Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 16

~Chapter 11~

  A Visitor

  Morning broke in the forest to the delightful sounds of winter songs birds singing in the branches above. The birds were found content today, because this was an unusually warm day in the forest. The irregular and mild snowfalls that had followed the party for the last few days had moved on further northward, during the nighttime, and had opened the skies at daybreak to a wonderful color of a deep azure blue.

  The smell of brewing tea filled the crisp air around the campsite. Chug had been the first one to wake up this fine morning, and had started cooking breakfast long before Louis and Molly stirred.

  "Today should be easy travel with the weather so fair," said Chug as he handed Louis a cup of hot tea.

  "Your right Chug, today we should be able to make up a lot of lost time. If all goes well we might be able to make it out of the forest, as we planned to, in the next day or so."

  Molly finally awoke, eating a light breakfast with the others. She then proceeded to break camp with Louis and Chug. Both Apollo and Jupiter had gotten a, good night's sleep as well, and felt reinvigorated with seeing the warm morning sun beaming down through the thick pine branches.

  The dense Boreal Forest started to finally clear a bit. It became thinner as they traveled on down a small trail that they had been following the last few days. The travel was easier today and good luck was with them, because they came across a large patch of wild berries growing along the trail.

  Berry vines were found wrapped around low-lying tree branches, and sage bushes, and were just beaming full of ripe wild blueberries. As all walked along a feast was for the taking and this only made the journey this day, all the more delightful. Chug and Molly picked as many handfuls of berries as they could both stuffing them in the smaller pockets of their backpacks, to be eaten later, when food might not be so plentiful.

  As they continued onwards, the forest continued to thin, and break around them. As they came around one particularly large tree standing in the middle of the trail a gently sloping valley about a mile wide, and twenty miles long, now opened up before them. A slow running stream could be seen at the far end of the valley, where wild winter flora and fauna surrounded its banks.

  "We will camp over there for the night," said Louis as he reached out his hand, pointing to the farthest part of the valley.

  "That can't be more than an hour's ride. We will have an abundance of fresh water, a comfortable place to sleep tonight, and maybe some fresh fish to eat for dinner."

  "That sounds good to me Louis" chimed in Chug as he smacked his lips at the thought of some fresh fish for dinner.

  "Maybe there are brook trout or salmon in that stream. Maybe just maybe a delicious dinner is, in store for us tonight; if I have anything to do with it," said Chug while thinking about his stomach again.

  Apollo and Jupiter picked up the pace as they descended the well-worn animal trail into the gentle valley below. A few wild eagles could be seen soaring overhead, and a few wild boar now came into view, as they grazed on the wild grasses found growing sporadically about the shallow valley. As they turned another bend in the road, the travelers could not believe their eyes at what they saw next. Great herds of enormous, caramel colored elk for as far as the eye could see.

  Their huge antlers looked as if they were touching the sky, and the sounds that emanated from under their feet as they moved, rumbled the ground below as they slowly strolled along. This was the last place this far north, where the wild grass fields where not completely covered by snowfall this late in the year, and there was fresh clean water to drink. It seemed like all the animals that lived this far north knew of this one valley, and had come here, to rest, and gain their strength before the mass migrations would soon happen, towards the warmer climates in the lower, southern areas of the Canadian Territories.

  Mixed in between the large herds of elk were stately lone moose, wild arctic coyotes, enormous herds of mule deer and even a few herds of buffalo were spotted about the valley. All manner of animals lived here in the Northwest Territories in harmony and friendship. The winter had started out mild this year, so food was still plentiful. The herds of wild animals appeared to be fattened enough to make it through the winter ahead, be it harsh, or longer than normal.

  "Can you believe this Luis? This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I thought that the day, the county fair came to town, and we saw all those elephants and tigers that, that would be the greatest day of my life, but nothing compares to this Louis...absolutely...nothing does. Animals in the wild!" said Chug whose eyes were as wide as an ocean.

  "You're right! Look at the size of that rack of antlers, on the leader of the pack. They must be fifteen feet across, with more than sixteen points."

