Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 28

~Chapter 23~

  Santa Returns to Centerville

  The first of its kind, and would for now on become the annual, Centerville Christmas Eve Dance was well under way. This was the last grand party of the year, and everyone who was anyone just had to show up. All of the High-Society Ladies and most influential people in Centerville had been invited and of course, all the other single boys and girls were there as well.

  The very proper Doc Wellman and his charming wife Francie had shown up. Of course, there was the honorable Mayor George Penneywell, and his lovely wife Bernice in attendance. The esteemed Chief of Police Mr. Thomas Pinkerman and his very attractive and pleasant wife Beatrice were there, and most importantly of all, the Governor of Indian, Mr. Frank Fatbottom was attending. He could be seen hovering over the table that held all of the delicious food that had been especially cooked for this evening.

  There were buckets of deep-fried chicken, large dishes of freshly mashed-potatoes and gravy, and of course there was one large table covered with nothing but desserts; that Hattie May and Mrs. Beamer had baked.

  "The food is very delectable and most delicious. Thank goodness there is plenty of it too" said Mr. Fatbottom to Mrs. Beatrice Pinkerman, as he filled his plate to the brim with his third helping of buttered, and very creamy mashed-potatoes and gravy.

  Abigail Beamer and Mr. Thomas Beamer had showed up a little late, but they could be seen dancing off in one corner of the main wooden stage, to the sounds of the Cornfield Pickers. Who had driven down in one of those new-fangled fancy steam-powered cars, from Evansville to play at tonight's Big Dance. It was the same band that had played last year at the Big Square Dance that been held in the early summer.

  The large wooden stage in the center of town was beautifully decorated and brightly lit with multi-colored Christmas lights, large pine Christmas wreaths and delightful red and green bows strewn all about; these decorations matched in color and style of the decorations strewn around the wooden folding chairs and the long picnic tables.

  All the dinner tables had been covered in long, clean white cotton tablecloths with intricate red lace trim sewn in. There were very fancy green cloth dinner-napkins, and tall pitchers of sweet freshly made lemonade on all the tables that Mrs. Trumble (the Centerville Schoolmaster) had made earlier that day. On one long table, at the far end of the town's square was covered from one end to the other with: freshly baked oatmeal-cookies with over-sized walnuts, sweet honey-buns, plates, and plates covered with chocolate brownies; baked by some members of the PTA.

  All the food for this year's inaugural Christmas party looked very delightful. The young up-coming Society Girls had all showed up, very well dressed this holiday evening, in their fanciest dresses that matched the feeling and look of the Christmas season. There was seen on the young girls, many different colored: long, green, white, red, and blue cotton dresses that mostly hung slightly lower than the knee. Across the shoulders of most young women were white lace cotton shawls, with very intricate designed inlays of fancy thread. Mostly worn were long white gloves, to keep the women hands and arms warm. Most of the young girls wore the fanciest of wide brimmed hats with Christmas themed ribbons tied around the tops, with parts of the ribbons hanging down the center of the back. Many of the girls even wore Christmas broaches or red roses on the straps of their dresses. The Ladies all looked so very elegant and womanly.

  Tessie Whitman, Janie Parker, and Mildred Waters had all outdone themselves at this year's dance. They never looked more attractive. They had all dressed, so refined and mannered that, even the fire Chief, Mr. Marvin Waterwick had noticed.

  "All of you young Ladies sure look lovely this evening. I'll bet all of your schoolmates: Short-Stack, Growlin Harry, Sammy, Jay, and the others, are surely going to want to dance with you girls all night long, and Tessie are you wearing some of Molly's lipstick, is that Crimson Passion? "

  "Why yes Mr. Waterwick she did give me some before she left last year. I just had to wear it because, this is the finest dance of the year, and I wanted to look my very best."

  "Well as I said, you all look very Ladylike tonight. You girls have fun now and don't drink too much lemonade."

  "OK, see you later Mr. Waterwick," said the girls together as they stood at the corner of the stage looking about, waiting for all the young boys to show up.

  Hattie May finally arrived at the party by a horse-buggy that was being pulled by Mr. Baron Von Beck, the old Milk-Horse (who use to pull the milk wagon for Mr. Wellmont the milkman). The Baron wore a very fanciful Christmas hat, with a bright green ribbon around the top. On his bell-boots was strapped, a few small jingle bells that announced his arrival to the party, as they strolled down main-street and up to the grand dance floor.

