Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 5

  ~Chapter 3~

  Meet Squint-Eye Pete

  "What's that awful smell?" asked the small boy who was shining the mysterious strangers' well-worn, black boots.

  "Oh that's just the smell of pure evil," said the dark outsider.


  "I just don't like to take baths, and you couldn't get that smell off of me anyway," said the tall foreigner.

  The dark strange loomed large in front of the now quivering, small child.

  "I don't smells like mister. I'm just a little kid," said the now shaking boy, as he tried to back away from his shoeshine bench.

  "Well, you know what it smells like now, don't you BOY, and don't you ever forget you met up with, SQUINT-EYE PETE!"


  "And make sure you tell everyone you know; All your friends. Tell all your family, that evil came to town, and you lived to tell the story" called out Squint-Eye as he began to laugh uncontrollably at the top of his lungs.

  Squint-Eye lifted the dirty black leather patch that covered his left eye, sending a crazy stare of his evil eyeball, over in the frightened boy's direction.

  "What's up with that weird eyeball mister, and what...are...ya...ah...what...ah, are you doing here in our town?"

  "I'm here just-a lookin."

  "Ah...what looking...what you do you...want with us, in our town?" asked the boy who was trying as hard as he could to not look into Pete's crazy eyeball, and its deathly gaze.

  The boy began to cower, shaking even more in his shoes, as all became clearer before him.

  "What am I doing in town you ask? Well I am just passing through. I will only be here a day or two, then I will be heading off to the North Pole, to take care of some real business I got with a horse up there, and a few old friends who did not do what I told em to do...but don't you mind that...boy. Just tell everyone in town to stay away from ole' Squint-Eye Pete, or they'll get the evil eye as well" cried out Pete as he rolled his crazy eyeball, around and around in his socket, just to scare the little boy that much more.

  Squint-Eye Pete was well over six foot four inches tall. He wore an oversized, torn, worn and dusty, wide brimmed black leather hat. He was always dressed, in a large black, tattered leather duster, with black dirty clothes found underneath. He was extremely thin in the middle, and walked with a decided limp.

  As he limped around his crazy eyeball would keep time with his one bad leg, as a metronome keeps time, when you play a piano, or like a big bass drum keeps time for a marching band. One foot hits the ground, and the eyeball would go down. The other foot hits the ground the eyeball goes up. Up and down, back and forth, side to side, and round and round. The eyeball would constantly move about the blackened eye-socket, searching for its unwary victims, be them, small children, old men, or even frail aged old Ladies. Anyone who was unfortunate enough to catch its deathly gaze was immediately entrenched, held in its evil trance.

  The receiver would be under arrest, spellbound and unable to speak or move, from the pure horror of its ugliness. No doubt about it, Cool Joe Biggs teeth were a beautiful sight to see, next to Ole' Squint-Eye's notorious...evil eyeball.

  Growlin Harry the shoeshine boy was very fortunate to have avoided its evil gaze that morning, but only by a stroke of pure luck. The morning sun had just emerged from behind a large dark cloud, as Pete had raised his large brimmed hat to show off that eyeball. As the eyeball tried to focus on Harry the sunlight ever so slightly hit Squints crazy eye at the right angle, giving Harry just enough time to scurry off to safety.

  Squint-Eye had been in Centerville not more than a day, going completely unnoticed by the local townsfolk, because he had been keeping the leather eye-patch over his crazy eyeball all day, and his black cowboy hat pulled way down, over his ugly thin face. When Pete saw poor Harry, he just felt like being vile and nasty again. He let his evil eyeball out for some air for a while, so it wouldn't get too rusty, and forget its main purpose in life.

  Growlin Harry was almost hysterical with fear after his brief encounter with Pete at his shoeshine stand. He quickly scuttled off, running just as quickly as he could down the alley nearby, between two large buildings at the center of town. He then headed without haste, straight towards Turk's blacksmith shop. As he darted through the wide-open two front doors, he ran straight into one of Turk's large, muscled outstretched dirty hands, which grabbed Harry by the scruff of the neck, lifting him right off the ground; all the while, his feet were still in motion.

  "Where are you going in such a hurry Harry?"


  "What's the heck is the matter with you?"

  "You look like you Black Jack Tilly is chasing after you" said Turk as he sat Harry back on the ground, holding him in place for a moment to try, and calm him down.

  "Man it's...ah...worse than that Turk! I...ah...ah...ah...just ran into Squint-Eye Pete at my shoeshine stand and...he tried to give me, the old evil eye. If it weren't for a stroke of...pure...luck...and...some sunshine, I would have been a real goner."

