Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 27

~Chapter 22~

  Louis the White

  Charlie turned to look at everyone in the room; with a voice that meant all business, he spoke out.

  "Well everyone now that the show is over, we must get back to work. Algar you get your workingmen over to the great Wrapping-Machine, fire it back up. Alfeo you get some of your workingmen, and worker-elves into the woodshop. Get started on the real toys, that we were supposed to build this year. Elfrida you go round up all of the reindeer, and mule deer, get those carts hooked up to them. We're going to have to start taking what good toys we have, down into the villages by cart if we have to, but we've got to get some kind of toys ready for packaging and ready for shipment by midnight."

  All the elves and workingmen scattered and scurried about the room as they hurriedly went about finding, their old positions either: in the woodshop, metal-shop, at the conveyor belts, or at the packaging areas.

  The room just exploded, with activity with Charlie standing in the middle shouting out orders.

  Molly leaned closer to Louis and said, "Look at our Charlie he was born for this job".

  "You're sure are right Molly. I sure wish I had a job like his; man wouldn't that be great? I would love to be able to fly off on Christmas Eve delivering present to all the children in the world."

  Two hours passed by, as everyone was very busy, and hard at work trying to save Christmas. The elves were building toys as fast as they could, and the wrapping-machine was up and running again, with blue smoke and white steam belching out of her pipes high above. All the reindeer and mule deer that were attached to the wooden carts were in long lines, at the far end of one of the conveyor belts waiting for their carts to be loaded.

  Then as the midnight hour was at hand, Charlie approached Louis with a sad look in his eyes.

  "Louis I don't think we're going to be able to save Christmas this year. We are so far behind that we cannot possible make enough toys for all of the children this year. What are we going to do?"

  Before Louis could even open his mouth Algar (over-hearing the conversation), spoke out.

  "Charlie I've got it! We've been so busy, and with so much going on that, I almost forgot that we have that big warehouse out back, with all the left over toys from last year. The toys are a year old but most of the kids won't mind, I'm sure of it. Heck there are new red wagons out there, new bikes, pretty dolls for the girls, thousands and thousands of every kind of balls, baseball gloves, puzzles you just name it Charlie. What do you think?"

  "Why Algar you're a genius, of course we can use them. Send some of those empty carts and reindeer over to that warehouse, open those doors up and let's get those present over here. We'll send them through The Great Wrapping-Machine just as soon as possible."

  Algar gave a nod to Charlie; off he went getting his plan into action.

  "Maybe we can make it after all Charlie," said a half-smiling Louis

  "Maybe we can Louis, just maybe...," said Charlie.

  "You know Louis we only have about a half of an hour until midnight. I just thought of something that may be real important."

  "Well, Charlie if it's important, why you didn't bring it up sooner?"

  "Louis I kind of wanted to wait a bit, then I forgot about it, then, I remembered again."

  "Charlie, can you get to the point...?"

  Charlie gave Louis another very loving look, then he began to stomp his hooves on the ground as hard as he could, to get everyone's attention in The Great Hall. As Charlie continued, the noise got louder and louder, until Charlie let out a great whinny. Algar turned off the wrapping-machine, the workingmen, and elves stopped loading the wooden carts, and everyone stopped what they were doing to turn and look at Charlie.

  The room grew deathly still as Charlie began to speak.

  "Everyone here tonight I have an announcement to make, so please pay attention."

  Louis had quite a perplexing look on his face. He could not figure out what Charlie was up to, when Charlie spoke again.

  "Louis I have a Christmas gift for you. Molly, Chug please, come over here next to me."

  Molly came over from where she had been working with the reindeer, as Chug came over from the back of the room where he had been busy with the workingmen. Both dutifully stood next to Charlie as he requested. Everyone in the room just stood there in complete silence, as Charlie gave a nod to one of the elves standing over by a back door.

  A small portly elf opened up the rear door, disappeared from view for a moment, he then reappeared, with a large box wrapped in the most wonderful red and green wrapping paper, with a huge blue bow. Three colorful ribbons were strung across it.

  "Please bring that box over here," asked Charlie.

