Read Chase Page 10

Pendragon was filled with much merriment. The town shone brightly even at night. Dazzling paper lanterns with distinct, bright colors hanged brilliantly along the arcade. The place was stunning with people chattering indistinctly as they passed by them. They wore fascinating apparels, filled with beads and colorful sequins. Nearly everyone have human-like physique, others looked fairly strange with their dwarf-like ears. Sofia felt the liking of her new found world. However, she still finds herself awkward with her school uniform.

  At the distant, people were clamoring to each other, forming a blaring crowd. She heard Flaire said something about Pygmies. Curios of her curiosity, Sofia went to the crowd, leaving the group behind without a notice. Little people were performing tricks and magic that brought people into laughter with their silly faces and stuffs. Whenever they do a trick it always end up a failure. Sofia chuckled by the way the Pygmies dance and sway their undersized arms. She turned around and noticed that the familiar faces that was with her before were gone with no trace. Sofia frowned with extreme discomfort on her face. Now she was lost in the middle of somewhere. She pulled herself out of the crowd, seeking for her lost companions or… is she the lost one?

  Climbing up on every post, looking in all directions and calling out for some certain names were the things Sofia did for about few minutes that had passed but still, she could not find them. She walked and walked until she bumped on someone. Lifting her head, she saw a tall, skinny man. Sofia was taken aback by the man’s appearance. His eyes were sunken and threatening, with pale skin that need tons of blood. He was piping smoke out of his large nostrils.

  The man glared down at her, making her shiver to the bone. Luckily, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. “Your stupidity can get you nowhere,” Chase snarled at her. They begin to vanished and appeared in front of a significant earthen structure. Paper lanterns were hanging before its wide door. He went in. Sofia followed after, keeping her lips shut. It was her fault and arguing would just probably make him hate her more.

  It was crowded and noisy inside. People were drinking, having meals and most were just chattering over each rounded tables. Chamber music with its lively tune were played at the small podium on the forefront. Tables were roughly occupied. Some men just prefer to stand as they mumble to each other, gulping root drinks, staring at every person within the hall.

  Flaire saw them and called out for her, “Sofia!” The young woman waved its hands above her head. She smiled and went near them. Chase sat on the corner, beside him was Iris who was gazing at the young man with a smile. Sofia watched them in silence and sat beside Flaire. Tristan was facing her and suddenly smile. She smile back.

  “Where have you been?” Flaire interviewed. “We just noticed that you were gone the moment we arrived here.” She sipped down her drink and gulp.

  “U-Ugh.” Sofia stammered. “I watched the Pygmies.”

  Flaire nodded. “Oh. Those small, merry creatures,” the young woman uttered, ordering drinks for the new comers. Drinks in huge carafes were served after moments of waiting. Chase motioned that he was not drinking since he was not fond of merriment. Sofia did the same but Flaire insists her.

  “Yours was made of honey,” Flaire explained. “Just taste it.”

  Sofia let out a sigh of defeat. She took a sip and finally said, “You’re right.” The drink was sweet and quite bitter to her taste.

  Flaire smiled, made a toast with her and said, “Blood of some sort of frog and lizard was added to that, by the way.”

  Sofia halted and almost throw up yet she had been able to conceal it, gulping the juice under protest. She does not want to embarrass Flaire about the drink. Flaire laughed in hysteria seeing her pale skin.

  “Don’t mind her,” Tristan said and smiled. “It was all lies.” Sofia draw a breath of relief and shook her head. Her color changed back to normal. Laughter and commotion followed. Flaire do all the talking while the rest just listened upon her endless rumors and gossips. The noise were deafening that Sofia can barely hear her. All that she does was nod, smile and sip her drink for she cannot comprehend the things that the young woman was saying. She was not that familiar of her new surroundings.

  Chase was silently smirking at the corner. It was obvious that Sofia does the same thing over and over again but Flaire seemed not to notice it. What matters to her was someone was listening yet gaining nothing. Tristan shook his head, smiling at him. His friend might know what he was thinking. Iris caught them and smile.

  “Flaire must be drunk, don’t you think?” Iris whispered to him. Sofia glanced but turned back to Flaire, sipping her drink in an unusual way. Chase concealed his smile.

  He whispered back to Iris, “She’s just the same. Drunk or not.”

  Iris burst into silent laughter. Sofia arced a brow, wondering what the two was whispering about. Tristan on the other corner was just silently observing them. Sofia glanced at him and smile. He was amused by the way she smile, making him stare at the young maiden.

  They were suddenly astounded when Flaire exclaimed and laughed. Not by her stories but because some drunk men danced at the center stage, skipping to the music that echoed the earthen space. Others joined them, filling the empty center floor. People began to clap their hands and sway their arms. Flaire joined them without a word. Sofia knitted her brow and chuckled. Flaire went back in a flash and dragged Iris, Tristan came next. Flaire motioned her to join but she acted like she had a headache. She turned against them, sipping her drink. Sofia paused, only she and Chase was left. The silence between them make her feel odd and edgy at the same time. She was facing a man of many-sided attitude and she cannot think of a good talking point. All she could do was sighed, sip her drink and sighed again.

  Chase run a hand over his flowing hair. The ruby ring on his forefinger glistened by the lantern light. He abruptly halted as if being struck by something when the dangling emerald gem glimmered on his left ear. He turned to her and set an ironic smile. “They’re in search of you, I guess.”

  “Hmm?” Sofia frowned. “Who?”

  He never answer her. He was back on his endless silence, turning his look away. Chase knew that she would never understand even if he tells her. She will met them anyway. Sofia lowered her eyes, thinking who were possibly searching for her. This man always left her in a puzzled state.

  The music changes into a soft, blue symphony. The three went back to their seats with them, confused by their silence. Iris tilted her head on Chase, waiting for him to ask her for a dance but she get nothing. She let out sigh, finally knowing that her expectations had failed her. Iris leaned over his shoulder instead. Chase felt slightly uncomfortable but remained silent. Sofia cannot help to glance and looked away after. She turned beside her and saw the bothered look on Flaire’s face.

  “This is not part of the plan,” the young woman murmured to Sofia secretly. Flaire knew that she was no match for Iris. He met that girl first before her. On top of that, Iris was Chases’ childhood sweetheart. But since, he have not given Iris his heart or promise anything yet, hope still shines.

  Sofia was sipping her drink when Tristan went near her, asking for a dance. The young maiden lay astounded. Flaire poked her on her side and said, “Go on.” Sofia scratched her forehead bashfully and took his hand. The man on the corner, turned his look away from the two. Somehow, he felt uneasiness inside of him.

  The night lay still and the time seemed to fly in slow paces. Five stars twinkled brightly on the night sky. Their lights were tangled against each other in a playful twist of fate. However, two of them radiantly shines among the others. They were far across from each yet their lights met and shines through the lost travelers in a distant desert of bewilderment.