  As they passed the great herds of animals, Jupiter and Apollo gave an eloquent bow in the direction of the lead elk. The gesture appeared to be an unspoken respect between animals that Louis, Chug, and Molly really did not understand. The great leader responded in kind, with a stately bow of his own, as the party slowly passed by.

  Finally, towards the end of the day as the now distant sunlight began to fade from view below the tree line, on the remote hills of the valley, they reached the wide shallow stream that they had seen earlier in the day. All dismounted the horses, and went about setting up camp for the night by the rocky, riverside.

  The sounds of the river stream filled their ears. And could be heard for hundreds of yards around as the water dashed, and darted, over the largest rocks and boulders that lay in her streambed.

  The wide stream had to be over one hundred yards across at its widest point. Who could tell how deep it really was. Crossing it would surely be a hardship, but for now, the young adventures were happy to have reached the southern bank before nightfall. They would worry about a safe crossing the next morning, for now a hot meal of fresh fish, and a restful night of sleep is all they wanted.

  This night would be the last one they would spend in the Boreal Forest, and the third day since Louis had found the moons cycles in one of his books. In the back of Louis's mind he knew tonight would be a night like no other he had ever experienced in his life.

  As the camp was, being set up Louis turned and looked at Molly, who had the same perplexing expression written across her face. One of fear of the unknown and what might come calling in the night. Most young children had this fear but not while, camping at the edge of the northern most, and wildest forest in the world.

  It was sometimes tough enough to conquer your fears in the warmth of your own bed while in your bedroom, but this was a whole other world for Louis, Chug, and Molly.

  Chug went about fishing in the stream for an hour or so after camp had been set up, and finally appeared from around a bulky rock sitting on the riverbank with a large Chinook salmon that he just caught. He held it up high in the air for all to see as he approached the large campfire, blazing in the middle of camp.

  "How great is this?"

  "Wow...Chug...well...look at you!" said Louis.

  "Do you mind cooking this little guy up Molly?"

  "Man what a dinner this is going to be!" proclaimed Chug with a look of pure delight on his face.

  "Chug I am so glad you came along" said Louis.

  "Me too Chug. That fish has to weigh...well...over fifty pounds. Let me have that fish to cook Chug."

  Molly went about preparing the meal as Jupiter and Apollo wandered off to forage for food, make friends with the other animals in the valley, and take a long comforting bath at the edge of the river stream.

  Molly, Chug, and Louis ate a grand meal that night of, flour biscuits, rice patties, and wild salmon, cooked over an open fire. All agreed when they were done eating that is was the finest meal that they had ever had, besides the one they had eaten with Captain Legrange and his wife, Lady Angelique.

  Molly spent the early part of
the evening after dinner looking through her backpack for something very special when Louis came up behind her. He tapped her on her shoulder.

  "What are you doing Molly? You look like you're deep in thought, and worried about something?"

  "Louis we are going to have company tonight. I have to look my best," said Molly as she pulled out a small leather pouch from the backpack.

  "Company...?" asked Louis.

  "I sense something strange as well Molly. Are you sure you feel that we are going to have a friendly visitor tonight?" inquired Louis.

  "We're at the edge of a valley, in the middle of the wildest forest in Canada, and at the edge of the very world it's self. Who could find us way up here, and why would they want to visit us anyway?" asked Chug as he shrugged his shoulders. He cleared away some pine needles, next to Molly, to find a place to sit down after a scrumptious dinner.

  "Louis sit down here, come closer, I have to tell you something.

  "Go on Molly..."

  "The visitor we are going to have tonight will not be from our dimension, or time. He will come from a time that has long ago passed."

  "What are you talking about Molly...and why are you putting much make-up?

  "Louis I'm painting my face in the colors of our visitor's tribe."


  "Yeah...what are you talking about Molly...a visitor...a tribe...what" asked Chug.

  "I'm preparing myself for the ghost, of Chief Black Elk the Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux Indians...who will be arriving...shortly".

