Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole Page 7


  The morning sun had now fully risen over the eastern horizon, casting long probing shadows over the hills, and valleys of Centerville. This day would be like none other for the two young adventurers, and for all of the willing unlikely participants, who were now fully committed to the daunting task set before them.

  The boys hearing a commotion over by the barn quickly covered themselves with cornstalks. They were lying as quiet as possible when they saw Hattie May with Mr. Beamer walking towards them, carrying some supplies that they would need for their trip.

  Louis quickly jumped up. He ran towards his mom with his arms flung wide open.

  "Mom I'm so sorry I did not come home last night. I thought Squint-Eye Pete would find me in my who what I had to sleep out here last night. Mr. Beamer told me the best thing to do, would be to stay the night outside here with Chug. Mom I was just so scared. Don't be mad at me."

  "Louie you know I love you, and no I'm not mad at you. I talked with Mr. Beamer this morning. I think that I now understand what you and Chug must do. I am not happy about it, but Charlie's life is in terrible danger, and the future of Christmas and the future of Santa's Village are at stake. I agree you have to go and quickly" said an enlivened Hattie May as she set a red cloth bag full of goodies on the ground. She then gave Louis and Chug a very genuine hug.

  "Man I just knew you would understand mom. I just knew it," said Louis as he gave his mom what he thought might be the last hug he would ever give her.

  Chug gave Hattie May a big hug as well, "Hattie May you have to go to my mom, after I leave this morning. Tell her everything that's going on; tell her that I love her as well, that I will be home by next spring...and that everything...will be just fine. Will ya tell her for me?"

  Chug just kept hugging her, as if he was hugging his own mom. He would just not let go.

  "Yes I will tell her, and give her a big hug for you. You don't have to worry Chug I'm sure she will understand."

  Molly now burst into the clearing through some cornstalks with Tessie and Muncy, bounding quickly behind them. Muncy's ears and tail were flopping about, and he had the sadist look he had ever had on his face before, because he had heard the new about Charlie as well. He now understood that Louis would be leaving him for a long...long...time.

  Muncy jumped up into Louis's waiting arms, giving Louis a hug as if he would never let go.

  "I love you too Muncy. Don't worry, I'll be back just like Chug said, in the first part of spring at the latest. You stay here and keep Hattie May company, and guard the farmhouse for her while I'm away. Will you do that for me?"

  Muncy just shook his head in agreement the best he could all the while his heart was just breaking.

  Louis placed Muncy back on the ground then turned to face Molly, who was now standing defiantly, directly in front of him. Louis hadn't noticed before but she was dressed: in sturdy black walking boots, a large furry top-coat (which appeared to very practical) and she had a large, well worn leather backpack on her back, with a medium-sized wooden walking stick in her right hand.

  "Well, you're not going anywhere without me Louis; not this time. I'm going to look out after you, and make sure you don't get lost," said Molly with a stance that defied argument.

  "Molly what are you thinking about?"

  "You heard me..."

  "Have you gone daft?"


  "This is going to be very dangerous. There will be: wild beast, horrible cold snowy nights sleeping in unknown forests, steep mountains to climb, maybe wild marauding animals, and who knows...what else."

  "Well I'm taller than you Louis, and you know I can beat you up. If I can do that, then I know I am tough enough to make it to the North Pole...with there. In addition, I weigh more than you do. Do you want to Indian leg wrestle right now? Do I have to prove it Louis? Do I...?"

  Louis turned; he looked at Chug with the most puzzled look on his face then turned to look for help of some kind, or a sign from Mr. Beamer or Hattie May.

  Both just stood there with blank looks on their faces as if to say,

  "I don't think you have a choice Louis. Her mind is made up."

  After a moment of deep contemplation, Louis smiled as wide as he could, saying aloud, in a loving and friendly tone.

  "To the North Pole..."

  Chug chimed in.

  "To the North Pole then..."

  Just like that, it was done. Chug and Louis had found another traveling partner, and good friend, when they needed it most.

  Tessie came bustling in through the cornstalks. She moseyed up next to Hattie May, lightly pushing Molly out of the way, looking squarely at Chug and Louis.

  "Yeah that's right Louis, Molly needs to watch your back, and as for you Chug, you'd better not forget about me and come back safely, or you're going to get it...and I mean it."

  Tessie ever so slightly and not noticeable to Chug pretended to trip on a wayward cornstalk. She fell directly into Chug's arms. As Chug caught her, he looked directly into her soft, inviting eyes. Both of their eyes locked together. Chug, gave Tessie a look and hug that Tessie would never forget; it was returned in kind.

  "I will be back as soon as can be Tessie, you can count on that. Heck, I've got to be back in time, for the start of our baseball season next year. Chug smiled broadly then winked at Tessie to let her know that the baseball season, wasn't the only reason he had to get back by spring.

  Tessie knew that with that little wink, Chug really did love her.

  Tessie upon being released, from Chug's strong grasp turned backwards towards the group, and with profound determination in her voice that belied her tender young age, she spoke.

  "Well I've got to stay here and look after everyone while you three are gone. Let's get you all out of here before Squint-Eye Pete shows up, or there's going to be real trouble. Heck everyone in town knows you're out here in this old cornfield, so surely Squint-Eye knows it as well."

  Before anyone else could speak, Apollo now trotted into the clearing from the far end. He echoed in, "She's right Louis we all must be leaving quickly. You're going to need all the help you can get for this trip, and I have brought just the company you need."

