Read Catch A Succubus Page 4

Chapter 4

  Daniel awoke as his lamplight flickered on. He lay in his bed for a moment trying to orient his self. He turned to look at the door as Duncan walked in still in his robe.

  “What had happened?” Daniel thought to himself. I'm in bed now. The last thing I remember...? Was it a dream? Did somebody molest me?”

  Duncan walked over to the bed and pulled the covers completely off Daniel to where they flopped at the foot of the bed. He stared down at Daniel's nakedness.

  “I don't have any underwear on.” Daniel thought, no longer caring if Duncan pulled the covers off as he had the previous day. “It wasn't a dream, was it?” He thought for a moment but shades of doubt passed through his mind.

  “It is five thirty boy, time to get up. You've got a busy morning ahead of you.” He paused and inspected Daniel. “I see you're sleeping naked now. I moved to this room when I was about your age too. That's when I started to sleep naked. I still do, see.” He opened his robe and exposed his hairless chest and flaccid penis surrounded by hair the same red color as his head. He then closed his robe and stared down at Daniel.

  “Why did he do that?” Daniel silently asked himself. “Why did he show himself to me?” Then a suspicious thought hit him. Had it been a dream? He shook his head. “No! It was real.”

  “Could Duncan have been involved?” He asked himself as the image of Duncan's bare chest flashed in his mind. “No. It wasn't him. The man had a hairy chest. He had felt it against his back.”

  Duncan continued to stare. “I see you had another wet dream. It must have been a good one considering the amount of thick crust dried up all over your belly and legs.”

  Daniel looked down at the milky white crust spread over him tangling his own fuzzy pubic hair.

  “No! It hadn't been a dream.” He told himself. “Had it? And when had he gotten fuzzy pubes?

  “Well, get cleaned up and come on to breakfast. I'll walk through the chores with you this morning but tomorrow you will be on your own.” Duncan turned and walked away.

  He paused at the door and once more opened his robe to readjust it, exposing his nakedness, almost as if he were telling Daniel something. Telling him something?

  Daniel shook his head. It wasn't possible. Was he trying to tell him it hadn't been him? He must be going crazy, as he once again stared at Duncan's hairless chest.

  Duncan stood there for a moment and looked slowly, almost sadly, around the long room. “This room has a lot of memories for me.”

  “Uh, Duncan...?” Daniel paused trying to think what he was trying to ask.


  “What time is breakfast?”

  “Six.” Duncan closed the door after his short answer.

  Daniel lay staring at the flat alabaster ceiling wondering about what had happened to him. He knew it hadn't been a dream but deep down he had a faint doubt. He couldn't put his finger on it but Duncan had acted rather strange. Stranger than usual.

  He got up showered, dressed, made his bed, and headed for breakfast. As they walked down the hall towards the kitchen he caught the smell of bacon. His stomach rumbled. He hadn't realized he had been so hungry. Actually he felt ravenous.

  Entering the kitchen he was pleased he had beat Duncan down. Tarla was standing over the stove with her back towards him.

  “Good morning, Master Daniel.” She said without turning around.

  He narrowed his eyes and stared at her back. “How did you know it was me? I didn't make any noise.”

  She chuckled brightly and turned and grinned. “Old Tarla heard you coming. Yes.” She nodded her head affirmatively. “She can hear with her nose.” With that she roared with laughter and winked. “I smelled your soap and shampoo when you started down the hall. Master Duncan uses a different type.”

  “Oh! You sure got a good nose.” Daniel sat down, he still felt so confused, and maybe he should talk to his mother about what happen. He suddenly had a thought. Could it be the house? Maybe some people got in and...? He frowned, he was grasping at straws. He would just have to tell his mother.

  “Tarla, breakfast smells great. He sat there and thought for a moment. He had to get Tarla to tell him the history of the house. Maybe it had a secret passage that allowed the people in.

  Daniel began to babble. “Sometime when you get a chance, if you would, would you tell me the history of the house? You were going too yesterday but got sidetracked. I know you probably won't have time this morning but maybe later.”

  Tarla turned, frying spatula in hand, her brown green eyes bore into him. Daniel felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. She wrinkled her brow. “Are you okay, this morning? Master Daniel? You seem to be uncomfortable. Is something wrong?”

