Read Catch A Succubus Page 15

Chapter 15

  They spent the afternoon eating and Jimmy napped while Daniel stood watch glad to have the time to think. It was just after six when Duncan's car came over the hill.

  “Jimmy wake up. They're here.”

  Groggily Jimmy opened his eyes. “Who?”

  “Mom and Duncan. I haven’t seen Tarla. Straighten the bed. I'll be behind the fireplace.”

  Jimmy joined him shortly and pushed the brick sliding the panel closed. He lowered his voice just above a whisper. “You don't think they'll find us here, do you?”

  “No. They shouldn't have any idea we even know about it.” Daniel held his own flashlight he brought from his room and shined it around the small room. “Where's that flashlight we found in the cave? The batteries were low but maybe Sandy will bring us some. Two lights would be better than one.”

  “I laid it down when I put my shoes on. It should be over here.” Jimmy moved pasted him scanning the wooden floor.

  Daniel illuminated every inch of the floor several times.

  “You didn't have it when we went upstairs. Did you?”

  “No, I left it there.” Jimmy moved frantically.

  “Are you sure? Maybe you left it in Tarla's room or in the kitchen.”

  “No! I'm sure I left it right here!” He pointed down at the barren floor. “You don't think somebody else was in the house and found it?”

  “I don't think so.” Daniel shrugged scanning the area again. “I haven’t seen anybody come in except Mom.”

  “Maybe they came up through the cave.”

  “Got me. I guess it's possible. Maybe Lynda.”

  Jimmy opened his mouth to speak but the sound of voices from Daniel's room stopped him.

  “Kelli, try to calm down. Worrying isn't going to find them.” Duncan voice rang clear.

  “I can't help it.” Her voice was weak and raspy from crying.

  They heard him walk across the floor. “I agree with you. Neither one of them boys could have done it.”

  “It's just too ghoulish to consider.” Her voice cracked as she fought back a sob. “That poor man—mutilated. I can't believe it. Daniel couldn't have done it. How could they have gotten out of the back seat? Those cars don't have door handles, do they?”

  “No. They're designed to keep the police safe from the criminal.” Duncan answered.

  “Daniel's not a criminal!” She protested.

  “I know.” His voice was soothing. “Come here.”

  Daniel’s ears strained at the momentary silence, for some odd reason he thought he heard someone snickering hushed laughter.

  “Oh Duncan, something this horrible sounds more like a sexual psychopath, not a teenage boy.”

  “I just don't know. First Gurvis and now the Deputy sexually castrated. It just doesn't make sense.”

  A strangled gasp caught in Daniel's throat as the image of the jar flashed in his mind. He felt himself begin to panic and caught his emotion and focused on Jimmy. He knew his friend was in greater shock.

  “Did you hear something?” He heard his Mom say.

  They held their breath until Duncan broke the stillness. “Probably just the house. It's old. Come on let's fix something to eat. Tarla won't be back until tomorrow.”

  “I hope Aunt Ida is feeling better.” Kelli answered him. “It's so sweet the way country people help each other.” They heard her pause. “I just pray all of this works out okay.”

  “It will.” Duncan said. “Come on let's eat.”

  “I'll fix you something but I don't think my stomach would let me eat anything.”

  “You've got to eat a little something... if just to keep your strength up. I think the next few days are going to be pretty stressful for everybody.”

  Daniel and Jimmy listened while they left his room. When the door closed they exhaled.

  Daniel brought his finger to his lips and barely whispered. “She! Give them a second. They may be in the study.”

  Jimmy nodded and waited.

  After several moments Daniel picked up the garbage bag with their remaining food and indicated for Jimmy to follow him as he descended the staircase to the cave.

  At the bottom they walked several hundred feet before Daniel stopped and turned around.

  “You heard what I heard?”

  Jimmy's voice was shaken. “Yeah. They think we cut Fletcher's dick off.”

  “That must have been it in the jar.”

  “My thoughts exactly. It was too small to be Gurvis's.”

  “This time we know we didn't kill him. To be truthful I've been kind of afraid that the rock I hit might have killed Gurvis. A concussion or something, maybe he had staggered off and died but now I feel pretty sure we didn't kill him.


  “Okay. Me. But somebody killed Fletcher and we know it wasn't either one of us.”

  “Hey, I told you it was Tarla. It was in her room but now they're blaming it on us. Maybe we should go back and get rid of it.”

  “With the way our luck's running they would catch us before we got rid of it. That's all we need.”

  “Now what do we do?”

  “Let's go back to the cavern and wait there until it's time to meet Sandy. Did you think to pick up your watch?”

  “No.” Jimmy shook his head.

  “We'll wait until the sun starts to set and then head up the gravel road to the school.” Daniel turned and headed down the cavern.

  “Daniel I just had a thought. What if it was Lynda? Maybe she's setting us up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She showed us the cave. She's obviously traveled it before. We both feel pretty sure it was her in bed last night. At least we both think the red woman was her. If what the Deputy said about Gurvis screwing anything that moved, she probably had motive to kill him. I mean something like incest can put anybody over the edge. She seems to always be in the landing watching everybody come and go. She could have seen Fletcher driving us off. Figured he was up to something and followed, then while he was unconscious killed him”.

  A lot of what Jimmy was saying made sense but like Tarla something didn't quite fit. “How could she have gotten all the way up past the scout camp to where we were stopped before Fletcher regained consciousness?”

  “Maybe she knows a short cut, a cave or something. If the story she told us about the abortion was true, maybe that's why, she killed him. Gurvis did the abortion so she wasted him then she killed Fletcher to keep him from finding out.”

  “But how did she get that thing in the jar into Tarla's room so fast?”

  Jimmy thought quietly a moment. “When we found her today she didn't arrive from the usual direction through the woods. And she acted really irritated to see us. She seemed to be coming from the cabin where the entry to the cavern is. It took us a while to walk through the woods from the waterfall but she probably knew a short cut, who knows maybe there's more caves than this. You got to admit this is one hellishly long ass cave. This whole area is probably worm-holed with them.”

  Daniel didn't want to entertain the suspicion that Lynda did it but everything Jimmy said made sense. Too much sense. “I don't know. You might be right. I just don't want to believe it.”

  “Maybe her family isn't in some kind of cult, maybe she's deranged. She is kind of different. All that talk about time and energy.”

  The shadow of Daniel's head bobbed against the rough cave walls. “It was strange. I memorized it. 'Time is the speed of energy transference of a body between two given points in relationship to its mass.'”

  “What does it mean or is it just bullshit?”

  “I don't know. Man has always tried to explain time. But it sounded like time is measured between two points and it depends on the amount energy that a body either gives out or takes on. The big question is, if Lynda can somehow control time, that would explain how she could get from point A to point B so fast. Or at least it
would appear fast to us.” Daniel wanted to kick himself for entertaining the thought.

  After a moment Jimmy huffed. “I guess I'm just thinking crazy. I really don't believe anyone can control time which leads us back to how Lynda could have gotten to Fletcher and then back to meet us later. Even all the time it took us hiking through the woods and the time we rested, still doesn't leave her enough time to get there and then back.” Jimmy watched Daniel duck down to keep from bumping his head on the cave's ceiling. “Of course there's still Tarla. She found the Ouija Board and she wasn't around this morning when Fletcher picked us up.”

  “How about Duncan?” Daniel wanted to blame him for it. “He could have followed or something.”

  “But when Gurvis was killed he was with your Mom.”

  “Do we know that for sure? We don't know where they were. All we had was messages Tarla gave us.”

  Jimmy sighed loudly. “I told you. We're back to Tarla.”

  “She confirmed the things Lynda told us, the cults or whatever they are.”

  Daniel stopped when they reentered the cavern shining his light at the gigantic stalactite hanging down. “Seems like the trip back was a lot quicker than the trip going.”

  Jimmy grinned. “Time is relevant?”

  “In our case it's just a perception of time passage. It took the same amount of time. The up hills and down are about even.”

  “We still have some time until sunset, or we should have. Let's explore the rest of the cave. Maybe see if there are any other caves out of this cavern.”

  Daniel nodded reluctantly. He didn't want to think Lynda might be the murderer but they couldn't neglect any possibility. “Okay but let's go up first and see where the sun is. Just to be sure we have enough time!”

