Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 6

  ~Chapter 4~

  The Cornfield

  Harry had frantically run off that afternoon back into town with his mind just racing, with thoughts that evil had come to Centerville, and was now after Louis. After talking with Louis about Squint-Eye Pete and the journey to the North Pole, Harry was chalked full of excitement, and overwhelmed with worry.

  It turns out Harry could not keep his mouth closed long enough, for Chug and Louis, to quietly slip out of town. He ran straightaway into Tessie and Molly in front of the post office, back by Turks blacksmith shop. Harry began: rambling on and on about Charlie being sick, about Louis with Chug, and the plans they were making, and about him running into Squint-Eye, at his shoeshine stand earlier that day.

  Harry ran into Sammy the Stutterer and Short-Stack over by the ballpark. He blabbed to them, about everything that had happened earlier that day. He then bumped into Jay, Becky, and Sally over by the Centerville Park, telling them the same story. Really he was just telling the story repeatedly, to everyone in town who would stay still long enough to listen to him.

  Harry was so wound up, and scared at the same time that he let the cat out of the bag. Eventually everyone knew where Louis and Chug were hiding, about the plan for them to leave for the North Pole in the morning, and that Louis knew, Squint-Eye Pete was in town and out to get him.

  Molly got so distressed and upset about the whole thing that she, could not possible let Louis go to the North Pole without seeing him first. When Molly heard the news from Harry yesterday, she headed straight home that night, dashing up to her room, to think the whole thing through. She thought she might never get to see him again, and that some terrible fate, would most likely come to him on such a long journey. In her mind over and over, she kept running the situation, and what could she do to help.

  Tessie came over after eating her dinner. She sat with Molly up in her room long into the night, when finally Molly broke down and began to cry aloud.

  "I can't let him go. He might never come back. I might never to get to marry him, and grow old together. I've been dreaming about it all these years, since I first saw him. I just love him Tessie. He's gotta know that by now. What are we going to do Tessie?"

  "You need to talk him out of going in the morning, that's what you need to do. Go tell him how much you'll miss him...or better yet...scare him Molly. Tell him how dangerous it's going to be," pronounced Tessie as she grabbed Molly's hand, all the while trying to comfort her, the best she could.

  "Awe, he doesn't get scared too easily; remember last year when Black Jack came to town; the kidnapping and all. I tell you that boy always causes me so much trouble...but I love him Tessie. I just love him."

  Molly slunk down on her bed, buried her head into her pillow, and started having a long hard cry. Tessie gently began to brush Molly's long soft hair and comfort her again when she quietly said, "Molly you gotta think real hard what to do. If he ever got would never forgive yourself, for letting him go."

  Suddenly Molly sat up on the bed. You could tell by the wild look in her swollen and puffy eyes that she, had came up with the answer she sought.

  She loudly cried out.

  "I've got it!"

  "What Molly what!"??

  "I've got it Tessie!"


  "I'll go with him Tessie. That's it! My mind is made up. I need to watch out for him so he doesn't get into any trouble and heck I will even watch out...for that Chug...the best I can."

  Tessie looked at Molly, with the wild look in her eyes. Tessie was just speechless at the thought of it all.

  After taking a long...silent ponder what Molly had just said Tessie slowly placed Molly's hairbrush back on the nightstand (by the bed), next she turned to look at Molly again. Slowly she shook her head in agreement.

  "Your right Molly, you have to fight for the man you love, and you have to make sacrifices for him, and if going to the North Pole will a part of that sacrifice...then so be it.

  With the reality of the situation sinking in with each minute that passed, the girls both lay on the bed and started a long hard cry. Tessie cried because she thought she might never see Molly again if she went off with Louis, and Molly cried because if she did not go with Louis, she might never see Louis again.

  Tessie also was so very fond of Chug. She was worried about him going off with Louis, as much as Molly was worrying about Louis.

  Both girls were just inconsolable.

  The night wore on. Finally, both girls fell fast asleep for the night, never really knowing what the next daybreak would bring for them.

  As the cool morning sunshine broke through the fading dawn, the town of Centerville was alive with activity.

  Mr. Beamer had been up in the attic all night clanging and banging around, making so much noise that Mrs. Beamer, barely got any sleep at all. She knew her husband was up to something. Finally, she proceeded up to the attic in the early morning, and started to question him emphatically.

  "Thomas Costello Beamer what are you up to, in this dank old attic?


