Read Catch A Succubus Page 3

Chapter 3

  Daniel glanced up at the clock. Ten until six! He had better hurry or Duncan would be pissed.

  He went into his own private bath at the other end of his room and washed up and then hurried out. He went down the long glassed porch through the blue fireplace room, through the windowless family room, down the hall and into the kitchen but no one was there. He stood there for a few moments and finally he yelled.


  “In here,” Came her voice from the far side of the kitchen, “In the dining room.”

  Daniel walked across the kitchen but didn't see the door until he passed a jutted corner. He went through the open door.

  Duncan and Kelli were already seated at a long table and Tarla was busy serving.

  “I'm sorry I'm late but I didn't know where you were.” Daniel explained to his mother in hopes it would calm Duncan. He saw Duncan nod to his mother.

  “Dear, you sit there on my left.” She pointed and he did as instructed.

  Tarla finished filling the table and sat down across from him. Duncan was at one end and his mother on the other.

  They ate quietly with minor chit chat for a while and it was almost pleasant until the end of the meal.

  “Well how did you like your room?” His mother asked him.

  “It's great.” Daniel answered and then realized his mother wanted him to thank Duncan for the computer and stuff. He gritted his teeth for a moment and thought he guessed he really should. It was the nicest things he had ever owned, even if Duncan had given it to him.

  “Uh, Duncan, thanks for the computer.” Daniel looked down at his empty plate.

  “I figured it was probably the safest thing to do. Keep you from tearing up mine.”

  Jesus! Daniel groaned inwardly. There was just no way to satisfy this man.

  “After you eat I want to show you the outside and explain your chores.”

  Chores! Daniel knew it was too good to be true. The man just wanted slave labor. He already had Tarla calling everyone master. He probably would eventually try to make him call him master too.

  Daniel didn't say anything but nodded.

  They finished eating and Daniel followed as Duncan indicated him to follow. They walked out to the barn and that was when he first saw the horses as Duncan explained he would have to get up early to feed the chickens, and slop some hogs.

  “Slop hogs?” Daniel repeated incredulously.

  Duncan spent the remainder of an hour explaining how to mix the feed and where the food was. After they went back in Daniel asked to be excused.

  “Sure,” Duncan said, “but I want you in bed by nine o’clock because you have to get up at five thirty.”

  “Five thirty?” Daniel stared up at his mother.

  “You might as well get used to it now because when school starts you will have to get up and get the chores done before you go to school.”

  “Child slavery.” Daniel said aloud as he entered his room. He couldn't believe Duncan told him to be ready for bed by nine. It was still daylight then.

  Daniel spent the rest of the evening at the computer when his mother knocked at the door.

  “Come in.”

  “It's eight thirty I thought I would remind you to get ready for bed and say good night now.” She walked over and kissed him on the top of the head as Daniel logged off the computer.

  “Thanks Mom.” He started to voice his complaints to her but knew it wouldn't do any good. Instead he said, “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” She answered softly, her face filled with concern for the conflict her son was having with Duncan.

  “Night.” He answered to the closed door.

  He cleaned up, brushed his teeth and switched off the lights, stripped and got into bed. It was still ten minutes until nine. He lay there waiting. He knew Duncan would check.

  After eternal minutes the door opened, no knock of course. Duncan walked over to the bed and switched on the bed lamp. Daniel squinted up at him.

  “Goodnight boy.” He switched off the light and went to the door. “Oh, if you're thinking of getting up later, I'm turning your electrical power off at the fuse box. So you might as well go on to sleep.”

  Daniel couldn't believe it. Turn his power off. What if he had to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? He lay there a few minutes and reached up and switched on his lamp.

  Nothing! He really had cut the power to his room. What an asshole!

  Daniel climbed out of bed and went to the windows and opened the curtains. The elongated room had eight windows, one on each end and six on the outer wall. He was glad it was still light outside.

  As he slipped back between the sheets he let out a sigh and resigned himself to go to sleep early. “At least before dark,” he thought. He tried to calm his mind from the busy day's thoughts. He closed his eyes and after a short period of time drifted off to sleep.

  Daniel awoke with a start. He had been dreaming of a river flowing and realized he had to go to the bathroom. When he opened his eyes his first reaction was he hadn't opened them at all but as his mind gathered he became aware it was the blackness of the room. His unfamiliar room. One he had never slept in before. As he pulled the sheets back he groped for the lamp and finally switched it on. Nothing, the thoughts of Duncan turning the power off returned.