  In the back of the buggy sat Miss Trumble the Schoolmaster, the Centerville Bank President, Mr. Steelman with his wife Francie. Chug's mom Rosalind and Molly's father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were seated in the back. Oh...and of course, Muncy had stowed away in the very back of the wagon, because he did not want to miss out, on any extra snacks that nobody wanted.

  As everyone alighted from their horse-buggies at the front of the dance floor, and found their assigned seats by the front of the main stage, the Cornfield Pickers took a break for a few minutes to get an another plate of hot barbecued country-chicken and sweet-buttered-corn; all washed down with a tall cool glass of lemonade.

  "Why Mrs. Hattie May, you look delightful. Is that a new dress you're wearing? What a fine hat" said Francie Steelman as Hattie May took her seat at the table. "Why yes Francie. I made this dress myself. The hat I bought out of one of those fancy French magazines. I had it shipped here from Paris; do you really like it Francie? I saved up all year just to be able to have a fine new hat, to wear at the Christmas dance this year."

  "Well you look just resplendent and most refined in it Hattie May."

  Hattie May nodded to Francie and Doc Wellman as she finally sat down. Everyone was in a very festive mood, considering the season, but in the back of all of the, town's folk's minds, was the obvious question. Where, were Chug, Molly, and Louis? Where they safe and did they make it to the North Pole? Was Charlie any better, and was Squint-Eye Pete on the loose still?

  There were just so many underlying plots, scenarios, and possible false or untrue endings. No one could, really celebrate tonight the way they wanted. No one wanted to spoil the evening, so everyone tried their best, to keep a smile on their faces, and the spirit of Christmas in their hearts.

  Turk the Blacksmith even showed up. He was very well dressed in a starched white shirt, wearing a new over-sized cowboy hat and shiny belt buckle, with freshly starched black dress pants. Everyone smiled upon his arrival. Some of the older women even giggled a bit because. Turk had cleaned up so well and never looked more handsome. A few whispers were heard between the women that maybe one of them should ask Turk to dance later tonight.

  Turk found his way around to the back of the dance floor, grabbed a glass of cold, lemonade, and tried to fit in the best he could. He always felt a little awkward and a little out of place at these fancy get-togethers, but he promised himself before he left his farmhouse that tonight would be a little different, and that he was going to try and come out of his shell, a little bit.

  All in town finally arrived at the dance. Mostly they were all sitting down now at the well-adorned tables, or milling about the dance floor, some were congregating in the town square, as the band, finished taking their first break of the evening.

  The band members made their way through the crowd at the front of the stage only to find their seats to start playing again. They immediately began again with a lovely well-known song of the day, which quickly enlivened everyone's holiday spirits. All could be seen tapping their toes or singing along with the band, with many of the younger children dancing in the middle of the dance floor with each other in small circles.

was all such a very light-hearted and fun evening.

  The band played on for about half of an hour, when the next part of the festivities started. The Mayor Mr. Penneywell noticed that about everyone in town was present; he took a small wooden megaphone in hand. He strode into the center of the grand dance floor.

  He signaled for the band to quiet down, then raised the megaphone to his mouth, cleared his throat, then spoke loud and clear.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guest, children, and your honor Governor Frank Fatbottom. May I have your undivided attention? I want to thank you all for coming tonight to the first ever, and not to be the last, our own very new annual Centerville Christmas Dance."

  Everyone broke out in lively applause, with shouts of joy at this proclamation by the Mayor. "Now, now we have a big evening planned for you please pay attention...and quite down. And Hattie May we have a very big and most special surprise...for you this evening" said the Mayor as he winked at Hattie May, who looked so lovely in her fine dress and new wide-brimmed hat. Hattie May turned to look at Mr. Beamer and Abigail with a very questioning look on her face then said to Abigail, "What's old George talking about Abigail, a most special surprise for me? Oh, I'm way too old for surprises...a...real surprise...oh my."

  "Now can I have your complete attention once more? Will you all now turn to look behind you, over at the town's water fountain at the center of the town square? Low and behold the illustrious and most beautiful...elegant pageantry of...The Ladies of the Red Hat Society!