  He shrugged his shoulders in confusion but answered, “No.”

  “Tarla, not so sure. I remember the night many years ago, the first night Master Duncan sleep in the room that is yours now, I remember....” She nodded her head as her eyes got a reflective distance stare as if she were still seeing it. “Yes, I remember. Him just a boy then, like you, slow to grow up in the man’s ways. He comes out the next morning all nervous and wringing his hands. His father used to call him sissy boy, but now, don’t you go repeating what I tell you, now, you hear?”

  Daniel’s jaw dropped and then he grinned as he thought to himself, the phony asshole.

  Tarla grinned back at him and then continued shaking her head seriously. “Oh yes, the morning after his first night, he comes running to his father. I no hear what he say to his father, but Old Master Osborne he pops like a mountain volcano. Grabs the boy by the hairs of his head and takes him to the corn crib. Tarla stood here looking out that window and watches as the poor man takes a leather strap and takes him inside the crib. It was a summer day, much like this, and the window was open, he yells at Master Duncan in between loud snaps of the strap.” She furrowed her brow and deepened her voice in imitation of the old man. “Don't go telling that story. Don't talk about it. Do you understand?” Tarla inhaled and frowned. “I’ve never seen him even strike the young master before, but that morning he was in a rage. Poor Master Duncan cried most of the day and slept on the back porch for weeks before he would even go back into that room.”

  Daniel sat there bland-faced in shocked silence thinking. “How could he tell his mother? Duncan might do the same thing his father did to him.” He sat there a while thinking and came to the conclusion he wasn't going to say anything, not yet anyway. He would show Duncan, he wouldn't let the room scare him, besides he only had one more night to stay there by himself before Jimmy came to spend a couple of weeks with him.

  Tarla turned back to her cooking but managed to watch Daniel as he sat there thinking. A faint smile passed her lips.

  Daniel straightened up as his mother came in followed by Duncan.

  “Good morning Daniel. Good morning Tarla” She said as she kissed Daniel on top of the head and sat down. Duncan sat down on the other side of the table and Tarla poured them coffee.

  Kelli added some artificial sweetener and a little cream in her coffee and began to stir. “How did you sleep last night, honey?” She looked at Daniel worried, knowing how he truly hated the dark. Duncan had told her about turning the power off at the fuse box, she had been so worried about him.

  Daniel glanced up at her smiling the best smile he could and then watched Duncan out of the corner of his eye. “I slept great Mom. Best night sleep I've had in a long time. How about you?” He smiled more genuinely when he saw Duncan's face actually register surprise and then fall just a little. “Good.” He thought. “He won't get the satisfaction of beating me.”

  “I slept fine, dear.” Kelli answered a little surprised by Daniel's cheerfulness. She narrowed her eyes, looking at him a little suspiciously. She knew he wasn't a morning person but this morning he seemed genuinely cheerful. She felt a little relieved, and told herself in the back of her
mind, maybe it will work out.

  Duncan was even more surprised when Daniel turned to him. “What time do we start the morning chores? I can hardly wait.”

  Duncan's eyebrows rose slightly but he answered him. “Just as soon as we eat and let it settle a bit.” Duncan couldn't figure what was going on. The boy wasn't acting right. He was sure he had experienced it, but the boy wasn't acting like it. Hell, he had even seen the evidence. Maybe the boy was made of something a little stronger than he thought.

  They ate and Kelli left to go to work. She wasn't going to work too much longer but she didn't want to leave things undone before they replaced her.

  Daniel spent most of the morning doing the jobs Duncan explained; and at eleven Duncan told him he had to go to town and take care of some business. He left him a list of jobs he wanted done, explaining that when school started only the animals had to be fed before school. The rest of the work could be done when he got home.

  Daniel worked hard that morning and worked even harder to finish the jobs he had been left. He wanted some time to explore. He ate lunch by himself. Duncan was already gone. Daniel decided to save the upstairs of the house for a rainy day. He had explored the buildings and the barn. He didn’t want to climb the small mountain, not yet anyway, so he thought about the burnt out log cabin across the road from the gate.

