Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 17

  ~Chapter 12~

  The Snow Panther of the Northwest Territories

  The next morning, the party finally left the safety of the Boreal Forest, crossing over the shallow but wide river that they had camped by, the night before. By finding a large fallen pine tree that lie across the banks, this made for an easy and quick passage.

  A stroke of good luck was upon them once more.

  The open and wild Northwest Territories laid directly in their path now. The arid land spread out before them was starting to rise in elevation, the terrain became rockier and harder to travel over, and the snowfalls would become more frequent as the seasons continued to turn slowly.

  Loud wolf's cries could be heard echoing off the distant mountain ranges to the north. The forlorn calls and howls sounded much like what a lonely sailor might hear of Lady Sirens singing out, and calling a lone wayward ship to come looking for her. But in reality, the Sirens were only calling the sailors, and their ships to their deaths, onto the rocky reefs found in the grip of the cold, dark water beneath them.

  The wolf cries were sweet, yet alarming to Louis, and with one quick motion of his hand, the party stopped cold in their tracks. Louis had remembered reading in Mr. Beamer's journal that great packs of wild arctic wolfs, were known to travel loose and free this far north, around the open tundra fields that was only about a day's ride ahead.

  Louis and his friends had used the forest for cover for as long as they could but now they would have maybe a week of traveling before they could reach the safety of the Ingnok Mountains. Until then, this is when they would be most vulnerable from attacks by wild animals.

  As Louis looked about and plotted his next steps, it was obvious that they would have to take the calculated risk and move forward, because this was the quickest way to the foreboding mountains.

  Molly and Chug both dismounted the two horses, and joined Louis in the making of a pair of snowshoes. After crafting a few pairs of sturdy shoes with some nearby fallen tree branches, and sticks, they placed the homemade snowshoes under their walking boots, and continued on forward. The snowshoes helped them to walk through some of the deeper snows, and helped with navigating around some of the larger rocks in the path. This helped Apollo and Jupiter get a well-deserved rest.

  Louis kept a steady pace for the party, only resting when needed. All the while, he kept trying to keep conversations and other distractions to a minimal to help save energy.

  Built at night were snow caves, for protection; all would sleep together to try and keep warm. Firewood was sparse and hard to find so Chug would use the oil from the lone gas lamp for heat and comfort.

  Each night the cries and howls of the wolves would be heard calling to them, and each morning the cries would fade away as the comforting northern sun would rise. Louis knew in his heart that the wolves were following the party, and at some point they, would meet up with them, to who knows what end.

  Louis picked up the pace of the party even more on the third day as his instincts told him that danger was closer than ever before, and that only the safety of the mountains could help them thwart an attack, if indeed an attack was forthcoming.

  On the fifth night, sleeping on the open tundra-fields the cries, and howls of the wolves could be heard much clearer, and they seemed much closer now. And were most likely coming from the surrounding, medium-sized snow hills found to the left and right of them. The party had made camp for the night right in the middle of these very same hills, and as far away from them as possible, so the wolves would not have a chance to attack them from higher ground.

  This night Chug and Louis built an extra large and very thick snow cave for the fear that their luck might soon be running out.

  "Louis I'm afraid," said Molly as she huddled up against him for warmth and safety, inside the cave.

  "The wolves have been following us for close to five days now. Are we going to be able to make it to the safety of the mountains in the morning?" asked Chug as he spoke with the same fear in his voice as Molly's.

  "You've heard the cries and howls, of the wolves just the same as I have. I believe that by mid-morning tomorrow, we will make it to the foot of the Dark Mountains. The wolves won't follow us there for fear of falling rocks, and avalanches. The guide that Black Elk was talking about a few days ago, should be here soon to show us the way safely northwards, through the high passes of those same mountains. If we can just: stay safe tonight by keeping a fire going, by keeping the light from the gas lamp as bright as possible, and by keeping our spirits up, we should be just fine" said Louis.

  Chug had found as much firewood as he could before nightfall, and had built a medium-sized fire at the entrance to the snow cave. Chug had not wanted to travel to far away from the snow cave, or camp, for his own safety, so they had to use what little firewood that they had carried out of the forest with them. If they were lucky, it should last them throughout the long, cold night ahead.

  Jupiter stood the first watch at the entrance to the cave as Molly cooked a scant meal of dry venison, leftover dried salmon, and potatoes over the open fire.

  All were hungry; all were cold.