  As Molly said the great Indian chief's name, the flames of the large bonfire (in the middle of camp) burst outward and upwards. The firewood below crackled and burst about the ground, sending shards of flaming wood about the campsite. Then an eerie light blue smoke began to emanate from the base of the fire. It wafted in a slow circular motion upwards, into the blackened sky, above the thin canopy of the forest.

  Before Louis could say another word or really comprehend what Molly had just said, both of them turned towards the sounds of the roaring fire. They both looked as deeply, and as intently as they could into the thick blue smoke. They both instantaneously thought they saw a dark and wrinkled human face peering out at them, through the eerie smoke. The bizarre, and very out of the ordinary face, rose up slowly to the top of the smoke cloud that was before them, then it suddenly vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

  "Molly did you see that?" blurted out Louis at the top of his lungs.


  "I saw the face of an old Indian in the smoke. Did you see it Molly? Did you?"

  Molly dropped the lipstick case in her hand. She fell backwards into a pile of pine needles.

  "Louis I saw it too. It was an Indian face, with two large feathers on the top of his head, and he was wearing a beaded headband. I saw it Louis! Really I did!" called out Molly.

  Chug who was sitting nearby upon hearing Louis and Molly yell out, and the firewood explode, jumped to his feet. He grabbed Louis's walking stick for protection.

  "What's all the commotion about? What are you two yelling for...what is it? I was just about to nod off and go to sleep. You two scared the heck out of me with all that yelling! What face...? What Indian...?" asked Chug as he widened his stance and braced for trouble.

  "Chug...we're...not...a...lone..." said Molly in a low guttural tone, just to scare Chug that much more.

  "Not alone...?"


  "Chief Black Elk's ghost has come to visit us tonight," said Molly as she raised her hands to the evening sky "we can now be sure of this. His presence is already here with us."

  "Molly you have to stop talking like that you're starting to scare me," said Chug as he started to shake a little bit in fear.

  Apollo and Jupiter upon hearing the commotion faithfully circled the campsite. Both stood at attention, ready for what may come.

  "Apollo ready yourself; trouble may be under hoof. Have courage in your heart" said Louis as he turned to scan the forest around them for possible, intruders.

  Chug moved over closer to Louis. He held the walking stick out in front of him when Molly grabbed Chug by the arm, and gestured for Chug to lower the staff. She then motioned to Apollo and Jupiter that everything would be OK.

  "Chug, Louis, Apollo please do not be alarmed. This aberration or ghost is not here to harm us. I feel it in my heart-of-hearts. It is something that I cannot explain, but I just know it. Chug lower the staff and Louis please, sit down by the fire over here and let me take charge, for a change. I know exactly what to do," said Molly as she started again to scan the outlying forest for possible interlopers, along with Jupiter.

  As Louis sat down, and after Chug leaned the walking staff against a nearby pine tree a soft rustling could be heard in the highest tree branches above the bonfire. Just then, the golden red and orange flames of the campfire roared again, just as before. However, this time, the dancing flames shot even higher into the air, which threw out a bright orange glow onto all the trees surrounding the encampment.

  Louis jumped backwards again, but this time as far away from the roaring fire as he could get. Jupiter and Apollo both were startled again, and stumbled backwards as well; as the flames grew in intensity in front of them. When the flames finally drew back to their original state, a large cloud of blue and orange smoke started billowing out above the top of the prancing flames.

  The smoke was very dense, and quickly began to change colors before their eyes. The odd smoke had a strange mixture of colors that seemed to change with the dancing of the flames. There were colors of deep yellows, then bright oranges, then pale greens, until finally the color blue totally engulfed the other colors, sending the other colors, scurrying from sight. As the smoke appeared to reach its maximum density and deep blue colors, the gently floating body of an old man now began to appear through the supernatural smoke.

  The image of an Indian started to take a full form in front of the bewildered and enthralled party.