  The heavyset elf carried the large box over. He placed it at Louis's feet, giving him a quick bow, which kind of caught Louis off guard.

  "Charlie what's this about? We have work to do? Why have we shut down The Great Wrapping-Machine right now? We have to get these presents wrapped, more toys made, get your sleigh all ready, and get you off tonight for your appointed rounds. Plus we are way behind schedule."

  "Well you certainly are right on all accounts Louis, that is why I want you to open this gift before you now, so please hurry up and open your gift Louis" said Charlie with that grin on his face, and twinkle in his eye that only Charlie can give.

  "OK, Charlie if you say so."

  Charlie gave Louis another look that said, "Louis open, your gift already".

  Louis looked over at Molly, at Chug, then ripped into the beautifully wrapped present; sending the bow and ribbons flying off in all directions. He tore into the flaps at the top of the box with wild abandon. Louis threw out the decorative paper inner lining. He pulled out his gift out just as quickly as he could.

  Louis held it up in the air for everyone to see.

  "What is it? What is your gift Louis?" shouted out a few elves

  It was a small red and white Santa suit. It had: three small shiny black buttons sewn down the middle, a matching red and white pointy cotton hat, and a pair of black boots, and a shiny, black leather belt to match.

  "Why Charlie what is this...?"

  "Louis slow down and think..."

  "Is Santa on his way here with his nephew or son?"

  "I don't get it Charlie..."

  "No Louis a new Santa Claus is already here...and has been here...since the moment..."you"...walked into the great hall tonight."

  "What Charlie...?"

  "Slowly now, think...Louis... "


  "Stop playing games. What's going on here...?" asked Louis with just the strangest look on his face.

  "Louise do you remember once a long time ago, when we were in Mr. Beamer's barn, the afternoon you came in, and started asking me all those questions about what I was like as a little pony, and what my days were like as a younger horse? Well Louis let me show you what I looked like."

  "I still don't get it Charlie what does this have to do with this red Santa suit and me?"

  "Well Louis you will find out in a minute."

  Charlie motioned for Elgar (who was standing at the front doors of the hall), to open them up. Elgar vanished from view for a moment.

  While Louis was still standing in the middle of the room, trying to figure out what was going on, in flew: the most beautiful one-horse golden sleigh, with red and silver trim neatly strewn about everywhere across the horse and sleigh.

  There were golden jingle bells hanging off the sides that were, making the most melodious melody. The sturdy buckboard was solid white and the sleds, at the bottom of the sleigh, were a dark luxurious green.

  There was a small leather whip attached to the front seat, and it was positioned straight up in the air. Out in front of this delightful golden little sleigh: was a stunning white, small, and very yo
ung Andalusia horse.

  His hair was a flaxen white that shimmered in the lights of the hall just as much as Charlie's did. His eyes were a clear, beautiful green color that was the exact same color of Charlie's. He was incredible strong looking, had a sleek, athletic gait about him, again just like Charlie's except he was so much smaller and younger than Charlie was.

  He was the spitting imagine of Charlie himself, if there ever was.

  This magical horse flew by overhead with his golden sleigh attached, circled the room twice for everyone to see which brought applause right on the spot, then he lightly came in for a perfect landing in front of Louis.

  The little horse let out a tiny whinny that seemed almost comically if it wasn't for his trying so hard. Again, he let out another little whinny, but this time Louis's eyes lit up.

  He looked over at Charlie. Then Louis looked back at the little horse, over at Chug, and then Molly, then he looked around the room one last time until he found Charlie's eyes again. Louis held up the small "Santa suit" in his hands, then the black boots. He looked back at Charlie one more time, and then let out the loudest yell a young boy his age has ever made before.

  "Ya-a-a-a-a-hooo-ooo!" screamed out Louis.

  "Ya-a-a-a-a-hooo-ooo!" continually he bellowed.

  "Charlie, are you telling me, I'm going to help you deliver Christmas presents tonight, and this is my sleigh and horse to command?"

  " way Charlie!"

  " way!"

  "Louis I want you to meet my son Charlie Junior...or as I lovingly call him...CJ or...just Junior."