  Five days on the open tundra with the blistering winds hurling down upon them had drawn most of their energy.

  Apollo and Jupiter had lost about three hundred pounds between them since the journey had begun. Both were looking a little thin and a bit haggard.

  "Don't worry Apollo there will be plenty to eat when we reach the mountains. There will be low-lying bushes, mountain grasses, and wild berries. We can all rest for a day or two when we get to the base of the mountains," said Louis as he gave the last of the straw they had brought along with them to Apollo and Jupiter.

  After finishing dinner and discussing the next day's plans, all three of the tired travelers fell fast asleep, with the fire at the edge of the snow cave keeping all warm throughout the night. A few more wolf cries were heard, echoing off the distant mountains, as cold northern winds blew down upon the icy tundra.

  Throughout the night, sounds of the wolves fighting and arguing with each other could be heard echoing, inside the snow cave. Earsplitting shouts of pain and great cries of hunger were coming from the lone pack.

  Louis tossed and turned inside of his sleep late into the night until he was finally awoken by the howls of the wolves that seemed to be now, not more than fifty yards away. He slowly approached Apollo who was standing guard at the mouth of the snow cave.

  "Louis I think the fire is keeping them away" said Apollo.

  "I believe you're right Apollo, but in the morning the fire will be out, and they know that once we get to the mountains, their chance for a hearty meal will escape them. I am afraid the worst will happen sometime tomorrow. Try to get some sleep the best you can. Prepare yourself for a great battle tomorrow," said Louis as he gave Jupiter a warm pat on his neck.

  Louis went back to his bedroll lying next to Molly. He tried the best he could to fall back asleep. Jupiter slept with one eye open, but he knew as Louis had said that they would be only safe until daybreak.

  Chug stirred first in the morning; he was slow to rise. The night had been long as all nights are up this far north are known to be. Chug heated some coffee up then warmed the last of the dry venison over the fire. The aroma filled the snow cave. The smell of the food brought Molly and Louis to their senses. After waking up and eating a small hot meal, all slowly started packing up the camp. Apollo and Jupiter were already awake; both were found standing outside the snow cave waiting for the last push into the mountains.

  "Good morning Jupiter" said Molly

  "Good morning Apollo" said Chug as he exited the snow cave, and came into the faint light of the new day.

  "Did you get any sleep at all Apollo?"

  "Yes, I have learned in the last few weeks, as I stand watch at night, to sleep for very short periods of time, which still keeps me refre
shed in the morning. I will be just fine, but we must hurry now. We must make good time today. We have been exposed on the open ice, and snow for way too long, and this is not good," said Apollo as he turned to face Chug, to show him that he meant all business.

  It took the better part of thirty minutes to get the camp broke down, and the horses packed up properly. The snowfalls of the last few days finally had subsided, and the sun was warm and inviting for a change.

  The skies were bright blue. A few white clouds drifted southward high overhead. Jupiter and Apollo both thought the travel should be quicker today, which was exactly what they needed.

  Early morning gave way to midmorning with Jupiter keeping up a good pace. Behind Jupiter were Louis with his walking stick in hand, and then Molly. Chug and Apollo guarded the rear flank. Both were constantly looking backwards to see if they were being followed. After walking for about three hours, Louis called for a quick break before they were at the foot of the mountains, which were only about two hundred yards away.

  There was a twenty-foot tall snow mound a few yards ahead. Louis motioned for all to head there for safety. A small amount of floured biscuits, and wild berries were passed around for Chug, Louis, and Molly to eat as all regained a little strength, and renewed their spirits for a moment.

  As Louis was looking upward at the great mountain range that lay directly in their path, the wind became deathly still, which cast a most peculiar and unnatural calm in the air.

  "Louis we have made it to safety this mid-morning. The mountains are only minutes away, and there was no sight or sounds, of the wolves today. I have not heard one cry, or howl, since last night. They must have given up, and returned to wherever they live," said Jupiter with confidence now instilled in his voice.

  Just as the words were leaving Jupiter's mouth, a thunderous, deep howl broke the silence of the thin air, then another cry, then another!

  "Louis, Molly quick, over here by my side!" shouted out Jupiter.

  "Apollo to your left, look to your left!" cried out Chug.

