Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 8

~Chapter 5~

  The Journey Begins

  It was a beautiful mild summer day, with the sun languishing high overhead in the Indiana skies. Sunshine warmed the excited traveler's hearts and minds as they began their long, arduous, and most difficult trek to the North Pole. All were light in spirit and full of anticipation, as to what the next turn of the road might bring for them.

  Would there be dangerous and wild mountain ranges to conquer?

  Could there be deep strange valleys to explore?

  May there possibly be great ancient trees to climb, or wild animals to fend off?

  Might each turn in the road bring danger or safety, beauty or unpleasantness?

  Trees and valleys stretched out in front of our innocent group of friends as they ambled along the dirt roads heading northwards. A few lone travelers would say hi, and wave, as each stranger would pass by. The smells of summer were in the air and a few lone song birds in flight, could be heard singing high overhead. The songs they sung were sweet and uplifting for the heart, which only lightened the spirits of the company.

  Our five travelers crossed out of the city limits, and homespun comfort of Centerville and the familiar places they knew; where they had lived all their entire young lives. As they looked backwards, they could see the Centerville water tower over the last hill, as they passed out of the town's last valley and down into, nearby Martinville County.

  Jupiter was still a mighty vision to see as he always had been. His coat was the color of raw coal; sleek, shiny, and black. His long flowing wild mane of hair was blowing in the warm, gentle afternoon breezes. His head was tilted slightly forward, his eyes were clear and honest, and his heart was still mighty and proud. His gait as he walked down the road was, surefooted and true.

  He was still a great champion racehorse, and always would be in his heart. Being only five years old, he was still at his prime and had not lost a step, since his big win in the Gazette Stakes, last year.

  Apollo was still a fancifully racehorse as well, and a true confidant and close friend to Jupiter. He was a true champion in his own heart, and was about the same age as Jupiter. Although slightly shorter in stature and lighter in overall weight, he still was a fine figure of a horse in his own right. He could not run as fast as Jupiter, but his stamina was unmatched. He was eloquent and stately, as he slowly trotted down the road next to Jupiter.

  Both horses, with the three riders continued on northward for a few hours, before the excitement of the first morning away from home started to fade.

  "Louis which way do we travel to get to the North Pole? It is mostly by land, over mountains and valleys, or over water?" asked an inquisitive Molly.

  "Well, Mr. Beamer and I went over all the maps he had made from his trip to the North Pole, about forty years ago. We spent hours up in his attic plotting the course we would need to take, until we both agreed that the best and fastest course to take would be, taking a straight northern course across Indiana until we reached the Great Lake. Then take passage on a merchant or passenger ship, cross over the great expanse of water, then head straight up through the Northwest Territories into Canada. We will veer to the northeast up towards the great Boreal Forest. We will cross through the ancient forest, and then head straight through the open areas of the Russian tundra fields. We will traverse over the Ingnok Mountain Range, pass thru the Southern Nanaluk Passage, then into the den of an ancient cave bear, and the home of the Polar Gates, then descend down the other side of Dark Mountain and into Santa's Village."

  "Oh...ah...what...that's it Louis..." said Molly ""

  "That's all we have to do?" Chug asked dryly, and with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

  "Are you sure...that sounds so easy? We'll just do we have to do Louis? Let's see, we have to sail over a large lake, cross the Northwest Territories in Canada, travel through Russia, then cross over the Ingnok Mountains, through the Polar Gates, and into what forest? Then cross what...some tundra fields?

  "Well you're going to have to just trust me, and Mr. Beamer that we know what we're doing. It's all written down in the book Mr. Beamer gave me, so don't go worrying Chug. Plus I've got it all in my mind's-eye exactly what we need to do" said Louis with a look of confidence showing on his face.

  As Louis was talking to Chug, he pulled the small sturdy compass that Mr. Beamer had given him out of his front lower pants pocket. The compass was made of solid gold, and was about four inches in diameter, with a long golden chain about twelve inches long, that Louis had connected to his leather belt.

