Read Catch A Succubus Page 2

Chapter 2

  Daniel's hunger pains seemed to influence his dreams. He found himself in a pale red room. Before him was a long creamy white table filled with crystal platters. Each platter contained various fruit. He felt as if he were awake. All of his senses were in overdrive.

  Even in his dream he felt his hunger and he began to examine the food before him. Fiery red apples and deep rich moist cantaloupes were the first ones he focused on. He moved closer to the table and reached for a long yellow banana and started to peel it. Suddenly his eyes came to rest on a bowl mixed with peaches and nectarines. He shoved the banana in his pants pocket and reached for a nectarine. He raised the nectarine to his nose and smelled the sweet tang that made his mouth water. He touched the soft skin of the fruit to his cheek. He returned the nectarine to the bowl and picked up a peach with his left hand. Its soft fuzz tingled his fingertips. He sniffed its warm pungent aroma. He placed the fruit to his mouth and parted his lips. His tongue darted out to taste its tufted bristles. As his teeth sank, its juices flowed. He reached down with his right hand to retrieve the banana from his pants only to find his pants had disappeared. He was standing in his underwear. The banana was now stuck in the front of his briefs. The nectarine flowed into his mouth as he squeezed the pliable flesh of the banana.

  Daniel awoke with a jump and a startle! He sat up. Oh my God, was he pissing the bed? His stomach felt as if he was traveling in a car and went rapidly over a small hill.

  He took a deep breath and realized he had his hand in his underwear holding himself. He felt something slick in the palm of his hand.

  Was it possible? He asked himself, suddenly wide awake. Did he just have his first wet dream? That must have been what happen. He smiled and pulled the sheet back and slipped the front of his shorts down to examine the fluid. He scooped up a bit between his thumb and index finger of his right hand and raised it up to eye level to examine it. The thumb of his left hand still had his briefs pulled out exposing himself.

  As he brought the fluid to eye level he caught the image of someone standing in the door.

  Duncan! He had quietly opened the door and had been watching Daniel.

  Daniel's thumb slipped from the elastic and it popped back stinging his pudgy gut. He felt his face turning red in embarrassment and he pulled the sheet up to cover himself.

  “You going to lay there playing with yourself all day or get your lazy ass up?” Duncan said evenly, as Daniel looked away from the man.

  Before Daniel could compose himself enough to answer Duncan he had left the room.

  “Oh no!” Daniel whimpered. “Jesus, God, oh no!” Daniel wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He would never be able to face him. He had to run away. Duncan would tell his mother. God, he was so embarrassed!

  “Daniel.” His mother’s voice sang cheerfully through the closed door. “Get up, come to breakfast. We have a lot to do today and you may not get to eat until late this evening.”

  Daniel slipped on his jeans and shirt, and trudged to the bathroom. As he left his room he stared down at the floor. He felt Duncan watching him. He finished in the bathroom, went to his room, slipped on his shoes and then joined them at the small kitchen table.

  Daniel sat down quietly, refusing to look at either one of them.

  “Daniel, are you okay?” His mother asked, reaching over feeling his forehead.

  Daniel only nodded. Duncan hadn't said anything to his mother yet.

  “Kelli.” Duncan's bass voice boomed out. Daniel cringed and thought, “Oh no! Here it comes.”

  “Kelli,” Duncan repeated and paused while watching Daniel.

  “Yes dear?” She looked up.

  “Daniel....” He paused and took a sip of coffee and watched as Daniel slumped down in his chair.

  “Yes?” She asked again a little louder but began to wonder what he was up too.

  Daniel was ready to run and hide. His stomach was in knots. The only sound in the small kitchen was the sound of Duncan sipping his coffee and a small ping when he set his cup down.

  “Daniel,” he began again and paused.

  Daniel's mind screamed in agony.

  Duncan smiled at Kelli and said, “Daniel, will stay with me and help the two men I hired to move your stuff. You drive on ahead and help Tarla figure out where we will put it.”

  Kelli sighed and smiled. She looked at Daniel wondering what was wrong with him, he was so pale. She guessed it must be because he was leaving his friends. “Duncan, you can be so frustrating sometimes. I tell you, the way you were acting; I thought you were going to say something important. Not that it wasn't important... but, well you know what I mean.”

  She then turned to Daniel and reached out and felt his forehead again. “Are you sure you feel all right?”

  Daniel felt an overwhelming sense of numbing relieve. Duncan wasn't going to say anything, at least not yet.