  After a few more moments, the image was completely formed, it could be seen to be that of an older man, with a well-wrinkled, and well-weathered reddish face. There were two large eagle feathers positioned in a beaded band, worn around his head. He was wearing: a light tan colored pair of leather pants with long, free flowing tassels hanging down both sides. His torso was shirtless which showed off a well-chiseled and muscled chest, that a man of his advanced age seldom had.

  The figure hovered directly over the flames and inside of the blue smokes for a moment more, then he began to float off to the left side of the campsite towards where Jupiter and Apollo were standing. He then slowed to a stop, gentle hovering about a foot off the ground. Not a word was said by anyone present, as the dignified and majestic image, each now saw in his full glorious form, slowly drifted past him or her.

  Molly again, gently raised both her hands into the air with her palms open towards the clear, starry skies above, she then slowly raised her head upwards. She appeared to be in some sort of dizzying trance.

  A singular crystal-clear blue moonbeam suddenly flashed onto Chief Black Elk's silhouette, as his feet lightly touched the welcoming earth. Streaks of pale blue moonbeams started to flash, and dance with a rhythmic cadence all around the clearing. It was if the natural world had opened up its arms to welcome a long lost friend, who had come back to visit from the unnatural world and was celebrating his glorious and timely return.

  Just as quickly as the blue moonbeams, and light blue smoke from fire had appeared; it quickly diminished. When all the flashing lights and smoke from the campfire had faded out, and dissipated up into the skies above, a full blue moon could now be seen hanging high above in the sky, alone in the heavens.

  The ghostly figure that was now touching the earth, and about twenty paces from the fire, moved with a steady gait towards Jupiter, pa
using for a brief moment to look about the clearing. He slowly reached out his left hand, which bore thin, long healing fingers. Lightly he touched Jupiter on the forelock between his ears. Jupiter instantly lowered his head as if in a trance-like-state, same as Molly was. He then spoke a few indiscernible and strange foreign words in to Jupiter's left ear. Black Elk raised his other hand. He gently placed it on Jupiter's neck, giving him a warm and impassioned embrace.

  Black Elk had a supernatural relationship with all animals on earth, and especially horses, as all Indian peoples are known to have. Jupiter responded in kind and gently nudged up to Black Elk's body for reassurance, and comfort. Apollo slowly approached Black Elk, with his head bowed towards the ground. The trio of participants stood together for a moment as if master and students were being reacquainted once again, in some type of ceremonial dance that only they could be a part of.

  Black Elk was a Sioux Indian from the northerly nation of the Minnetaree Group, who were know to inhabit the areas of Minnesota, and as far north as Canada. This forest had been home to his ancestors for hundreds and hundreds of years, with Black Elk being their "Medicine Chief and Spiritual Leader, while he had walked the face of the earth during his natural life.

  He was a tall elegant man with a well-weathered and very handsome face that had a myriad of deep wrinkles etched into it. His eyes were a deep black and shown of, honesty, wisdom, and confidence, which comes from living a life of purity and good. His two eyes were evenly set, and were by far his best feature.

  His clothes were made of an off-white and light-pale lambskin, with the most intricate designs of red and blue threads and beads, crisscrossing his broad barreled chest. Black Elk's clothes were traditional Indian wear, which hung loosely off his frame and they were worn and fit for comfort and to show a restrained pride from its wearer.

  Around the top of his head, covering his long shinny black braided hair, was a simple headdress, which bore two large colorful and great feathers, gathered from his years hunting in the great forests of his lands. The two feathers had come from the great eagles that were known to inhabit, and call this forest home. Also interlaced inside the headdress were feathers of bluebirds, red robins, and black sparrows. Each feather had a purpose or position in the headdress, which only enlivened the overall look of this amazing man.

  In his left hand, he held a fascinating and well-crafted staff, with a handle mounted at the top of the shaft, carved in the figure of an enormous eagles head. A large string of yellow and white bear teeth, hung around his neck, with each tooth being about five to six inches long, and as sharp as a shark's tooth.

  Around his feet, he had: strapped well-worn moccasins made of cowhide, and they had the same intricate leather lacing woven around the top and sides that was found along his pants.