  As Apollo turned to his left, an enormous white wolf appeared into view. With one mighty leap off the back of a large nearby snow mound, he flew through the air towards Apollo. Apollo quickly tried to spin out of his way, but a mighty outstretched claw from his front paw ripped down into Apollo's back, as he flew by overhead. The claw tore right through the leather saddle, and blanket on his back. It broke through his skin, cutting him deeply. Apollo shrieked out in pain, as the first swipe from the mighty wolf, landed with the precision of a surgeon's knife.

  As Apollo spun around one more time to defend himself, another large wolf leapt out from behind an out-sized rock on his right side. It took a vicious snap at Apollo, as his rear out-stretched claws almost found its intended target.

  Molly grabbed her walking stick lying in the snow beside her. She took a measured thrust into the side of the wolf that had just snapped at Apollo's rear legs. The brunt of the staff hit the mighty wolf right across its forehead, which sent it rolling to the left down a snowdrift, leaving it unconscious, with a large lump growing on its forehead.

  Suddenly wolf cries, howls, and barks were heard bellowing out loud all around them.

  Chug grabbed the gas lamp that was hanging off the side of Apollo; he unscrewed the cap. He then tore a large swath of cloth off his front sleeve and wrapped it around a large stick that he found laying on the ground at his feet. He doused the cloth with the gas lamp oil, grabbed a match out of his front pocket, he lit the ragged clothe.

  Just as it burst into flames, another large white wolf came soaring in, airborne toward Louis. Louis turn instantly to his left, crouched down as low as possible to avoid the attack, grabbed the burning cloth out of Chug's hand, and threw it onto the broad back of the great animal as it landed on the ground in a awkward tumble.

  The wolf burst into flames!

  It shirked out in pain, pawed a few times at the air in panic then ran off screaming at the top of his mighty lungs.

  Louis screamed out.

  "All quickly, run to the safety of the mountains! Run! Run!"

  Jupiter slowly backed up towards the mountains as Chug, Molly, Louis and Apollo started running as fast as they could towards a large outcropping of rocks, about one hundred and fifty yards away. Apollo shirked out in pain as he ran off. Blood was streaming down his back as he fought to get to safety. Louis now had a firm grip of his walking stick in his hands, and turned every few yards or so to stave off an attack from the rear...if one was forthcoming.

  "Hurry to that cave over there," cried out Chug as he pointed to a large opening in the rocks that was now coming into view.

  Jupiter seeing that all were almost to the safety of the rock cave, started running towards the mountains himself, but as he ran he feigned a stumble, and a fall in the snow, so he could separate himself a little further from the others. He so desperately tried to draw the attention of three enormous wolves who were now stalking Chug, Molly, and Louis as they ran for their lives.

  Seeing Jupiter fall the three wolves did exactly what Jupiter had hoped for, and now directed their attentions towards him. Jupiter turned backwards one last time to see if his friends had finally reached the safety of the rock cave at the front of the mountain range.

  They had!

  His plan had worked!

  He had drawn the wolf pack's attention to him long enough for his friends to make their escape to safety. Jupiter promptly gained his footing again, swiftly turned on his back haunches, planted his mighty hooves into the snow, then bolted for the safety of the mountains himself.

  Just as Jupiter turned to flee, two eminence wolves leapt at him from the top of another large nearby snow mound. One of the wolves front left claw found contact on Jupiter's right side, and tore a large opening in his flesh, which spattered his blood into the snow all around his hooves.

  Jupiter cried out in pain. He stumbled to the ground, but for real this time.

  Hearing Jupiter cry out and seeing him fall, Louis flew out from the shelter of the cave; he advanced on the wolves that were now blocking Jupiter's escape. As Louis, raised his walking stick to administer a deathly blow to one of the larger wolves a large shadowy figure passed directly over his head, temporarily blocking out the bright sun overhead.

  With a thunderous thud upon hitting the frozen earth, snow flew out in all directions, and covered the three wolves, and Jupiter, from head to toe in snow.

  Ear piercing cries of fear and pain were heard coming from the wolves as a massive flurry of snow was thrown out in all directions around them. A fierce and mighty battle ensued right in front of where Louis stood, but he could not tell what was happening. Suddenly Jupiter appeared out of the flying snow, bleeding profusely from the side, but managed a wobbly gallop towards were Louis was standing.

  As the snow in front of Louis subsided, and fell back to the earth Louis could not believe what he now saw.

  An enormous white snow panther...larger than the size of ancient...saber tooth tiger ...was crouching down in a massive stance of disobedience; it was the most statuesque, and strongest looking creature that has, ever walked the earth. It had the deepest, and most piercing emerald green eyes Louis had ever since before. They were transfixed on his intended targets...the great wolf pack that was again stalking, and circling about Louis and Jupiter.