  As they passed the stalactite with its white bowl below Jimmy stuck his finger in the liquid. “Why is it white?”

  “Probably lime deposits.”

  “It's freezing.” He stuck his wet finger up to his nose. “Smells like contact solution.”

  Daniel squatted down over the giant dish. “It does smell peculiar.” He stuck his hand in and brought it to his nose and sniffed then stuck his finger to his tongue.

  “Are you crazy? It's liable be poison.” Jimmy shook his head in disbelief.

  “Taste like salt and something bitter. Wonder how deep it is?” Daniel said as he dipped his arm over the edge. “Shit it's cold! Deep too. I can't feel the bottom.”

  “Come on before you fall in. Let's see where the sun is.”

  They worked their way back to the ledge, climbed back up to the small hole and crawled back. They shimmied up the shaft and thought the fireplace exit.

  Rubbing his arms and squinting at the light Daniel mumbled. “I didn't realize how cool it was down there. We should have brought a jacket.”

  “I feel chilled to the bone. I don't want to go back down for a while. We can explore later.”

  Daniel nodded. “Let's leave the thing open in case someone comes we can slip back down.”

  Flattening his hand over his brow Jimmy looked up at the sky. “What time do you think it is?”

  “Seven-thirty or eight, the Sun sets around nine.” Daniel sat down on the wall of the log cabin and Jimmy imitated him.

  They sat there saying very little and watched as the sun lowered over the ridge. As soon as it slipped beneath the edge the shadows began changing from blue to black. Daniel stood up stretching and yawned.

  “Let's go.”

  They tramped through the bushes and undergrowth towards the gravel road which led to the school.

  “As much as we've seen Lynda come and go this way, you would think there would at least be a worn path.” Jimmy complained pushing a bull pine branch away from his face.

  Daniel grunted an agreement but had been wondering the same thing. “Let's make our way over to the edge of the road and then follow it north but stay out of sight in case a car comes down.”

  They spent the next fifteen minutes fighting briars and finally decided it would be easier to go up the graveled road and jump in the bushes if anything came. They walked up and down several hills as fast as they could but slowed down when they came to a two story house sandwiched in a hollow.

  “You know I didn't notice that house when Duncan brought me here.” Daniel eyed it wearily.

  “Maybe that's where Lynda lives. So far it's the only house we've seen. Unless there's one that set further away from the road and it don't have a road to it.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Gurvis had a truck so there had to be some kind of road. He eyed the thick growth surrounding the house and the neglected weather beaten exterior. I don't see any cars…, shouldn't Tarla's car be there? I heard Mom say Tarla was staying with Aunt Ida. Didn't Gurvis live with her and Lynda too? That's what I would have guessed. At least that would seem logical.”

  “That's another thing about Lynda that bothers me. She told us they aborted that baby but I find it hard to believe that old woman, Ida, is some kind of cult murdering, crazy bitch.”

  “She did seem harmless.” Daniel agreed. “Wouldn't you think Tarla's car should be here?”

  “If the old woman was sick maybe she took her to the doctor or they went to town for something.” Jimmy walked past Daniel on up the road and stopped when he didn't hear Daniel following. “Are you coming or what?”

  “I don't see any lights on yet.” Daniel headed up one of the worn tire tracks towards the house. “Let's go peep in the window.”

  Jimmy glanced up at the darkening blue sky. “We're supposed to meet Sandy, remember?”

  “We'll just be a minute.”

  Jimmy shrugged and started up the other dirt tire track. “All right but if we see anybody we're getting the hell out of here.”

  “What're they going to do arrest us for being peeping toms?”

  Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Smart ass. What's another criminal charge?”

  The blackened windowpanes seemed to leer at them as they stepped lightly up the wooden steps and crossed the porch.

  Cupping his hands against the glass Daniel peered in and whispered. “It's too dark. I can't see anything.” He walked over to the door and was surprised when the knob turned. Slowly pushing the door open he looked into the darkened house.

  “You didn't say anything about going in?” Jimmy barely breathed.

  Daniel flicked on the flashlight and ignored the comment stepping into a hallway. He was sure nobody was home or by now they would have turned some lights on. He shined the light on a staircase and then towards a set of closed double doors to his left.

  Jimmy followed and they both jumped when he accidently let the screened door slam shut.

  ”What're you trying to do, give me a heart attack?” Daniel bitched.

  “You? I think I just shit my pants.” Jimmy whispered.” Let's get out of here.”

  ”In a minute. I want to look around and see if Lynda lives here.” He inhaled deeply and called out as loud as he could. “Lynda!”

  “Shut up!” Jimmy demanded beneath his breath. “What are you doing?”

  “Listen.” Daniel paused in the dead silence. “Nobody's here or they would have checked us out by now. It's better to call out than just wander in and have them catch you sneaking around. We can all ways play stupid later.”

  “And they might call the law on us too if they catch us.”

  “If this is Lynda's house she said they didn't have a phone.”

  “If it is Lynda's house and we ain't sure, it won’t matter one way or the other—most of these hicks have shot guns. Did you think about that?” Jimmy stared at him flustered.

  “Well whatever, it don't look like anybody's here.” He pushed open the double doors and they both inhaled in audible gasps.

  On the dining room table laid Gurvis's body, naked!

  Jimmy spun around and ran outside the screened door slamming behind him.

  Daniel p
ushed it open. “What are you running for? We've already seen him dead.”

  “I don't care! That was daylight and it's almost dark.”

  “If you want to find out who's trying to frame us for this you ain't going to do it from outside. We've got to look around for clues.”

  Jimmy tilted his head sideways and lowered his head. “You've lost your ever loving fucking mind. He's not only dead he's naked.” He snarled his lip slightly. “Unless I'm wrong, there's something very wrong with this picture. Weren't they supposed to have taken him away for an autopsy or something? What's he doing sprawled buck naked on the table.” He snorted a laugh. “What is he supposed to be? Supper!”

  Daniel shrugged his shoulders. “Well let's look around and see what we can find out. We certainly won't know unless we look.”

  “I ain't going near him.” Jimmy crossed his arms and shook his head.

  “Suit yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life with a husband named Bubba, it's up to you.” Daniel went back in and let the door pop shut.

  Jimmy stood a second in the growing darkness, nervously eyeing the woods, which seemed to be closing in on him and mutter as he headed back up the steps. “Asshole! He sure knows which strings to pull.”

  Jimmy stood at the double door watching Daniel wander around the room with the flashlight. “I'm back.” He walked cautiously into the room trying not to stare at Gurvis.

  “I don't see anything, just him. Daniel flipped the beam on the body.

  “Why did they cover the pictures on the wall?” Jimmy still refused to look at Gurvis.

  “Some religious thing―part of the wake. Something about, you are supposed to be focusing all your thoughts and memories on the dead.”

  “Mirrors too? Maybe they're vampires?”

  “I tell you I wouldn’t be surprised at anything anymore.” Daniel moved closer to Gurvis and began inspecting the body.

  “If they're having a wake, shouldn't he at least be clothed and in a coffin?” Jimmy watched Daniel's movement.

  “Maybe they went to town to get some clothes? How should I know?” Daniel bent over looking at the side of Gurvis' head. “You know, I always thought an autopsy left big scars and holes but except for a little bruise on the side of the head he don't seem to have any cuts.”

  “Maybe it's on his back?” Jimmy offered.

  “You might be right. Help me push him on his side.”

  “Uh-uh, no way.”

  “Come on dammit. We ain't got all night. We still got to meet Sandy.”

  Jimmy grunted but eased over beside him. Daniel moved beside Gurvis's shoulder, laying the flashlight on the table he put his hands on the body to push. Then jerked back.

  “He feel's warm!” His eyes stared at Gurvis's placid face as if he were going to move or something.

  “Impossible, maybe your hands are just cold.” Jimmy stepped back anyway as he tried to explain Daniel's nervousness.

  “Well, feel for yourself and shouldn't his body be stiff. You know rigor mortis? Never mind. I remember, it leaves the body after about 8 to 12 hours.”

  Jimmy stuck his index finger against Gurvis's side and punched slightly. “He does feel a little warm. Maybe it's just the formaldehyde, a chemical reaction to whatever they used to embalm him.

