Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 2

  ~Chapter 1~

  A Square Dance

  "Ex-ta-ra! Ex-ta-ra! Read all about it!"

  "Charlie the Great White Horse has taken ill at the North Pole!"

  "The Missouri Rats run by their notorious leader Black Jack Tilly is running Santa's Village."

  "Five cents a copy!"

  "Read about it here in the Centerville Gazette."

  "Ex-ta-ra! Ex-ta-ra! "?

  "I'll take one of those copies right here", said Louis as he took a shiny new nickel out of the top pocket of his light blue coveralls, handing it to one of his friends, Sammy the Paper Boy.

  "Look at these headlines Chug! Our Charlie is sick?I can't believe it."

  "What's it say Louis? What's it say...?"

  "Chug, hold...on a minute...hold on...and let me read it already...


  "I can't read the newspaper, with you grabbing on me at the same time. Now it says here that one of the Magic Jingle Bells had fallen off the magic string of bells on Christmas Eve, while Charlie took over for Rudolf last year, when he flew out of Mr. Beamer's barn. It also says that that night somehow the bell was lost in flight, and they have no idea what happened to it, or where it could possibly be. Charlie is slowly losing his magical powers, most of his strength, and is now reverting back to the old Charlie the Barnyard Horse."

  "Continue on Louis. What else does it say...?"

  "Well it says here that: the spell of the "Magic Jingle Bells" has been broken, and that he's been laying sick in his hay bed for almost two months, and he's not getting any better, in fact he's?getting even...worse."

  "Louis what about all the Christmas toys for all the kids, are they still being made this year? What about the all the elves, are they still working? Where's Santa been when all this has been going on? Read on Louis" asked Chug as he kept trying to peer over Louis's left shoulder, to get a better look at the newspaper.

  "Chug calm down. Let me read...already..."


  "Now says here: Santa's Village is in complete disarray and in a big mess with no children's toys being made, or wrapped, for Christmas this year. The Great Wrapping-Machine is shut down, and has not been used for well over ?three months. Cool Joe Biggs, Rags Martin, and Black Jack Tilly are in charge up there in the North Pole, and all manner of troubles have come to Santa's Village. All of the elves, workingmen, and working-animals have been locked out of the Great Hall, or have been laid off work, and that no one cares anymore about Christmas!

  "Man?oh?man Louis!"

  "I know can you believe it Chug? Charlie's sick and Christmas might be lost forever."

  "Louis let me see that newspaper."

  "Chug, you better read on...I can't stand to look anymore."

  "It says here that Santa, Mrs. Claus, and Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, with his troop of reindeer, have been on vacation in Greenland for almost a year, and they can't get a hold of them. Man this is terrible Louis. Santa and Rudolf are nowhere to be seen, and there is no way to get a hold of them. That horrible old, Black Jack Tilly must have broken out of the Saint Louis jail again, and is back up?to no good."

  "Keep reading Chug," said Louis as he sat down on a nearby city bench to ponder over, all that Chug was reading to him "read on."

  "Look here, just like I thought...those three crooks were broken out of the Saint Louis city jail again, for the second time in three years. This time they were sprung by those fellows that were, going to buy Jupiter the Show Horse last year. Remember them Louis?"

  "Yes I sure do..."

  "Remember old Squint-Eye Pete Barker and his two good for nothing boys "Grease Ball Tom and Big Belly Bill, and of course Big Sal, Pete's mom helped out"?"

  "Yeah, I remember them Chug. They were all just as ugly and despicable, as that Black Jack", shot back Louis with disgust showing in his eyes.

  Chug dismounted from his bike then sat down on the city bench next to where Louis had slumped, he dropped the newspaper into his lap, and then just kind of stared off into space, to contemplate what he and Louis had just read.

  Louis's mind was lost in a deep marsh of thoughts about poor old Charlie being ill, about that horrible Black Tilly being up to no good again, and that Squint-Eye Pete now in charge of a gang of crooks, who are trying to muddle up Christmas for all the kids in the world this year; maybe forever.

  "Chug, why is it that there is always something going on in this town?"

  "I don't know Louis."

  "Can't we just play baseball, go to school, do our homework, and just be a couple of kids growing up, like all the other boys around here? I swear Chug this is starting to get old."