  He straightened up and managed to give his mother a weak smile. “I'm fine Mom.” He glanced over at Duncan's expressionless face. The man was driving him crazy.

  They finished breakfast and Kelli washed up the dishes and packed them while Daniel packed the last few items in his room.

  Duncan sat reading the paper sipping on coffee.

  “Honey, do you have to be so hard on Daniel? I know we talked about it but couldn't you be a little bit easier on him. At least for a little while?”

  “Kelli, you've let him run wild. Let's not get into any of this right now. We've got a lot to do today.” He stood up and rinsed out his cup and packed it away. Then walked over behind her where she had been leaning over a box and spooned his hips against her. She stood up and leaned back and he nuzzled the back of her neck and in a throaty whisper said, “I love you. Now quit fretting. You baby him too much.” He reached around and cupped her breasts.

  At that moment Daniel came out of his room and started to call to his Mom but stopped as his eyes opened wide.

  Kelli pulled away and flashed an irritated look at Duncan.

  Duncan looked over at Daniel and raised his eyebrows. “Boy, why don't you wait outside for the movers so they can find us easier. It should be a small blue and white truck with 'Good old Boy's Moving Company' on the side.”

  Daniel turned and walked out. Kelli turned to Duncan and began to scold. “Duncan, he's not ready for all of this yet. We embarrassed him.”

  “He's more ready than you think.” He pulled her into his arms giving her a hug and kiss. “He has to learn that's why they make men and women different. Besides I can't keep my hands off of that luscious body of yours.”

  Kelli felt herself giggle at his attention. She hadn't felt this good in years. Duncan made her feel whole. She just wished things were better between him and Daniel.

  Daniel sat on the front porch staring up at the sky at his ebbing webs. They flowed down and like the image of a stagecoach wheel on TV they reversed and flowed upward into a point. It began at a point spreading outward engulfing his entire visual perception. He tried staring further into its point of origin, only to have his vision caught in a slither of web either ebbing or tiding. As the dancing sparks began to appear to do their dance his mother came out. His mind quickly refocused as she spoke his name.

  “Daniel,” she said, walking over and kissing the top of his head, “I'm going now. I'll see you after ‘while. Don't worry about your friend Jimmy,” his mother said he could come to visit this weekend.”

  “Bye Mom.” He called as she got into her car and drove away.

  The moving van arrived and Daniel spent most of the morning loading boxes. The early morning July sun beat down on him and his shirt was soaked with sweat. He paused earlier to get a drink of water when Duncan walked in and told him to get back to work. Daniel was still embarrassed about the morning incident and didn't even look at him. He gritted his teeth and went back to work without getting a taste of water.

  Finally they were l
oaded and Daniel stood numbly staring at his house as Duncan locked the front door. It had been the only house he had ever known. All the memories, the good times, the bad times and his father's illness all flooded in on him and he choked back a lump in his throat.

  “Get in the car.” Duncan said as he headed for the driver's side.

  Daniel groaned inwardly. He was dreading this ride stuck inside the car for thirty minutes with the son of a bitch.

  They sat quietly as Duncan led the way for the van out of Pulaski, out into the country. The road began to narrow and the unattended Appalachian plant growth increased. Houses began to space distance apart with as much as a mile between them at times. Daniel began to realize he may be stuck so far out in the country he might not have any friends, at least until school started. And he wouldn't know anybody at the new school and even if he made friends there would be nobody in the evenings he could hang around with.

  Depression slowly began to creep in on him as his mind became tangled in self-pity.

  “What's the matter boy?” Duncan glanced over at him.


  “Are you upset about what I saw this morning?”

  Daniel froze. He knew it was coming sooner or later. He didn't say anything.

  “Boy, when I talk to you I expect you to answer. What were you doing when I walked in?”

  “I wasn't doing anything. I just walked woke up and, and ....”

  “A wet dream.” Duncan stated and then asked. “Do you know what that is?”

  Daniel didn't know what to say. He didn't want to talk to him about it but he was curious.

  Duncan smiled but Daniel didn't see him. “I’ve heard some of the guys mention it and kind of guessed what it is; but I’m not sure.” Daniel couldn’t believe he had said that much to Duncan.

  Duncan smiled but Daniel didn’t see him. “It happens to boys when they get… er, when they hit puberty. It happens at different ages for different boys and girls for that matter. I was like you, a late bloomer, I was fifteen.

  I know you’re seventeen but I think you will find a big change now. It will happen so fast you won’t be able to keep up with it.”

