Read Chase Page 9


  Sofia had been awaken by a nightmare, aware that she had been asleep all day. She rubbed her fingers over her sleepy eyes as she turned to the opened window. The gust of wind brought sudden chill to her nerves. She jumped to her feet when she saw someone was sitting on its wide ledge. Sofia widened her eyes and finally convinced that it was just a mere delusion. The howling of wolves at the distant forest reminds her of the unnerving dream. She sat back to the bed and pondered about her visions. There, she was being chased by large, dark wolves. She screamed but no words came out. It was dark and no one was there to save her. Everything went black after that. The next thing that appeared was… yes, the book! It was hidden on a cryptic, black forest and was calling for her. She had felt the power within it — a destructive one. Sofia pictured out the forest, of what it looks like. And the moment she tilt her head, something grabbed her attention. A painting. Not an ordinary one for it was exactly what she saw! Sofia snatched the canvas, hurriedly dashed out of the room and raced downstairs.

  In her haste, she accidentally bumped on someone. The painting flew into the air. Luckily, someone grabbed her waist before she horribly fall down the stairs. Sofia saw the painting floated back to the person that had saved her… or the one that she had bumped into? She could not tell anyhow. Sofia lifted her face and saw a young man before her eyes. He was good-looking on his burgundy hair. It was not that short and spiky that adds charm upon his promising face. His brown eyes were gazing at her in curiosity. Sofia stand back to her feet and stole back the art piece.

  “Sofia… Lockheart?” he asked suspiciously.

  She nod but did not breathe a word. She had enough of that cunning faces. He might be like that guy too, she thought. But he surprised her with a smile and said, “Tristan Hampton.” He slightly bowed with gentleness. “Nice to have you here,” the young man added and continued on his way.

  Sofia arced a brow and started on her way too. Raven and Flaire was staring at them ever since with their knitted brows as they waited by the pillar below. Sofia smiled as she draw near the two with the painting on her chest.

  “You should be careful sometimes,” Flaire remarked and shook her head. “Why are you running anyway?”

  She blinked her lids and choose to be silent. Raven winked an eye on her and set a wide grin. “Do you know where Claw was?” Sofia asked after sometime. The two shrugged their shoulders. The door thud as it suddenly opened. Two figure entered. Sofia glanced and saw Chase with a gorgeous lady with him. The young woman was way too demure. She looks so kind with the appealing smile that draws the curve of her lips. It could not be denied that at one glanced, someone would might have mistaken them as twins. Could it be that she was…

  “Iris!” Flaire called out upon seeing the young woman who was dressed in stunning ivory dress. Iris went near the group, surprised the moment she saw Sofia. Chase followed, glancing at the girl with the canvas. Sofia caught his glance and smiled. He turned away with his stern look.

  “You two were like twins,” Flaire announced, looking to Sofia then back to Iris again. “Ugh… Setting aside the color of your hairs or eyes maybe… you were so identical.”

  Sofia chuckled. “I have to go and ask my parents about that…” Flaire laughed. The two was not related but they looked the same? Odd wasn’t it? Iris just shook her head and smiled at Sofia.

  “Seems like everybody was here,” Claw interrupted as he went downstairs. Everyone throw their eyes over the Old Wizard. He joined them in a moment and went near Chase’s side. Patting his shoulder, the Old Wizard said, “Someone was so eager to see you.”

  Tristan appeared at the stairs, escorting a beautiful, young girl at the age of thirteen or fourteen. She looked like a doll, Sofia thought. Her flaxen hair flows freely up to her waist, colored beads bejeweled it to its very tip. Gentle blue eyes mesmerized them with its every glance. Victoria halted and became teary-eyed when she saw her elder brother’s face. Chase went to her sister and hugged her tightly in his arms. Sofia was carried by the brotherly love that the two had shared. She never thought that guy had a younger sister as attractive as him. No wonder, she was indeed his sister. Chase turned to his friend and nod. Tristan patted his shoulder, knowledgeably.

  “That was Victoria…” Flaire whispered to Sofia. “My soon to be sister-in-law.”

  Sofia smiled and whispered back, “Do you want me to be your bridesmaid?” Flaire chuckled, poking her side. Sofia poked back and the next thing they knew everyone was looking at them. They blushed and turned against each other in embarrassment.

  Claw took a deep breath and said, “Well, since everybody was gathered here tonight. I would like you to meet our guest… Sofia Lockheart. She was the last living descendant of King Trious, the rightful ruler of Lynabria.” Everyone smiled, except Chase that looked away from her. Sofia smile forcibly, bothered by the way he treated her. She was now getting the thought that he does not like her existence. Victoria on the other hand, wave a hand at her. Sofia nod in response.