  Simply put, he was the most eloquent, wizened looking, and interesting man Chug, Louis, or Molly had ever seen.

  As Black Elk stood a few yards away from them, the clear and beautiful full blue moon that hung over the tree line encircled his frame. It was, as if a natural picture was theirs for the viewing, and it was a wonderful picture of, purity and truth, from another time. The soft blue moonbeams shone off his broad shoulders, casting an uncanny bluish shine off his long silky black hair.

  As Molly, Louis, and Chug stood in amazement at what they were seeing and regained their full senses, Apollo and Jupiter knew that the ghostly figure standing before them absolutely meant them no harm.

  Louis spoke out, as only Louis was known to do at such times.


  "I wish I could do that. Did you have to practice that, or was that done on the fly?"

  Chug tugged on Louis's shirt-tale. He tried to place his hand over Louis's gapping mouth.

  "Louis, are you out of your mind? What are you thinking...?"

  "I couldn't help myself Chug. Could you believe what we just witnessed? That was the greatest show on earth! That beat even what Charlie did last year in Mr. Beamer's barn on Christmas Eve."

  "Heck...was...that something...or something else?"

  Louis just could not contain himself as he gained his balance (after falling backwards with Molly). He dusted off the pine needles that were lodged on his shirt and pants. Chug just stood there gazing at the handsome stranger, as Jupiter's and Apollo's facial expressions echoed Chugs.

  "Hi my name is Captain Louis Parks by way of Captain Legrande Legrange, and I am from Centerville Indiana. I am the leader of this expedition, and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance."

  Louis took a tentative step forward with an outstretched hand in front of him.

  Black Elk's first words were spoken with pride, and an intonation that bespoke of the spiritual nature of his being.

  "I know who you are Louis. Captain, you play first base for the Centerville Giants, and your best friend Chug here...plays...right field."

  Louis and Chug turned to look at each other, both about fell over together right where they were standing.

  "And this must be the famed Molly Jenkins?" continued Black Elk as he turned to focus his eyes on Molly, who had finally came out of her trance.

  Molly was now bending down and reaching for something inside her backpack with her back turned towards Black Elk. Upon finding what she had been looking for, she finally, then abruptly turned, to face the group again.

  Black Elk, Louis and Chug almost fell over together right in place, when Molly turned back to face them.

  Molly had lathered on so much Crimson Passion red lipstick that she looked like a ghostly princess from a long ago tribe of great warriors or even worse:


  Her lips had been plastered with red lipstick so thick, it appeared that she had on a clown's fake pair of red lips, and her checks had so much red rough on that she looked like she had, a bad case of the mumps.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you Black Elk. I'm Hot Tamale Molly who is in the fifth grade and is Miss Trumble the Schoolmaster's favorite student," said Molly as she curtsied and smiled widely, to show off her beautifully pearly white teeth.

  Black Elk wiped his eyes for a moment, looked over at Louis and Chug, then nodded in a strange confirmation that only the male species could comprehend, that he understood Louis's and Chug's plight, and concern, about Hot Tamale's flaming red lids.

  "I just wanted to look my best for you Black Elk. Do you like my color of lipstick? It is called, Crimson Passion. It comes from France, and it is the finest color of red you will ever see.

  "Well you look delightful Molly. Louis sure is a lucky fellow to have such a fine, young and beautiful, girl as yourself as his girlfriend" said Black Elk as he took Molly by the hand. He gave her a warm, soft kiss on the cheek. He tried the best he could, not to get any lipstick smeared on his face.

  "I am very pleased to meet you Molly."

  Louis knew that he could not change Molly's mind about her lipstick and make-up, so he just continued on the best he could. Louis looked to find Black Elk's eyes and finally asked the questions that were dwelling in each one of their hearts.

  "What brings you here with us tonight Black Elk, and how do you know about us, our names, and how did you know how to find us?"

  "Every animal in the forest, every bird in the sky, and every tree in this forest are well aware of who you are, and where you are going. You are part of a "special quest" to save Christmas present and future, to resurrect Charlie one more time, and to nurture him back to health, with the Magic Jingle Bell that is in your possession.

