Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 3


  Hattie May was up in her bedroom. She had been there for about an hour, singing the most bright and lovely of tunes, as she ever so patiently got ready for the "big dance" that night. She went all through her clothes closet looking for the perfect dress to wear that evening, as the late afternoon sun shone in softly through her lone bedroom window. At the very back of the closet, in a box that had been covered with a large dust cloth, she found the perfect dress to wear, for the upcoming evenings activities. Santa Claus had given the beautiful dress to her last year on Christmas Eve in Mr. Beamer's barn, the night of Charlie's magical transformation. She had not worn it yet, not even once. She had waited patiently all year for a special occasion to wear it. Finally, that special occasion had arrived.

  The Mayor George Penneywell with his wife Bernice would be there, along with the Chief of Police, and his wife Beatrice, by means of, the other entire fine High-Society Girls, so Hattie May would certainly have to look her very best. Everyone in town had been invited for the big dance and of course, Turk the Blacksmith, her best friend, would be there as well.

  Hattie May was getting along in years now. She was mostly found to be spending a lot of time alone, which did not sit too well with her. Turk was always so helpful around the family farm: fixing things that had been broken, or was worn out, and, of course, he was so very kind. He was especially polite to her, and above all else, he loved Louis like a son.

  Hattie May thought the world of Turk and she was starting to think that Turk should play a larger role in Louis's life, since Captain Jeremy Parks, (Louis' father) had been missing and not been heard from, in such a long time. After all the war overseas had gone on for so many years now, and no one had heard a word of his whereabouts for about five years.

  Every time Hattie May went to town she always stopped by the blacksmith shop to say a kind word, or two to Turk. Turk would always stop working, to take time for her, and show his appreciation, for her kindness. They would take an afternoon walk down to the town square, go to the soda shop, or share a cup of coffee over at Mr. Whitman's Five and Dime.

  "You know, I'm going dance with that Turk tonight. I'm going to let him know how much his friendship and his kindness, means to Louis and I" said Hattie May to herself as she stood in front of the full length mirror, found at the foot of her bed. She held up the new beautiful full length, white cotton dress that was perfectly pressed then draped it across her lovely shoulders. After a moment more of leisurely gazing into the mirror, she placed the dress softly on the bed. She then proceeded over to the nightstand found in the far corner of the room, and began to fix her beautiful hair for the evening. A moment later and her hair were adjusted just right, up in the familiar tight bun at the back of her head. She gently wrapped a delightful, small red bow firmly around the bun.

  She sang a few more fanciful notes (of the song she had been singing earlier), arose from her desk then twirled about the room twice more. She gently sprayed on some of her finest and fanciest perfume, as she quietly spoke aloud again.

  "I think I will dance with the Mayor George Penneywell and the Chief of Police as well tonight, just to stir some things up. Sometimes it's just plain fun to be girl, even if this girl has a little more, gray in her hair, wears support hose, and goes to sleep a little earlier, than she use to every night"

  Molly, Tessie, Janie, Margret and all her other girls who lived in town were going to the "big dance" tonight as well, and of course Louis would be there. Molly wanted to dance with Louis under the moonlight, share some lemonade with him, and take a long stroll, under the illumination of the stars.

  Molly and Louis had been seeing more of each other, over the course of the year and tonight's dance, both of them had been looking forward to for the longest time.

  Tessie had come over to Molly's house early that afternoon to catch up on all the local gossip around town, and jabber between themselves about all their girl friends, and to do all types of girly things with her best friend, as most girls her age are known to do, when a big social event is about to take place.

  "Tessie what do you think of this dress?" Molly asked as she began taking a few beautiful summer dresses out of her clothes closet.

  "Oh that one is divine, and I like that one as well. Yes wear that one, no this one, no that one" said an excited Tessie, as she pointed to the loveliest of the three dresses lying on the bed in Molly's room.

  Both girls talked for hours that afternoon, as they got ready for the evening. Both were as about excited as two young girls could get. They each had very high expectations about what the big night ahead would hold for them.

  Tessie had a crush on Chug. She just thought the most of him after all he was of course, so very handsome and very tall. Tonight was the night for sure that, Chug would finally find out about her feelings for him.