  “I’m Iris,” the lady on the far left said with a warm smile.

  “Raven told me about you.” Sofia smiled back. She lowered her gaze and noticed the canvas on her chest. Her face turned pale and went to the Old Wizard. Chase followed his gaze, seeing her pale face.

  “I knew where the book was,” Sofia uttered.

  Silence took over the hall. Claw paid deep attention by what The Hunter had told. Sofia slightly trembled. She hold her breath and continued, “I saw it in my dreams. It was hidden here…” Lifting the canvas, Claw knitted his brow.

  “That was The Dark Fall Mountains,” Claw said with a jarring voice. The mountain had been the dwellings of the Lost Souls. No wizard brave enough would wander on its dark forest. It was lifeless so as the things that was on it. No one would suspect that something valuable was hidden on that forsaken forest. There was a silence and it deafens Sofia.

  “Even my forefather warned us about that forest,” Raven whispered, clutching his fingers on his back. The scenery on the canvas was frightening, what more if it was real? The child gulp as fear clothe him.

  “The journey won’t be friendly, I believed.” The Old Wizard looked down upon the young woman. “You’ve done well Hunter,” he whispered in discreet tone. Turning around, he asked, “Who was in for this quest?” There was no response as everyone lay astounded. Someone suddenly spoken in a natural tone.

  “I’m in,” Chase curtly said. The person beside him, his friend Tristan seconded. Then hands raised up one after another. Sofia smiled, gladdened that she would not travel alone. Even Victoria raised her hands but her brother shook his head. Victoria was lame but she was brave enough to volunteer herself. That, made her brother honored by the courage she had shown and her willingness to help.

  “Flaire, you stay behind,” Claw decided. “Watch over Victoria… Besides, I had a lot of work for you.”

  Flaire made a face but chose never to complain. Instead, she said, “How about Raven? Don’t tell me you would let him?”

  Raven defend himself. “I can protect myself, witchy? I can smell danger.”

  “Not when you’re snoring,” Flaire shot back, rolling her eyes.

  “What about you? You can only smell food.” The boy growled.

  Claw interfere before the two brawl. “Now, now… enough of you, both.” It was not new to him. These two messed up with each other at all time. He turned to face the group, “You’ll leave as early as possible.”

  “Before the sun rise up in the morrow,” Sofia suggests. Everyone nod as a sign of accordance. Raven draw near Sofia’s side, away from Flaire who was glaring ferociously on him. He stuck his tongue out and hid behind Sofia.

  Clasping his hands over his fat belly, the Old One said, “As what had everybody agreed upon… Sofia, Chase, Tristan, Iris and little Raven, you will be setting out before the sun rises tomorrow. I warned you, the path you’ll be trailing wasn’t friendly. Skull might have known about
Sofia… Chase, I entrust you her safe return. Bring the book here and your journey was over. Have a good rest, everyone. My humble place was big enough for all of us in here.” Claw vanished in the thin air after he had spoken his last words with a comforting smile.

  “Oh dear,” Flaire touched her forehead. “I hate that Old Wizard.” Sofia patted her shoulders while Raven continued to annoy her. The concept of her being left behind make her so upset. Chase would be away from her sight again. It bring anxiety on her part, especially that Iris, her mortal rival was with him. Though their rivalry was just between Chase and nothing else, apart from that they were friends.

  An idea flashed her mind. Since it can never be altered, she wants to stay with him just this time. She captured the attention of everyone and said, “Given that… it was the first time that the group had been united and we have a new companion we us. I think, we should celebrate tonight! Besides, you will be leaving tomorrow,” Flaire intoned with a jarring voice by the last words she had said. Everyone lay silent. Flaire batted her thick lashes and turned to Sofia for back up.

  Sofia set a hesitant smile, scratching the back of her head. “U-Ugh… I guess, t-that would be…fun?”

  “Why not?” Tristan seconded. “I want to know more about our new friend.” He smiled at Sofia who suddenly blushed but manage to smile. Chase sneered in silence. His friend had found a new catch which in some way bothers him with no apparent reason. Victoria saw a glint of sarcasm in his brother’s eyes that put a playful smile on her lips.

  “All right then,” Flaire remarked with a wide grin. “To Pendragon!” She turned to Raven and said, “And for you, over-sized puppy… you should stay here. Grow up fast so you can come with us. Better looked after my dearest Victoria,” Flaire laughed out loud. She had won in the end. The young boy made a face, crossing his arms over his chest.