  Turk looked intently at Harry, asking in a questioning tone, "Are you telling me Squint-Eye Pete is here in our Centerville, scaring little boys? Who are you trying to kid Harry? Squint-Eye is way up in Saint Louis, locked away in a dirty old jail cell.

  "No he's here...Turk...right here in Centerville. He's up to no good...I tell ya."

  "If what you say is true, then take me to see him right now. Let us have him try to pick on someone his own size. Let us have him try picking on someone who isn't scared of no...crazy eyeball!" proclaimed Turk loudly as he pointed towards the front door of his shop, then motioning for Harry to get moving.

  Both Harry with Turk tagging along marched out of the blacksmith shop, back down between the two buildings, past the horse-stables, around to the front of the town's bank, and right over to the local general store, where Harry kept his shoeshine stand.

  Squint was nowhere to be found.

  "He's not here anymore...but I tell ya...he's around here somewhere. Anyway Pete said he was...ah...heading to the North Pole soon to take care of some business with Charlie and Black Jack...and he didn't look to happy. He's going to cause trouble up there...he told me so."

  "Well, I've got to get the police chief on this, and let him know that Pete might be in town and that he's broken out of jail once again" said Turk as he let go of his grip on Harry. Turk swiftly headed off towards the police station, found at the other end of town.

  Harry finding himself free of Turk's grasp ran off as fast as he could, towards his home when he ran smack into Louis, who was coming out of Mr. Benson's ice cream shop.

  "Harry what's the matter with you?"

  "We gotta..."

  "Why are you in such a hurry?"


  "You almost knock my ice cream out of my hand."

  "Louis we gotta talk, you're never going to believe who I just ran into..."


  "I just saw Squint-Eye Pete right here in Centerville'm not kidding he tried to give me the evil eye and everything. Nevertheless, I got away by a stroke of pure luck. It was unbelievable Louis! It was just unbelievable!

  "Holy cow you're not kidding me, are you Harry? I can tell by just looking at your face that something happened. Squint-Eye Pete is right here in our town!"

  "Pete told me he's heading up to the North Pole to take care of some unfinished business with Black Jack, Cool Joe, and Rags. Th he said he's got some other business with our Charlie. What are we going do Louis?" blurted out Harry as he started growling a bit, then went about rubbing the bottoms of his feet, where the holes in his shoes were.

  "Man that's the worst news I have heard all year. Old Pete is here in our town. Harry I've got to tell you something. Chug and I are planni
ng on going to the North Pole ourselves in a few days. Didn't you see the newspapers yesterday, and today? Charlie's sick. One of the magic jingle bells is missing, and the bells don't work anymore, because the circle of magic is broken within them. That old rat Black Jack Tilly is up there running the North Pole. No Christmas, and no Christmas presents this year" said Louis with a look of disaster written all over his face.

  "Holy cow, that's why Squint-Eye Pete, and he's after you Louis. You have one of those magic jingle bells and he is out to steal it from you. He is going to take it to the North Pole, to fix the bells, keep them for himself with all their powers, and then take over the North Pole. That's it...that's his plan I tell you. Man oh, man." said Harry while he was still rubbing the bottoms of his sore feet.

  "I think your right Harry."

  "Darned sure I'm right!"

  "Everyone knew I had that bell last year when Charlie gave it to me. I rang it that night in the snowstorm, so Charlie could find me. Remember; that story was in all the local and state newspapers? That bell must have more powers than you or I know about, or he wouldn't be here," said Louis as he grabbed Harry by the shirt, to pull him back, inside the ice cream shop.

  "I have to find a place to hide out for awhile, to think. Harry. Go find Chug and Mr. Beamer. Tell them what's going on. Man I need to hide out and quick! Pete and that crazy eyeball are after me! got it. I know what to do. Tell em I'll be out in the cornfields behind Mr. Beamer's barn, where Mr. Beamer always takes his daytime naps.

  "You've got it Louis..."

  "Hurry...Harry. Hurry up...go! Tell em to meet me out there Harry."

  Harry nodded in agreement with Louis. He dashed off again, at a wild and frantic pace, toward Chug's house. Harry flew past Apollo who was hitched to his wagon and taking some supplies out to Hattie May house.

  "Where are you going in such a big hurry Harry?" called out Apollo as Harry raced by.

  "Meet me in the cornfield out behind Mr. Beamer's barn in about an hour Apollo. Louis is in trouble...big trouble" called back Harry as he dashed out of sight behind the post office.