  Tessie had decided to tell Chug that she was ready to go steady with him, and that she thought that they could be...even better friends...if he would give her a promise ring, or maybe even a nice pin or broach. Tessie knew that Chug felt the same way about her as well.

  Girls just know these things.

  As Tessie swooned over Chug, with Molly over Louis, they playfully pushed and shoved each other about the room, all the while trying to admire themselves' in the mirror in the corner of Molly's, well-kept bedroom.

  The whole town, were expected to be at "the big dance". All the young girls wanted to be there; Cindy, Becky, and Sally were coming, and of course, all the young boys would be there as well.

  Growlin Harry would be dragging his feet around the dance floor; hopefully he wouldn't be wearing too much of that horrible heat balm of his. Even the new stuff Santa had given to him last year on Christmas Eve smelled awful, but it never bothered Harry.

  He was so single-mined in his thoughts, at playing baseball in the big leagues when he grew up, that anything he had to do to get there, was just what he had to do. Even if it meant, wearing stinky heat balm, like the big league players do. Tonight would be no or no dance...heat-balm was in store and ready for smelling, to anyone who was unfortunate enough, to get too close to Ole' Harry.

  Turk was coming to the big dance as well.

  He was not to keen on all these fancy dances and social events, but he tried to clean up the best he could. He had been down in the blacksmith shop most of the day, so he more than anybody needed quite a bit of cleaning up, to be respectable. He put on a fine white, newly starched shirt, found his fanciest cowboy hat with boots. He then slipped into his favorite old blue jeans, with that large silver belt buckle of his, with the picture of his favorite horse, Bessie on it. Turk was such a hard working, and stable man. That was something that Hattie May, admired and adored most about him.

  Most of the town's people were coming to the dance tonight, and of course, the "Ladies of the Red Hat Society" were going to be there. This wonderful society of older distinguished Ladies from Centerville, always attended the big galas in full regal attire.

  This was a special and secretive society of Ladies who, wherever they went, wore the fanciest of large brimmed, red felt hats. All were of the same color, but each Lady had her own special style, or design of hat. Each hat took on a personality of its own. Most of the Ladies wore: colorful large silk scarfs draped off to the side or back of the hat, or had a large boa feather inserted in it, at just the right angle. Alternatively, they wore the hat with a colorful flower arrangement on top, to match the eyes of the wearer. This society of sophisticated, well-educated Ladies always attended the cotillions, and dances in utter, and complete style.

  Hattie May with Mrs. Beamer had always wished that they would someday be invited to join the coveted society. This year at the annual new member's secretive selection committee meeting, they were disappointed that they again, were not going to be voted in as members, but at least their names were being considered for the next meeting, to be held two da
ys before Christmas this year. That was the first step to become a full fledge member. With a vote to be taken at the next secretive meeting, they thought that they would most surely be accepted then.

  A large wooden dance floor was built with the help of Turk, and a few of the boys from the local horse stables, right in the middle of the main town square.

  Long picnic tables had been brought over from the fair grounds, which were covered with crisp, newly starched white linen tablecloths, with red interlaying trim. The tables were all piled high, filled with all kinds of enjoyable treats, and delights for the nights gathering.

  There were fresh baked apple pies, and pastries that Miss Hattie May and Mrs. Beamer had baked that day. Mrs. Penneywell, the Mayor's wife with the Fire Chief's wife, had brought fresh made delicious fresh apple cider and some of the other girls in town brought: buckets upon buckets of heavily battered country deep-fried chicken, apple-dumplings, thick brown gravy, homemade-biscuits, with fresh buttered green peas. Tonight's feast was shaping up to be the best of the year.

  All of the town's folks and of course the Ladies of the Red Hat Society would find a place to sit around the dance floor, as the evening would start to unravel before them.

  At one long table, there would be over thirty Ladies sitting together wearing their bright red, silky, stylish hats with the large colorful feathers, what a wonderful sight it will be to behold it would be as if a whole family of peacocks had come to town to roost, and enjoy the wonderful evening that soon would be starting.

  Old Arty the pig, the Henderson Family of chickens, and Mr. Turkey had not been seen for over a week now since the big event was getting near. Mr. Turkey up was to his old magic tricks, by disappearing again this year before for the big dance.