  "Charlie you have a son! didn't you tell me sooner?"

  "Well Louis we got so busy with Christmas Eve upon us, and us being so far behind, I didn't have time to tell you, but yes Louis to answer your question, you are going to be helping me tonight, deliver Christmas presents to all the children of the world. But not just that; Louis are you still listening?"

  Louis stared right at Charlie, leaning as far forwards as he could without falling over just waiting for Charlie to speak again.

  "Louis not only do you get to help me tonight, but you are going to get to help me every year, from now on as long as you want to. You see Santa asked me to take on a trainee because he is going to retire with Rudolf soon, and I picked you as his replacement. Well is that good news or what?"


  "Louis? Say something..."


  Louis: looked over at Molly and Chug again, gazed around the room for a moment, looked back at Charlie, looked at the Santa suit, and black boots held in his hand again, and then he let out another yell even louder and higher pitched than the last one.



  He screamed out as he dropped the Santa suit and boots, he grabbed Molly, and started dancing about the room.

  Man the look on his face just told it all.

  He was the happiest little boy that the world has ever seen. The electricity found in Louis's smile could have lit up Santa's entire village for a whole year.

  Charlie turned and looked at Chug who was standing there in amazement when Charlie smiled.

  "Well so much for being subtle, and keeping it low-key about your good fortune."

  Chug gave Charlie a nod and a big smile. He went about watching Louis and Molly who were lost in the most cherished moment of their young lives.

  Louis must have circled the room three times over with Molly in his arms until he came to rest again in front of Junior and the golden sleigh.

  "Well Louis time is now wasting. Put on the suit and let's see how you look."

  Louis was so excited: he stripped off his pants, shirt, and coat right where he stood, which brought about a few giggles from some the younger, elf-girls in the room.

  Louis did not even care.

  He: stepped into the trousers, flew the shirt and coat across his shoulders, jumped into the black boots, turned to look at Charlie, smiled and then slowly placed the icing on the cake. He put the small pointy red hat with the white trim, squarely over his white hair.

  "Louis can you remember when...? How you and Chug once thought that the silver locket that hangs around your neck, with your family's picture in it, looked like a key to something special. Well Louis, it is. It's the extra key to The Great Wrapping-Machine. It has been in your possession all this time. Santa had thought about this way before my wife or I did."

  Louis reached into his shirt. He pulled out the small locket to look at it once more. Charlie was right. It looked like a small key. Louis pulled one tiny white hair out of chin then made a goofy face.

  "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas children! Merry Christmas! He turned to look at everyone in The Great Hall and smiled broadly, showing his perfect set of straight white teeth to anyone and everyone who was there this night.

  "Ho! Ho! Ho!

  Everyone shouted back.

  Louis: stepped forward slowly, gave Junior a pat on the shoulder then with one quick jump, flew onto the buckboard, and grabbed the small leather whip in his left hand. He pulled it out of its holster, held it up in the air. He gave it a thunderous downward stroke, which sent the tip snapping out and away and back again with a mighty snap of the tip.

  It sounded like a bolt of thunder racing across the heavens.

  The snap of the whip made a perfect-pitched cracking sound, which gave Louis yet again the biggest smile across his face.

  "Charlie how can I ever thank you?"

  "Don't thank me Louis; thank my wife. She was one of the first to say that you would make a great trainee for Santa."

  "Charlie, wait what did you say...? You're married...ah...ah...married?"

  "Why yes Louis, Junior did not just magically appear, as you might have thought, with me being an Arion horse and all. This is not the movies, you know."

  "Well, Charlie, just look at you..."

  "Algar will you do the honors again?" asked Charlie as he looked over in Algar's direction.

  In through the open front doors of the hall, strode a jet-black beauty if there ever was one, a real queen among princesses!

  It was a horse, so beautiful she made Lady Angeline (who now came up and stood next to Molly) bow her head in great praise and confirmation. She was the most daring, bold looking, dignified, regal, elegant, and splendorous Philly or Lady Horse Louis, Molly, or Chug had ever since before. She simply walked into the room in the most feminine walk, to where Charlie was, and gave him a soft nudge of her long nose to his.