  Mr. Fatbottom pointed over the crowd's head towards the direction of the water fountain. He then pointed back to the band, signaling for them to begin playing again. The grand demonstration of fanciful dressed Ladies, with their very wide brimmed red hats, and bright red full-length dresses; appeared right on cue from behind the fountain, all fell in a single-file line. They started to sashay towards the big dance floor: with each Lady dancing a little jig as they approached.

  The music was so beautiful and uplifting.

  The kids all ran towards the dance floor's wooden rails to peak through and try to get a better look. All the single men-in attendance-all lit up with smiles, as the lovely, High-Society Ladies got closer and closer to the dance floor.

  The Lady's hats were so wonderfully decorated.

  Some had: small artfully placed, small Christmas trees on them, and others had bright red, green, and white boa feathers strewn across the brims or hanging down loosely across their shoulders. The dresses and hats all matched perfectly and each dress and outfit perfectly complimented the other, in style and appearance.

  Hattie May just could not contain herself upon seeing the Ladies parading towards the dance floor, because she had tried so hard this year to get accepted into the fanciful society. She had placed her name in consideration for this year's vote. She had gotten all the required letters of recommendation presented to the Lady Officers, had attended all of the junior-meetings, and had volunteered whenever the group needed an extra hand. She was sure at the next vote she would absolutely be accepted into the group of the High-Society Ladies of the Red Hats.

  There must have been over thirty Ladies strolling by right in front of Hattie May, up the wooden stairs and onto the dance floor. The: boas were being flung about, a few of the red hats were taken off and being waved in the air for showmanship and the band just kept on playing that lovely uplifting song of theirs.

  Even Turk moved closer to the back handrail around the dance floor to get a better look at all the girls.

  The president of the group of Ladies was, Abbey Madison and had been the reigning president for the last three years. She personally liked Hattie May very much and had even asked her once, for one of her apple pie recipes. She was the tallest of the Ladies and the most beautiful, and when she wore her high heels-as she was this evening-she just towered over all of the other Ladies standing by, and most of the men. She had on very elegant make-up this evening, with a special shade of cheek-rough that hid most of her facial lines, which made her look ten years younger. Mr. Penneywell seeing that all the "Ladies of the Red Hat Society" had made it to the center of the dance floor signaled for the band to stop playing. He again raised the wooden megaphone to his mouth cleared his throat once more and spoke. "Don't all of the Red Hens look so very refined and most dazzling this evening?"

  A loud applause was heard. "Now may I turn your attention to Ms. Madison, because she has an announcement to make to you all tonight?" Abbey: took the megaphone in hand, looked at the band as if this was all well rehearsed, tapped her toes in rhythm-as the band began to play-and she began to sing the most wonderful song she had written just for this occasion.

  It was a delightful Christmas song. It was so inspirational and stirring that when she came around to the chorus again, (everyone now knowing the words) started to sing right along with her. She of all things motioned over to Turk at the back of the stage, to come join her in dance and song. After some well intentioned prodding from everyone around, Turk just shocked the whole gathering that evening.

  He: strolled over to the center of the stage, danced some with Abby, and took over singing of the final verse of the song to everyone's amazement. What a lovely deep and harmonious voice he had. His voice sounded like it belonged up on stage at Metropolitan Opera in New York City. Some of the Ladies in attendance that night even started to cry, because his voice was just so beautiful.

  As the song came to a very wonderful and memorable crescendo and delightful ending, Abbey and Turk took a bow and Turk even gave a small kiss on Abbey's cheek, which brought broad smiles to everyone around the dance floor.

  Some of the children even blushed.

  It was a wonderful moment. After all had simmered down again the Ladies President, Ms. Madison in a very heartfelt tone of voice once again got the crowd's attention, but this time she was looking directly at Hattie May when she began to speak again.

  "Now, I hoped you all enjoyed that delightful song, and of course we want to thank the band our Cornfield Pickers, and give a special thanks to Mr. Zachary Turkan Peterson or as most of you know him, our own Turk, for that lovely voice of his.

  The crowd gave a very lovely applause; then waited patiently for Abbey to speak again. "Now as our honorable mayor said a few moments ago, before our little song and dance there is a special announcement we have for you tonight. Mrs. Hattie May will you please come up on stage and stand beside me?"