  Daniel couldn't believe Duncan was telling him this. For so long he had wanted to ask his mother about the facts of life but he was too embarrassed. Jimmy didn't know anything and the other boys just said vulgar things and ignored him. He had pined for the proverbial father-son talk. Would Duncan tell him? He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it from him. If he could get on the internet he would learn everything he wanted. He doubted he would get on the internet back in the sticks where he was moving.

  Duncan sat quietly watching the road waiting for Daniel to ask him. The silence seemed to drag into several eternal minutes. Daniel glanced over at him and then turned quickly to stare ahead at the narrow winding road. As they crest a hill Daniel saw Claytor Lake laid before them and a long bridge across.

  Daniel cleared his throat. “What is a wet dream?”

  Duncan allowed himself to smile briefly without Daniel seeing him do it.

  Just as Duncan started to answer Daniel's question a deer ran across the road causing him to slam on the brakes. He skidded several feet but managed to avoid the deer.

  “Damn!” Duncan swore as the car came to rest against a guard rail and then turned to Daniel. “Are you okay?”

  Daniel let loose of the breath he had been holding and nodded. “Yeah, I'm okay.”

  “I guess we had better check the damage.” Duncan got out of the car and walked around front. “Looks okay―minor dents. Come and look.” He said loud enough for Daniel to hear and motioned to him.

  Daniel got out of the car and headed toward his stepfather. He glanced down the bank at the inlet filled with small boat houses. The sun reflected up from the green murky waters causing him to squint. On the other side bull pines and oak saplings ran down to the muddy edge.

  A faint whisper of wind tousled his hair as Daniel heard a voice in his head. “Where the earth and sky meet the sea.” He jerked around to see where it came from.

  Nothing! He looked towards Duncan to see if he heard the voice but he was busy examining the front end.

  He must have heard it, Daniel thought. It had been loud. Did Duncan say it? Daniel shook his head. No, it hadn't been Duncan's voice. It was clear and rich. Daniel stopped and held his breath and listened.

  Duncan stood up and walked around to the trunk. “Do you know how to change a tire?”

  Daniel shook his head and stuck his hands in his pocket.

  “Well it's time you learn; we have a flat and a couple of scratches on the fender.”

  Duncan opened the trunk and pulled the car jack out. “Get the spare.”

  Daniel went around and struggled at the tire. Unscrewing the bolt that held it in place and after several minutes of hurrying he managed to drag the wheel out over the lip of the trunk.

  Duncan stood in front of the car watching but didn't say anything. As the tire fell free of Daniel's grip it slammed against his leg. He gritted his teeth to keep from making any noise. He looked up to see Duncan watching him. He would have cried out from the pain if it had been his mother standing there but not Duncan, never Duncan.

  “Are you going to stand there all day feeling sorry for yourself or are you going to help?” Duncan scolded.

  Sweaty, frustrated and skinned knuckles Daniel finally managed to change the flat. Duncan hadn't offered any help and had only occasionally made suggestions on how he should go about the task.

  Daniel sat in the passenger seat fuming as Duncan started the car and headed back into their journey. Duncan didn't say anything and Daniel refused to talk. The road wound over hills and Duncan took a turn down a graveled road.

  “There's the elementary school but you'll have to catch a bus to go to the High School.

  Daniel silently groaned. He forgot that the area was so rural he would have to be bussed about twenty miles to attend the high school. Well he certainly wasn't looking forward to that.

  They traveled the graveled and dirt road for about two miles passing only two houses. Then they came to a stop sign where they could take a left onto a hard surfaced road or a right onto another gravel road.

  They took the right and dust puffed up behind them. There was a small white house on the corner, if you could call it a corner, and on the left was several acres planted with rye. Behind the rye field was a large luminous hill that broke only to be followed by a larger one behind it and then a small mountain in the distance. On the side of the road was a small sign “Camp Ottari.”

  Daniel couldn't resist, he broke the silence. “What's Camp Ottari?”

  “It's a Scout Camp. There are several cottages and a lake but we turn about a mile before the Camp.” Duncan answered as he rounded the far end of the rye field and came to a stop in front of a gate. “You'll have to get out and open it.”

  Daniel responded quickly so Duncan wouldn't have anything to fuss about. He worked at the chain several seconds and slid it off a nail and swung the gate open. He glanced up at Duncan sitting in the car and resisted the temptation to ride the gate open.

  Duncan pulled through the gate and Daniel headed for the passenger side and climbed back into the car.