  Molly noticing her earthly raw beauty turned to Lady Angeline.

  "She does not need to have fifty percent illusion to make herself beautiful. That is all natural."

  Lady Angeline smiled brightly then gave Molly a giant-sized hug.

  "Louis I want you to meet my wife, Queen Anastasiya Stasja. You see Charlie I found another Arion horse like myself. I thought I was the last one on earth, but I was wrong. When I was reborn and flew up to the North Pole to fulfill my new destiny, word spread around the world, as I knew it would. Low and behold, Anastasiya who was living in Saint Petersburg, Russia heard about me, and the rest is well history. We fell in love, got married, and started a family."

  "Pleased to meet you my Queen" said Molly as she curtsied and gave a low stately bow of her head.

  "Pleased to meet you as well, I heard you like to wear Crimson Passion. I would love to see it on you sometime."

  Molly turned and looked over at Lady Angeline; she just smiled.

  "Yes I would love to get together sometime and show you," said Molly.

  "And our new Santa, nice to meet you as well!" said a bowing Queen Anastasiya.

  Louis became so shy and overwhelmed, he just blinked a few times as his face turned a color of
bright candy apple red that almost matched his freckles.

  Louis leaned closer to Charlie to whisper in his ear.

  "Charlie she is just so very beautiful and elegant."

  Charlie leaned towards Louis and spoke back into his ear.

  "Why thank you Louis, I have been with her almost a year now, and she is the most wonderful companion in the world. She is: very kind, a great mother to Junior and of course she is fantastic wife."

  "How could you have any complaints with a wife like Charlie? I betcha...not...a... one...?"

  "Well the only thing is Louis, now that you brought it up. She has a real thing for shoes! You should see her closet. I have never seen so many horseshoes in one place in my life. You know what I am talking about Louis, ladies and their shoes?"

  "Charlie that is the funniest thing I have ever heard of, thousands of horseshoes. You'll never change, and remember that one race you won Charlie, the Porterhouse Steaks?"

  Both Louis and Charlie started to laugh again, they could not have been any happier now that they were back together again.

  "No more jokes now. We need to get serious again for there is work to do. Well all of the presents have been readied for the evening's journey. Louis is dressed and ready for the work at hand and so must I. Back to work everyone back to work!" said Charlie as everybody in the room jumped at this last command by Charlie.

  "Louis on my first flight tonight I will be ever so happy to say that I will be taking: Cool Joe Biggs, Rags Martin, Black Jack Tilly, and his two sons to the Saint Louis Jail, and into the waiting handcuffs of Warden Sergeant Pettigrew. Then I will be off for my appointed rounds delivering presents. You Louis on the other hand need to put you, and your family first for a change. Will you take a special flight for me tonight? I need you to take your first flight back home to Centerville, to be with your friends on this special evening, and most importantly of all, you need to be with your mother, Hattie May. I have heard she misses you so much. She has been waiting for your return as only a mother can, for the better part of four long months. So may I suggest this be your first stop?"

  Louis looked at Charlie, as another tear came to his eye.

  "In all the excitement Charlie I forgot completely about my mom, Mr. Beamer and I even forgot about Muncy. How could I have done that? Oh, you are so smart Charlie of course that is the first place I'm going to go, just as fast as Junior can fly. What about Molly and Chug?"

  "Well Louis you'll just have to take them with you of course."

  "Charlie did I hear you correctly? Are we to fly away with Louis tonight, and we can go back home? Louis did you hear that, we can go home with you" yelled out Molly.

  "Well, certainly, you have to go with them; you all need to be with your families on Christmas Eve...just as all children the world over should be. I want you to spend this special night, with your fathers and brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, and with all of your relatives. That is what Christmas is for; you all know that. And Louis it won't be much longer before you leave because, by looking at the back of your sleigh, it is almost full with toys and presents and ready to go."

  Louis mostly heard (one more time) about other's family's being together, especially with their fathers during Christmas.

  Again, a feeling of sadness came over Louis's heart.

