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  Change of Heart

  By Adona Pierre

  Copyright 2012 by Adona M. Pierre


  This book is dedicated to my loving daughter; who inspires me everyday to strive for the best. Also, dedicated to my grandmother whose birth year inspired the setting.

  -Mommy & Granddaughter (Adona)


  In the city of Sacramento lived a young lady named Rose, who was born September 12, 1911; to a middle class family of four. Her sister whose name is Pearl was two years older than she. Rose was brunette, 5’4” and a slender built. Pearl was also, brunette, but, 5’8” and of a fuller figure build. Their mother and father were both brunettes; the mother 5’5” and full figured, the father 5’10” and a slender built; loved their two little girls and always wanted nothing but the best for them. However, the mother and father weren’t expecting the troubles of teenage hood.

  It was the summer of 1926 in Sacramento and there was much to do for the girls. The home had to be prepared for their summer guests; all the winter clothes had to be packed away, cleaning done from top to bottom and shopping for new summer clothing and such. Rose and Pearl were working hard because if they were done early they were able to go down to river and visit their friends from school and Pearl had been going study with a young boy name Phillip. Phillip came from a wealthy family and had plans to become a doctor; so he was well sought after by many young ladies but, Pearl had caught his attention so, she wanted to keep it that way. Rose simply just wanted to swim and enjoy laughing and talking with her friends. It was around noon on this Thursday and sure enough the girls had finished their chores early and were able to go down to the river. Pearl put on her favorite clever lines dress with her black mary janes; and Rose slide on her basque dress with her tennis shoes. The girls headed out down the road. Pearl decided to give Rose a talking to regarding her dressing habits. “Rose don’t cha ever think about what ya wearing and especially what others will think? I mean at 15 you should be considerably thinking about it since this is the time when you want a guy to take interest; you don’t wanna be an ‘ole made do ya?” Rose held her head high and replied, “Oh Pearlie all you think about is getting married, being wealthy, and having babies. I’m looking for more ya know, like being my own woman and maybe never having children (clearing her throat) and maybe never getting MARRIED.” Pearl looked at Rose as if she were crazy or ill, “You know if mom and dad ever heard you say such things you’d be….,” “Yes, yes Pearl I know can we just leave it alone and enjoy our day at the river.” The conversation was over and the girls continued on to the river where Phillip and a few of Roses friends were. Rose sat on the grass and talked with her best friend Sue about the conversation her sister and she had on the walk there. “Sue my sister thinks marriage is the key to everything in life and what gets me is she’s ok with being at home raising kids. She has no sense of adventure or passion for anything; she’s so not like us I’ll tell you that for sure.” Sue just simply shook her head and followed with, “Well……I mean……oh darn Rose getting married isn’t so bad… it?” “What the heck are you saying Sue, did someone ask you or has your parents been feeding you that garbage too?” Rose stands up and walks closer to the river and is in disbelief that her best friend has fallen in the “marriage” trap. “Ok, ok Rose listen, ya know Tim from the library?” “Yeah what about him?” Rose replied. “We’ve been going study for six months now and he’s asked me to marry him once we’re done with school and…….,” “And…..spit it out already Sue.” “I said yes.” Rose thought and thought about it before giving Sue any type of reply, due to this was her best friend and she didn’t want to say anything that would destroy their friendship. “Sue, I’m happy for you I mean if marriage is what you wanna do then I’ll support ya.” Sue grabbed Rose and told her that she was excited and happy that she wasn’t judging her. It had become time for the girls to head home and Rose was still in shock from the news. Pearl didn’t say a word to her the whole walk home.

  Upon arriving home the girls ran up stairs and got washed up for dinner. While sitting at the dinner table their father asked them what happened at the river. Rose said, “Dad to much for you to handle in one sitting.” Pearl followed, “Daddy did you know that Rose is set cold against marriage?” Rose gave Pearl the look of death and kicked her under the table. “Is this true Rose? because if it is you know that kind of attitude won’t be taken lightly. You know how our family feels about marriage so, if that’s the case get it out of your mind; because you see, you will get married even if I have to pick the guy myself, and don’t look at your mother because she agrees with me, now finish your dinner and I’ll hear no more of that non-sense.” They went on with dinner and then off upstairs and Rose was fuming with rage that she decided not to speak to Pearl. The next morning came and Rose got right to her chores and as usual if you were done early you’re able to go out. Rose asked her mother if it were ok for her to go out on her own and her mother agreed. What took place next Roses family was not prepared for.

  Rose headed down the road where Sue picked her up in her father’s car. Sue asked, “So where we headed?” Rose replied, “To the bookstore I need to conduct some research, do you have an hour or so to spend with me?” Sue said, “Of course I told my dad we were most likely going shopping so, he knows how long we take and I indicated we might grab lunch.” The girls arrived at the bookstore which was where Rose met a gentleman by the name of Ross; he was the manager of the store. She asked him if he had any books on women who did things differently. Ross asked, “When you say differently just what do you mean?” She told him that she was looking for books or articles on women who were living a life other than the normal get married and have children type of thing. Ross indicated that he would be able to show her better than have her read some article or book. She agreed and Sue had a look of concern. Rose told Sue that Ross was going to be her new world travel guide and to look out for a new Rose was on the rise. Ross took Rose to a table in the back and told her to meet him that Saturday there at the bookstore and to be ready for anything. Rose then turned to Sue and said, “Ok, I’m ready to go and if you still want we can go and grab lunch.” So, they left the bookstore and heading to the soda shop for lunch. There they talked about the new venture Rose was about to embark upon and if she was really ready for such an adventure. Rose went on to tell her about the conversation that took place at the dinner table last night and how she felt Pearl threw her under the bus with their parents. Sue didn’t have much to say as for she was able to see how upset Rose was. So, they ate their lunch and then headed back home. Rose walked into the house and said nothing; she went straight upstairs with no dinner and no over dinner conversation. The next day came and Pearl was concerned because she and Rose have always been close and she was beginning to feel that all that had changed. “Hey, what’s eating at you missy? You didn’t even show up for dinner last night and you haven’t said a word to me since we walked down to the river.” Rose replied with silence and turning her back to Pearl. “Are you ignoring me?” Pearl asked. Still no response from Rose. “Well you know we’re sisters and this type of behavior isn’t going to solve anything. I’ll give you time and space to weigh out what ever is going on with you, ok?” Rose went down stairs and asked her mother when was dinner going to be ready and was it alright if she went out the next evening with Sue. Her mother agreed and then asked, “Is everything alright? I mean you missed dinner last night and your sister says you’re not speaking with her.” “Yes mother all is fine; I just need time to myself is all.” Rose went upstairs to relax before dinner when the phone rang. Their mother called Rose and told her it was Sue. “Hello.” “Hey it’s me Sue, listen I hear that Ross guy is into some he
avy stuff are you sure you wanna hang out with him tomorrow night?” “Sue, really, you’re calling me to tell me that? I’m aware of all and I can’t really go into it right now but, I’ll see you tomorrow ok.” “Ok, bye then.” “Ok, bye Sue.” “So what was that all about sweetheart?” Her mother asked. “Oh….ummm….just some silly girl stuff mom, nothing to be worried about.” Rose said looking at her mother with a look of “really none of business.” Rose ran back upstairs and stretched out across her bed and was thinking about how tomorrow night was going to be. Just then her mother called saying dinner was ready. The dinner table had never been more quite and no one knew why since this had never happened before. The father looked at the girls and then the mother and all she said was, “How was your day?” to the father. After that the silence fell again. Dinner was done and the table was cleared; the girls went off upstairs and Rose turned over facing the wall and continued thinking about tomorrow