  “Well help me shove him over on his side and see if they cut on him from the back.”

  They pushed and Gurvis swayed slightly. Daniel gave Jimmy a disgusted look. “Are you going to push or just pretend to. Now on three, push. Ready, one, two, three!”

  The body rolled to the side for a moment as they eyed the un-scarred surface then they let loose and it flopped back with a thud.

  “Did you see anything?” Jimmy stared at the body.

  “No. You?”


  Daniel picked up the flashlight and walked around to the other side of the table shining it along Gurvis's side. “I don't see anything.”

  “I got an idea. Why don't we get rid of the body. Like in the movies. The body is evidence. If they don't have a body they don't have any evidence against us.” Jimmy was surprised and excited by the thought.

  “I think it's too late for that. The cops have already seen the body and done a report. They pronounced him dead.”

  “It don't look like they did any autopsy to me and if they don't have a body they can't convict us for murder.”

  Daniel stared at him for a few seconds thinking about it. In some aspects he was right. It sure as hell didn't look like they had done an autopsy; unless, maybe this house was where they did them. He glanced around at the obvious dining room and shook his head. “That still leaves Fletcher.”

  “Well one count of murder is better than two!” Jimmy was excited by the idea.

  “What would we do with him?”

  Jimmy grunted and stared at blank space for a second. “We could weight it down in the waterfall or down in that milk dish in the cave.”

  Daniel ran the thought around for a second and shook his head. “Alright wise guy. How we are going to carry him that far? He's got to weigh well over two hundred.”

  “We could get Sandy to help. She's got Mom's car.”

  “Do you really, think she'll do it?”

  Jimmy slumped his shoulders. “Probably not but we can try. Maybe we can trick her. If we could find something to wrap him in we could stick him in the trunk. How about this rug under the table?”

  “Wrap him in a Persian rug?” Daniel raised his brows in skepticism.

  Jimmy didn't say anything but started working frantically on the rug trying to pull it out. He gave up after a second and looked to Daniel for help.

  “Okay.” Daniel agreed. “But we're hiding him just until we find out who killed him. He leaned over Gurvis and pushed him to the edge of the table.

  Jimmy's eyes widened and he started to object but closed his mouth. He hurried around to join Daniel and they shoved together until Gurvis's body squeaked against the polished table surface and hit the floor noisily.

  Jimmy looked at Daniel, his face bland except for a faint grin. “You don't think we killed him, do you?”

  Daniel couldn't help chuckling. It was all too sick and macabre, not to laugh. If he didn't laugh he probably would have cried.

  They rolled him onto the hardwood floor and picked the table up moving it out of the way. Then they rolled Gurvis's body onto the rug and began cocooning him in the richly colored wool until he lay in a clumped roll.

  Daniel exhaled trying to wipe the creepy sensation in his hands on his jeans. “Let's go find Sandy. I hope this works. What have we got to lose. We're going to prison anyway.”

  They left Gurvis lying wrapped in the rug and set out to meet Sandy. The sun was well below the ridge and the sky was fading to a hazy black. Kicking at gravel they felt secure since cloaked in darkness they would have advance notice of any car lights.

  As they neared the top of the last hill, they moved to roadside and quieted their pace. Squatting low they scurried up a dirt bank and began creeping across the grassed ball field behind the school.

  “I don't see any cars yet.” Daniel whispered to the outlined figure behind him.

  “She's probably around front.” Jimmy lowered himself beside the brick wall of the school and moved around Daniel to take the lead. At the corner of the building he stopped and peeped around.

  “See her?”

  “Not yet.” Jimmy scratched at his gritty scalp. “You don't think we missed her do you?”

  Daniel glanced up at the western sky. “No, it should be around nine-thirty.” He leaned against the building and skidded down to the ground. “Sit down. She'll be along soon.”

  Jimmy grunted as he imitated the slide and found the brick scrapped harder than he expected.

  They crouched lower against when a car light rose over the hill’s crest on the hard surfaced road running along the front of the school. A
s the car approached they laid down on their stomach and sighed with disappointment when it passed.

  Just as they were starting to sit up another light beamed over the hill and swiftly whipped into the school parking lot screeching to a halt.

  “Do you think ...?”

  The car horn blared before Daniel finished his question.

  Jimmy stood up grumbling. “It's her. Only she would be stupid enough to make such a racket after I tried to tell her we were in trouble. Besides I recognize the horn.”

  As Jimmy walked over to the rear of the car he took his foot and slammed it down on the bumper. The car bounced a second and then jumped forward beginning to speed off.

  “Sandy!” Jimmy yelled while running forward pounding on the trunk with his fists.

  The brake lights flared and the car stopped abruptly causing him to plow into it. He recovered and started around to the passenger’s side when the door opened and Sandy jumped out.

  “You little shit! You scared the hell out of me.” She started towards him her face lit by the overhead interior car light displayed her fright and anger. She stopped in front of her brother and stared opened mouth. She was dumbstruck by the weary exhaustion on his face. She stepped closer searching for a comment and was surprised that she didn't have to look down at him as she usually did. He had grown and was now several inches taller than she was. The biggest shock was the figure looming behind him almost a head taller than Jimmy.

  “Who's that with you?” She backed a half pace.

  Jimmy surprised by her question twisted around to see who she was talking about but only saw Daniel.

  Jimmy shook his head turning back in dismay he was standing face to face with her. He had grown too! He was a couple inches taller than she was. That must mean he was five ten and Daniel was pushing six-four or more. It was unbelievable when he realized what she must be seeing.

  “It's Daniel. You know him. He tried to sound comforting realizing she must be shocked by their change. Change he hadn't even realized.

  Sandy was glad the interior light was in her back hiding some of her shocked surprise.

  “Get in and tell me what's going on.” She turned hoping her face was still hidden and got behind the wheel.

  Jimmy went around to the passenger side and Daniel opened the back door and climbed in behind her. She fought the curious desire to turn around and stare at him. She fiddled with her face in the rear view mirror and readjusted it to catch a glimpse of Daniel. Stark amazement struck her as she eyed his face and shoulders in the reflection. His once chubby face was now lean and muscular and was so striking she thought her heart fluttered. He had changed so much she would have never recognized him if she had seen him on the street.

  Jimmy yanked open the door and crawled in and looked at her glancing around the area.

  “Sandy drive around. We better not sit here.”

  Sandy gave him another surprised glance and eased the car into gear. “Okay where do we go?”

  Jimmy glanced down at the digital clock. “How about down the gravel road, like we're going back to Daniel's.”

  “Okay but I didn't think you wanted to go there.”

  “We've got something we need to pick up.”

  “She eased out of the school onto the hard surface and then turned onto the road. “Here, I brought you some hamburgers and fries.”

  Jimmy turned to Daniel and said. “Now these don’t count. Shear coincident.”

  Daniel laughed.

  “Now tell me what's going on.” She drove slowly to keep the rocks from popping up and scratching her mother's car.

  Sandy felt a gasp catch in her throat when Daniel leaned against the back to the front seat, his warm breath tickling her neck.

  “Sandy.” His voice rang gently near her ear a rich melodious tenor timber. “Thanks for coming. We have to stop and pick up something and then we promise we will tell you everything that's happened.

  She nodded unable to speak at the pleasing effect his voice had on her.

  “At the bottom of this next hill there's a house on the left we need you to pull into the dirt driveway.”

  At the bottom of the hill she slowed down to a near crawl looking for the drive.

  “There it is.” Jimmy leaned forwarded and pointed as she turned in.

  Jimmy and Daniel got out and walked to the front of the car.

  “Do you think we can drag him?” Jimmy scanned the area and stared at house illuminated by the headlights.

  “We're going to have to try. I don't think we can get her to help.” Daniel glanced at the dark interior where Sandy sat. He walked back to her window and leaned down as the window glided down as she flipped the lever.

  “Sandy we've got something rather large and need to get you to open the trunk. It's kind of heavy and we'll probably have to drag it.”

  She turned off the engine and got out leaving the car beams on. She unlocked the trunk as they disappeared into the building. She stood there watching the front of the house for several minutes and watched as the door opened and Jimmy backed out dragging a rug. Daniel was beside him as they pulled and maneuvered it roughly down the steps. The obvious weight of the rug thumped hard on the wooden steps.