  Each living thing and beast in the forest that has good, dwelling in their hearts is here to support you, and here to help you on your long, and dangerous journey to the North Pole. That is why I am here Louis, to help you as well. I have been watching you for the last few days as you have crossed through the great Boreal Forest. The forest of my ances
tors; where my spirit now resides. I could not contact you earlier, because I can mostly only travel in human form on this earth upon the second moon or blue moon in the month. Sometimes under certain circumstances, I can travel on Christmas Eve, but only when the Northern Star has reached its apex, and only for a very short period of time."

  "Wow a real Indian are help us on our quest?" blurted out a stunned and bewildered Louis.

  "You've lost your map of the great wilds, that Mr. Beamer gave you, and you are soon to past into more unforgiving territories, into the domain of the great arctic wolf packs of the open tundra. Then ultimately, you will come across Growlar the Ancient Cave Bear and his lair. You are going to need all the help you can get to pass safely through the dangers that now lay directly in your path. I will converse with you tonight, and give you the inner strength, and confidence that you will need, to complete your journey, and I will give you a special gift that you will need one day, when the darkest moment of your young life with be upon you. I will also send you a brave guide to get you to the Ingnok Mountains, and through the "Polar Gates". He will give you the additional guidance that you will need, to complete the final leg of your quest."

  Chug hearing all, stammered a bit to get a few more words out of his dry throat.

  " mean you will give us a guide?"

  "I have lived in the forest in thought, and in body for over two hundred years now. Some of the great Indians who live in this forest are my direct ancestors. We know of all things good and evil, and communicate with the animals on a daily basis, to keep this forest, and the tundra fields clear of, evil beast, or bad animals that may have misdeeds in their hearts and minds. You can't travel through the far Northern Territories alone; it is just too dangerous and wild. This is why I have sent for a friend of mine. He resides in the Far East. He will help you; he knows this area and he is greatly feared, by all who live in these lands. You will meet this friend within the next few days, for he is on his way to meet up with you as we speak. Embrace him, and cherish his advice. He will help protect your party, and make sure that you make it through the Ingnok Mountains, within the time allotted for you to finish your quest. Because if you do not make it through the upper most passes of the Ingnok Mountains within that small window, the winter storms will trap you on the mountainsides. So stay close to his side and call him friend...," said the great Medicine Man and Indian Chief.

  "I will...I will call him friend Black Elk..."

  "May I now give you, Louis and Chug a special gift that I have brought only for you. You may not know their meaning or purpose now, but you will when the time for their powers is needed. Chug please come forward and address, me."

  Chug, tripped over a few small sticks on the ground; he almost fell into Black Elk's arms as he came over to where Black Elk was standing.

  " honor...I mean sir...ah...I mean ah...Mr. Indian...sir."

  "Chug, please don't be so nervous in life or you will end up with a terrible complex like Mr. Turkey, and always be thinking the world is after you, or not on your side. This is no way to live your life. You have to face the world on your own terms, not the other way around. Someday you will understand this, but most likely not today. Now back to the task. Here Chug, for your kind offer to go along with Louis on this quest, and for being by his side courageously the whole time, I now offer you my most favorite walking staff. It will help defend you and your party from evil spirits, and wild animals alike. It has been mine since I was a small boy. It was given to me by my father when I was about your age and since I no longer need it, and have no living children of my own to pass it on to... I want you to consider yourself my god-child and let me pass it on to you. Will take this special gift from me?"

  "Well sure, I'll take it. I may be nervous a bit, but I am not stupid or shy. Especially around food, Louis can attest to that. Thank you very much Mr. Indian and I will keep it with me for the rest of my life. Thank you so very much Mr. Black"

  Chug gave a small bow of his head, and then turned to head back over to where Molly was standing.

  "Louis you are next. Please come forward, and take this gift I offer you tonight."

  Louis walked forward with a little more confidence than Chug, but was still a little bit nervous as well.