  "OK I'll be there Chug," shouted back Apollo, as Chug quickly passed out of sight.

  Harry managed to find Mr. Beamer and Chug, getting them both to meet Louis out back of the barn, in the cornfields within the hour, just as Louis had told him to do. Harry went over everything with them that had happened that morning with Squint-Eye Pete at the shoeshine stand. When he was finished, Mr. Beamer just stood there for a few minutes, to ponder over everything that Harry had just said.

  He now grew just as worried as the boys were, about the whole situation.

  "Harry I think you're right. Squint-Eye isn't a dummy, I tell you he's after that bell around Louis's neck all right. We've got to get Louis, with Chug both packed up, and out of here right quick. You have to leave first thing, next morning...before Pete finds you both" said Mr. Beamer as he now turned to face Louis, who was just beginning to really understand that this was not just a daydream anymore, and that sooner than later he was really heading off to the North Pole.

  "Man you're right Mr. Beamer. We've got to get going and soon. This is really happening isn't it? I just can't believe it."

  "Chug you and Louis sleep out here tonight in the cornfield. I will get all the supplies ready, and bring everything down from the attic throughout the night. All will be ready by daybreak. Harry get going and find the Chief of Police and the Mayor. Tell them what's going on. Also be sure to tell them, to be on the lookout for Ole' Squint-Eye."

  "You got it Mr. Beamer, I will find them both just as fast as I can" said Harry as he bustled off out of sight, again racing out through the cornfields just as fast as he had just raced in.

  Just then, Apollo trotted in, parting a few cornstalks, appearing at the left side of the small clearing. He trotted up to the three worrisome looking souls, looking at the worry in their faces. He began to speak.

  "Louis I heard from Harry earlier this morning that something is wrong, and that you're in deep trouble. How, can I help you out?"

  "Yeah, we got troubles...Apollo...real troubles. Sit down. I will tell you all about it" said Louis as Apollo circled about a minute to find a comfortable place to sit and listen to all that Louis, Chug and Mr. Beamer had to say. After all was said, Apollo felt he knew what had to be done. He spoke again.

  "Louis I may not be the smartest horse, but I do have some horse-sense. It is as plain as the long nose on my face. I have to go with you, and Chug to the North Pole."


  "No doubt in my mind. You are going to need my strong and sturdy back. I can haul all those supplies you're going to need with you, and I can: carry you through the swiftest of rivers, shelter you from the cold winds of the North Pole, bear you up the steepest mountainsides, and protect you from the most wild and dangerous animals, that your surely going to meet, as you travel northward. I owe it to Charlie, because he once saved my best friends life. He once saved Jupiter, and we need to return the favor, and save his."

  "You will really go with us Apollo? That would be the greatest news I have heard all day. We could use your company, and of course you're the strongest horse I know."

  "Yeah, I agree with Louis. We'd love to have you come along Apollo. Then I wouldn't have to walk the whole way."


  "Well you always told me to be honest, and I was just being honest Louis."

  "Apollo don't go listening to Chug, sometimes his mouth gets him in trouble almost as much as mine does."

  "Well I would be happy to carry you to the North Pole Chug. You could be my "special guest" the whole way," said Apollo as a broad smile crossed his face.

  With all now in agreement, Apollo stood up, walking over to where Chug with Louis were now standing. He dropped his head slightly forward, making one last proud proclamation.

  "Chug, Louis I vow to let you both, be "my masters" and I shall do as you command on this great and very epic journey that you two are planning. It will be an honor to serve you both. Will, you let me?"

  "I accept your vow to let me be your master," said Louis.

  "And I Chug will accept your vow as well."

  "We are all in accord then; you are to help both, Chug, Charlie, and I out all you can, and promise to stand by our side, throughout the long journey. It's settled. We will now all travel forward together, on this great quest. Be there good times or bad times, we are now brought together to full fill this calling that has been brought upon us".

  Apollo smiled again.

  "To the Great North Pole" said Louis with an undeniably, and very excited look in his eyes.

  "To the Great North Pole" called back Apollo, and Chug together.

  With that done Apollo rose up to his full height, stomped his hooves on the ground with great conviction, let out a huge breath of air, turned quickly in place, dashing off towards the direction, from which he had entered the clearing earlier. He suddenly stopped before passing though the clearing, turned back towards Louis, then spoke one more time.

  "One last thing Louis before we go, I need to go talk with a first-rate, and trusted friend of mine. I will be back at daybreak to depart with you, and Chug on our journey. Do not leave without me, for I will return with good news. I can assure you that."