  It took him twenty minutes to hike up the two hills and down then cross over the gate. He climbed the gate, rather than opening it and stopped beside the creek. It was too wide to jump. He walked along the edge until he found some rocks that looked sturdy enough and stepped out onto the first one.

  Good. Nice and sturdy but when he stepped on the second it gave way and his foot slipped. He grasped at the air as he fell backward landing with one buttock cheek on a rock and the rest in the water.

  “Freezing water!” Even though it was summer the water was like ice. He thought he heard a snicker and looked around from his sitting position. Must have been his imagination. He placed his right hand on the sturdy rock and began to stand up when it suddenly moved away and he landed lying completely in the water. Now that he was completely soaked he pulled up onto his knees and stood up. As he stood up he heard a roar of high shrilled laughter from behind some bushes towards the log cabin.

  “Who's that?” He called out angrily as he waded across the remainder of the stream. As he climbed up on the bank he slipped on the muddy edge and almost went back into the water.

  This time the laughter roared even louder. He didn't think it was funny and he was going to tell whoever it was just that. He grabbed hold of a tree root and pulled himself up onto the bank. He was going to find out who it was.

  “Who the hell's there?” He yelled out as he moved around the bushes.

  He stopped in surprise as he came face to face with a girl. A girl, and she was literally doubled over laughing.

  “Shut up. It ain't funny.” He screamed moving the wet hair dangling on his forehead leaving a streak of mud.

  The girl looked up from under her long lashes and burst out in a new round of laughter. Tears started forming in her eyes as she held onto her side which was beginning to hurt.

  He was angry now, girl or not, why didn't she just shut up. He squinted as she inspected him with her deep brown eyes. She reached at a strand of black shoulder length hair, pulling it out of her mouth. She had laughed so hard it got into her mouth and she started to cough and spit as she pulled at it. She fumbled at it not quite able to grasp the violating strands.

  Daniel began to chuckle as he watched her futile grasping motions. Daniel reached out and gently tugged at the strands plastered along her face, freeing it from her cheek away from her mouth.

  “Thanks.” She said, shoving the rest of the offending hair behind her ear.

  When she smiled he had the strangest thought that her eyes seemed to flash out shining like a star or a beacon in the sky. She was beautiful! “My God,” he thought, “what's happening to me. I've never thought anything like that before.”

  Before he had a chance to say anything she stuck out her hand. “Hi, I'm Lynda, Lynda Mandy. That's Lynda spelled with a ‘Y’ instead of an ‘I’.

  He stared down at her hand for a second and then took it. “I'm Daniel Austin.” He started to say like Steven Austin but he figured that was too lame. Her hand felt calloused compared to his soft hands.

  “I'm sorry I laughed.” She smiled. “I just couldn't help myself.”

  Daniel blushed a little at the apology and felt guilty about wanting to smash whoever had been laughing's face but he told himself that he would have laughed too.

  “That's okay. I guess I did look pretty funny.”

  “You must be the son of the woman that just married Osborne.” She stated curiously.

  “Yeah. How did you know?”

  “Never seen you here before and the scout camp doesn't open for two weeks so I knew you weren't one of them.”

  Daniel went about brushing his clothes trying to get a good look at her without her noticing what he was doing. “She must be eighteen.” He thought as his eyes rested on her fully developed breast covered with a light halter top. She also wore jeans, although he had never seen them quite that style before but his biggest surprise was her feet. She was barefoot!

  She caught him staring at her feet and chuckled. “I like to go barefoot.”

  This time Daniel blushed almost crimson. He hoped she hadn’t seen him staring at her chest. Feet he didn’t mind. The chest now that was something else.

  “Don’t your feet get hurt?”

  “Sometimes, but there’s a thick callous built up on them.” She raised one foot to expose the bottom of her foot.

  He wanted to ask her how old she was but he felt embarrassed. She interrupted his thoughts.

  “How old are you?” She must have been reading his mind.

  “Eighteen.” He lied but when her eyes narrowed he said, “Well seventeen and that’s the truth. I’m just short for my age. How about you. How old are you?” He looked up at her, wishing he were taller.

  “Two hundred and twenty.” She grinned at his frown. “I’m at least seventeen, someday to be eighteen.”

  “I thought you were eighteen at least.” Daniel said.