  As Abbey finished speaking Hattie May just sat there dumbfounded with a blank look on her face.

  "Again, Mrs. Hattie May, will you please come up onto the dance floor for a moment?"

  The very handsome Turk walked down the steps and took the blushing Hattie May by the hand and lead, her up to the center of the stage-with the prodding of Mr. Beamer and Mr. Penneywell. The crowd all gave Hattie May a very nice round of applause until she found herself standing next to Ms. Madison. Turk took his place behind Ms. Abbey as she began to speak again.

  "Hattie May...I personally know...that you don't like to draw attention to yourself...but Ladies and Gentlemen...please give her a round of applause, does she not look beautiful tonight and what a fine new hat she is you not...all agree? But I must admit that it is not the color of hat that you wearing for this evening's activities."

  Mrs. Hattie May again had that puzzled look come across her face again, as she stood there. She just could not for the life of her, figure out what was going on, and what all the fuss was. "May I please take this lovely hat of yours Hattie May, if you don't mind because I have another hat, that I have brought for you to wear tonight. Turk can you please bring that other fine hat, up here?" Turk disappeared to the back of the dance floor into the crowd.

  Everyone present started to turn and talk between themselves as Turk disappeared for a few moments, then the broadest of smiles were seen on everybody's face as Turk reappeared, p
arted the crowd and walked up to Ms. Madison.

  He was caring a wide brimmed, brand new, fanciful red hat in his hand.

  "the entire fine residents of Centerville...may I...introduce you to...the newest member...of the most grand and most refined...The Ladies of the Red Hat Society...Mrs. Hattie May...Parks."

  The look on Hattie May's face said it all.

  She: let out a gasp of cool winter air, tussled with her hair a minute, straightened up her dressed and straightaway preceded, to lightly faint right into Turks arms. "Well, do you all think she is happy to be accepted into our society tonight? Well what do you think?"

  Turk shook Hattie May ever so slightly for a moment, which brought her back conscience. When she opened her eyes again, she had the biggest and widest smile across her face that she had ever had before. She leaned into Turk and said, "Just imagine Turk, me a real Society-Lady...a...Real Red Hen!".

  Ms. Madison placed the lovely wide brimmed red hat with a large flowing white boa feather that perfectly sat on top, on Hattie May's head, as the band started to play again and as everyone broke back into a lively applause.

  Hattie May (with Turk leading the way) began to spin to the rhythm of the music about the dance floor as everyone on stage, stepped back to watch the entrancing dance-when all of a sudden something even more astonishing happened that night.

  As the band continued and Hattie May with her wonderful new hat on and feeling on top of the world danced about, a tall very handsome and debonair middle-aged man dressed in: a crisp, newly starched blue military uniform and white cap, tapped Hattie May on the shoulder from behind and asked her in a lovely deep voice, a question.

  "Hattie May...can I...have this dance My-Lady?"

  Hattie May with a wonderful smile on her face, spun about to face the stranger. All present that night, heard the breath, go right out of Hattie May's chest. Her: arms dropped to her sides, her shoulders slumped, her fingers and hands grew limp, falling forward right into the wide-open arms of the strikingly good-looking man standing before her.

  Her husband, Captain Jeremy Parks had returned...!"

  Hattie May Parks had waited five long years for her husband's return and when she saw him her emotions had overcome her and she just fainted right into his two strong arms.

  "Mrs. Parks," asked Captain Parks as he gently leaned forward and gave Hattie May a soft kiss on her cheek, to try to wake her, "may I have this dance?"

  "Hattie May...Hattie May...the song is...almost over" said Captain Parks with a smile on his face and a soothing touch at his finger tips. Hattie May opened her eyes slowly...took in a small breath of air...and came around...only to see her...husband's still very young...and adorable face, so close to hers. "Is it really you Jeremy or is this all a dream?"

  "I had hoped and dreamed for so long...for your it really you honey?"

  "Yes, it is really me and I promise...I will never leave your side again. The war is over and I have returned to you and I will never leave you again...for the rest of my days" said Captain Parks as he signaled for the band to keep playing and for everyone to step back, to give Hattie May some room.

