Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 26

  ~Chapter 21~

  Friends Reunited

  "Where'd you ever find the courage to stand up to that, Black Jack Tilly Louis?", asked Chug as he kept hugging Louis over and over again, with pure adulation and joy written all over his face, "you just stood there barking out orders, man it was the greatest! You're a real hero Louis. Do you know that?"

  "No, were all going to be heroes Chug. Can you believe it! We did exactly what we said we'd would do, but let's not forget all of the friends we met along the way that helped us. They deserve to be in the celebration as well; too bad they are not here with us."

  "Well Louis I've got something to tell you."

  "Not now Chug. Let's just dance and party with all of the elves and workingmen for few moments then we've got work to do, for its still Christmas Eve. We've got to try and find a way to get some real presents out to those kids. They're going be waking up tomorrow morning, without the right presents under their Christmas trees. We just have to find a way to not let that happen, Chug."

  "But Louis, I've got something to tell ya...oh...Louis, let's celebrate first..."

  "You're right Chug, let's just celebrate."

  Just like that Chug, Molly, and Louis were dancing about, hugging and jumping up in the air, just over whelmed with joy. All of the elves and workingmen in Santa's Village stormed into The Great Hall. Everywhere Louis looked all he could see was dancing, hugging and singing.

  "Louis you're a hero, you're something special I tell you," yelled out Algar as he gave Louis a grand-sized hug.

  "Louis I saw you do it Louis. You just stood there. You were ready to fight Black Jack and all his friends all by yourself. How did you find the courage Louis, how?" asked Alfeo who was wildly, slapping Louis on the back.

  "I don't know how I did it. Sometimes courage finds you, or you find the courage, when the time calls for it. I guess you just have to believe in yourself. Again I'm not really sure."

  "Well without a doubt, you are the most courageous little boy who ever walked the face of the earth," said Elvina.

  "Now Louis we just can't celebrate by ourselves, as I said before I've got something to tell you. This time let me finish," said Chug as he motioned for Molly to bring in one of Louis's friends.

  "Louis look" said Chug as he pointed towards the front doors.

  "Ms. Telly Bell you're here, I thought you went lost with the Cimarron Cutter. Chug told me the ship went down in the storm. How'd you find me? How did you get up here...?"

  "Oh...stop Louis, I made it here, and found you, that's all that matters right now. By the way how'd you like that lump I put on Cool Joe's forehead? That was for all the moms of the world Louis", said Telly Bell as she gave Louis a big hug. She then planted a big wet kiss across Louis's cheek.

  "I guess in all the excitement, I forgot about that frying pan and lumpy forehead."

  "By the way Louis I brought a few friends as well."

  Telly Bell pointed over to the front doors. In walked Captain Legrande Legrange, his lovely wife Lady Angeline Angelique, then his First Mate, Second Mate, and finally Christian Leone the Ship's Porter. All swarmed over Louis, and Chug patting them on their backs, and them giving long sincere hugs.

  "Molly, come over here!" called out Louis as he tried to part the crowd encircling him in celebration. Molly jumped up and down. She gave Louis another big hug when she turned and pointed to the doors again.

  Louis could not believe his eyes; his friends were here!

  Just then in trotted Jupiter and Apollo!

  "Jupiter, Apollo you're both well again, and you made it here tonight, just in the nick of time to celebrate. I am so happy your here, I can't believe that you're really here. It's just so great to see you both."

  "Louis you're a real hero" said Jupiter.

  "You're all heroes," said Apollo while he nudged up against Louis with his long nose.

  "That medicine root Black Elk gave us just worked wonders," said Apollo as he too nudged up against Louis and Molly "we healed up in no time, now here we are.

  "This is all too good to be true Chug. Molly can you believe everyone is here, all of our friends. They all made it to the North Pole to celebrate with us."

  "Louis we're not through yet, there is another special friend who is here," said Molly.

  " mean it gets better than this! Who's here Molly, who's here?"

  Louis looked over at the open hall doors again.

  "It's Panthera!"

  Hearing Molly speak out, Panthera proudly paraded into the center of The Great Hall, looking every bit as stately and kingly as he always had. His long sultry tail was held high up in the air, his ears were laying straight back on his head, and his emerald green eyes, were just as bright and mysterious as always.

  The whole room just went crazy as Panthera sashayed slowly towards Louis. Cheers erupted, songs were being sung by everyone, and everyone continued to dance around the hall, with joy that had never been seen before in Santa's Village. It was the most fantastical thing Molly, Chug, and Louis had ever been a part of.

  "Panthera you're really alive!"

  "That I am Louis...that I am."

  "I was just so worried about you. I called out time after time, over the edge of the cliff. I never heard a word back. It was just awful," said Louis as he began to cry tears of joy at seeing his friend again, safe and well. The tears streamed down his face uncontrollably as Panthera made his way through all of the workingmen and elves that were surrounding Louis.

