Read Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress — Volume 2 Page 9


  Mr Briggs was at home, and Cecilia instantly and briefly informed himthat it was inconvenient for her to live any longer at Mr Harrel's, andthat if she could be accommodated at his house, she should be glad toreside with him during the rest of her minority.

  "Shall, shall," cried he, extremely pleased, "take you with all myheart. Warrant Master Harrel's made a good penny of you. Not a bit thebetter for dressing so fine; many a rogue in a gold lace hat."

  Cecilia begged to know what apartments he could spare for her.

  "Take you up stairs," cried he, "shew you a place for a queen."

  He then led her up stairs, and took her to a room entirely dark, and soclose for want of air that she could hardly breathe in it. She retreatedto the landing-place till he had opened the shutters, and then saw anapartment the most forlorn she had ever beheld, containing no otherfurniture than a ragged stuff bed, two worn-out rush-bottomed chairs, anold wooden box, and a bit of broken glass which was fastened to the wallby two bent nails.

  "See here, my little chick," cried he, "everything ready! and a box foryour gimcracks into the bargain."

  "You don't mean this place for me, Sir!" cried Cecilia, staring.

  "Do, do;" cried he, "a deal nicer by and by. Only wants a littlefurbishing; soon put to rights. Never sweep a room out of use; onlywears out brooms for nothing."

  "But, Sir, can I not have an apartment on the first floor?"

  "No, no, something else to do with it; belongs to the club; secrets inall things! Make this do well enough. Come again next week; wear quite anew face. Nothing wanting but a table; pick you up one at a broker's."

  "But I am obliged, Sir, to leave Mr Harrel's house directly."

  "Well, well, make shift without a table at first; no great matter ifyou ha'n't one at all, nothing particular to do with it. Want anotherblanket, though. Know where to get one; a very good broker hard by.Understand how to deal with him! A close dog, but warm."

  "I have also two servants, Sir," said Cecilia.

  "Won't have 'em! Sha'n't come! Eat me out of house and home."

  "Whatever they eat, Sir," answered she, "will be wholly at my expence,as will everything else that belongs to them."

  "Better get rid of them; hate servants; all a pack of rogues; think ofnothing but stuffing and guzzling."

  Then opening another door, "See here," he cried, "my own room just by;snug as a church!"

  Cecilia, following him into it, lost a great part of her surprise atthe praise he had lavished upon that which he destined for herself, byperceiving that his own was yet more scantily furnished, having nothingin it but a miserable bed without any curtains, and a large chest,which, while it contained his clothes, sufficed both for table andchair.

  "What are doing here?" cried he angrily, to a maid who was making thebed, "can't you take more care? beat 'out all the feathers, see! two onthe ground; nothing but waste and extravagance! never mind how soon aman's ruined. Come to want, you slut, see that, come to want!"

  "I can never want more than I do here," said the girl, "so that's onecomfort."

  Cecilia now began to repent she had made known the purport of her visit,for she found it would be utterly impossible to accommodate either hermind or her person to a residence such as was here to be obtained andshe only wished Mr Monckton had been present, that he might himself beconvinced of the impracticability of his scheme. Her whole business,therefore, now, was to retract her offer, and escape from the house.

  "I see, Sir," said she, when he turned from his servant, "that I cannotbe received here without inconvenience, and therefore I will make somenew arrangement in my plan."

  "No, no," cried he, "like to have you, 'tis but fair, all in our turn;won't be chorused; Master Harrel's had his share. Sorry could not getyou that sweetheart! would not bite; soon find out another; never fret."

  "But there are so many things with which I cannot possibly dispense,"said Cecilia, "that I am certain my removing hither would occasion youfar more trouble than you at present foresee."

  "No, no; get all in order soon; go about myself; know how to bid;understand trap; always go shabby; no making a bargain in a good coat.Look sharp at the goods; say they won't do; come away; send somebodyelse for 'em. Never go twice myself; nothing got cheap if one seems tohave a hankering."

  "But I am sure it is not possible," said Cecilia, hurrying down stairs,"that my room, and one for each of my servants, should be ready intime."

  "Yes, yes," cried he, following her, "ready in a trice. Make a littleshift at first; double the blanket till we get another; lie with themaid a night or two; never stand for a trifle."

  And, when she was seated in her chair, the whole time disclaiming herintention of returning, he only pinched her cheek with a facetioussmirk, and said, "By, by, little duck; come again soon. Warrant I'llhave the room ready. Sha'n't half know it again; make it as smart as acarrot."

  And then she left the house; fully satisfied that no one could blame herrefusing to inhabit it, and much less chagrined than she was willing tosuppose herself, in finding she had now no resource but in the Delviles.

  Yet, in her serious reflections, she could not but think herselfstrangely unfortunate that the guardian with whom alone it seemed properfor her to reside, should by parsimony, vulgarity, and meanness, renderriches contemptible, prosperity unavailing, and economy odious; andthat the choice of her uncle should thus unhappily have fallen upon thelowest and most wretched of misers, in a city abounding with opulence,hospitality, and splendour, and of which the principal inhabitants, longeminent for their wealth and their probity, were now almost universallyrising in elegance and liberality.