  "You've been up here all night scampering I know that the wheels of adventure must be turning in your mind once again. Why are all these clothes, and boxes lying about?


  "I hope this has nothing to do with, what Harry has been telling everybody all over town, something about Louis and Chug wanting to go to the North Pole, and saving Charlie. And then I heard that Ole' Squint-Eye Pete is after them. Is all this true?" asked Mrs. Beamer as she sat down on a nearby steamer case to take it all in.

  "Abigail, I'm just going to come right out and tell you what's going on."


  "Chug as well as Louis are heading to the North Pole to save Charlie...they have to leave this morning."


  "Moreover, yes Squint-Eye Pete is after Louis. You know I have always had wanderlust in my heart but I'm too old to travel now, but these two young boys are ready for this adventure. I'm telling you sweetie, Christmas's future is in big trouble. Charlie's is in big trouble, and someone has to take control here and do something. I have to help them off this morning safely, and you've got to let me do it" said Mr. Beamer as he placed the last of the supplies by the attic door.

  Just after that Hattie May walked up the stairs. She slowly entered the attic, now seeing everything that was going on.

  "Thomas I went to Louis's room last night...he was not there, and this morning he is still not back. I'm just as worried as can be. Where's he, and what's really going on here? I heard that story Harry is telling all over town, and I have to put two and two together. Is my Louie really planning on, going off to the North Pole to save Charlie?"

  "Well Hattie May...ah..."

  "Has Louis gone mad?"

  "Well you see...well yes he's...going..."

  "Has he left yet?" asked Hattie May as she pulled a small handkerchief out of her front pocket. She began wiping off a stream of constant tears that were now cascading down her limp cheeks.

  "Oh, don't cry Hattie May everything will be OK, trust me. And no, he has not left yet. He slept the night in the cornfield behind the barn with Chug. They had to hide out all night from Squint-Eye Pete, who is in town looking for them. They are safe this morning I know because I checked on them a few times though out the night. They slept just fine, and yes, they are planning on going to the North Pole. They are leaving this morning. I am just now going to bring these supplies to them and then, I have to help to get them safely on their way," said Mr. Beamer as he gave Hattie May a warm, reassuring hug.

  "So he's going then, and there is nothing I can do?"

  "The whole thing has been planned out down to the last detail. Do not worry Hattie May they will be just fine. They'll have the best eq
uipment. They'll have my old journal, a few pairs of my old snowshoes, my compass, tents, lantern, my former maps, and all of my supplies that I used, on my long journey to the North many years ago, plus I sat with Louis for hours upon hours the last few days. We went over everything that he needs to do, and I told him everything he needs to know about the dangers of the wilds."

  "But he's just so very young Thomas."

  "That's true, but he's a smart boy and very courageous Hattie May. He is only a few years younger than I was, when I left on my journey to the North Pole so many years ago. I did just fine. Hattie May he can do this, I have the utmost confidence in him. You have to let him grow up now, and find his destiny that was chosen just for him. Louis and Charlie are the best of friends. This is just what best friends do for each other. When one of them is in trouble; the other one has to help"

  Hattie May gave Abigail a long hug, which she desperately needed at that moment from her best friend. Abigail tried to speak but Hattie May stopped her in mid-sentence. She then cleared her eyes of tears; fixed her dress a bit, and started to head slowly back down the narrow stairway. At the bottom of the stairs she stopped, turning backwards to face Mr. Beamer. She spoke out.

  "Well if we can't stop them, and their hearts are set on helping Charlie, then let's make sure they're ready for the long road ahead. I am going to make some coffee for everyone, then let's get these supplies to them, and get them off before it gets too late."

  Abigail along with Mr. Beamer nodded in agreement to what Hattie May said. They went directly to work, clearing the attic of everything the boys would need. They both started bringing the supplies down to the edge of the cornfield, as the first light of the day appeared over the eastern skyline.

  Hattie May went back to her kitchen and made some coffee, all the while deep in thought.

  She packed up two freshly baked apple pies and some flour biscuits, covering them in a red and a white checkered cloth. All the time her mind was just so full of worry, trying to decide, if this was truly the best thing, to let Louis go off on this wild adventure. If only her husband Captain Parks was here, thought Hattie May. Louis would listen to his father. He would never let Louis go. She was just beside herself, and so full of sadness and worry, at the thought that her only son would leave her side, by mid-morning.