  "I was lucky Louis. I landed on a large snowdrift at the bottom of the mountain; it broke my fall. I called, and called out, but the fogs were just too thick. You could not hear me. However, I am back, and well, that is all that matters. I was so worried about you as well. We will be friends until the end of time Louis, for you have more courage than I will ever have. I will always admire you for that." Panthera wrapped his two mighty paws around Louis, and gave him a big lick on the face, which incited laughter from everyone, though out the room.

  The dancing continued!

  Louis started to lead the pageant. He got up on the main control platform in front of The Great Wrapping-Machine and began dancing, as he had never done before. Molly and Chug climbed up on the platform as well. All three of them looked like, well little kids enjoying each other again, for the first time, in a long, long time.

  That's when the whole room simultaneously burst into a loud applause again.

  Nebuka the Orange Yeti bound into the room with one mighty jump.

  He landed right in front of The Great Wrapping-Machine. His eyes were lit up almost as big as the smile across his huge, broad face.

  "You were right Louis. I just can't stand living, on that mountain anymore, it's just too lonely. I came down into town earlier tonight, with a big smile on my face and started saying hi to everyone. After scaring a few elves and reindeer, not meaning to of course, everybody just accepted me, just as you said they would. Just think Louis, I will never be lonely again, and I owe it all to you Louis. I owe it all to you."

  "I told you Nebuka. All you need is to wear a smile on your face, and it's easy to make friends."

  Louis took a running jump, and flew off The Great Wrapping-Machine's deck and landed right into Nebuka's fluffy orange, open arms. Nebuka gave him a great big awkward hug then gently lifted him up with his huge arms; next, he placed Louis on top of his massive orange shoulders.

  Nebuka chauffeured Louis around the room as he danced right along with everyone else. Louis was waiving to everyone; all were just laughing and singing right along with them.

  What a sight to see.

  That's when Chug grabbed the megaphone from the inside of Growlar's skeleton (that had been pushed to the side of the room). Chug held it up to his mouth, as he tried to calm
the crowd.

  "Louis please...everyone here...Nebuka...and Ladies and Gentlemen. Can all of you elves as well, please listen up, for I have another surprise for Louis! Please, may I speak?"

  Everyone took a while, but finally all calmed down. They all stopped singing and dancing long, enough for Chug to speak.

  Chug was up in front of the entire room standing on the wooden platform in front of The Great Wrapping-Machine when he spoke.

  "Louis I saved the best for last. I guess you forgot with all the celebrating going on, but I have news about Charlie!"

  Chug was right Louis had, forgot all about his best friend, with all the celebrations and goings on in the great room. Louis jumped down off Nebuka's shoulders. He dashed over to where Molly was standing at the center of the room to speak.

  "I'm so sorry, you're right Chug. I did forget about my Charlie. How could I have been so mindless? Even worse yet, than that how could I have been so thoughtless? Chug did you get the Magic Jingle Bells to him on time? Is he OK? Why are singing and dancing? Oh gosh my, how could I have forgotten about my best friend in the whole world! I will never forgive myself."

  "Louis just"


  "Stop worrying; look towards the front doors."

  It was just as if a Hollywood Movie was unfolding right in front of everyone's eyes, Charlie the Great White Horse majestically flew, into the room high overhead, dressed from head-to-toe in his Christmas attire.

  Golden jingle bells were strewn about his neck, silver buckles were sewn on his reins, and red and green rubies were laced into a medium-sized Christmas wreath that was hanging around his neck.

  He looked just resplendent.

  Charlie circled the room over and over with his mighty hooves clawing back and forth at the air, his powerful head held high, and looking all the more beautiful and glamorous than he had ever had before.

  Charlie simply put, brought the house down!

  As he flew above around and around the room, he let out prideful, great whinny's again and again, which rumbled the windows in the room causing a few glass gas lamps to burst high overhead, raining delightful shimmering blue and orange flames out in all directions. All the elves and workingmen in the room raised their hands high in the air. In unison, they shouted at the tops of their lungs.



  Charlie circled ever lower, and lower, as he came in for a very theatrical landing. The crowd parted in front of where Louis and Molly where standing, as Charlie glided into to a perfect stop, right in front of Louis.

  Louis just stood there a minute admiring Charlie. Charlie was so healthy and beautiful again. The string of Magic Jingle Bells was glowing blue and white around his incredible neck. His eyes were clear and bright, and his coat was shinier and more beautiful than any diamond in the world. His grand tail and mane were as long as ever. His teeth were shimmering like pearls, as he gave Louis a very long, open, and loving smile.

  Louis was overcome with joy. Tears again, began flowing out of the corners of his eyes. Gently they rolled down his soft red cheeks. The tears seemed to light up Louis's freckles in a strange glow, which only gave Louis the look of being strangely enlightened.

  Charlie could not really make out this new look of Louis's.

  It was if he looked like a child-king born of or into royalty. Louis was now standing there in front of Charlie, with his arms now outstretched, and his palms open. With a look on his face that was just indescribable.

  Charlie did not say a word as he slowly walked forward closer to Louis. Charlie: looked into Louis deep cobalt blue eyes, looked up at his head of white hair, and then looked down at the small lines that were etched in Louis's, small round face.