  Mrs. Parks: stood up on her feet, adjusted her brand new large red hat, leaned inward, and gave Jeremy the softest of kisses on his lips. She smiled so bright it made the light of the December moon above, pale in comparison.

  Captain Parks took Hattie May gingerly by the waist and they began to spin around and around the dance floor, lost in a world that was all their own. The stars above twinkled, the moon appeared to be brighter than before, and a soft cool wind rustled the nearby trees, sending a sweet perfumed pine-smell, swirling throughout the nighttime air.

  Everyone just stood and watched the wonderful reunion of two people who were still very much in love-as they day they had met. As they continued their magical adventure, spinning around the dance floor, arm in arm Captain Parks leaned forward and whispered into Hattie May's ear.

  "Is Louis here tonight? I just have to see my son. I miss him more than you can imagine. Has he grown up too much and do you think he will still recognize me?" Hattie May tightened her grip on Captain Parks hands, stopped dancing right in the center of the dance floor and spoke softly.

  "Jeremy, Louis has been gone for over four months now, on a great quest and I have not heard a word from or about him. I am sorry to say...I don't have any answers for you pumpkin. I am so sorry. I should not have let him leave. You see he has gone off to the North Pole to find Charlie the Barnyard Horse, with one of his best friends, Chug Martin and as Louis once confided to me, hopefully his future wife to be Molly Jenkins."

  "Well that's my boy...just like his old dad. Off on a great adventure..."

  "Well I am so blessed that you have returned Jeremy, but I am so worried about Louis and his two little friends."

  Hattie May looked very intently and deeply into Jeremy's cobalt blue eyes. He had the same eye color of Louis and seeing Louis's eyes in his father, this all of a sudden brought Hattie May to tears. She broke down in front of everyone at the center of the stage with all eyes upon her. Captain Parks took Hattie May by the thin waist and helped her down the wooden steps; where she fell into her chair lost in despair over her missing son.

  Mr. Beamer and Abigail, Mr. Penneywell, Doc Welman, Turk, Tessie Whitman, Janie Parker and most of the town's folk gathered around her to give her as much comfort as they could, when high overhead in the clear, cool and clean Indiana sky a snap of a leather whip was heard thunderously, splitting the night air. The sounds of jingle bells shaking echoed off the nearby buildings surrounding the town square and a high-pitched boyish voice could be faintly heard calling out.

  "HO! HO! HO!" "Merry...Christmas...everybody...Merry Christmas!" As the voice grew louder and the snaps of the whip continued, a small image could be seen across the face of the Christmas moon. The Northern Star could be seen in all her brilliance and grandeur and lit the way, for a small visitor descending and circling downwards from the skies above.



  "Santa Clause and Junior have arrived on Christmas Eve to bring you all joy!" Hattie May opened her eyes at hearing the familiar, distant voice coming from above. "Do you hear that voice, Jeremy? Am I dreaming again, or's voice I hear?"

  "Your Christmas presents have arrived. Let the party begin for Louis the White, the great bear-slayer, traveler of the world, and flier of magical sleighs has triumphantly returned."

  "Jeremy could it" asked Hattie May as she fell back in her chair, looking upwards the whole time.

  All gathered below, stood there looking up into the nighttime sky, as the sounds of the jingle bells-that Molly was shaking with all her might-could be heard now louder than ever. Chug was standing on the top of the buckboard with a red Santa hat on,

  and had a large bag of presents thrown across his back. He looked like a delightful little elf. Molly started to waive hello to everybody below and started yelling out, right along with Louis.

  "Merry...Christmas...everybody! "Merry...Christmas, Centerville!"

  The sleigh with the proud, Junior at the lead circled about, overhead high in the sky, then starting a slow, magical decent ever downwards, towards the town's square. Louis was guiding the sleigh with the reins in one hand, and cracking the leather whip with his other hand.

  A big tug on the left rein, a slight pull on the right rein, and another mighty crack of the leather whip could be heard. Molly reached her hand into a cloth bag of glitter and started tossing out big handfuls of: golden yellows, bright whites, glorious reds, and deep blue glitter.

  The December moonbeams caught the specks at just the right angles, as they drifted enchantingly towards the earth. The speckles fanned out over the town's square and lightly touched down over everything, and ev
eryone below, as the sleigh came closer and closer into view-for all to see.