  "Ah don't worry about it Louis. There ain't nothing we can't handle, remember we're both heroes and famous in this town for what we did last year," said Chug as he gave a reconfirming pat of confidence on Louis's back "you know?by breaking up that, horse thief ring"

  "Awe we ain't famous Chug. We did what we had to, that's all. We just got lucky and things went our way. It could have been worse, and we were downright fortunate when, we foiled that plot; don't you forget it Chug."

  "Well, heroes or not, we sure were brave."

  "Well I agree with that Chug. For once in our lives we were brave, and it looks like we might have to get, downright brave again."

  "Let's take this newspaper back to your mom's house Louis and read everything we can about, what's going on up there in the North Pole, and figure out what needs to be done. I'm sure everyone's going to be talking about this, and working on a way to help Ole' Charlie out. I mean Louis this is our Charlie were talking about here. If he's getting sick, and the future of Christmas is at stake, then something's gotta be done about it...and I a hurry Louis."

  "You're right Chug; grab your bike. Let's get going, for we gotta find Hattie May and Mr. Beamer as soon as possible, and see what they think about, all this mess as well.

  "Good idea Louis."

  "This is just terrible Chug Just terrible."

  Louis with Chug rode their bikes like the wind unleashed, heading straightaway out of town, up the road towards Louis's house.

  "Hey where you two guys going in such a hurry" yelled out Molly as both boys flew right by her, and her best friend Tessie Whitman, who were standing in front of Tessie Whitman's dad's, Five and Dime store.

  "I can't stop now Molly; didn't you read the newspaper this morning? Our Charlie has taken ill and that stinking, filthy rat Black Jack Tilly is up to no good, in the North Pole. Seems that there is big trouble brewing again, and we've got to find out, what to do about it. I'll talk to you at the big square dance tonight down at the town's main square," cried out Louis as he and Chug streaked by, peddling their bikes just as fast as their skinny legs could go "ok, Molly?"

  "Ok Louis we will see you tonight then," said Molly as she grew worrisome that something alarming had just happened, and that Chug and Louis were back in the middle of a big stew, of big trouble again.

  Louis with Chug often found trouble; or trouble just often found them. Neither one of the boys was sure what had to be done, but they knew one thing for sure, that their Charlie un-doubtable needed their help.

  By the time, the two boys got to Louis's house the noontime summer sun had taken a hold of Centerville. Summers in the heartland of Indiana were known to be hot, muggy and humid, and today it seemed to be especially so.

  Hattie May, (Louis's mom), was hard at work, as most country folk are known to do. She was busily pumping some fresh drinking water up from the water well on her back porch. Louis and Chug, after dashing their bikes in the front yard came sprinting up the walkway, with a look of shear panic on their faces.

  "Hattie May, where is Mr. Beamer? I gotta find him. Something bad has happened. I gotta talk with him? Did you see
the newspapers this morning mom? Charlie the Great White Horse; our old Charlie is in trouble at the North Pole. Mom where's he at? Where's Mr. Beamer?"

  "He's most likely taking his afternoon nap with his buddy Mr. Turkey out in the cornfields, which he does every afternoon around this time. Louis calm down. What the heck are you talking about now, what happened to Charlie?" inquired Hattie May as she dropped the bucket of water back down the water-well, then started to run out to the front of the farmhouse after Louis.

  "Louis, it better be important, because Mr. Beamer doesn't like being woken up. Did you hear me Louis?" asked Hattie May as Louis with Chug trailing close behind, quickly disappeared in a big cloud of dust, down the earthen pathway, towards the back of Mr. Beamer's barn, and well out of sight.

  Chug with Louis came tearing though the large rows of yellowish green cornfields yelling Mr. Beamer's name over-and-over again at the tops of their lungs. And with such volume, that a murder of crows sitting on a nearby tree branch started squawking a loud alarm, then without delay, took flight overhead as quickly as possible, off in the other direction.

  Mr. Turkey who was in a deep restful sleep was suddenly stirred awake as well. He immediately began to squawk right along with the crows uncontrollably. Mr. Turkey being always so nervous didn't even wait around to find out what was going on. He kicked off his red snickers (that Santa had given him last year) and instantaneously took off. He shot right over the heads of Chug and Louis, and as far away from danger as he could possible get.