  "Louis you look like you've seen a ghost. Your hair is all white, and you look like you have aged twenty years. But in some way you look regal or kingly."

  Louis was so in awe of seeing Charlie again, that he had trouble speaking. He slowly leaned forward closer to Charlie, softly he said, "Charlie I did see a ghost in the form of an Indian, then I got scared real bad by an Orange Yeti, got chased by wild wolves, had to fight off an ancient cave bear, fought with pirates, then got chased by Squint-Eye Pete! There were vampires, great brave snow panthers and everything Charlie, you should have been there."

  "Louis is you daydreaming again, or are you fibbing to me like you use to."

  "I ain't fibbing Charlie...Charlie..."

  "I know how you tell, tall tales, and have a tendency to imagine all types of strange things."

  "Nah...Charlie just look around this room, they are all here. Just look. I ain't fibbing to ya this time Charlie. Over there, it's Captain Legrange and his sailors who slew those pirates. And over there, what about the Lady Angeline standing next to the captain and there's Ms. Telly Bell the cook. Charlie is that not the biggest, snow panther you have ever seen before in your entire life? Now certainly cannot miss...that giant orange abominable snow man standing in the corner over there?"

  Charlie slowly looked around the room he then looked back at Louis as another grand smile came over his face.

  "I guess your right this time Louis, you really are telling the truth. Someday you will have to tell me all about it, but I still think your fibbing about that Indian Ghost."

  "Well Charlie I just wanted to say that I am so glad you're all better, and back to the Charlie, we all know and love. And think, just in time for Christmas this year. We all tried so hard to make it to the North Pole before Christmas Eve to get you well and all. Oh, Charlie I just love you so much."

  "Well Louis I love you as well. It's sure great you all made it up here, took care of Black Jack, and fixed the Magic Jingle Bells. Now what could top that? You tell me."

  Just as Charlie said that, all the lights in the great hall unexpectedly when out; sending the entire room into complete, pitch-blackness. A few of the girl-elves and younger workingmen in the room let out a great, collective gasp. Everyone grew on edge. Algar spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear.

  "Be-ho-ld...the...Gr-ea-t...In-di-an Gh-ost..."

  Suddenly eerie blue light rays started to light up the room. Light blue and white fogs began to quickly blow into The Great Hall, as the air in the room started to stir about here and there in a grand circular motion. As the blue light began to glow brighter and brighter, the air gathered in intensity, the fogs thickened. A few more gasps and cries could be heard, as the lights starting to flash in rhythm all around them.

  Slowly in soared, the ever so graceful, and ever so stoic "Black Elk the Indian Ghost" through the front doors, high above everyone in the room. He gently drifted about the room for a few moments as the blue lights frantically danced about. The blue fogs continued to swirl around the great room. He drifted directly into the center of the room, raised his arms above his head, slightly tilted his head up to the ceiling, and began the most intriguing old Indian mystical chant, all the while banging on an Indian drum that was strung around his neck.

  Louis poked Charlie playfully in the ribs, "Told you I knew an Indian Ghost".

  Charlie poked Louis back playfully in his ribs with his long nose and replied, "Louis I will never doubt a word you say to me again".

  Both started laughing as they looked up to see "The Show" that Black Elk was putting on.

  Black Elk was just hovering above the crowd, chanting, singing old Indian songs in cadence with his soft drumming. Then he took a small gulp from a small satchel that he pulled from his pocket, lit a small match, and blew fire out of his mouth high into the air.

  "Man what night Charlie!"

  "You've got that right Louis...wha-t a night!"

  "When I left Centerville so long ago, I never in my wildest imagination could have thought this stuff would!"

  As Black Elk blew one last burst of fire out of his mouth, the air started to swirl the blue fogs about again. Then Black Elk started to lower himself down in front of Louis. Slowly downward, he glided until he hung in the air right in front of Louis and said "Quite a show...huh...Louis? I thought you might like this one. It's far and away better, than the one I put on in the Boreal Forest, that night of the blue moon. Don't you think? Well, anyway glad to see you're in good hands again, so I am off. Until next year Louis."

  "You're right Black Elk that was quite a show; I can't wait to see what you've got next year. I'll be sure to catch your next engagement here, next year on Christmas Eve."

  "Sure Louis, I will see you next year."

  Black Elk smiled widely at Louis, started to chant and beat on the drum again a few more times, and then slowly levitated himself, back up into the center of the room.

  The air inside of The Great Hall swirled about with even more intensity, as the flashings blue and white lights started up again. The fogs became darker and thicker and then just like that Black Elk disappeared into thin air, right before everyone's eyes. The flashing lights subsided. The Great Hall's lights came back on and the place just went wild, erupting in applause again.

  "Man can you believe it Louis!" yelled out Chug.

  "Yeah...really...can you believe it?" said Molly.

  "I tell ya...I will never forget this night for as long as I live," said Louis as he gave Chug and Molly one more, big hug.