  They slowly dragged the rug towards her and around to the rear. She watched as they let the rug fall in its rolled clump and stretched their muscles and then they squatted down and grabbed each end lifting with arms, back and legs, using the car bumper to rest the weight.

  “Rest it against the bumper and then let's try to roll it.” Daniel directed.

  As they struggled Sandy moved to the center of the rug and began shoving until they finally had it over the lip of the trunk. She leaned back and watched as they tried to fold it into the small area.

  “We're going to have to let part of it stick out.” Daniel finally exhaled and turned to Sandy. “Have you got anything we can tie the lid down with?”

  “No. What's in that?”

  “We'll tell you in a little while but we need to get out of here.” Jimmy explained as he pulled his belt off and began looping it through the lid and to the frame of the car.

  After they tugged on it several times they got back into the car and Sandy put it in reverse. “Now where?”

  “Go like you're going to my house.” Daniel said.

  After several minutes of driving slowly Sandy came to the turn to Daniel's house. “Well?” She snapped.

  “Just pass the gate. We're going down to a waterfall. Where the road forks go left.” Jimmy leaned back not offering any additional information.

  She drove passed. “Are you going to tell me what's going on? Are you two stealing something?”

  “Not exactly.” Jimmy answered.

  “Listen, I've been patient so far but I'm getting fed up. I want to know what you got in the trunk.” She added with a joke. “What is it? A dead body.”

  Jimmy twisted his head fast looking at her but didn't answer.

  She glanced over at the horror on his face. “You can't be serious. You really got a body in the trunk?”

  When they didn't answer the thought struck home with a force. “Oh my god! It really is a body. What have y’all done?” She slammed on the brakes causing the car to slide to a halt. “Are you crazy?” She began to scream.

  Daniel leaned forward. “I promise we'll tell you as soon as we get to the waterfall.”

  She turned around to object and found his face was almost against her. Shock, surprise and disgust ran through her and his decisive forcefulness coupled with his nearness caused her to continue as he suggested.

  “Pull over right there.” Jimmy indicated the flat space alongside the road where they had stopped with Fletcher. “Daniel, where are we going to put it?”

  “If my guess is right I think we can hide it behind the fall.”

  “Behind?” Jimmy mouthed.

  “I'm willing to bet there's a cave there and I bet it leads t
o the cavern.”

  Daniel got out and headed towards the roar. He flipped on the flashlight and walked to its edge. The water showered his body as he stepped into the rush. The cold made him shiver a gasp and then he was through. He used his body to keep the flashlight as dry as possible and found he wasn't surprised at the cave. As he stood there he couldn't help but think of Lynda, more doubt creeping in as he speculated on her trip here. Could she have possibly killed Fletcher? He dismissed the thought and focused on the job at hand. He walked back through the fall and gasped again at the cold pounding soaking him.

  Jimmy had already removed the belt tie and replaced it on his waist as he returned. “Well?”

  Daniel nodded. “There's a cave.” He then turned to Sandy. “As soon as we get this in the cave we'll tell you. Okay?”

  Sandy just looked at him blankly, more spellbound by Daniel's presences than the fact there was a body in the trunk. She managed to take the flashlight Daniel offered and watched as her―no longer little brother and his big friend wrestled with the rug.

  She gasped as the body fell to the ground with a thump and the flashlight illuminated it. A patch of murky red seemed to be bleeding through the middle of the rug.

  “What's that?” Jimmy leaned down closer for inspection and then looked up to Daniel.

  “Something's wrong.” Daniel grabbed the rugs edge and began to unroll. “There wasn't any blood before.”

  As he reached the last flap and jerked it back Sandy gasped, Jimmy backed up and Daniel fell backward on his ass.

  Fletcher not Gurvis lay naked on his back, his bloody castrated body exposed.

  Sandy dropped the light and ran to the front of the car shaking in panic. Jimmy followed and Daniel recovered and stood up picking up the flashlight and inspecting Fletcher again.

  He then looked as Sandy sobbed and clung to her brother. Slowly he walked around and joined them.

  “What have you done?” Sandy cried in choked sobs.

  Jimmy watched him approach in blank shock swallowing a thick lump in his throat he looked to Daniel with the unspoken question.

  “Somebody switched it on us.” Daniel moved closer wishing he could share their comfort.

  In the headlight glare, Jimmy could read his face, his loneliness and reached pulling him into their hug.

  Sandy's sobs quieted as she felt Daniel's body joining them. His hard muscular body seemed to be absorbing her fear and her sobs began to diminish. When she regained her control, she found her head resting on Daniel's shoulder. Her sun bleached hair matted to his shirt mixed with her tears and his cold wet clothes. One arm around Jimmy and the other clung to Daniel’s damp body.

  She leaned back and stared at Daniel in trembling disbelief. Her pallid blue eyes flung wide. “Did you kill him?”

  “We didn't.” Daniel eased away from them.

  “I swear we didn't kill them.” Jimmy added.

  “Them?” Her eyes flew open even wider.

  “There's been two murders and we're being blamed.” Daniel began. “Why don't you sit on the hood of the car and we'll try to explain.”

  She looked to her brother for confirmation but when he didn't say anything she looked back at him. “I'll stand.” She hugged her body trying to keep from shaking. Daniel's dampness, his nearness and the shock of the mutilated body set her nerves on a fragmented edge.

  “Suit yourself but it'll take a while.” Daniel leaned against the front of the car thankful for its warmth. Even though the night was warm the cold of the waterfall seemed to be settling into his body.

  Daniel kept glancing at her face for the next twenty minutes as he explained the unusual events of the past few days. She remained quiet and he found himself telling her everything. Leaving out, only the explicit details of the sexual encounters or the fact that he and Jimmy had shared the one woman but indicated sexual acts had happened. He explained the run in with Gurvis and what he had tried to do to them.

  He watched as her face changed colors as he told of each incident. What the Deputy had tried to do and even the incident with the crabs; their suspicions about Lynda and the meeting that was planned for later that night.

  Sandy's mind reeled as his story unwound. Disbelief bombarded her but the proof of the mangled body flashing was in her mind. Her little brother was now looking like he was eighteen and Daniel looks as if he were nineteen. It was more proof than her mind would allow. She found her face reddening as he told of sexual encounters.

  “And then we met you at the school.” Daniel finished watching her intently.

  “Oh god.” She finally squalled out turning to her brother. “This is too much to believe.” She reached out to touch her brother. “And you've both been sexually abused. What am I going to do? You poor thing abused like that.”

  Jimmy pulled back his forehead wrinkled and copped an attitude. “Abused? Like hell. With the exception of the murders it was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Are you crazy? You're still a kid!” She couldn't believe him.

  “What are you Saint Sandra? You don't expect me to believe you and Hot Shot ain't been fucking around. Well I'm growing up too.” He screamed.

  Sandy's hand reached out slapping him as hard as she could before her mind realized what she was doing. Jimmy's face went white with the imprint of her palm as the rest of it went red in rage.

  He grabbed her hair and they hit the ground.

  “Stop it! Break it up!” Daniel screamed to no avail as they twisted on the ground. He reached behind him and pulled out the pistol stuck in his pants and flipped the safety.

  “Pow!” The sound roared through the still of the night and echoed through the hollows louder than he anticipated but they came to a sudden halt.

  “What have you done?” Jimmy looked up at him his hands tangled in Sandy's hair. “You want to have everybody down on us.”

  They let loose of each other and stood up dusting themselves off.

  “Let's get rid of the body and get out of here then.” Daniel ordered and went around to the body.

  “I'm sorry Jimmy. I didn't mean to slap you. It's just that I....” She searched for words.

  Jimmy shrugged. “It's okay. I'm to blame. Come on, hold the light while we move the body.”

  Sandy followed and took the flashlight Daniel offered. She held it out illuminating the ground refusing to look at the mangled body.

  “Let's wrap him back in the rug. He'll be easier to move.” Daniel began folding on the rug.

  They dragged him across the sandy pebble surface to the waterfall. Daniel paused and reached out for the flashlight Sandy carried. “No need in all of us getting wet.” He took the light and held it with his armpit as he and Jimmy backed through the fall.

  They pulled it about five feet into the cave and let loose. The surface was cool and moist.