  Chug and Louis were running so fast that they kept falling, tumbling, and stumbling over rows of cornstalks as they scurried along, until they finally heard Mr. Beamer's voice calling back to them.

  "Kids I'm over here. Over here..." shouted out Mr. Beamer as he began wiping the afternoon sleep out of his eyes.

  "What going on? What is it Louis?"

  "Mr. Beamer we've just read the morning newspaper, it says, Charlie is sick and the Missouri Rats with Black Jack Tilly have taken over Santa's Village. There's real trouble Mr. Beamer, real trouble I tell ya" cried out Louis as he finally reached Mr. Beamer, grabbing him by the arm in a deathly grip, to get his full attention.

  "Mr. Beamer, we gotta do something, and I mean quick", proclaimed Chug as he uneasily bent over, clutched his aching side, and then tried to catch his breath after such a long run.

  "All right, all right calm down kids, let's get back to the house. You can show me the morning newspaper there, just slow down", said Mr. Beamer as they started off towards the pathway at the edge of the cornfield, and back towards the farmhouse.

  Chug and Mr. Beamer being dragged by Louis hurried along just as quickly as they could go, up to Mr. Beamer's farmhouse. Mr. Beamer found his copy of that morning's Centerville Gazette lying on the front porch, advanced into the kitchen, sat down at the kitchen table. He started to read all about, the considerable trouble brewing at the North Pole.

  Hattie May hearing all the fuss and knowing that Louis and Chug had found Mr. Beamer, without haste came rushing out of her nearby farmhouse, and over into Mr. Beamer's kitchen. She sat down next to Mr. Beamer. She listened as intently as she could, as the boys and Mr. Beamer went over-and over, all the details of what was happening with Charlie, and all the terrible things going on at the North Pole.

  Mr. Beamer, Hattie May with the two boys must have sat at that table for well over two hours, trying to decipher truly what had happened, and what needed to be done.

  Out of the blue Louis all of a sudden stood up at the table, with a look of complete exhilaration, and conviction written across his boyish face.

  "Mr. Beamer, I've got it! I know what needs to be done it is all so simple! We've gotta go to the North Pole, find Charlie, and get those Magic Jingle Bells working again.


  "That's it!" blared out Louis.

  "Louis what are you talking about?" asked Hattie May "you are not going to the North Pole!"

  "Mr. Beamer, mom we gotta go up there, and help Charlie out. He needs us. Mr. Beamer is the only one who knows how to get there. You've been there Mr. Beamer. Remember, you told us that story, one night last summer, on the back of your porch, how you had traveled to the North Pole, once as a younger man?"

  "Yeah, Louis is right we gotta go to the North Pole to save Charlie, and you've got to show us the way to get there Mr. Beamer" cried out Chug with great passion in his voice, as he echoed Louis's sentiments.

  "Wait a darn minute you two boys, aren't going anywhere. Last time you two got involved with that Black Tilly he almost skinned you, both alive then he kidnapped Louis, and almost took him to Saint Louis, to who knows what dreadful ending. You two get those silly thoughts out of your head right now. This is a job for Turk, or the Chief of Police, or Mr. Penneywell the Mayor", said Hattie May as she looked squarely into Louis's face. She pointed her thin index finger directly at him, to make sure that he knew, that she meant all business this time.

  "Mom I ain't afraid of that Ole Black Jack Tilly, Rags Martin, Cool Joe, or even that horrible Squint-Eyed Pete. Man, when it comes to my Charlie I'll do whatever I gotta do to, to help him out."


  "Come" said Louis with a voice that rang out with utter determination that belied his tender age.

  "We ain't talking about it no more. You heard what I said Louis. Well, I'm going to go get ready for the "Big Square Dance" tonight over at the town square. And you two boys with Mr. Beamer are suppose be there as well. So let's just drop all this talk about fixing Magic Jingle Bells, traipsing off to the North Pole and rescuing Charlie" said Hattie May as she slowly rose from the kitchen table, straightened her dress out a bit on her thin frame, then carried on towards Mr. Beamer's rear kitchen door.

  "But mom..."

  "Mrs. Parks..."

  "I will be over in my bedroom for awhile, getting ready for the big square dance tonight, so if you need to find me that's where I'll be. Again, Louis you and Chug are not going to the North Pole, no matter what. So get that thought out of your mind right now."

