Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 1 Page 20

  CHAPTER viii


  The two following days had neither event nor disturbance, except somelittle vexation occasioned by the behaviour of Sir Robert Floyer,who still appeared not to entertain any doubt of the success of hisaddresses. This impertinent confidence she could only attribute tothe officious encouragement of Mr Harrel, and therefore she determinedrather to seek than to avoid an explanation with him. But she had, inthe mean time, the satisfaction of hearing from Mr Arnott, who, evereager to oblige her, was frequent in his enquiries, that Mr Belfield wasalmost entirely recovered.

  On Thursday, according to her appointment, she again went to St James'Square, and being shewn into the drawing-room till dinner was ready,found there only young Mr Delvile.

  After some general conversation, he asked her how lately she had had anynews of Mr Belfield?

  "This morning," she answered, "when I had the pleasure of hearing he wasquite recovered. Have you seen him again, sir?"

  "Yes madam, twice."

  "And did you think him almost well?"

  "I thought," answered he, with some hesitation, "and I think still, thatyour enquiries ought to be his cure."

  "O," cried Cecilia, "I hope he has far better medicines: but I am afraidI have been misinformed, for I see you do not think him better."

  "You must not, however," replied he, "blame those messengers whoseartifice has only had your satisfaction in view; nor should I beso malignant as to blast their designs, if I did not fear that MrBelfield's actual safety may be endangered by your continual deception."

  "What deception, sir? I don't at all understand you. How is his safetyendangered?"

  "Ah madam!" said he smiling, "what danger indeed is there that any manwould not risk to give birth to such solicitude! Mr Belfield however, Ibelieve is in none from which a command of yours cannot rescue him."

  "Then were I an hard-hearted damsel indeed not to issue it! but if mycommands are so medicinal, pray instruct me how to administer them."

  "You must order him to give up, for the present, his plan of going intothe country, where he can have no assistance, and where his wound mustbe dressed only by a common servant, and to remain quietly in town tillhis surgeon pronounces that he may travel without any hazard."

  "But is he, seriously, so mad as to intend leaving town without theconsent of his surgeon?"

  "Nothing less than such an intention could have induced me to undeceiveyou with respect to his recovery. But indeed I am no friend to thoseartifices which purchase present relief by future misery: I venture,therefore, to speak to you the simple truth, that by a timely exertionof your influence you may prevent further evil."

  "I know not, Sir," said Cecilia, with the utmost surprise, "why youshould suppose I have any such influence; nor can I imagine that anydeception has been practiced."

  "It is possible," answered he, "I may have been too much alarmed; but insuch a case as this, no information ought to be depended upon but thatof his surgeon. You, madam, may probably know his opinion?"

  "Me?--No, indeed? I never saw his surgeon; I know not even who he is."

  "I purpose calling upon him to-morrow morning; will Miss Beverley permitme afterwards the honour of communicating to her what may pass?"

  "I thank you, sir," said she, colouring very high; "but my impatience isby no means so great as to occasion my giving you that trouble."

  Delvile, perceiving her change of countenance, instantly, and with muchrespect, entreated her pardon for the proposal; which, however, she hadno sooner granted, than he said very archly, "Why indeed you have notmuch right to be angry, since it was your own frankness that excitedmine. And thus, you find, like most other culprits, I am ready tocast the blame of the offence upon the offended. I feel, however, anirresistible propensity to do service to Mr Belfield;--shall I sin quitebeyond forgiveness if I venture to tell you how I found him situatedthis morning?"

  "No, certainly,--if you wish it, I can have no objection."

  "I found him, then, surrounded by a set of gay young men, who, by wayof keeping up his spirits, made him laugh and talk without ceasing: heassured me himself that he was perfectly well, and intended to gallopout of town to-morrow morning; though, when I shook hands with him atparting, I was both shocked and alarmed to feel by the burning heat ofthe skin, that far from discarding his surgeon, he ought rather to callin a physician."

  "I am very much concerned to hear this account," said Cecilia; "but I donot well understand what you mean should on my part follow it?"

  "That," answered he, bowing, with a look of mock gravity, "I pretend notto settle! In stating the case I have satisfied my conscience, and ifin hearing it you can pardon the liberty I have taken, I shall asmuch honour the openness of your character, as I admire that of yourcountenance."

  Cecilia now, to her no little astonishment, found she had the samemistake to clear up at present concerning Mr Belfield, that only threedays before she had explained with respect to the Baronet. But shehad no time to speak further upon the subject, as the entrance of MrsDelvile put an end to their discourse.

  That lady received her with the most distinguishing kindness; apologisedfor not sooner waiting upon her, and repeatedly declared that nothingbut indisposition should have prevented her returning the favour of herfirst visit.

  They were soon after summoned to dinner. Mr Delvile, to the infinite joyof Cecilia, was out.

  The day was spent greatly to her satisfaction. There was no interruptionfrom visitors, she was tormented by the discussion of no disagreeablesubjects, the duel was not mentioned, the antagonists were not hintedat, she was teized with no self-sufficient encouragement, and weariedwith no mortifying affability; the conversation at once was livelyand rational, and though general, was rendered interesting, by areciprocation of good-will and pleasure in the conversers.

  The favourable opinion she had conceived both of the mother and theson this long visit served to confirm: in Mrs Delvile she found strongsense, quick parts, and high breeding; in Mortimer, sincerity andvivacity joined with softness and elegance; and in both there seemedthe most liberal admiration of talents, with an openness of heart thatdisdained all disguise. Greatly pleased with their manners, and struckwith all that was apparent in their characters, she much regretted theprejudice of Mr Monckton, which now, with the promise she had given him,was all that opposed her making an immediate effort towards a change inher abode.

  She did not take her leave till eleven o'clock, when Mrs Delvile,after repeatedly thanking her for her visit, said she would not so muchencroach upon her good nature as to request another till she had waitedupon her in return; but added, that she meant very speedily to pay thatdebt, in order to enable herself, by friendly and frequent meetings,to enter upon the confidential commission with which her guardian hadentrusted her.

  Cecilia was pleased with the delicacy which gave rise to thisforbearance, yet having in fact nothing either to relate or conceal,she was rather sorry than glad at the delay of an explanation, since shefound the whole family was in an error with respect to the situation ofher affairs.