  “It's cool enough in here to keep him from stinking.” Daniel said and then added in afterthought. “I hope.”

  They walked back through the falls and towards the car. When they got in the car Sandy turned the heater on knowing they were cold even though it was uncomfortable for her.

  “Now what?” She glanced down at the gas gage glad she had filled it up before she left town. It had been running since they arrived.

  “Head back the way we came.” Daniel said from the back seat. “Let me off at my gate. I've got to meet Lynda.”

  “What do you mean let you off?” Jimmy twisted around looking at him.

  “You go on home with Sandy.”

  “No way. I'm not letting you meet her by yourself. You ain't getting rid of me. I'm in way too deep anyway.”

  Daniel opened his mouth to object but changed his mind. Jimmy was right. They were both in it. “Okay. Sandy let us out at the gate and we'll try to call you tomorrow if we can use the phone. I won't promise you.”

  “I'm staying with you. Somebody's got to keep you two out of trouble.”
  “Too late.” Jimmy grinned wearily in the dark. “Daniel's right. You go on home.”

  “No.” She defied flatly and simply, indicating she wasn't willing to discuss it.

  “We have to meet Lynda at my house, which means we've got to walk it. What are you going to do with the car?” Daniel reasoned.

  She sat there quietly thinking. “What time do you have to meet this Lynda?” She surprised herself as she spit out the girl's name. She hoped they didn't realize how venomously jealous it sounded. Why had the emotion even hit her?

  “One.” Daniel answered.

  “It's eleven now.” She pinched the back of her earring. “Why don't we park down the road just before we get to your gate. If we meet her at one, we should be out of there before threeish. You can come back to our house and sleep during the day and I'll bring you back tomorrow at dark. You can't keep hidden during the day.” What was she thinking? How could she hide them from the law? It would only get her in trouble too but he was her brother, and then there was Daniel. Daniel? What was wrong with her, he is still only a kid. But so beautiful. She felt her cheeks burn and looked away.

  “Yeah, why not?” Jimmy looked to Daniel.

  He just shook his head. “We can't. Your house will be one of the first places they’ll look.”

  “How about your old house. Nobody's living there yet. Do you still have a key?” Jimmy asked.

  “I have a key but they'll probably think to look there too.”

  Sandy was beginning to feel frustrated. “Well you got to go somewhere to rest. You look like you're ready to drop as it is.”

  Daniel pulled at his wet clothes. “I would like to clean up. I just don't know.” He paused. “You know I would have thought they would have swarmed this area. Cops and dogs but we haven't seen any evidence. It don't make any sense.”

  Jimmy perked up. “I hadn't thought of that. It is kind of strange. They should have somebody out here now and with you shooting off that gun they would have been down on us. Maybe they gave up.”

  “I don't think they would give up that easy. You know I don't think they've called anybody else in. Fletcher was a cop. Cops don't let up when you kill one of their own and why the body switch, and how?”

  “You think the police are in on it?” Sandy pulled the car over just before the curve to Daniel's gate and turned off the engine and lights.

  “So much has happened I don't know what's going on.” Daniel answered.

  “Let's go.” Sandy opened the door and the interior light blared on causing them to squint.

  “Come on Sandy, you can't go with us. It's too dangerous.” Daniel tried, knowing it wouldn't do any good. When she made up her mind, she did what she wanted.

  “Don't even attempt to try talking me out of it. You're just wasting your breath.” Her tiny nostrils flared gently.

  “Alright let's go.” Daniel got out and pushed the door lock down, slamming it harder than he intended.

  “Just chill.” Jimmy intervened. “Three heads are better than one. Even if she is my sis, she's no dumb ass. She'll be a lot of help.”

  Sandy was surprised by his comments and started to thank him but caught herself. She knew him too well. He would puff up and take it all back but it was the nicest thing he had ever said about her. She smiled in the dark her respect for her baby brother increasing a notch.

  “Where do we meet Lynda?” This time she was careful to sound pleasant.

  Daniel flicked on the flashlight and grinned at her. He had never seen her act like this and he had the strangest feeling he was the cause. “Back in my room. We could take the road over the hill but I don't know about Jimmy but that hill gives me the creeps. The first night we met Tarla there and then Gurvis there. Seems like something is always happening there. So maybe we should go through the cave.”

  “Why can't we wait in the cave?” Jimmy complained. “I'm tired of walking. Besides she’s got to come through there to get in the house. That's the way she came last night.” He eyed Sandy reaction. “I mean that's the way she got in the house… through the back of the fireplace, if it was her; so she's got to come through the cavern.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Daniel led the way down the road to the tree crossing the stream. On the other side he held out his hand to Sandy to guide her across and was rewarded with a smile.

  “Ain't you going to help me across?” Jimmy jokingly complained.

  “You're already wet. What's a little more water.” Daniel grunted but held out his hand and grinned. “I didn't realize you were such a lady.”

  Jimmy huffed and ignored the offering. He hurried across the log so fast he almost fell, in spite of himself, causing Daniel to grab a hold to steady him.

  “You know as cold as those caves are we're going to freeze down there with these wet clothes.” Daniel headed through the thicket towards the cabin.

  At the cabin instead of opening the entrance to the cavern he sat down on a moss covered log. “Let's dry at a little more before we go down. He flashed the light on Sandy's arm revealing her watch. “What time is it?”

  “Eleven thirty.”

  Daniel turned to her. “Did you bring another flashlight and batteries?”

  “I left them in the car. I forgot about them.”

  “How about some more food?” Jimmy asked.

  Her lip curled. “It's in the trunk where the body was.”

  “Ugh!” Jimmy grumbled. “I just lost my appetite

  “We should go back and get the flashlight.” Daniel said but his body kept telling him no.

  “I don't know if I can even stand up.” Jimmy complained. “My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts and I'm thirsty. Just turn off the light and save the batteries. It should have enough to last for tonight.”

  “And sit in the dark?” Sandy's asked trying not to sound scared.

  “You want to walk back and get the batteries you forgot?” Jimmy looked directly at her accusingly.

  “Not by myself.”

  “Turn off the light Daniel.” Jimmy ordered.

  “He's right. We should save the batteries.” Daniel watched as they moved closer to him and sat down. When the light went out the black darkness of the foliage closed in but the stars overhead brightened.

  They sat there listening to the sounds of crickets and katydids. A bright blue tinted meteor streaked it fading trek.

  “Did you see that?” Sandy whispered.

  “Yeah, beautiful, wasn't it.” Daniel's voice was deep and gentle.

  “I always heard a shooting star meant someone was going to die.” Jimmy cut in, his voice higher than Daniel's but deeper than usual.

  “It's just a meteor burning up.” Daniel offered. “It is just a superstition like the calling of a whip-poor-will.”

  As he spoke their darkness was pierced by the melodious cry of a whip-poor-will crying out.

  “What was that?” Sandy's breath caught in her throat.

  “That was a whip-poor-will.” Jimmy said all knowingly.

  “Daniel what were you going to say it meant?” She asked.

  “It just another superstition, it's nothing.”

  “Nothing!” Jimmy blurted out. “It means somebody close to you is going to die.”

  “Oh.” Sandy felt a chill run up her spine. Her bravado failing she tried to produce a brave front. “Like Daniel said it’s only a superstition.”

  Daniel opened his mouth but shut it. About the incidents happening he hadn't added the believe that he thought he had created those things. The snake and then the crabs had to be just a coincident but then now the whip-poor-will. He shook his head in the dark glad they couldn't see him. And the flashlight, he had forgotten about it but when he tried to produce food he hadn't been able to. What had he done to cause it?

  “What time is it?” Daniel changed the subject and flicked on the flashlight.

  Sandy held her wr
ist up squinting at it. “Eleven thirty.” She put her wrist down but then her eyes flew open pulling her watch up again. She tapped on it. “It can't be eleven thirty. My watch stopped!”

  “Time again.” Jimmy smirked, “Seems like it keeps coming up.”

  “What?” Sandy looked at him.

  “Lynda. She said something about controlling time. Some crazy formula or something. Ask Daniel, I don't understand it.”

  Sandy looked to where Daniel sat and said, “Well?”