  Captain Jeremy Parks looked upwards and saw what appeared to be a small thin boy, with the whitest of white hair, driving the sleigh, wearing a small red Santa suit, and red and white pointy cap.

  "That can't be"

  "I think it might be honey...," said an astonished Hattie May.

  "Louis has bright red hair. That boy looks like an old man. I have heard people talk, about them growing up fast when you're gone-but this is ridiculous," said Captain Parks.

  Jeremy took Hattie May by the waist again, motioned for her to walk towards a small clearing in the crowd, as the sleigh circled lower and lower, and was about ready to land in the town's square. Louis pointed towards the small clearing, said something to Junior, pulled on the reins a bit, and started to guide the sleigh towards the small opening in the crowd. " the" called out Louis as Junior hovered above and tried to navigate his way down to the ground. Louis was hovering about thirty feet off the ground when his eyes locked with Hattie Mays. Louis cried out with joy, as no boy has ever called out before.




  "I made it's your Lewy. We did it mom we did it! We saved Christmas and Charlie is well again!" The sleigh softly touched down in the town's square with everyone present just staring at the sleigh as it came to a stop, right in the center of the square.

  Suddenly: everyone just seemed to finally understand that Chug, Molly and Louis had come home, that they were well, and that they had arrived on Christmas Eve; flying in a one-horse golden sleigh. Everybody ran forward as fast as his or her feet could fly, as Louis yelled out continually.

  "It's us everybody, its Louis and Chug and Molly. Were back...we did it...we did it."

  Tessie Whitman flew through the crowd, found Chug-as he was exciting the sleigh with a bag of presents-and just threw herself into his arms.

  "Chug you're back, you're back. I missed!"

  "I missed you too Tessie...I did...I really..."

  Tessie gave Chug such a big hug that he heard a few toys break in the sack slung over his back. "Tessie the toys, the toys please, careful. Oh, it's so great to see you as well. I missed you..."

  Chug pulled out the small pin that Captain Legrande Legrange had given him during that fancy dinner and without hesitation, Chug pinned Tessie right where she stood. "Would you like to be my girl...Tessie?" Tessie did not say a word. She just: looked down at the fanciest pin she had ever seen before, grabbed Chug with her two soft, little hands, and gave him the best kiss she could possible muster up. Chug, blushed a bright red and the crowd went crazy.

  Chug gave Tessie another big hug as Short-Stack was patting him on the back. Growlin Harry started to shake Chug's hand and gave him a big pat on the back as well.

  "Nice to have you back Chug and what was Louis saying about saving Christmas? Did you really Chug? Is Charlie all right, and you really did save Christmas? You have to tell us all about it Chug."

  Molly looked intently through the crowd for her mom and dad who were fighting their way through the melee of celebrants.

  "Molly were over here" called out Molly's dad at the top of his voice. Molly turned with glued eyes on her dad and mom and started to cry uncontrollably.

  "Mom, I missed you so much. Dad I love!" cried out Molly as she fell into her mother's loving arms.

  "You should have seen us mom, there were fields of yellow, and orange flowers that stretched for as far as the eyes could see. We took: a trip across the Great Lake, and I had dinner with a real Lady. Her name was Angeline Angelique. Really mom she was a real Lady and she even liked my lip stick and everything" said Molly as she continued to cry in her mother's arms.

  Chug's mom Rosalind, reached the sleigh lastly, stumbled up to were, Chug and Tessie were standing and began to cry as well.

  "How could you go off for, four long months, without even leaving me a note? You are going to be grounded until next Christmas for this Chug. Do you hear me? Now give your mother a big hug."

  "Mom, man I'm sorry, but I had some real important things to do, but I promise that I will never...ever...not ever...go off again without your permission. I love you mom."

  Chug threw his long lanky arms around his mom and did not let go for the entire rest of the evening. Hattie May (with Captain Parks supporting her) slowly moved into the center of the square. Everyone parted upon seeing them, coming forward. Louis was so busy with everyone congratulating him with: hugs, pats on the back and kisses that he did not notice his mom approaching him-from behind.

  Chug saw out of the corner of his eye what was happening and leaned forward, grabbed Louis by both of his arms.