  He was the eternal pessimist. Mr. Turkey was always thinking the worst even when the worst never included him.

  Even Old Miss Harriet the milking-cow who lived in Mr. Beamer's barn, decided to get involved this year. She chipped in for the big party, even giving a few extra pints of milk for the kids.

  It was shaping up to be a grand event indeed!

  The band this night would be a few real good guitar players, brought in from the nearby town of Muncie, called the Cornfield Pickers. They were the best band in the area, known for playing some of the liveliest dance music you have ever heard.

  Tonight would be a square dance, and a country-dinner under a moonlit filled night in Centerville. Could anything be more delightful?

  There were warm summer breezes blowing down from the north, a pale white sickle moon rising out of the west, and a few tiny fireflies took to flight in the nearby forest of pine trees, as the moon waxed higher, elevating into the evening sky above.

  All of the High-Society Girls finally began showing up that night, right on time and looking just resplendent: in their summer dresses, open toed high-heal shoes, and over-sized floppy hats. The men from town all started to show as well: wearing their finest country boots, cowboy hats, blue jeans, and out-sized belt buckles. It looked like Turk's entire extended family showed up.

  The music started. The BBQ was fired up with the smell of roasted chicken, and beef ribs on the spit, now rising above the heads of all who were present. Lay out on the long elegant picnic tables, was a banquet fit for a king.

  Chug and Louis had washed and primped up the best they could, with Louis putting on a clean white shirt, with freshly pressed trousers. Louis wore his favorite and trusted light blue baseball hat tonight, that fit snuggly over his shaggy bright red hair. He was seldom seen out about town without it on. Louis always wore the cap, with such a style, and grace that he easily looked very handsome, at any occasion, even if the occasion seemed wrong for the hat. Boys just have that special charm sometimes that whatever they do...or wear...appears to be heart-warming.

  Chug wore his best blue and white checkered oversized shirt, with large blue coveralls and was just as charming, and delightful to look at as Louis was.

  Both had ridden into town with Mr. Beamer and his wife Abigail by wagon, with Apollo volunteering, to do all the pulling.

  Apollo was a onetime fanciful racehorse who retired out of racing a few years ago who now resided, full time in Centerville. Apollo had run off out of town one night after the great Gazette Stakes horserace, during the horse napping of Jupiter the Show Horse.

  It was from just the sheer fright at seeing Cool Joe Biggs horrible teeth that had made him scatter. Eventually Apollo overcame his fears, making made his way back into town to find employment. He looked in the want ads, finding a job perfectly suited for him. There it was, Charlie the Barnyard Horse's" old job; delivering the summertime ice for Mr. Beamer. He had placed the ad for a new horse and low and behold, Apollo was hired. He has been living happily in Centerville ever since.

  Apollo was a sleek black horse who was very even-tempered, along with friendly to all the children in town, which you have to be if you deliver the ice in Centerville. Apollo was still a young horse, who was full of spirit and enjoyed taking to a regular routine in his work, just as Charlie had. Apollo had raced on the county horseracing circuit for over four years, until he was beaten in a great horserace, by his now good friend, "Jupiter the Show Horse".

  Jupiter went on to win the great Gazette Stakes, last year in that now famous race that has forever been written about in local lore, and sung about in song. Apollo has not seen Jupiter since Christmas night last year when Charlie flew off with Santa Claus, to deliver presents, to all the children of the world, but he still thinks of Charlie and Jupiter often, as all very good friends are known to do when their friends are not around.

  "Molly I' you made it tonight. We got," said Louis upon arriving at the town square, and seeing Molly sitting at a long table by the dance floor, in her beautiful white full-length dress.

  "Louis you look wonderful all dressed up, but you appear to be very nervous, and it looks like something real important is on your mind."

  "Something's happened Molly!"

  "What's the matter? What's happened Louis?" asked Molly as she grabbed Louis's hand, pulling him closer to her, then motioning for him to sit down at the table with her.


  Louis was so wound up from thinking about Charlie on the ride down to the dance that he could not sit down, or hardly get the words out fast enough.

  "Louis hurry up, over this way...with me."