  He shrugged. “I don't understand it either. Something about her family, teaching them how to control time. I memorized it. She said, 'time is the speed of energy transference of a body between two given points in relationship to its mass,' but I haven't got the faintest idea what it means. I will say though, that every time I've come here, seems time gets screwed up.”

  “I think it's time you turned the flashlight off.” Jimmy complained. “I don't want to be walking around in the dark later.”

  They sat there in the dark quietly while their eyes readjusted to the shadows.

  “Go through these people again.” Sandy finally said, uncomfortable with the stillness. “We got to try to look at this logically. Name everybody you've met and how you met them. That might give us a clue to what's going on.”

  “Okay.” Daniel said and then asked. “Everybody since I've been here, right?”

  Sandy nodded and then felt foolish when she realize he couldn’t see her. “Yeah everybody, and in order of when you met them; don't leave out anybody, even if they seem insignificant.”

  Daniel thought back for a second remembering the day he came. “I met Tarla first. Then Jimmy came. Gurvis and Brownie.”

  “We met Brownie before Gurvis.” Jimmy interrupted and you forgot the two people that you screwed with before I got here.” Jimmy laughed when Sandy huffed. “I mean the two that sexually abused you.”

  Daniel felt his face flush and was glad he was sitting in the dark. He grunted and kicked Jimmy. “All right, all ready. I meet Tarla. Then two people, female and male. Is that better!” He snapped.

  “Jimmy's right. I know you don't want to talk about it in front of me but we need to know.” Her voice was soothing.

  “Yeah Daniel, I'm right.” The grin in his voice was reflected.

  “I think the female was Brownie and the male was Gurvis. Oops, I forgot I met Lynda before that. Right here.” He raised his hands and used his fingers to count the people. “Let me see if I can list them first and then I'll tell you where. Now there's Tarla, then Lynda, the male and female that first night, then Jimmy came. Now there's a criminal if I've ever seen one.”

  Jimmy didn't say anything but kicked him in the calf of his leg.

  “Ouch! Okay, after Jimmy came, we met Brownie then Gurvis. Then the old lady Ida, and Fletcher, the two that picked up Gurvis's body. I can't remember their name then you came. That's twelve if I count you too, Sandy.”

  “How about the blue lady before I came.” Jimmy added. “And then the red lady attacked you. The red and blue women that screwed you and me. That's sixteen and if you count Duncan and your Mom, that's eighteen and then there’s you. Nineteen.”

  Sandy broke in. “Nineteen. Forget the three of us, your Mom and Duncan and ....”

  “Wait a minute.” Daniel waved his hand in the dark. “We can't exclude Duncan, he had the pictures. And I don't want to admit it but Jimmy thinks Mom might have been the one that visited us as the blue lady.”

  Jimmy's mind wandered off as he thought about the night, he followed the blue lady back and then saw them screwing. He tried to picture it. It had been bothering him ever since he mentioned it might be Daniel's Mom. He had it. He knew what it was. No it wasn't possible, was it? It's impossible but then nothing seemed to be making sense. The image of Duncan's ass was bobbing up and down on Kelli. His ass had seemed hairless but it was more than just hairless it was round like a woman's. He tried to rebuild the scene with the glow of the candle. He gasped inaudibly. Duncan's body had been glowing blue. The yellow candle light combined with his blue glow had made the room seem greenish.

  “Danny!” Jimmy interrupted them.

  “What!” He snapped back at the nickname he never used.

  “Sorry, but listen to this. When I followed the blue lady back to your parents’ room,” he paused as he felt Daniel bristle, “Duncan and your Mom's room, but there was something else. I just remembered. I think Duncan was the blue lady!”

  “What! Are you crazy?” Daniel sputtered.

  “Listen. It makes sense if what Lynda told us has any truth. The red clan only wants female babies, that's why they aborted your kid.” Jimmy pointed out.

  “If that has any truth to it.” Daniel added.

  “Well if it does, it makes sense. We seem to know the people in the red clan. Brownie, Lynda, the old lady Ida and Gurvis.”

  “But I thought Gurvis was a guy.” Sandy interrupted.

  “Lynda said he was a woman in a man's body. I guess that was why he was a homo. He couldn't impregnate but any way, listen to this. How can the men's clan have babies?” He didn't wait for them to answer. “They can't. We don't even know who they are but what if Duncan is part of this clan. Who knows maybe Fletcher was too. For all we know if there really is such a group, those two body ghouls might be part of it too. Here's what I remember. When I followed the blue lady to their room and saw them screwing, Duncan's body looked blue. The candle in the room was yellow and the rest of the room looked green. Yellow and blue make green.” He stopped as if it was perfectly clear and waited for Daniel to answer.

  “I don't get your point.” Daniel finally said.

  “I think Duncan is like Gurvis but his body can change. He was a woman, the blue lady. Well what if this men's group has some kind of problem and their sperms no good. Duncan changed to the blue lady and then screwed us. You that first time but it didn't take. Unless it was a girl baby and they aborted it like the women did the boy baby.”

  “You mean he took the sperm back to my mother!” Daniel was indignant with the thought he might have impregnated his own mother.

  “Well it makes as much sense as your mother coming and doing it with us. The blue lady came, I mean, I came in the blue lady. I followed her back and then she changed to Duncan and deposited my sperm in your Mom.”

  “Jimmy, you've gone crazy.” Sandy accused. “I've never heard anything so outlandish in my life.”

  “You ain't been here. You ain't got the slightest idea what's been going on.” He argued in anger. He felt sure that it was the answer.

  “Sandy. What he's saying makes as much sense as anything else.”

  “There see. Smart ass. You think you know everything. You don't know nothing.”

  “It's pretty far fetched.” She didn't believe a word of it but there was a dead body, she had seen it. Something was definitely wrong and if what they said was true it wasn't the body they originally wrapped in the rug. They didn't have any reason to lie to her. Did they?

  “Yeah, far fetched, like a pickled cock in a jar,” Jimmy added. “Or snakes in a room, crabs covering the Deputy. A flashlight from nowhere. Your brand new watch stopping. What about that?”

  “It's all explainable. Nothing supernatural. The battery went dead.”

  “How about Daniel's vision and the voice he keeps hearing.”

  “You didn't tell me about that.”

  “I was here and I saw this scene. It seemed real and it was daylight. I was watching these northern soldiers, or that was the impression I got, they raped and killed a woman and girl in this cabin. Then they set it on fire, laughing about it.”

  “Oh. And the voice?”

  He sighed audibly and shrugged his shoulders in the dark. “Probably my imagination but I've heard it several times. It says, 'when the earth and sky meets the sea.”

  “The closest sea is Virginia Beach, th
ree hundred miles.”

  “I know. It don't make sense.”

  “How about-how much Daniel's changed.” Jimmy nodded to himself.

  “Puberty.” Sandy answered. “Everybody goes through it.”

  “Come on nobody grows a foot in a week. I don't care how much pussy he gets and we've been getting our share. I've even grown since I've been here. I can tell. My jeans look like I'm wading high waters.”

  “I was shocked by that but sometimes people grow fast when they reach puberty. You go home at the end of the school year taller than the boys in your class and when school starts they're taller than you.”

  “A foot in a week?” Jimmy reiterated.

  “Now, that's kind of surprising. To be truthful, I wouldn't have known Daniel if I saw him on the street.”

  “Really?” Daniel was surprised. Had he really changed that much? “Is that good or bad?”

  “Oh good, very good.” She was glad he couldn't see her face and embarrassed at how it must have sounded.

  He puffed his chest up and flexed his new muscles in the dark. It must really be true, he had changed.

  “Thank you.” He said shyly.

  “Are you two finished? We've got more to worry about than Daniel's beautiful body.” Jimmy razed.

  “Beautiful, eh? You too, huh?” Daniel grinned.

  “Oh shut up!” Jimmy cut but remembered the excitement he had felt when they had shared the red lady. At least Daniel hadn't told Sandy about that. Was he turning into a homo? He guessed there were worse things, he just couldn't think of them at the moment. He chuckled, maybe he was ambidextrous.

  “What's so funny?” Daniel joked. “You really like my body that much?”

  He would shut him up and he knew how. “I guess I'm just one of those ambidextrous guys.”

  Daniel shut his mouth fast as the memory Jimmy conjured appeared.

  “You use both hands?” Sandy asked in confusion.