  Lynda moved over and sat down on a fallen log. “I’ve been told that many times.” She stared down at the creek a moment and stated forlornly. “Many, many times. Here, come sit down for a spell and dry off.” She patted the log near her.

  He stared at the spot she patted but sat down several feet away from her instead and began to take off his sneakers. “Where do you live?”

  “Oh not far.” She answered evasively.

  He guessed she didn't want to tell him. He wouldn't push it, so he changed the subject. “Are we trespassing?”

  “Naw.” She shook her head. “Nobody cares about this property anymore. Actually, it belongs to your stepfather.”

  “I didn't know.”

  “Yeah, it was burned down by some Yankees durin' the War Between the States.” She sighed and leaned back causing her breast to jut out a bit more.

  Daniel couldn't help but stare. When he realized what he was doing he looked away. He rung the water from his socks and laid them on the log.

  “Want to see the house?” She stood up and headed towards it and paused when she didn't hear him respond. “Well?”

  “Uh, yeah, I would like to, but my socks and shoes are still wet.”

  “Go barefoot or are your feet to tender?” She challenged him.

  “Okay.” He said leaving his stuff there to dry. As he walked over the dirt and rocks his feet quickly began to sting. He knew he would regret it but he couldn't let her, a mere girl, do something he wouldn't.

  He managed to hobble after her and when she turned around, he walked normally, mustering up every ounce of strength possible.

  “Well this is it.” She stated flatly wavi
ng her hands out in a gesture of presentation.

  “It was only one room.” He looked around at what remained, one full wall, no roof, a fireplace built from flattened stones and edges of the other walls.

  “Yeah, not much left either.”

  “They must have had dirt floors. The floor would have burned.”

  “They didn't have the wood for it.”

  “How did they keep snakes out?”

  “Those logs are filled with dried mud but they still occasionally got in.”

  “Do you want to walk up to the scout camp?” Daniel asked having seen enough of the burnt remains.

  Lynda perked up and smiled. “I would love to. I haven't been up there for several years, not since I met one of those big city boy scouts who wandered off and ask me to walk up there.”

  “Good but I've got to put on my shoes. You can call me tenderfoot if you want but my feet are killing me. They're going to be sore for a week.”

  She laughed and followed him as he went back and put on his still wet socks and shoes. He headed for the creek and paused at the edge to see if she was following. She was right behind him.

  “Where's the best place to cross?” He asked.

  “Over there.” She pointed at a log further down which had fallen across the water.

  Daniel started across and midway he stopped and turned as Lynda spoke. “Would you take my hand and help me. I might have laughed at you but I really don't want to fall in.”

  He reached out and helped her across, as they got to the other side she inhaled deeply and smiled at him before letting go of his hand.

  “Thank you.”

  Daniel smiled back and then glanced at his watch. “Oh no, it's almost five twenty, I won't have time. If I'm late for supper, Duncan will probably beat the shit out of me. Duncan's my stepfather.” He explained.

  Her face fell in disappointment. “I understand.” She turned and crossed back across the log agilely with no problems.

  Daniel just watched at her graceful easy trip back across. “I'm sorry.” He apologized. “I could walk you home if you don't have to far to go.”

  “That's okay. I don't have far and I know a short cut. Could you come back tomorrow?” Her eyes took on an almost warm plea or was that just his wishful imagination.

  “Yeah, uh, well I promise I will try. I just don't know what time, it depends on how many chores I have to do and I've got a friend coming to stay with me for a week.”

  He paused, not really wanting to introduce her to Jimmy. All the girls were attracted to Jimmy's good looks. Daniel almost grimaced at the thought. Jimmy was taller, smarter, and had body hair. What could he do? He shrugged his shoulders. “Would you want to meet him?”

  “That would be nice but you better be going before you get into trouble.”

  “I can't believe how fast the time has passed. I've been gone almost four hours. It passed by so fast.”

  “Yeah.” She said wistfully but added, “Like a moment in eternity.”

  He waved at her and she waved back. She stood there staring after him as he crossed the road and climbed the gate.

  After he got over the gate he looked to see her still standing there. He waved again and thought at least he hadn't tripped climbing the gate. He had been so clumsy lately. His mother told him he was probably just growing. He hoped so. He was tired of being the shortest person in his class.