  The compass was a gift given to Mr. Beamer in China, by an old traveling partner of his, who was a well-seasoned fur trader. Mr. Beamer had made many friends on his long journeys throughout the years, and as all good friends do, they exchanged gifts with each other.

  This compass had an intricate and very interesting face, with many small, complicated pulleys and wheels spinning, in all directions inside. It was like nothing that Louis, or anyone else had ever seen before, and you could tell that it was made with very small and skilled hands.

  The quality of workmanship was un-matched.

  Louis was sure that this one must be the only one like in the world. After looking at the compass for a few moments, Louis looked up and said, "We are heading due north...right on target".

  "Man look at that compass Molly. Have you ever seen anything like that in your life?"

  "No I haven't Chug..."

  "Louis is there something special about Mr. Beamer that you're not telling us? I mean look at that thing."

  "You should've seen all the stuff up in his attic. Before we left, I was up there for hours, and man he has more of the strangest stuff you've ever seen, in the whole world. You know you're right Molly. That Mr. Beamer has been places, and done more things in his life, than just about any one person ever has, on the face of the earth. He knows mighty ship captains, world-renowned explorers, noble kings, and queens of strange countries, knows famous Indiana chiefs...and the like. You should've heard him talking up there in his attic...the last few days."

  "Wow Louis, I'm starting to believe you. Again just look at that compass" stated Chug.

  "And you know those strange stories he tells on his back porch every Friday night during the summer, they're all true. Now wait until you see all the wild stuff he packed for us. You just won't believe it. That compass was just one of the things I've got," said Louis, as he got more excited with each word that fell from his mouth.

  "Well Louis that's enough about Mr. Beamer for now, what about the trip ahead? Are we going to see any wild animals on this trip, and will they enough, or hungry enough...that they'll want to eat us?" asked Chug as he pretended to gulped for air. Louis turned to look at Chug who was riding Apollo, and was at the rear behind Jupiter.

  "Chug I'm sure we will run into some wild animals as we get farther north, into the vast wild-lands, and backwoods of Canada and Russia. There are known to be: wild wolves, lone fierce bears, herds of great elk, bands of marauding coyotes, moose, and most likely other wild and strange animals or beast that, we don't even know about...or even heard of...before."

  Louis continued.

  "That's why we are fortunate to have Apollo and Jupiter as our companions. I am sure we could out run any danger that is brought upon us. These are two of the fastest racehorses alive."

  "You're right about that", chimed in Jupiter "I am the fastest horse on the continent, and Apollo is the only horse I know, who can keep up with me in a sprint. We can out run any old tiger, lion, bear, wolf, or panther if need be. We will watch out for you Louis, Chug and especially for you Molly.

  "Will there be wild tigers or lions?" asked Molly in a soft voice into Louis's ear.

  "We don't know what we might find on our travels, but you all are safe in my care. I assure you that," said Jupiter as he gave
out a mighty whinny, then sending out a great exhale of air out from his mighty lungs to emphasize his point.

  As the late afternoon sun started to set, Louis pointed towards a large field of, beautiful yellow and orange colored daises, and wild flowers, implanted on the left side of the road.

  "We shall stop here for a few hours to rest. It's been a long first day, and none of us slept much last night, so let's eat a late lunch, and catch up on our sleep a little bit" held Louis as he pulled on the left rein in his hand to turn Jupiter, towards the comfortable, and inviting field.

  All the companions drank deeply from their satchels of water, pulled the two apple pies from their cloth covers (out of the saddle bags) then laid down to rest in the tall field of beautiful flowers.

  Finding a moment to become just horses again, and not adventurers, Apollo and Jupiter took off trotting around the splendid field of flowers, chasing each other's tail, and frolicking about like two newly born ponies, with neither horse apparently having a care in the world.