  “Without missing a stroke, Sis... without missing a stroke.”

  “You little gutter mouth. Mom should have washed your mouth out with soap when you were little.”

  Daniel heard the argument rising and intervened. “Don't start, not now. I'm too tired for it.”

  In the shadows a sharp cracking sound attracted their attention. They sat there listening, holding their breath as the sound changed to footsteps and grew closer.


  “It's Lynda.” He stood up and flicked on the light. “Hi, we're over here.”

  Lynda stared down at Sandy as she approached them. “Who's that?”

  “Jimmy's sister. Sandy this is Lynda.”

  Sandy nodded watching the girl. “Hello. I've heard all about you.”

  Jimmy groaned as he listed to his sister. He knew that tone and it usually meant war.

  Lynda ignored her and turned to Daniel. “I thought you were going to meet me at the house?”

  “We were but we had to meet Sandy. We got tired and sat down to rest and the time slipped up on us.” Why was he defending himself? She should be the one answering questions. “How did you walk through the dark like that?”

  “I've done it a million times.”

  “In the dark? You could still step on something.” He started to say like a snake but was afraid he might conjure one up.

  “If you must know I can see in the dark.” She shrugged. “It's part of our training.”

  “Prove it.” He turned off the light and held up three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”


  Lucky guess, he thought. “Now how many?” He held up five.

  “Five and your girlfriend, is holding up her middle finger.”

  Sandy gasped and closed her hand.

  Daniel flicked on the light and looked down at Sandy.

  “Lucky guess?” Sandy said sheepishly and stood up.

  “We've got some questions we want to ask you.” Daniel stepped between them to avoid a cat fight.

  “I'm pregnant.” She blurted out.

  Daniel's face drained of blood and he swayed backward. Jimmy sat there with his jaw gapping.

  Sandy moved around Daniel and confronted her. “Yeah, sure you are and I'm Madonna.” She turned and looked at Daniel. “There ain't no way. Don't believe her.” She flared back around at Lynda. “You little slut, they just screwed you last night, and already you're telling them you're pregnant. No way. It's somebody else's and you're trying to blame it on him. Don't listen to her Daniel.”

  Daniel wasn't too sure, too much had been happening. He glanced at Jimmy's face and knew his own face was the same shade of pale. He opened his voice to speak but nothing came out.

  “You don't believe her, do you?” Sandy's face showed her shocked surprise that he could even believe it. “Doctors can’t even tell that fast. If she's pregnant it's probably that Gurvis fellow and she's just trying to blame it on you.”

  “Who said it was his.” Lynda looked her in the eyes and glared. “Maybe it's your sweet little brother's?”

  “You little cunt.” Sandy slapped her in the face and made herself ready for the attack.

  Instead, Lynda crumbled to the ground and started crying, shaking her head. “You don't understand.”

  “I'm not some naive kid. I understand more than you think and your crocodile tears don't bother me in the least.”

  Jimmy immediately crawled across the ground and hugged her.

  “Jimmy!” Sandy accused half relived it was her brother that had sex with the slut and not Daniel. “You fucked this little whore?”

  Jimmy eyes shot daggers up at her. His voice shook with anger and gritted his teeth. “You don't know what's going on, so just for once in your life―just shut your mouth!”

  Sandy rolled her eyes up at the stars and walked several paces away. Finally, she turned around. “You little jerk are you that stupid?”

  Daniel stood there not knowing which girl to turn to. After a second he walked over and crouched down hugging Lynda. “Shh! It'll be all right.”

  “What did you fuck her too?” Sandy asked in dismay. When he didn't answer her jaw gapped. “You did. Didn't you?” She moved closer and stared down accusingly and spoke with sarcasm in her voice. “Did you take turns? An orgy, maybe? Or both at the same time?”

  The silence was deafening and when the realization hit her she sat down on the log wall. “You two little pervs. I can't believe it. You did fuck her at the same time!”

  Lynda choked a sob off and looked over at her. “You're right it was my fault. Not theirs.” She sniffed. “Don't blame them. They didn't have a choice. When the lust fire is kindled it can't be resisted without herbs.”

  Sandy narrowed her eyes. “Lust fire? You got that right honey. Males do most of their thinking with their cocks.”

  Daniel's face was flat with surprising fury as he stared at Sandy. “That's enough Sandy. You don't understand.”

  She opened her mouth to say something but shut up when his eyes flared.

  Daniel turned back and ran his hand through her hair. “Sit down and take a breath and tell us what's going on.”

  Lynda tucked her skirt around her legs and lowered herself the rest of the way to the ground. She took the upper arm sleeve of her blouse and wiped at her face. Finally she looked up at Daniel and then to Jimmy.

  “It's worse than just pregnant.” She inhaled a deep breath.

  “It's a boy?” Daniel gasped and reached for her. “They're going to kill it?”

  “It's twins. One of each and they don't know what to do. They're having a meeting now trying to figure it out. They can't get rid of the male without getting rid of the girl too.”

  Daniel cleared his throat. “They're ours?”

  Lynda only nodded in answer.

  “Both or just one of us?” Jimmy managed to ask.

  “Both.” She whispered.

Sandy stood up and walked over staring down at them. Her arms crossed she shook her head in utter disbelief. “I can't believe you two. This is the biggest crock of shit I ever heard and you're eating it up.”

  Daniel ignored her centering his attention on Lynda. “When will they make the decision?”


  Jimmy stared down at the ground and then looked up tenderly. “What do you want?”

  “I want to keep them.” She inhaled a sob.

  “And if they say no?” Daniel asked.

  “I wouldn't have any choice. Their will is too strong.”

  “How long does it take to uh,” Jimmy searched his mind for the gentle words, “to go full term?”

  Sandy put her hands on her hips and bent over. “It takes nine months you dumb little shit. Don't you know anything?”

  Lynda looked over at him. “If they don't terminate, it'll be tomorrow evening.”

  Sandy whirled around, throwing her hands in the air and walked away. Her head swaying around in total disbelief. “I've never heard anything like this in my life. I'm in the middle of a bunch of lunatics.”

  “Daniel stood up and looked gravely at Jimmy. “We've got to get her to a hospital.”

  He stood up and put his hand under her arm, helping her up. “He's right. We've got to get you away from here.”

  “I, I, just don't know.” She stammered. “I don't need a hospital.”

  Sandy swung around. “You got that wrong sugar. You need an asylum.”

  “We can't stay here.” Daniel ran both hands through his hair. “We sure can't deliver any babies.”

  “I can do it myself, if they don't kill them.”

  “I don't know about delivering them but I do know we got to get out of here.” Daniel looked to Jimmy hopeful.

  “Let's go back to the car and go to my house.” Jimmy suggested.

  “The cops are still looking for us or did you forget?”

  “We can go to your old house at least it's in town close to the hospital.” Jimmy puts his arm around her shoulder and hugged reassuringly, “Just in case there are any problems.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Right off I can't think of a better suggestion.” He looked over at Sandy in hopes she would suggest something. “Sandy, whatever's going on we can't stay here. Help us. Please?” He looked at her pleadingly.

  She shrugged. “Okay, but I'm doing this just for the two of you. Let's go to the car.”

  Jimmy took the lead with Sandy close behind. Daniel walked beside Lynda to the log across the stream. He stood shining the light for Jimmy and Sandy to cross. After they crossed he turned to Lynda.

  “Go ahead. I'll shine the light so you can see where you're walking.” He grinned. “Even if you can see in the dark. Better safe than wet.”

  She wrung her hands together nervously. “You go ahead and then help me across. I'm afraid of falling.”

  He looked at her with confusion, as he remembered the time when he had helped her across. They were going to go to the scout camp and he remembered he had to get home. She had practically run back across the log. He started to say something but stopped when he looked across at the expression of disgust on Sandy's face.

  He walked across easily and started to hand the flashlight to Sandy, changed his mind handing it to Jimmy instead. Sandy would probably shake it around and try to make her lose her balance. He had to keep from grinning at the thought. Was it possible she was jealous of Lynda? He just smiled slightly deciding this was just one of women's many mysteries.

  He stood on the edge of the log and took hold of her hand. She gracefully glided across without a hint of trouble and gave him the warmest smile, inhaling as if she had just got a whiff of fresh air.