  "Louis I think Santa Claus, granted you your wish...this year...after all".

  "What are you talking about Chug? Santa was nowhere to be seen this year, so how could he know what I wished? Chug you've gone dippy again."

  "Louis you need to turn around and brace yourself; for the shock of your young life. You have been talking about the need to have real courage in your heart well tonight you will need to be, more courageous than you have ever been before-in your whole life-because you are certainly the luckiest boy in the whole wide world Louis." "In...The Whole Wide World...Louis!"

  "Chug what are you talking about?"

  Chug placed his hands over Louis's eyes, closed them, placed one hand on his shoulder, and turned him around ever so slowly.

  "Merry Christmas Louis, now open your eyes," said Chug as everyone present quieted down so as not to miss a single word.

  Chug had gotten Louis so excited he almost started to shake again when he realized what Chug was trying to tell him. Hattie May was now standing right behind Louis and spoke.

  "Merry Christmas Lewy, for all of your daydreams...have...finally come true!"

  Louis very slowly opened his innocent blues to see a very tall and very handsome man, standing there in a dark blue navy uniform, with the exact same color of eyes as Louis had. Louis just stood there for a moment in shock-with his mouth agape.

  His: mind started to race again, his heart started to pound wildly, he clutched his finger tightly together, and his knees began to quiver quickly.

  "Mr. Louis...Captain Jeremy Parks," said his father as he quickly clicked his shoes together, snapped his hand to the side of his temple (in a crisp military salute) and gave a clever wink at Louis "at your service sir!"





  Louis bounded forward in one great leap and landed right into his father's arms.

  Captain Parks smothered Louis, pulling him into his chess. Both tumbled to the ground with Louis landing on top with both hands thrown up in the air, screaming at the top of his lungs.

  "You did it Santa!"

  "You did it!"

  "You gave the greatest gift ever. "You gave me my family back". Man is this the greatest day ever!" cried out Louis.

  Muncy, (Louis's golden retriever): came dashing through the crowd, flying in mid-air right over Chug's head, landing right on top of Louis's back. Sloppy licks, wagging tail, smiles, drools, and more sloppy licks. Muncy had his Louis back. As Louis gave Muncy, a great big hug and kiss on the head, Muncy just about had a conniption and keeled over on the spot.

  Then suddenly high, overhead the nighttime skies exploded into thousands of brilliantly colored lights. Then another explosion burst out overhead, then another. "HO! HO! HO! And Merry Christmas everybody!" shouted out Santa Claus as he lit off another large firework. Another one was lit, which illuminated the skies above for hundreds of miles around. The flaming speckles of light
fell to the earth in shimmering reds, yellows, greens, and blues. More bangs, more explosions were seen, as Santa Claus and his glorious sleigh-with Rudolf leading the way-circled high overhead, across the face of the Centerville moon.

  Rudolf with his troop of reindeer and Santa at the reins, they all now swooped lower and lower, down above the nearby rooftops, as Santa let off another large firecracker, which colorfully exploded out in all directions.

  The night skies above Indiana were never so wonderful to gaze upon.

  Rudolf streaked by, down over the town in one more majestic circle, but this time he flew low enough for all below to see Santa in his full brilliance.

  "Merry Christmas Louis and thanks for all your help this year. See you back at the North Pole in a few days. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to all!"

  Santa gave his large leather whip a mighty stroke downward and back, which sent the tip of his whip forward again making a thunderous cracking sound. "See you soon Santa and thanks again for the most wonderful and special Christmas gift you could have ever given anybody. How can I ever thank you enough?"

  "Merry Christmas Santa!" called out Molly.

  "Merry Christmas!" called out Chug.

  "Merry Christmas and god bless you Santa!" shouted out Louis, "and thanks again..."

  "Merry Christmas Everybody!" shouted back Santa.

  Captain Parks looked Louis in the eyes and said, "What is Santa Clause talking about? See you in a few days? Are Santa Claus as well Louis? Louis your hair is white and you have a few small white whiskers on your chin...but...Louis...Louis?"

  "It's a long, long story dad." "Let's just say it's a...very...very...long...story...!"

  Merry Christmas

  Charlie the Great White Horse

  and the Journey to Egypt

  Trilogy of Books