  With this firmly said she politely said her goodbyes to all, exited Mr. Beamer's kitchen, and disappeared down the path into her own house next door, not to be seen again, until later that night.

  As soon as Hattie May left the kitchen Mr. Beamer began to talk again in earnest,

  "I can't believe I am even thinking or saying this to you boys, but you know you're both right. I am the only one who knows how to get to the North Pole, because I have been there, but Louis I am just too old to go on any more great adventures like this one. Heck, I'm over sixty years old now. I've got a farm to run. I can't be gallivanting, and running through the wilds on any long and dangerous journey, but you two boys...with the proper equipment...grit...resolve and guidance from me, could surely make it. Let me think a minute...let me think..."

  With a strange and perplexed look on his face, and after a few moments of silence and deep thought, Mr. Beamer spoke again.

  "You know, I could look after Hattie May, and Chug...your mom Rosalind, while you're both gone. Moreover, you two now know enough about Black Jack and those two other Missouri Rats...that you could surely outwit them again. Remember like you did last year, when you came across them at the train depot in that snow storm."

  "Do you really think we could do it Mr. Beamer?"

  "Well I..."

  "Do you really think we could go to the North Pole?" asked Louis emphatically as he started his uncontrollable daydreaming again.

  Louis immediately began to imagine himself: all dressed up in a fur-trapping hat, a walking stick in one hand, wearing a large outsized fur coat, stepping along in outsized snowshoes, with Chug at his side, heading towards the North Pole.

  "Louis, let me think again for a moment. Now if I got together all my old topography maps of the North Pole. Find that
spiffy compass of mine, and all that other gear I got packed away up in the attic from my last trip up north all those years ago, then showed you how to use all the stuff, then I'm sure that you two could make it on your own. Oh, heck with a little luck on your side...I don't see any reason...why you two couldn't make it up there."

  "Really, you think we could...?"

  "You could get Charlie well again, by finding that missing bell, or by fixing up, the string of magic bells, and I bet in no time...Santa's Village could be up and running, and back to normal again...just like it always has."

  Louis with Chug were both so excited they yelled out almost in unison.

  "You think we could make it Mr. Beamer?

  "Do you think we could?"

  "Yeah I think you could make it. Matter of fact I am darn sure you could. You know, I'm going to pass on that square dance tonight. I've got to see exactly what I've got up there in that dusty old attic. Louis and Chug why don't you make Hattie May happy? Go get ready up in Louis's room right now, then go over to that dance tonight around nightfall?" asked Mr. Beamer as he quickly arose from the table. He hastily headed up the back stairwell towards the attic, at the back of the kitchen.

  "All right Mr. Beamer, we can talk about this later, tomorrow or late-night, after the square dance. I'll see you Mr. Beamer," said Louis as he saw the last of Mr. Beamer at the top step of the stairway. He rapidly disappeared out of sight, with the squeaky attic door closing quickly behind him.

  "You know Louis we got to do this. We just got to," said Chug as he reached out a hand to Louis's.

  "Chug your right. Charlie saved you and me once, at that old train station last year, and we owe it to Charlie, to return the favor. We must do this Chug. I've got an idea.

  "What's that Louis?"

  "Blood brothers to the end...OK?"

  Louis took a small pocket knife out of his front pants pocket, unfolded the little metal blade, he then went on to make a small scratch on the palm of his upturned hand, which quickly produced a few tiny droplets of red blood. He firmly took Chug outstretched hand, gripped the palm so that it shown face upwards as well, and with one small quick poke of the pocketknife, he made a small scratch on Chugs right palm.

  Both boys grimaced a little in pain from the little scratches in their palms. They both looked each other squarely in the eyes, then down at their hands. They shook hands as only best friends are known to do then said in perfect unison, as if they had done this type of thing a hundred times before.

  "It's done then..."

  "It's done then..."

  There was a look of pure untouched, excitement on both of the boy's faces. This echoed deep down into the very depths of their two youthful souls. A new task had been bestowed upon them, and danger was again at their doorstep. Both knew that destiny was calling on them and that only the truly courageous of heart would hear its voice. This calling was answered by two small boys with wonderment in their eyes, and a love for Charlie that only, true trusted friends could feel for another.