  The panther's fierce claws were fully extended, and bloodied.

  A wolf with absolute panic on his face and with black lifeless eyes took a giant leap towards the panther's head, with his vast claws at the ready. As the huge brown colored blood-thirsty wolf flew towards the hunkered down panther, the panther rolled over on its broad back for protection, extended out his own mighty razor sharp claws even further, and with one fast swiping blow from one of its front paws, it landed a direct hit onto the soft underbelly of the great wolf. This sent the wolf's lifeless body plummeting ba
ck to earth, hitting the snow-covered ground with a dull sound.

  He was dead before he hit the ground.

  Heard now were fierce growls, hisses, and thunderous snarls, coming deep from within the throat of the panther upon seeing his handy work.

  A frontal attack!

  Another wolf took a forceful leap, but this time not at the crouching panther. This wolf proceeded to pounce towards Louis. Louis quickly ducked out of the way, as it started to pass by...right over his head. As it flew past Louis landed a well-placed blow from his walking stick upon its rear leg.

  Heard was a loud snap and crack of the wolves' femur bone.

  The wolf landed with a mighty thump as well, it rolled over and over a few times in the snow, let out a mighty cry, then limped off the best it could away from Louis.

  The snarling snow panther now took another, proud rebellious stance, but this time he stood on his hind legs, standing up to show the entire mass, and girth of his enormously strong and well-sculptured body.

  Upon standing up, he cried out with a loud shriek that rumbled off the nearby mountains, which only added to its volume. He extended out every claw in his front paws, as high in the air as possible, in one last show of pure power and might.

  The leader and the largest of the wolves in the pack finally showed himself; he sauntered away, from behind a large snow mound. He came into full view after most of his pack of marauding, and hungry wolves had been cut down by the great panther.

  Almost all of the wolves in the wolf pack could be seen limping off or crawling away, bloodied and beaten, with their tails between their legs. They were all trying to get the farthest away from the battlefield as they could get, but not their bold leader...Raff the Red Wolf!"

  This great leader was as large as the snow panther with claws on his front paws that rivaled his foe. The claws must have been over eight inches long, and were as sharp as a barn owl's eyesight in the dark. This wolf leader was the color of a deep, rusty red with dirty streaks of gray and black mixed about his well-seasoned and battle-worn face. This gave him an unnatural and otherworldly look about him. His eyes were large gray orbs that looked like the eyes of a man-eating shark.

  They were lifeless and unforgiving eyes.

  The hair on his body was long, matted, and unkempt from years of prowling the open tundra fields, and from fighting with other wild animals and beasts, and from scavenging for food. There were large, deep scars on his face, rear legs, and the sides of his neck from years of in fighting with his wolf pack, or from killing his prey.

  The Great Red Wolf made his first attack on the immense panther from behind; a cowardly move!

  It leapt off the dead body of one of his kindred. He landed on the panther's broad and muscular back. The panther spun about like an alligator in a death roll, flexed his claws, and then sunk them deep into the red wolf's massive sides. The two warriors were locked in a death-spiral, as they rolled about the soft snow. They thrashed about the ground together in a death dance, as loose snow covered with their blood, completely hiding them from the view of the other wolves and Louis.

  Heard a loud were cries and shrikes, as the battled continued for what seemed like an eternity. A deep slash there, a bottomless bite here, a loud whelp, and fur flying everywhere.

  Then finally, all was quite.

  Nothing could be heard except the rapidly beating heart of Louis who stood there frozen in place...searching for answers.

  Who had survived the fight?

  Was the epic battle was over?

  When the red bloodied snows cleared, and had fallen back to the earth, it now became clear that only one of the great beasts had survived.

  The only one left standing after this immense battle was the lone warrior,

  Panthera the Great Snow Panther!

  He was bloodied and unsteady of foot, but victory was his. His huge nostrils flared as his massive lungs grasped for air. His chest heaved as he stood over the carcass of the dead Red Wolf leader.

  A victor had emerged.

  The great leader of the arctic wolf pack lay motionless in the snow in front of the snow panther.

  Upon seeing this, what was left of the wolf pack scurried off into the nearby snow covered hills for safety. The panther stood motionless for a few more moments to regain his strength and composure. When he saw the last of the wolves scurry off and out of sight, he slowly turned to look at Louis, who was standing only few feet away, with a look of shear exhilaration on his boyish face.