  “Let me see that light.” Sandy barked, snatching from Jimmy's hand. She shined it down at her wrist watch and gasp. “It's running now.”

  “I guess the battery got recharged.” Jimmy snapped sarcastically.

  They headed down the road towards the car. When they rounded the curve they stopped dead in their tracks.

  “Mom's car has been stolen!” Sandy ran over to where they had left it parked and stared down at the spot as if it might reappear.

  “Or the cops found it, ran a license check, and had it towed.” Jimmy said.

  “But we haven't seen any cars go by.” She groaned in dismay.

  Jimmy reached out to where she held the flashlight and shined it up at his face. He cocked his shoulders back giving her an, I told you so look. Baring his teeth in a sardonic grin he drawled. “Strange! Ain't it!”

  “Now what?” Daniel interrupted the oncoming fight.

  They stood in the middle of the dirt road several seconds wondering where they could go.

  “We could go to the scout camp.” Lynda said in a timid voice.

  “She's right, Daniel. We've already been there. They probably found the broken glass and haven't fixed it yet. They'll figure we won't go back.”

  “If they've been there.” Daniel said doubtfully.

  “You got a better suggestion.”

  “No. Let's go.” Daniel started down the road. “I'm getting tired. I've got to get some sleep. A little anyway.” Turning to Lynda he asked, “Do you think your family will find us there?”

  “I don't know.”

  The four of them walked along for twenty minutes down the graveled dusty road. They were too tired to talk very much and walked along lost in thought. The flashlight kept growing dimmer and they clicked it off when several times hoping to conserve the power whenever they reached a straight away.

  For the most part Sandy kept quiet except on those occasions when they turned the light out and she would make comments like, “Why don't you let your cat lead you.” Or, “The girl with the infrared eyes can show us the way.” But for the most part she was too tired to say much.

  They had rounded the last curve before the fork in the road, cutting the light off to conserve power but as the foliage shadows thickened they felt sure they were near the fork. Sandy clicked the light but nothing happened. She pounded on the back of it but still nothing.

  “Well I guess now you get to really lead the way.” She said cuttingly.

  “Sandy,” Lynda said sincerely, “I know you don't believe it but I really can see. The road's wide.” She reached out and grabbed their hands. “Jimmy you take my right hand and Daniel you take my left. Sandy why don't you hold Daniel's hand and let me guide.”

  They trudged along and followed her tugs. Occasionally she would tell one or the other of them there was a hump in the road or a big grass clod growing there so they should be careful.

  After another ten minutes they were at the cabin.

  “Before we go the window route again, let's try the door.” Jimmy suggested. “I was the last one out and I left it unlocked.”

  Lynda turned the handle to no avail. “I'm afraid it's locked.”

  Daniel sighed in relief. “That's great. That means they've been here. So they won't be back, at least probably not for a while. I wonder if they fixed the window yet. I really hate to break another one.”

  “They didn't fix it.” Lynda said. She reached in and unlocked it. “I can see what I'm doing. I'll climb in and let you in.” She opened the window and began climbing.

  “Should you be climbing in your condition?” Jimmy reached out in the blackness for her. “Let me do.”

  “I'll do it.” Daniel moved forward also. “I know my way. I climbed in before.”

  “I'll do it.” Lynda said already scooting over the ledge although they couldn't see her. From inside they heard her say. “I'll have it open in a second.”

  “Come on guys. Give us a break.” Sandy blustered. “The bitch ain't even showing yet and you don't want her climbing.”

  “Stow it.” Daniel snapped.

  They heard the door open and Lynda rejoined them leading them into the room. “There's some flat
things in the corner. I'll pull a couple of them out so we can get some rest on them.”

  They heard her tugging and something sliding across the floor. She walked over and lead them to it. Jimmy reached out in the dark.

  “Feels like rubber.” Jimmy said.

  “That's what you should have used last night.” Sandy snipped.

  “Foam rubber!” He answered ready for a fight. “You know, like as in a wrestling mat.”

  “Let's get some rest.” Daniel said wearily and lay down.

  “Who sleeps where?” Sandy's voice came prudishly through the dark.

  “If I recall, I'm pretty sure there's more than one mat.” Daniel grouched, growing tired of her skeptical attitude. “Everybody can have one. Okay!”

  “Fine!” She answered curtly.

  His feet dragging with fatigue, he stumbled through the hall. “Lynda, would you help us pull out some more mats?”


  They spent the next several minutes spreading out mats and making sure Sandy was satisfied with the appropriate distance between Lynda and them. She finally made Daniel and Jimmy take theirs to the opposite end of the long hall and cornered Lynda, placing her own mat between her and them.

  “Goodnight Lynda.” Jimmy echoed from their end of the hall.

  “Good night guys.” She answered.

  “Night.” Daniel called back with a halfhearted smile realizing she was careful not to show favoritism.

  “Humph.” Sandy snorted. “Just knock the Walton shit off and get some sleep.”

  Daniel had laid there stilling his mind, waiting for sleep as he heard the others breathing soften into snores, slipping away. He envied them and wished he could still his own mind. He wondered what time it was but he guessed it didn't matter.

  After an eternal period of waiting his mind began to sink into the thin line between consciousness and slumber. Just as he felt himself stepping over the precipice his mind came clearly awake.

  Someone had their hand on his crotch! He strained his eyes in the blackness and listened but could neither see nor hear them. His first fear was that it was Lynda and that Sandy would catch them. He tried to lift his hand to deter the invasion but found he couldn't.

  He was paralyzed. He couldn't move any part of his body, neither legs nor arms. Trying to clear his voice he hoped that would stop her but found that too wouldn't work.

  The violating hand lay flat, gently feeling his contours. Fingers began to trace his pattern through the thick jeans. Slowly they lifted the lever lock of his zipper and through several eternal moments silently lowered it.

  So slow was its trek his ears couldn't detect even one click of their journey. The fingers of separate hands gaped his pants and then eased gently forward rubbing his cock through double layers of cotton. Then they began exploring, searching for the opening, easing between the folds, knowing their destination.

  He would have gasped, if he could have, when warm flesh touched his flaccid meat but it was impossible. Expertly they pulled him out, gently kneading his softness and easily caressed the fuzz on his balls as they too, were freed. A warm hand encircled him to where he felt each individual finger entwined the thumb overlapping an index finger, squeezing tenderly.

  The wrist of the hand rested on his balls and beginning with the little finger squeezed inward completely, forcing blood upward throughout his fear limp cock. It was followed by the closing in of the ring finger, then the middle finger and when the index finger closed he thought blood was going to explode out of his head.

  The fingers then retraced their journey in slow waves as he thickened. Over and over, they worked as he swelled, until only the thumb and index finger could touch. His mind moaned thinking what a small hand she must have or either his thickness had greatly increased. It was Lynda? Wasn't it? He quickly forgot the thought as the pleasurable sensations increased. At this point it didn't matter anymore and hoped she would soon straddle him.

  He felt himself growing as the hand softly worked its way downward resting on his sack, then slowly made a long journey upward. As the hand squeezed he felt the index finger and thumb could no longer touch.

  He couldn't believe he was so huge. The other hand joined its owner trying to circle his enormous circumference. Fist over fist they worked the now unbelievable length of him up beneath a mushroom head. The thickness, the length, the hardness made his mind soar in ecstasy.

  Hot warm breath, near his meaty head, made the veins bulge into ridges beneath the surface of taunt skin.

  Then the moist tip of a tongue kissed his engorged head and his mind left his body. He was stunned! His mind was literally in his enormous cock. Its head was his head. Its hard stiffness was his body. He had no arms, no legs, no thoughts, only the sensation in his new body.

  He felt his new body jerk with pleasure as the tongue kissed the split lips in his sightless head. His mind jerked when lips slowly came down over his head, warm and moist. Pulling him upward. He felt pulsating tubes drawing liquid from his almond shaped gonads. Pumping upward, harder and harder, until the fluid ran through the center of his new body, spasming violently out the slit lips in waves of bursting pleasurable pain. The sucking continued until every possible drop passed through his newly acquired body and each wave settled placidly to a gentle satisfying bliss.

  He felt his thick, new, hard body slowly soften in pulsating throbs. He drifted into a sweet peaceful sleep.