  "I have never met a real Indian Chief...or Ghost...or Medicine Man before. I am going to have to start a journal or book, and start keeping track of all the things I've done, because this just keeps getting more interesting and better, everyday."

  "Louis, will you keep your mouth closed for a few minutes, to let Black Elk give you his gift already", chided in Molly in a friendly tone.

  "Louis you are the leader of this brave troop. I will give you the strongest medicine I have, for you, above all the will need it the most."

  "Don't scare me Chief. Remember I am only eleven years old, and in the fifth grade with Molly, and if you haven't noticed, most girls are still taller than me. Now am I really going to need the strongest medicine you have? Is it stronger than the stuff Doc Wellman gave me when I got the mumps a few years back? That stuff tasted just plain awful."

  "Louis I said quit yammering let the Chief speak" said a playful Molly.

  "Louis I want you to take this string of ancient bear's teeth that hang around my neck, they were accumulated by me throughout my life. Each nasty and terrible bear that I smote down and killed in battle, I would take one of his or her teeth as a prize, and remembrance of that battle. Each tooth when strung together against the next only increases the power of the others. When you take the life of an animal or beast all Indians believe, that you take the spirit, soul, and strength of that animal to carry with you the rest of your life. The power and courage of all those bears lies in this string of bear teeth that I am now giving to you. Just like the gift I gave to Chug, I will not be, needing this special magic any longer, for I am a older man like Mr. Beamer, and do not travel about much. You are much younger, and have a long life to live ahead of you. This will help you out during all your remaining days left on earth. Also one other thing, if for some reason the magic does not work for you or you use it unwisely, here is the best heeling medicine I have."

  Louis stepped forward. He took the medicine and ancient bear's teeth from his outstretched hands.

  "The medicine is a concoction made of squib-root, bears bladder, inch-worm guts, and bats tongue. It is called, Heaven's Heart. The magic of this healing root has been passed down through out our people for hundreds of years. The only thing is that, it smells worse than Short Stacks heat balm. The smell is downright awful, and you may end up having a face like your neighborhood dog, Mitch the Bulldog when you apply it, but the healing powers of it could one day save your life. So Trust me, use it unsparingly."

  "Well Mr. Indian Chief I hate that old heat balm of Short-Stacks as much as the next guy, but if you say we need it then I would be happy to accept it on behalf of everyone, I am honored and am glad that you trust me with these two special gifts. I accept them both whole heartedly, but what was that again about needing the power of these bear's teeth in the near future or above all else I need help, or something?"

  Black Elk waived for Molly to come forward.

  "Molly you're next so please come forward to receive your gift."

  Molly gingerly stepped forward still in somewhat of a mild dream-state, still lathered up in make-up and red lipstick.

  "I have a special gift for you that all the Ladies of our tribe have worn for centuries."

  Black Elk reached into a leather satchel hanging around his neck. He pulled out a small leather pouch filled with a very sweet smelling perfume.

  "Molly since you already have, a very demur and grown-up lipstick I feel you need a grown up perfume to go with that. Try this, my wife use to wear it for years. It is made from jasmine p
etals, essence of rose, sweet-water from our sacred well, and a mixture of crushed daffodil flowers."

  "What did you say your wife wears it, and it has essence of rose, or daffodils?" Molly took the gift from Black Elk, quickly opened the leather satchel, and rubbed a few drop of the delectable smelling perfume on her turned up wrist. The smell was just pure heaven, which brought a big smile from Molly. She gave the Indian Chief a small quick kiss on the cheek then looked over at Louis. She gave him a big wide smile.

  "Well Black Elk, I have a gift for you as well, from all of us."

  Louis went over to where Jupiter was standing. He started to rummage through one sidesaddle bag. After a moment or two, Louis returned with something in his hand.

  "I know that my gift cannot be as special, and as magical as the gifts you have given all of us, but I would still like to offer you it, if you will accept."

  "I will Louis..."

  "Only one thing though. If you accept this gift then you also will be accepted into our tribe, Chugs, and mine. You see we are both blood brothers, and I will want you to become our blood brother as well."