  He slipped off of the left side of the bed and stood there in only his underwear. The back of the fireplace should be jutting out directly between him and the bath. Gazing around the room he remembered that he had left the curtains opened but it was so black outside it provided nothing. Reaching his arms out in front of him he tried to locate his way across the room. He had the strangest feeling there was someone near him, or something. He breathed slowly trying to hear anything.

  He strained his ears as he stood in the engulfing dark which seemed to lay tight against his very nerve endings. He shook his head. There was no one here. He inched slowly across the room trying to remember what might lie between him and his goal. His fingers found the back of the cool smooth enamel painted fireplace.

  Closer, he thought. He let his hands follow along the six foot wide structure, feeling comfort in its hard cool stable surface.

  He stopped when he heard the faintest sound coming from his right, somewhere near one of the windows. He turned and strained his eyes, finally imagining he made out the image of the window. But he wasn't sure; it was so very dark outside. He knew there was a new moon, but it must be cloudy for there to be no light at all.

  As his left hand found the far edge of the fireplace he stopped and tried to remember if there was anything else ahead. He just couldn't seem to remember.

  As he turned loose and stepped further into the unknown his hand touched something. What was it? Soft, warm, he tried to recall what it was. His other hand reached out to feel. Alarms began to go off in his head. He jerked his hands away.

  It felt like flesh. Flesh on a body, a warm body, unclothed, at least from what he could feel. He felt a scream rising as his emotional senses took hold of his mind. His logic took quick control of his senses and Duncan's severe disapproval flashed in his mind.

  He took a deep breath. Could it be his mother, Duncan or even Tarla?

  “Mom?” He spoke softly breaking the silence. He waited for a response.

  None came. “Duncan? Tarla? Is that you?”

  Stillness. His heart hammered in his chest as panic began to set in. Again a scream began to rise in his throat. He clinched his hands in a fist and held his breath.

  “No!” He thought. “I won't scream. This has to be Duncan trying to scare me.”

  Yes, that was it. It had to be Duncan. It was just the type of stupid shit, Duncan would do. It was part of his macho bull-shit crap.

  He relaxed a little as he entertained the thought. Again he reached out a little more bravely to feel the warm obstruction.

  This time his hand came to rest on
a soft warm fleshy orb. His fingers squeezed gently.

  What? No! Could it be? It felt like a breast. He had never felt a breast but he had imagined it. His fingers moved over what he imaged must be a nipple. A woman!

  He jerked his hand back once again. It wasn't Duncan. What, who?

  He began to back up slowly. His left hand reached out for the security of the brick painted fireplace. As he eased back without turning around, he backed into something.

  That was impossible. There had been nothing there before. It was warm hairy covered naked flesh pressing against his back. He started to turn and flee but thick muscular hands grabbed his shoulders. He couldn't move.

  This time his mind refused to suppress his scream and as he opened his mouth, the woman in front of him closed in. He felt her bending over covering his mouth with hers. His mouth wide open allowed her to slip her tongue into his.

  He couldn't breathe. He felt as if she were sucking his life's breath. Her body moved against him. The strong hands behind him moved from his shoulders under his armpits lifting his short frame off the ground. Her breasts cushioned his chubby chest. Her stomach pressed against his. Her hands moved down his naked sides as she grasped his shorts and forced them off of his body. He felt her pubic body hair move against his upper thighs, soft and gentle.

  Her body began to squirm. Her tongue kept delving into his. He felt his own body began to react. He was becoming erect as she pressed her belly against him. He felt dizzy from lack of air. He couldn't breathe.

  From behind the muscular hairy chest pressed harder against him. Strong hands lifted him off the floor. Then something hard began to force between his legs at the same level towards her hairy patch. “Oh my God, what was happening?”

  He knew what was slipping from the back between his legs. The thickness separated his legs as it sought its destination. The woman spread her legs inviting her moisture between her naked thighs. The round protruding shaft pushed completely through his legs. Long, thick and pulsating, it moved steadily forward until it joined her.

  She withdrew her tongue and used her lips to pull Daniel's tongue into her mouth along with more of his breath. Together they lowered him completely until his scrotum rested against the hot thickness. She slid her hand between their bodies and grasp Daniel's own thickness in her hand forcing it downward laying it's length on the one now protruding well beyond his legs and his own penis. His erectness was being forced into her following the path opened by the gigantic one he rode.

  “What was going on? This woman… this man?” Daniel heard himself groan as the two shafts plunged back and forth into her. Just as he thought he could take no more, ecstatic agony took hold of his body as he vibrated in spasms of pleasurable pain and fear. He began to squirt, her moist warmth squeezed tight, drawing his liquid the same as her mouth drew his breath.

  He passed out.