  A kind rolling stream of clear, cool water lay to the north end of the long low sloping field. Jupiter with Apollo headed straight for it. As they played about the water, it would splash, and fling about off their hooves, high into the air, which cast a strange amber glow over them both, as the summer sunlight shone down through the enchanted water droplets.

  It all seemed so magical and surreal to Molly, Chug, and Louis as they witnessed its beauty.

  "Look at that Molly" whispered Louis into Molly ear, "They must be best friends. Look how much fun they're having it's truly an inspiration to watch."

  "Yes it is Louis. If only it could last forever," said Molly as she tightly gripped Louis hand in hers.

  The summer sun was still warm as it gently gave way, down upon their shoulders, which brought comfort and solace into everyone's heart. The glinting yellow sunbeams shone down on the colorful petals of the daffodils, sunflowers, and willow trees that lined a small pond, at the other end of the stream.

  Awe, to be a horse thought Louis as he began to daydream while lying on his back in the fragrant field of flowers. He closed his eyes for a moment, took in a great breath though his nose, to smell the wonderful aroma of the flowers, then began dreaming about being a great horse-jockey, riding in next year's "Gazette Stakes". As he crossed over the finish line (in first place), the camera bulbs flashed all around him. He graciously accepted the grand blue ribbon in the winner's-circle then bent down, giving Molly a fine kiss on the check. Louis thought, oh what a wonderful life it would be to famous horse jockey, wearing colorful jerseys, and having all the adoring fans cheering for him.

  Molly seeing that Louis was lost again in one of his famous daydreams, lightly nudged up to him. She laid her head on his shoulder, to rest. Louis gently placed one arm around her slender shoulders as they both fell fast asleep, with the sounds of songbirds singing in the nearby birch and pine trees that surrounded the field, and to the sounds of the horses frolicking about, in the gently flowing steam.

  Chug dozed off to sleep with thoughts of wild lions, tigers, and panthers on his mind..., as most boys his age are known to do. Chug had a imagination not unlike Louis's, which was full of dreams of what his future would be, of how his life would turn out, and what great adventures would befall him in the immediate future. Chug knew even from his tender age of eleven that this would most likely be the greatest adventure in his life, that he should savior every moment, and make the most of all the days that lie immediately ahead.

  With the party of traveler's content, with all the things in the world in order (for a day), no worries were found in anybody's heart. The late afternoon sun dropped down a little further on the western horizon. It now beamed long July shadows, across the multicolored field of flowers, and gently flowing stream. As the shade that was thrown off from a few nearby trees engulfed Louis and Molly, a slight chill was now felt in the air.

  Louis slowly awoke; he gently nudged Chug.

  After wiping a little sleep out of his eyes, Chug asked a question.

  "Do you think this is a good place to sleep for the rest of the afternoon, and into tonight?" After watching Louis throughout the day taking charge, Chug knew that Louis would be the guide and the true leader for this trip, and that he should not be questioned in his authority. Louis just had an inner confidence about himself now that was apparent to the others, as each step forward was taken, and as each moment passed.

  True leaders are just born that way.

  Jupiter and Apollo were full of courage. Molly would care for everyone, in only a way that a woman can, and Chug would be Louis's trusted sidekick, and companion.

  Louis replied.

  "Yes, we should stay here for the night. There is clean water, and there are a few large rocks over by that stream that we can sleep under, that will protect us, from the chill of the evening's wind."

  Leaves and bushes were spread by Chug and Louis under a few large over hanging rocks found by the stream. Both gathered some firewood. Molly retrieved some water from the stream, to brew some evening tea.

  Apollo and Jupiter waded into the stream one more time as the soft sunlight faded in the west, behind a few birch trees. Everyone was found, content, and happy on his or her first night away from Centerville. Lively songs were sung that night around the campfire, as all talked about the trip that lay ahead, and about the wonderful and exciting adventures, they would all surely be sharing in the very near future.