  Apollo once again pivoted about, darting off through the opening in the cornstalks, not to been seen again that day.

  Mr. Beamer agreed with all that was discussed. He said his goodbyes to the boys, and then took off towards his farmhouse, to get the supplies ready for the next morning's departure.

  Louis and Chug settled down for the rest of the day, hiding out in the cornfield, to stay as far away from Pete as they could when Louis remembered something important that needed to be done, before they left in the morning.

"Chug I have got to get down to Mr. Beamer's barn, to get some of Charlie's personal belongings. He left so fast last year on Christmas Eve that he forgot to take some of his most cherished things. I have to take his most prized possessions to the North Pole with us, for Charlie. It will surely make him feel better if he gets some of his old things back," said Louis as he stood up, then starting towards the barn.

  "Good idea Louis. I'll stay here, and watch out for Pete. If I see anything I'll whistle twice," said Chug as he proceeded with Louis down to the far edge of the cornfield.

  Louis entered at the side double Dutch doors of Mr. Beamer's barn, slowly moving towards Charlie's stall, all the while trying to keep a low profile, and out of sight of the other animals that were deep in slumber, well into their late afternoon naps.

  It is there were Louis found Charlie's old green straw hat. The one he use to wear when he delivered the ice, during the summertime. It was neatly hanging on a nearby nail just where Charlie had left it. Louis then advanced over to a nearby cabinet hanging on the barn wall, taking out Charlie's old woolen plaid blanket that he used to wear around his back, when it was cold at night, while standing in his stall.

  Lastly, he found Charlie's most prized possession of all, his eagle feather that he found in the cornfield one summer day a few years back. The feather always reminded Charlie of the great courage of the eagle, and the symbol of freedom, he represented. This was something that Charlie knew to be true that these two things were to be cherished, above all else.

  Louis placed all three items gently into a small cloth bag found hanging nearby. He slung the bag softly over his shoulder then turned to leave the barn just as quickly as he had entered.

  As Louis was quietly walking back through Charlie's stall, and out toward the side doors to make his escape (back into the cornfields) his foot rustled something nestled in the hay that made a very low, soft and almost indecipherable chime.

  Louis paused a moment to think. He dropped the cloth bag off his shoulder, slowly lowering it to the ground. He crouched down on his knees, with a great curiosity now residing in his heart. Louis gently began to sift through the dry straw with both hands, trying to find what might lie beneath. Louis felt through the shafts of straw for a few tense moments. Finally, he felt what he had kicked only a moment earlier.

  Louis made a small clearing right in the middle of the barn. There it laid in its entire silvery splendor.

  "The true... lost Magic Jingle Bell."

  Louis's clear blue eyes were transfixed on the bell, and the beautiful workmanship that is possessed. It was made of pure silver with small inlays of red ruby's, and small green emeralds. The artistry was undeniable; it was from an elves hand, crafted from a time long ago.

  Louis slowly and ever so gently picked up the bell. He cradled it in both hands, all the while staring at it very intently. He sat in a moment of awe, looked around again to see if anybody was looking, then gave the bell a quick gingerly shake, to see if the beauty of the chime could still be heard clearly, from inside the bell's silvery casing.

  All that was needed was a slight movement of the chime. The bell came to life, making the most melodic sound imaginable. All the animals in the barn awoke instantaneously, each one turned to look at Louis, and the wondrous magic bell cupped in his hand.

  Louis muttered under his breath.

  "The...bell...I found the real missing magic jingle bell". It is in my hands, the true one that is needed to complete the circle of magic again, restore the strength that lies within them, and give Charlie back his missing courage and strength. This bell will make him well is not the bell that lies around my neck. No this is the true bell. The one that hangs around my neck was given to me only so Charlie can find me, in my time of need. That and that alone is what my bell is for."

  Louis looked about the barn one more time. Then seeing that the coast was still clear, covered the magical bell with a soft cloth handkerchief that he took out of his top shirt pocket. He lightly placed the small bell into his front left pants pocket.

  He flung the bag that carried Charlie's belongings, back over his left shoulder, then quietly turned and looked about again to see if anybody had entered the barn. He looked at all of his animal friends in the barn, who were looking back at him. With a subtle gesture to all present, he motioned that this was a secret to be kept between them, and no one else.