  The mighty snow panther said dryly, "I thought you could use some help with these trouble-makers."

  Louis tried to reply but he was breathing so quick and shallow, the words could not find their way up his parched throat. Louis's legs were quivering uncontrollably, profuse sweat poured off his brow. The red wolf's blood was splattered across his bearskin fur coat.

  The great panther spoke again.

  "You must be Louis, the leader of this party. Black Elk my good friend had called on me to come and give you a hand, and to be your guide for the rest of your trip. I have talked to, many of the birds and animals from the Great Lake, to the Boreal forest, and they have all been talking about you, and about your epic journey, for quite a few months now."

  Louis's eyes grew in intensity, his fist clenched his walking stick in his hand tighter, and tighter which almost broke it. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak again, the best he could.

  "And you are...ah...ah...?"

  "I am, Panthera the Snow Panther."


  "I have followed you since the night of the blue moon from afar. Then I heard, as I said before from the friendly animals of the forests, and tundra fields that the great arctic wolf pack was on your tale, and up to no good. Therefore, I thought, I had better make for the Ingnok Mountains up ahead of you, to lay in wait for the packs arrival. They're a nasty bunch of lawbreakers, and they cause nothing but trouble for every animal, and beast up here in the Arctic Circle. I have had many bloody run-ins with them in the past, but don't worry for they will not bother you anymore. For I have killed their leader, and ran the rest off to tend their wounds. The great wolf packs leaders name was Raff. I have had many fights with him in many parts of the world over the years, but at last he is done for."

  "You're injured", uttered Louis as he stepped closer to the great white panther to look over his cuts "we must tend to your wounds, and to the wounds of the others in our party".

  Louis motioned for the panther to follow him.

  Jupiter, Apollo, Molly, and Chug had already found the safety of the cave at the foot of the dark mountains and were peering from its opening when Louis and Panthera approached towards the mouth of the rock cave. Panthera limped in. He gently tried to lie down on the rocky ground after a few moments of circling about. He lightly touched down on some, dead moss and dried leaves. Chug lit a small fire as Molly dressed the wounds of Panthera, Apollo, and Jupiter.

  Panthera closed his eyes; he quickly found a well-deserved sleep.

  "Who is this Louis?" asked Chug in a quiet voice.

  "He calls himself Panthera."

  "Is he our guide that Black Elk was talking about?" asked Molly.

  "Yes Molly he is, we are all tired, and we all must rest," said Louis.

  While Louis, Panthera, Molly and the horses, slept, rested, and tended their wounds Chug went outside of the rock cave to go back, and survey the battlefield where so much blood had just been spilled.

  Chug walked about the red-stained ground where a few wolves laid lifeless. He decided that he would take a souvenir of the great battle, because one day he would tell of this fight, and wanted to make sure everyone back in Centerville believed him.

  He slowly walked about the grounds, and upon a closer look, he started to find a few broken claws and dislodge teeth of the great wolves. Raff the Great Wolf pack leade
r was laying dead, and about the ground where he lay, was where most of the broken off and largest claws of all could be found.

  After a few moments more: the task was finished.

  Chug quickly placed all the teeth into a small cloth handkerchief that he was carrying. He then placed the cloth back into in his pocket. As he turned and started to walk back, towards the cave mouth, he heard a great squawk coming from high above.

  A large golden eagle was circling about a mile overhead in the sky right above of where Chug was standing. Just as Chug looked up at the eagle, he advanced to pull two large feathers out of its tail with his beak. The great eagle then watched them gently float back down to earth as he still gracefully circled overhead. As they were about to hit the earth Chug reached up his hand, he caught them both in mid-flight.

  The great eagle seeing this tilted his wings back and forth a few times, and then flew off towards the south.

  Chug did not know what to make of this.

  Was this meant to be a sign or a signal by the eagle or was this just a coincidence? Chug looked the beautiful and proud feathers over for a moment then placed them both gently into his rear pants pocket. He headed back towards the cave again without an answer.

  However, for now a mighty battle was over.

  The wolf pack leader, Raff the Red Wolf was dead, and the rest of the wolf pack had scattered back into the tundra fields, and would not be returning for some time, if ever.

  Apollo, Jupiter, and the snow panther were all wounded but the cuts and scares would heal in time. Nevertheless and most importantly of all, a new friend had been made, and just in the nick of time in Panthera the Great Snow Panther.