  Molly finally shuffled Louis away from all the hustle and bustle of the square dance that was now under way. She took him over to a park bench, at the far end of the square, to find out just what was the matter with him.

  "Louis what's wrong with you? You look like you've seen Mr. Harvey the old ghost that lives in Ms. Trumble's attic."

  "Molly, as...I...ah...I said when I passed you this afternoon in town, Charlie's ill and he is not doing very well, up at the North Pole. Look here, this article in the newspaper today. It says the three Missouri Rats with Black Jack Tilly are running Santa's Village."

  "This is just terrible...Louis..."

  "My Charlie is real sick..."

  " Louis!"

  "I talked with Mr. Beamer today for a couple of hours, he thinks me with Chug, could make the journey to the North Pole to find out what's really going on up there. He thinks we should try to save Charlie," said Louis as he gently pushed the newspaper out of her small hands. He looked deeply into her lovely green eyes.

  "Louis is you out of your mind?

  "I don't think so..."

  "You're way too young to be going up there. Do you have any idea how dangerous that would be? Just look what happened to you the last time you tangled with that horrible Black Jack Tilly."

  "Molly that's what my mom said. Why is everyone so worried? I can handle myself. Chug also wants to come along with me. Chug and I took a blood-brother
pack today promised each other we were going up north, and we ain't going to break that pack now, then not go."

  "No way Louis, it's too dangerous."

  Louis took Molly gently by her thin waist, turning her ever so gently back into his gaze. Giving her a very heartfelt hug, he began to speak quietly into Molly's ear.

  "Molly...don't worry we haven't even left yet, so don't go getting yourself all worked up now. We know what we're doing Chug, Mr. Beamer, as well as I, are planning the whole thing. Everything is going to be just fine. Plus...there's this one thing more important than any old trip to the North Pole to try and save Christmas..."

  "What's that Louis...?"

  "I haven't even told you how pretty you look tonight. You put your hair up just the way I like it...and is...that a new dress you're wearing?"

  "Oh Louis, you sure know how to cheer me up, no it's not a new dress, but I fixed my hair special for you, and I made sure I hardly wore any lipstick at all. Do you really like the dress, and my hair Louis?" asked Molly as she raised her hands up to her hair tussling it about a bit. Then ever so wistfully, she smacked her big red lips in Louis's direction.

  "Man, you know I do Molly."

  Molly blushed.

  "What about the North Pole Louis?"

  "Well, we can talk about that later..."

  "Are you sure...?"

  "Molly. Let's get back over to the square dance. We can have some real fun tonight. Let's forget about all this talk about the North Pole for now. I don't want to get you upset," said Louis as he took Molly by the hand, leading her back to the square dance.

  "Ok Louis, you know, I would sure like to dance tonight."

  "Ok Molly, we can dance all night if you like."

  As they were both heading towards the large dance floor, and as they crossed over the large open grassy town square, Molly jumped upon Louis's back, where she hung on for what seemed like eternity.

  She was just as happy as she had ever been before. Both, Louis with Molly realized at that moment that they would remember this night, along with this moment, for the rest of their lives.

  Louis and Molly danced almost the entire night away. They drank a few cups of hot apple cider, and ate all the delicious fried chicken they could. Louis even got up on stage to sing a few lively songs with the band that just brought the house down. Louis was a wonderful singer. He would sing any chance he could, which only impressed Molly that much more.

  Chug went off dancing with Tessie Whitman all night. Turk even got up the courage to dance with Hattie May. The band played on till well past midnight before all was tired, and retired for the evening.

  Molly, Louis nor Chug spoke another word that night about Charlie, the North Pole, or the about great journey that possible lay ahead.

  Mr. Beamer never made it to the dance that night. He had lost himself up in his attic, anxiously going through all of his old steamer trunks and duffel bags, trying to find his fanciful and trusted walking stick, faithful compass, old maps of Canada, and the North Pole, and all of his cold weather clothes.

  Mr. Beamer knew what an epic journey the two boys were contemplating in their near future, but little did he know that a pact sealed with blood, had already been made. Two little friend's minds were already made up that Charlie the Great White Horse and the future of Christmas was to be saved.

  Moreover, that they were just the ones to take up the mighty task.