  He walked rapidly up the hill and then slowed down when he realized he hadn't seen any cars pass by. He should have been able to see them from where they had been all afternoon or at least have heard them. Maybe that meant Duncan wasn't back yet but then neither was his mother. That was strange. She should be back by now.

  As he topped the last hill and looked down at the house he saw that both cars were there. He looked at his watch. Fifteen until six! He better hurry. He took off at a jog and ended up running. Since it was all downhill he had no problem keeping up the pace. As he reached the front door he glanced at his watch and smiled when he still had eight minutes to go. He hurried through the house and shucked his clothes on his floor. Slipped on clean ones and in two minutes he entered the dining room.

  “Hello.” He said to his mother and nodded to Duncan as his stepfather glanced at his own watch. Duncan just nodded in return.

  “Hi, honey, where have you been?” Kelli asked as Tarla finished placing the food on the table.

  “I went down to the burnt house, across the road from the gate. I spent most of the afternoon there. I could have sworn that no cars passed. I didn't even see either one of you as you came home.” Daniel explained as he placed two serving spoons of green beans on his plate.

  “That's strange. I looked over that way as I stopped the car to open the gate.” His mother said suspiciously to Daniel.

  “It's so overgrown and the sound of the creek blocks the noise.” Duncan interrupted in what seemed, if Daniel hadn't known better, in defense of Daniel.

  Daniel had been there, he didn't need to be defended. “Well, I met someone and I was probably busy talking or looking at the remains of the house.”

  “Oh, who do did you meet?” Kelli asked.

  “A girl named Lynda Mandy. She's my age.” He turned to Duncan. “Do you know where she lives?”

  Duncan didn't look over at him but inspected the food on the table instead. He shook his head in reply. “Can't say that I know any families around here named Mandy.”

  “Oh well, maybe she's new or just visiting somebody.” Daniel said but for some reason he got the impression Duncan was lying or not telling the whole truth. He dismissed the thought.

  Daniel ate everything on his plate and complimented Tarla on the meal. He then asked Duncan if he could be excused. He had a lot to do before Jimmy came tomorrow and wanted to finish his evening chores.

  Duncan gave him permission and Daniel got up to leave. “Could I call Jimmy? I know it is long distance but I promise I won't be on the phone long. I'll pay you back.”

  Kelli looked over at Duncan and he nodded.

  “Okay honey, you run along.”

  Daniel headed straight for the phone to call Jimmy.



  “Hi Daniel. What's up?”

  “You're still coming tomorrow?”

  “Sure. I'll be there round noon.”

  “Good.” Relief sounded in Daniel's voice.

  “What's the matter?”

  “I'll tell you when you get here. You'll never believe it. Would you bring the Ouija Board and a flashlight?”


  “I've got to go. I've got chores to do. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye.” Jimmy said into the phone as he hung up.

  Daniel hurried out to feed the animals. The only job he hated was slopping the hogs. It was nasty, messy and heavy work but he enjoyed watching them eat.

  He finished up and went to his room. He picked up the muddy, still damp clothes he had thrown on the floor and put them in the clothes hamper. He spent the rest of the evening punching at his computer and wishing he had a phone in his room or was able to get onto the internet.

  At eight thirty, just like clockwork his Mom knocked at the door and he started logging out. His stomach began to churn as soon as he heard the knock. He knew that soon he would be stuck in this room again, in the dark and alone. Alone? God he hoped so but after last night, he wasn't sure. Although, he hadn't been hurt he was scared and part of it he had to admit he enjoyed. Was that possible? Did he want it to happen again? Jesus, was he turning into a pervert, or something? It would probably screw him up for life. He would end up on some talk show telling the world how he was molested by a female and male ghost. He laughed out loud at the thought.

  “You're sure in a good mood this evening.” Kelli smiled. “What's so funny?”

  “Oh nothing.” He felt a flush coming to his face and turned around to the computer and
punched idly at one of the keys. Then turned back around when he regained his composure. “Just anxious to see Jimmy tomorrow.”

  “I'm glad his mother said he could come. You better get ready for bed.”

  “Okay. Good night.” Daniel went over and hugged his mother.

  She hugged him back and then held back away from her and looked at him with a puzzled look.