  Duncan shook his head. “Where's your brains boy. Shut the gate.”

  Daniel's mouth opened to ask why but snapped it shut and got out to close the gate. As he pulled the gate closed he looked across the dirt road and saw where a creek followed the road side; across the creek was the remnants of a burnt out log house. The trees and thickets were so dense he barely noticed it. He hurried up and got back into the car.

  Duncan puts the car in gear and drove up a steep dirt road. “The reason we have the gate closed is to keep the cattle and horses in.” He turned to watch Daniel's reaction and was pleased that Daniel began to look around for the animals.

  “How many horses?” Daniel

  “Three right now but I plan to buy some more this fall.”

  They crest the top of the hill and still Daniel didn’t see a house. They drove another quarter mile and then up another hill, then down. Finally far below Daniel saw a large fenced in farm house dotted with a barn and several other buildings.

  It wasn't what Daniel expected. He wasn't sure what he had expected. He guessed he thought it was going to be some kind of mansion or something but it was just a normal farm house that had been newly painted white.

  Normal wasn't quite the word he would use. It looked more like several farm houses built together.

  Duncan saw the look on Daniel's face. “The original house was made of logs and covered later, along with the construction of the kitchen on the right and the bedrooms on the left. The second story was built after that. Actually over the years the house has had so many changes and add-ons it's come to look like a patchwork quilt.”

  The car came to rest as Daniel stared up at the house which seemed to leer at him like a two headed giant.

  “This is it.” Duncan said as he turned off the key and got out of the car.

  “How much land is there?” Daniel asked.

  “As far as the eye can see and all the way to the top of that mountain there,” Duncan pointed.

  “Who cuts all the hay and stuff?”

  “We do and you'll have to learn how.”

  Images of a scythe and an aching back flashed in Daniel's mind.

  Duncan actual laughed at the bewildered look on Daniel's face. “Don't worry we have a tractor.”

  “I'll get to drive it?” Daniel's eyes widened as he questioned hopefully.

  “I'll teach you.” Duncan said as he headed up the inclined sidewalk toward the back of the house.

  There was no front door. To be more exact the front door faced the other direction towards an open field, not towards the road they had just traveled.

  They opened a storm door and walked into a screened in porch.

  “Below here is a cistern where they use to catch rain water but we have a well now. Over there's the opening.” Duncan pointed towards a small closed cover in the middle of the porch.

  The door opened and they were greeted by what must have been Tarla. Daniel had heard Duncan talk about her before. She apparently had come to them as a live in housekeeper when Duncan had been a boy.

  Daniel hadn't known what to expect as he looked up at the tall lean ageless black woman standing a foot taller than him.

  “What's the matter little master? Tarla not what you expect.” Her brought straight ivory grin contrasted her deep rich blue black complexion.

  Daniel gulped and stuck out his hand. “Uh, hi, I'm Daniel.”

  “I know who you be, little master. Tarla has heard a lot, Master Duncan tell all about you.” Her hand engulfed Daniel's in a strong handshake.

  Daniel tried to smile at Tarla but glared at his stepfather.

  Tarla chuckled as she caught the animosity. “You two come on in and Tarla will fix you some lunch. Mistress Kelli is in the master’s bedroom.”

  “You go with Tarla I'll go find your mother.” Duncan said and headed off through the huge windowless living room.

  “You come with me Master Daniel and eat. I'll tell you all about Osborne house.” Tarla walked gracefully ahead with Daniel following. “This room was the original house. These walls are over two feet thick. Behind these walls are logs.

  She led him down a long hall past a bathroom where he could see the kitchen ahead.

  “Now you go wash them dirty hands and come down here when you are finished.” She pointed at the opening.

  Daniel went into the bathroom. It was huge. He had never seen one so large. It must have been a normal room that was converted, he thought, as he glanced at the old four paw legged bathtub.

  He used the bathroom and washed his hands and rinsed off the sparkling sink. He started to dry his hands on the fluffy towel but stopped as he eyed the big embroiled “0" on it. He wiped his hands on his pants rather than soil up what might just be the guest towel.

  He entered the long kitchen where a bowl of soup and a sandwich waited for him at the table.

  “Come eat, Master Daniel, and then Tarla will show you your room.”

  “Why do you keep saying Master and Mistress?” Daniel asked timidly.

  “It is just my way. I am from the islands.”

  “What islands?” Daniel bit into his sandwich.

  “Just a small island in the Caribbean.”

  “Oh.” Was all Daniel could say when she didn't offer any more information. He guessed she didn't want to say. Adults were like that when they figured you were asking too many questions.