  "I would be proud to be a part of your tribe. Continue on Louis"

  Louis opened his hand, to expose his trusted pocketknife. He looked over at Chug as Chug looked down at the small scar on his hand. Louis opened the blade. He stepped ever so respectfully toward Black Elk. Black Elk, lifted his head up to look at the large blue moon hanging overhead, mumbled something is his language, and then opened his right palm to Louis. Louis looked at Molly, then Chug, and then at his own shaking hand. Then with one quick downward stroke of his hand, he grazed Black Elk's wrinkled palm, his own and Chugs, drawing a few very small drops of blood from their skin.

  Black Elk looked Louis respectfully in the eyes and said, "Blood brother, till the end. It is done." All shook hands.

  Chug and Louis in unison said back", it is done then."

  Molly winced at seeing the few blood drops dripping from their hands.

  Louis handed his favorite and trusted pocketknife to Black Elk.

  "One gift deserves another."

  "Thank you Louis, I will cherish it always, and I will remember this moment in time for the rest of my life."

  Louis smiled broadly, looking at the small scar on his palm.

  Black Elk took Louis aside after all the gifts were given; he talked with him though out most of the rest of the night. What serious issues they talked about only Louis and Black Elk knew.

  Finally, the midnight hour was at hand. Black Elk did not speak again that night. He raised his hands in the air with the palms facing upwards. He started a strange rhythmic dance about the fire...that now rose up his beckoning.

  As the wise old Medicine Man sang a song from his past, the fire licked the air as the bright blue streaks of moonbeams started to flicker about the campsite again, just as before. Black Elk twirled about the campsite performing an ancient fire-dance that cast blue shadows on the surrounding trees. This filled each of the traveler's heart with joy. Apollo and Jupiter appeared to go back into a trance as well, as they witnessed the dance unfolding before them.

  Molly with her bright red lips and cheeks seemed to be perfectly suited and made-up for the dance. It was as if she had dressed herself up with make-up to try to fit in with the ancient ritual. She had known something (due to a woman intuition) that both Louis and Chug could not understand. As Molly and Black Elk where singing and dancing about the flames, Chug with Louis seeing all the fun that they were having, jumped right in, and sang and danced along with their newfound friend for the rest of the evening.

  The Indian Chief's songs could be heard throughout the forest that night, and the soft and gentle cadence of his moccasins lightly touching the earth brought a feeling of peace to the earth below. This night Louis learned about what the path ahead really held for him, and about the guide, which would soon be found on the road ahead. He now felt a resurgence of strength, and confidence in his heart that good was on their side. And with the help of the friends that they were meeting along the way he truly now believed in his heart and mind, that they were truly destined to be, the saviors of Christmas's present and future.

  The large blue moon finally began to lose color behind the tree line as the evening wore on, and the light from the fire softened, as all grew tired from the night's activities. As the light given off by the distant softening blue moon crept ever fainter, and fainter, and the long pale shadows it casts on the earth slowly dispersed into the night, Black Elk slowly began to fade from view.

  His songs gently drifted away from everyone's ears as his image completely faded away, and out of sight, back into the spirit world from which he came from.

  The great Medicine Man from the nation of the Minnatree had gone back to walk among his great ancestors in the blackness that was the Boreal Forest. He had passed back into his spiritual form. He would not be seen again until the next blue moon.

  A friend was made that night he would for always be remembered by all who were present that night, for the rest of their natural born lives.

  Louis placed Molly's small hand in his. He reached over and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She in kind returned the favor with a kiss that was just as sweet. They both turned away from the softening firelight to look towards the far end of the clearing.

  As the blue moon was just about to disappear completely into its silent slumber for another year, a last bright flash of moonlight glistened on a proud, and stately figure standing between two great pine trees.

  As the flash of blue light reached its brightest moment, both thought they could make out the outline of an enormous and proud snow panther on the far horizon, with its clear green eyes shining brightly, against the backdrop of the darkened forest.