  “What's wrong?” He asked wondering she was doing.

  “I swear, if I didn't know it was impossible I would swear you've grown a couple of inches in the past couple of days.”

  He grinned. “You're just saying that to make me feel better.”

  “No. I'm serious.” She pulled him back and stared down at his jeans. “Look.”

  He followed her eyes towards his feet.

  “Your pants look like you're wading high water.”

  Daniel couldn't help but laugh thinking that he really had waded high waters today. But as he looked at his pants he found they were up to his ankle bones. He blinked in dismay. It wasn't possible. He had just had these pants on two days ago and he was practically walking on their cuffs.

  “Maybe I've gained more weight.” He snarled his lip at the thought. “That'll probably piss Duncan off.”

  “Daniel!” She reprimanded but couldn't blame him. “Watch what you're saying and you don't need to be using words like that when you have a better vocabulary than that. People stoop to profanity when they can't think of better words.

  “Don't use words like what?” Not even realizing what he had said.


  “Oh.” He paused and grinned for a moment. “Sorry. It'll probably urinate him off.”

  Kelli tried to frown but couldn’t keep a straight face. She laughed and he grinned at her.

  “What am I going to do with you?” She grinned and hugged him again. “You haven't gained weight, see.” She tugged at the waist of his pants pulling it out. It was looser, actually looser.

  Daniel stared and finally shrugged his shoulders. “I wish.”

  “You better get ready for bed. Goodnight honey.”

  “Night Mom.”

  He was going to just brush his teeth and get ready for bed but decided since he had been in the muddy water today he better take a quick shower. He still had over twenty five minutes before Duncan would arrive and he climbed into the shower. Just as he shampooed his hair and began to scrub he heard the bathroom door open and knew it was Duncan. Damn, that man, couldn't he at least have a little privacy.

  “You're early.” Daniel said loudly above the noise of the shower with just a little sarcasm. “What time is it warden?” He added, but beneath his breath.

  “What did you say? Duncan's deep voice boomed.

  “I said, what time is it?” Daniel answered without any sarcasm but wanted to say, “What the fuck time is it.”

  “Ten until nine. I wanted to talk to you for a minute before you went to bed.”

  Daniel rinsed his hair and turned off the shower. He opened the shower door and reached for the towel. Duncan was standing there in the door waiting. Daniel knew he would be and didn't bother to try to hide behind the towel. He knew Duncan would inspect him as he usually did. He calmly went about drying waiting for Duncan to talk.

  Duncan stood there quietly watching until Daniel was finished and slipped into his clean underwear.

  “You look taller.” Duncan stated.

  Daniel just looked at him. That had been what his mother had said.

  Daniel went in and sat on the edge of his bed and Duncan sat in a chair across from him.

  Duncan sat there for a couple of minutes staring at the red paint on the back of the fireplace.

  Finally Daniel was getting tired of waiting. If he was going to get chewed for something, he might as well hurry up and get it over with.

  “Well?” Daniel said.

  Duncan looked over his face was unreadable. He cleared his throat. “Daniel,” he paused, “if you don't want to sleep in here tonight you can sleep on the couch.”

  What? Daniel thought what in the world? Then Tarla's words came back to him. It must have happened to him or something like it. Well he would just show him.

  “Why would I want to do that? This room is great.” Daniel challenged.

  Duncan blinked. He couldn't believe the spunk of this kid. He had definitely misjudged him. “Suit yourself.” He got up and headed for the door and turned around. “But I have to turn off the power.”

  Daniel nodded and watched him close the door. He climbed between the sheets just as the light went out. The curtains were still open and it was still daylight. He wondered why he had said he could sleep on the couch. As Daniel laid back he felt like kicking himself. He really didn't want to sleep here again tonight but he wasn't going to give Duncan any satisfaction of seeing him scared.

  If he was being so nice he could have at least left him the lights. Daniel ran over in his mind what Duncan had said when he left. He said, “He would have to turn off the power.” Not, I’m turning off the power but “I have to turn off the power.” That was strange. Why would he have to turn off the power?

  Daniel lay there for a long time thinking about everything that had been happening. Finally after several hours of lying in the dark with nothing happening, he fell asleep.