  “You said you would tell me about the house.” Daniel said after several minutes of uneasy quiet.

  “I did and I will.” Tarla sat down across from him and sipped on a cup of coffee.

  Daniel stared down at his soup as he felt her gaze upon him.

  Before Tarla began to speak he heard his Mom and Duncan coming down the hallway.

  “Hi baby.” Kelli said as she leaned over and hugged her son. “Well what do you think?”

  Daniel eyed Duncan and shrugged but changed the subject. “Oh Mom, don't call me baby.”

  Before Kelli could answer Duncan cut in. “He's right Kelli. You've got to let him grow up.”

  Tarla was up and busy fixing Duncan something to eat and broke the brewing disturbance. “Mistress Kelli would you like something else to eat?”

  “No thanks, Tarla. Soon as Daniel's finished eating I'll show him his room.”

  Soon as Duncan sat down Daniel said. “I'm finished.” He began to pick up his plate with his half eaten sandwich, barely touched soup and headed toward the sink.

  “You leave that, Master Daniel, Tarla will take care of it.”

  “Honey you've hardly eaten.” Kelli reached out and felt his forehead.

  “I'm full.” He said placing his dishes back onto the table. “How about showing me my room.”

  Daniel followed his mother back down the hall and through the large windowless room.

  “This room has five doors.” His mother said as they stood in the room. “The one you came in and of course the one to kitchen. That one on the far wall goes to your bedroom and this one leads to ours. Let me give you a tour of the house.”

  As they left the large windowless family room they entered a long hall with doors on each side. “There are three bedrooms on this hall.” She opened the doors for his quick inspection and then opened the door at the end of the hall. They walked through a small sitting room and entered the bedroom.

  “This is the master bedroom and over there is the bath. It's beautiful and even has a sunken tub.”

  Daniel looked around at the large plush room but wasn't impressed. At least he wouldn’t have to hear them at night, he thought.

  Kelli watched her son's face and knew him well enough to know that he wasn't impressed. “Let's go find your room.”

  They went back down the hall and entered the large windowless family room, crossed over to the other door and she headed through. Just before leaving the room she pulled open a closed door to display a stair case. There are more rooms upstairs but I haven't had time to go up there yet. Tarla's room is up there also.”

  They left the room and entered a large room with a fireplace and walls of books. Several chairs were placed around the room with appropriate lighting but what caught Daniel's attention was a desk with a computer. He had always wanted a computer but then shook the thought out of his head. Duncan probably wouldn’t let him use it. Probably say he would bust it.

  The other side was a glass pane wall with a closed glass pane door. His mother opened the door that led to another closed-in porch at the other end was another closed door. Kelli walked towards the door and opened it and walked in.

  The room was the largest yet. It was twenty feet wide and
well over fifty feet long. There was a large walnut four poster bed in the middle of the room.

  Kelli watched as Daniel’s eyes drank in the vastness of the room. The thick black shagged carpet cushioned his feet making him want to take his shoes off. Daniel stood there staring at a bookcase, a digital TV, a stereo, and a desk with a new computer were among the first things his eyes focused on. Then he saw snow skis, basketballs, football, and baseball equipment.

  “This used to be Duncan’s room when he was a boy. Although, this lime green wall needs changed but that is obnoxious.” She pointed to the bright contrasting red brick on the back of a fireplace someone had painted fire engine red.

  Daniel barely noticed the green, or the red, all he saw was the computer. “Is that mine?”

  “Yes, Duncan bought it just for you. So don’t forget to thank him. He said he will get it hooked up to the internet via a hot spot, a Mifi, or something like that, whatever that is.”

  Daniel couldn't believe it, his own computer, his own TV and a stereo. After several minutes of amazement the rest of the room started to focus. There were all kinds of sports, and a gun was mounted on the wall. Although he wasn't interested in the sports gear he knew Jimmy would love it. But the gun that was another story.

  Kelli watched as his eyes came to rest on the gun. “Oh dear, I told Duncan I didn't want you around guns, it's not loaded, but he insisted that he would teach you how to use it. I just don't know. Guns scare me so. I don't want you to touch it until he shows you how, okay?”

  “Okay.” Daniel nodded. “Besides I'll be too busy to have time for the gun.”

  “Well, I'll leave you here to get adjusted.” She smiled as she saw him eying the computer. “We will eat supper at six, so don't be late.”

  She left and Daniel spent the remainder of the day exploring his room.