  Before Louis could even open his mouth Apollo stepped aside and as he did, Jupiter the Show Horse with great pride sauntered into the clearing right behind Apollo.

  "I've heard that you're all going on a little journey northward, to see Charlie. I thought you might invite me along for the stroll. I sort of miss Ole' Charlie, and I've got a few things to take up with that Black Jack Tilly as well."

  "Jupiter, Apollo!" yelled out Louis and Chug in complete exhilaration.

  "We can use all the help we can get, and yes I've got a few things to tell that Black Jack Tilly myself!" said Louis as he dashed toward the two majestic horses. Upon reaching them, long hugs and greetings abounded.

  With the sight of all of his friends, and his mother there Louis felt that everyone was behind him now. He now felt that the journey would be a success. Louis: gave a warm, longing look to everyone present, straightened up his baggy pants a bit, wiped the dust off his shirt, he then took Mr. Beamer's bearskin fur cap out of his back pocket, placing it evenly on his head.

  "Well it looks like that Black Tilly is in big trouble. What are we waiting for then?" asked a smiling Louis.

  "Yeah, what are we waiting for?" added Chug, Molly, and Apollo in unison as all moved forward into the center of the clearing.

  Promptly mounted upon Jupiter and Apollo, were all of the supplies that Mr. Beamer had brought down during the night. With Mr. Beamer's, help the three young travelers checked their travel gear out one last time, to be sure that they had everything they would be needing, and that nothing had be left behind. Hattie May finally handed Chug the two apple pies, and flou
r biscuits she had cooked the day before, which made Chug's eyes light up as big as a oversized clock face.

  "Don't worry about these pies; I will personally see that these are cared for, and don't go to waste."

  Hattie May smiled lovingly at Chug.

  Louis placed the winter fur coat that Mr. Beamer had given him into a large saddlebag on the back of Jupiter then placed the smaller bag of Charlie's belonging into a small sidesaddle bag. Mr. Beamer walked up to the horses. He gave Louis: his fine walking stick, the topography maps of Canada, Russia, and the North Pole, a small book of sun and moon charts, then gave him his walrus flute, and his compass, which Louis now placed into one of his front saddlebags.

  After all the supplies were ready, Chug easily mounted Apollo then Jupiter knelled down as low as he could (with the help of Louis), Molly mounted Jupiter. When Molly was comfortable in the saddle and Louis was sure they were all ready he in turn mounted Jupiter, straddling the saddle right behind where Molly was sitting.

  Louis now sitting on top of Jupiter's strong, and sturdy back, turned to face his mother and Mr. Beamer, speaking in a genuinely convincing, and mature voice for the first time in his entire young life.

  "The future of Christmas is now in our hands. Charlie needs our help. We will not linger or dawdle about any longer. Charlie we are coming, so hold on my good friend. We will be there within the turn of the season."

  Louis took his right hand, which held the stately walking stick; he raised it high into the summertime air.

  "See you all again by next spring. I love you mom, and don't worry, we'll be back soon enough."

  Hattie May's loving eyes welled up with tears, as Mr. Beamer gave everyone a look of assurance and confidence.

  "Good luck to you my young travelers, may you travel with god-speed. Say hi to Charlie for me, and watch out for ole' Squint-Eye Pete, for he's sure to be around some dark corner in your near future, so make sure you do what I told you Louis. He won't be so tough to handle if you do what I told you. Remember what I told you Louis," said the wizened Mr. Beamer.

  "Be sure to talk to my mom now Hattie May. Tell her I'll be back soon as well," said Chug with a forlorn look on his face.

  Just then, Molly realized that in all of the commotion that the last night had held, that she too had forgotten to tell her mom she was leaving.

  "Tell my mom too Tessie. We forgot to tell her last night, oh she is going to kill me when I get home, darn it. Be sure to tell her Tessie. Be sure," said Molly as she spoke to Tessie, who was standing nearby with tears gushing down her reddened cheeks.

  Molly nudged backwards a bit into Louis's lap. Louis placed one arm more securely around Molly's waist. He gave a quick tug on Jupiter's reins, which tightened up the bit in Jupiter's mouth. Jupiter gave way to Louis's command, he turned to the left, starting toward the far side of the clearing, away from Mr. Beamer's barn, and out towards the open dirt road.

  Mr. Beamer with Hattie May waived to the eager travelers as they made their way farther and farther down, towards the lone dusty road, that was heading due north. The band of young adventures reached the main road out of town, about two miles further away when Sally, Short Stack, Jay, Becky, Sammy, Harry, and few other of Louis and Chug's friends showed up. They all started to run down the road after them, waving and yelling loudly good-bye.

  "Good Bye Louis!"

  "Good luck Molly!"

  "Bye Chug! Come back soon!"

  Everyone shouted out with great excitement heard in his or her voices.

  As the party started to leisurely vanish away from the view of the others (who had gathered on the road to wish them goodbye) and as they slowly faded out of sight, over the last rolling hill, on the top of a long shallow valley, Louis, Chug, and Molly could be seen waving goodbye...for the very last time.

  Far off in the distance at the other side of the valley, upon another hilltop next to the Centerville water tower, and train station a lone tall black rider on horseback could barely be seen watching the young travelers as well.

  Squint-Eye Pete was facing north on a dark fearsome stead. His tall black hat was pulled down over his long thin forehead, and a lone leather patch could barely be seen covering his left eye.