  Small almost unnoticeable tears welled up in his now sullen blue eyes. He reached into his red coat and gently placed the silver locket in his hand again, with the picture of his father and mother in it. Louis took to making a brave and special wish under his breath to himself, for this Christmas that only Chug, who was standing very close by heard.

  It was a Christmas present he was sure only Santa Claus could bring him this year and Santa of course was nowhere to be found.

  The elves were still busy running about the great hall, deep in their evening's work; the wrapping- machine was still running. Charlie's and Louis's sleighs were finally filled to the brim with presents: when Algar came over to Louis to say goodbye and make a quick speech.

  "Louis I have to speak for all the elves, dwarfs and workingmen and animals here in Santa's Village tonight, because we have so little time left. If everyone came forward to say goodbye and say thanks to you at once, then we would never get a single present shipped out tonight, so I will try to say what everyone else is thinking. We just could not have done this without your help and courage. For it is really you and you alone, with your great drive and determination that really saved Christmas. You found the courage in your heart that no boy of your age should have had to. You and the good that lies in your heart, is the reason we are all free tonight from Black Jack's, evil hold on this city. He will get his soon enough. You need to be now with your family, to celebrate your successes. All of us here in Santa's Village got together to make you a present for you, when you went back up the dark mountain a few days ago. We did not know at the time if you would every make it back to accept this gift, and of course, we are so glad you did. Here Louis from all of us here tonight we offer you this special gift as a sign of respect and thanks to you."

  Algar waived his hands in the air for everyone to stop working for a moment and come over to say goodbye to Louis. As the crowd grew thick around him with all the workingmen, elves, reindeer and all of Louis's friends, Alfeo parted the crowd and approached Louis with a special present in his hands.

  "Louis thanks so much...oh enough of the speech making Louis, here take your present" said Alfeo as he handed Louis a small golden and most splendid key to Santa's Village.

  Louis, Charlie got a key to the city of Centerville once. He is always welcome there and we all thought that we should offer you a key, to our glorious city as well. The key will always be good, and you can use it anytime Louis, for your always welcome here in the greatest, and now again the most happiest city on earth."

  Everyone was smiling so wide, all were in such a good mood and laughing together at the sight of seeing Louis so happy.

  "Good luck tonight Louis. Say hi to your mother for us. Goodbye Louis, good bye now!" called out everyone.

  "Thank you so much Algar. I will cherish it always."

  Algar placed the golden key in the front of Louis' sleigh, then stepped back to waive goodbye. Louis: climbed in the front of his sleigh again, nodded to Junior, took the leather reins in his hands, and then turned, to look at Molly and Chug who had already climbed into the sleigh, and had readied themselves for their trip back to Centerville.

  Louis took the sleek black leather whip out of its holster at the side of the sleigh. He held it up high in his left hand, and with one great snap of his wrist, the tip of the whip broke through the thin cold air in the hall, making a thunderous noise signaling for Junior to take to his inaugural first flight on Christmas Eve.

  Junior with all his might willed the sleigh off the ground.

  He let out a great breadth of air from his lungs, whinnied a few times to signal to all a goodbye, then he lifted himself off the ground, to about twenty feet above the heads of everyone in the room. Louis, Molly, and Chug, all waved goodbye when Louis spoke for the last time.

  "Thank you Charlie! Always remember my love for you will, never diminish, and this love will always dwell in my heart, until the end of my days on earth. I will take care of Junior, and I will say hi to Hattie May for you. Good luck tonight Charlie and I will see you soon. Good night everybody and thanks" said Louis as he snapped his whip again signaling Junior to take to the night skies.

  Junior whinnied again. He started to claw at the air with his hooves, which lifted the golden sleigh full of toys higher and higher upwards, then forward and out into the cool starlit sky above Santa's Village.

  It was a chilly and very pleasant Christmas Eve at the great North Pole this night and perfect weather for a nighttime flight above the world. Slowly Louis with his golden sleigh climbed higher and higher
, and as he did all of the elf's and workingmen flowed out of The Great Hall into the town's square, all waiving and singing Christmas carols, as Louis disappeared out of sight, flying off to the south, towards Centerville...and the waiting...loving arms...of his friends and family.