone. “How is Jelly Belly?”

  Jimmy looked up at Daniel as he listened to her question. Until she said that he had forgotten about Daniel's nick name. It sure didn't apply anymore. How could he have changed so fast?

  “Are you listening to me?” Sandy snapped.

  “Yeah. We're fine.”

  “Why did you ask if anybody came looking for you. Are you in trouble again?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “You're lying. I can tell.” She laughed. “Your mouth's moving.”

  “We're fine. Uh, seriously, did anybody come by?”

  “Something's wrong.” Sandy asked a little worried now. “Tell me. Are you in trouble with the police again.”

  “No!” He answered louder than he expected.

  “Did you get arrested for trespassing again?”


  “Listen, you little shit, if you don't tell me, I'm going to call Mom.”

  “Wait a minute.” Jimmy covered the mouthpiece. “She said she was going to call Mom if I don't tell her what's wrong.”

  “Good. That's who we wanted to talk to anyway.” Daniel rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  “Duh!” He smacked his forehead. “You're right. I don't know where my brain is.” He spoke back into the phone. “Good. Call Mom or give me the number so I can call.”

  Sandy was stunned. Something must really be wrong or he would never willingly call her. “Jimmy. They didn't leave me a number and said their cell may not get service. They said they would call later. I told them I was going to spend the night with Sara and they would leave the number they're at on the answering machine. She in
haled audibly. “Jimmy something's wrong and you better tell me. They left me Mom's car. Do you want me to come and get you?”

  “She wants to know if we want her to come and get us.”

  Mass confusion tumbled through Daniel's mind. What should they do. They were suppose to meet Lynda at one a.m., but they might get caught if they hang around. Then, if they did go back to Pulaski they would be safer but then they couldn't stay at Jimmy's house. That would be one of the first places the cops would look. Although, if they went to Pulaski they could get some rest but then they would be away from everything and might miss something important. Some clue. Of course if they went he would have time to think. He snorted out-loud.

  “Well?” Jimmy prompted.

  Finally Daniel shook his head. “No. We need to be here close just in case. But could she bring us some food? If we keep stealing they're going to catch on. Ask her if she could meet us at the elementary school at nine thirty. It should be dark by then.”

  “That's a long walk.” Jimmy complained but spoke to Sandy. “We are in a little trouble. I don't want to tell you on the phone but could you bring us some food and meet us at nine thirty at the elementary school.”

  “Okay. I'll be there. Are you physically alright?”

  “I'm fine. Wait a minute let me see if we need anything else.” He raised his eyebrows at Daniel quizzically.

  “A couple flashlights with batteries.”

  Jimmy repeated the request. “And Sandy, if anybody, let us say…, the police, for example; if they ask about us you haven't heard anything. Okay?”

  “Sure. You be careful. I'll see you tonight.”

  “Bye.” Jimmy responded and hung up.

  “Come on let's eat then rest we got to go back through the cave later.”

  Jimmy groaned at the thought of more walking. His feet hurt.