  With this small gesture towards the animals done, he quickly escaped out of the side doors without saying a word, and without looking back. Louis made his way back behind the barn, up past the first row of cornstalks, seeing Chug right where he had last seen him, only a few moments before. Louis motioned Chug to follow without saying a word. Both hastened back into the safety of the cornfield, and out of sight of possible prying eyes.

  "Chug, I found it. I found it!"

  "Found what?"

  The One True...Magic Bell. The one bell that Charlie had lost, and the one Squint-Eye Pete is really looking for. It's not the bell hanging around my neck that Charlie gave me last year that has the power needed to heal Charlie. This is the bell Pete is seeking," said Louis in a low voice as he took the bell back out of his front pocket. He un-wrapped it from its cloth cocoon and laid it on the ground in a small clearing before him.

  "You're right Louis, man just look at that bell. You can tell by looking at it, that that is the "true bell". It appears to be just like the others that Charlie had hanging around his neck that Christmas Eve in Mr. Beamer's, barn last year.

  "You did it."

  You found the one true "Magic Bell". It is a miracle. Man it is a calling Louis, it is just destiny that you would find "The Bell" on the same day that we are to go off on our journey to the North Pole.

  "You're right Chug. Our trip must be our destiny, calling to us," said Louis as both boys stood with the weight of the future of Christmas now both squarely upon them.

  Each only had the other, and their pounding hearts to keep them company that late afternoon, in the lonely cornfield. Each sat hovering over the bell, gazing upon its beauty with daydreams and visions, of the great North Pole circling in their ever chattering, young minds. As their dreams continued to stir them into the early evening, darkness slowly descended over the cornfield, where the two exhausted boys finally laid down for the night.

  Louis with eyes partial closed laid on the ground beneath a pale sickle moon hanging over the northern cornfields, thinking back to the days of playing with his father under a warm summertime sky.

  Louis often thought of his father. And how much he missed him.

  Captain Parks had gone off to serve his country so long ago when Louis was just a small child of only four or five. It was so long ago. Louis could only remember traces of his father's face, and the smell of the after-shave that he so often wore. It is funny but you always remember the little things, when you truly miss someone, and Louis most certainly...did miss his father.

  Even though Chug was laying only few feet away from Louis, Louis never felt more lonely, and helpless in the world than he did at that very moment in time.

  Louis reached into his baggy cotton shirt, digging way down to find the silver locket that Santa had given him last year on Christmas Eve. As he clasped the thin locket in his tender hand, his thoughts went out: to Hattie May, Molly, Muncy (his golden retriever) and his dad again. He had not even left on his journey, and he already was missing his mom, and longed for his father, now more than ever. He knew in his heart of hearts that: his mother and father, would be with him in spirit and thoughts, throughout every daring adventure that lay on the mysterious road ahead, and every small dangerous step northward that he would soon be taking.

  Louis turned to look at Chug who was turning and tossing about on the ground, trying to get comfortable. He felt that the days and nights that lay ahead for both of them, would turn out just fine, with a little luck. And that both of them
would return in time, safely into the waiting arms of their family and friends. With this in mind, Louis let out one last breath, seemingly able to let it all go for the night.

  Louis turned to look at Chug one more time, noticing that Chug had now drifted off into a fidgety sleep. This gave Louis the courage, that he too, could finally fall asleep for the night.

  Under a starlit summer night both young boys fell fast asleep to the sounds of evening birds talking to each other in the trees surrounding the cornfield, and to the touch of a gentle, warm summer wind blowing over them, and throughout the gently swaying cornstalks. Louis could faintly smell fresh, baked bread coming from Hattie May's oven, and feel the warmth of his bed calling for him, but he knew tonight would be only the first of many nights that lie ahead, that the safety of his home, and the comfort of his bed would be calling to him.

  Louis knew he would change slowly soon, from being a small youthful farm-boy raised in a rural Indiana town, into a daring adventurous young man, who was to crisscross and travel the world over in search of his destiny.

  Soon he knew he would stop all the daydreaming that had entangled his young mind so many times in the past and that soon, he would start doing all the wonderful things he had dreamed about, or read about, up in his room, so many days and nights before.

  He was to live the life of a young and daring adventurer by daybreak, with no turning back.

  Louis finally rolled over one last time for the night. He pulled his shirt collar up against the soft, inviting wind. He jostled about in the cornstalks a bit to comfort his weary bones. He twitched about a bit then he fell into an impatient sleep next to Chug, who was in a restless sleep.

  Chug must have been dreaming, and hoping that Squint-Eye Pete's crazy eyeball and evil gaze would not find him this night, because that was exactly what Louis, was sure his dreams would hold for him...this well.