Read Chase Page 24


  Sofia was suddenly awaken by the tiny voices that she was hearing. She opened her eyes and saw little creatures in shape of a human. Their skin was white and sparkling like diamonds. Huge dark eyes was the only feature they have on their faces. They have no nose for them to breathe, no ears for them to hear and no lips for them to talk but Sofia could hear them clearly on her mind and they were everywhere. She lifted her head and slowly straighten herself. She felt light and carefree. Sofia gasped in terror, remembering the last thing she had seen before her vision went dark. She fell from the cliff. She was sure of that. Could it be that she was already dead? Was this tiny, shimmering people were angels? Somebody moved on her side. Sofia flinched away.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Chase whispered in a weary, low voice. “You were not dead and they’re not angels,” he added. His skin was pale even his lips loose its vibrancy. He seemed to lose huge amount of blood and needs immediate blood transfusion. Sofia looked on her chest. It healed and no trace of the wound can be seen. “You’re lucky. An inch more and you’d been dead by now.” He suddenly spit blood from his lips. Sofia hurriedly came to his side, lifting his head into her arms.

  She gazed down on him with her troubled eyes. “But I didn’t because you save me,” she murmured low. “You save me many times. How can I repay you?” Tears begin to cluster on her eyes. She felt guilty about everything.

  Chase chuckled. “Just breathe.” He coughed and more blood spat out. His getting weaker and his breathe sounds hoarse. He smiled and stared at Sofia. “You should fight for your people, for your kingdom while you still have them.” Chase wiped her tears that began to fall. “If I die here. At least I die saving you. Just bury me in the ground and bring me flowers every day. I’ll appreciate that.”

  Sofia knocked his forehead. “You’re stupid!” She began to cry.

  He smiled. “Yeah. Stupid enough to fall to a more stupid girl like you.” Chase began scolding her. “Why did you let go of my hand?” He stared at her. “Maybe you thought you’re a bird perhaps. You could have crushed all your bones. The real birds might be feeding with your flesh right now.”

  Sofia looked up at the cliff above. It was too high and he might be right. She turned back to him and asked, “What did you do? You have no magic here.”

  “I borrowed some from Kali,” he replied curtly and turned his look away.

  Sofia frowned. “Who’s Kali?” She never heard of that name before. He never spoke of her just now. Could it be another girl or a witch perhaps? She waited for him.

  He looked at her for a moment and said, “She’s not another girl like what you’ve been thinking.” Sofia knitted her brow. How could he possibly guess what she’s been thinking? Was the state of dying gives you more knowledge? He smirked and continued. “She was a century-old dragon spirit. A Lost Souls like them,” he said referring to the small glittering creatures. He points to a huge, deep-seated tree at the heart of the forest. It was so huge that it could be seen even in the distant. “See that tree over there. That might be their home.” He paused for a moment and draw some air. His breathing might be grueling. “I met her when I was a child back at my opened window pane. She seemed frightened and puny. I took refuge of her. And later, made a bargain. She promised of great power and strength anytime whenever I need of even without the practice of sorcery…” He coughed and spat more blood. Sofia pitied him but she try to conceal it. Wiping the blood with his hand, he continued. “…in return of my life and the vital essence of the monster that I’ve killed. It strengthens her to continue living inside of me. He put a curse seal on me as a sign of our covenant.” Sofia noticed a mark of the dragon on his neck.

  “What if there’s no vital essence for her?” Sofia inquired, stroking the strands of his flaxen hair. She could see the sudden change on his gaze.

  “She will drain all the essence of life in me,” he replied and closed his eyes. He will die for sure if that happens. And Kali will die with him.

  Sofia exclaimed and tap his face. “H-Hey! Don’t die! Open your eyes! Francis!”

  Chase scowled. “Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to rest. Do you really want me to die?” He spit more blood. “Well, I’m dying… You’ll just have to wait a few seconds.” Sofia knocked his head again.

  “H-How could you joke at this kind of time?!” She scolded him. She knew he was just trying his best for her not to be pity on him. He still have that ego of him even if he was fighting between life and death. She could see him getting worse and worse. If only she could do something but she is no wizard. She knows nothing of spell and chants. She have nothing but a foolish vision.

  He laughed in a low tone. “I just want to leave you with a smile on your lips.” He stared at her. He was not afraid of dying. He was afraid that she would fight the war alone and die later. “You asked me the difference of dying now and dying later… It was simple. It’s a matter of faith and hope. Your faith will save you and your hope will keep you alive. If you die now, you die in vain. If you choose to die later you still have the possibility of survival. It’s a whole different thing.”

  Sofia noticed the wound on his hand. It was not healing. Blood trickled from it. She hurriedly untie the thin fabric on her hair and dressed the wound. Chase scoffed. “It already happened before.” Sofia shook her head but did not breathe a word.

  He stared at her with his gloomy eyes. He reached something from his sword — a beautiful necklace was chained into it. A precious gem hangs from its silver chain, a ruby studded pendant. “This belongs to Isabelle. It’s a good luck charm that she gave me. Can I kiss you?” Sofia turned to him with a grimaced look on her eyes. She thought he was making fun of her again, but she saw that his look were serious. “Can I kiss the only girl I have loved before we depart forever?” He knew his time was running out.

  Sofia could not restrain herself from crying. Tears fall down on her cheeks. The thought of parting forever kills her. She bent down to kiss him. Tears fell from his eyes as he fasten the chain on her nape. His hope of winning the war by her side now fades. Come to think of it, death was not that painful. The thought of leaving the people you love was the painful one.

  “I was thankful that I met you… It suits you — the necklace. You look so beautiful, Sofia,” he said and smiled. Sofia buried her face on her hands and cry. She never thought that a guy would tell her that she was beautiful, and it came from a dying man which she loved the most. “Put your hands down and smile.” She heard him say. Sofia obeyed and smiled forcibly but her tears keeps falling down. “Your smiling face was the last thing I want to see on my way under.” He smiled. “Breathe for me,” he said and closed his eyes forever. Sofia cried and called his name but he was not breathing anymore.

  She restrained herself from crying. There must be a way. He should not die! Now that she had loved him so much. Kali. Speak Kali. She heard a voice. A glittering being was staring at her from the ground with its conversing eyes. Kali? The dragon. Was it possible? She put her fingers over his forehead and closed her eyes, entering his thought.

  It was dark. She could not see anything. Nothing, even a vision. She walk and walk until a light shone from above. A beautiful dragon was descending from the light. Its red scale were reflecting its magnificence from the illumination. Red eyes were gazing down at her. The moment it touches the ground, it turned into a beautiful woman with pointy ears and dazzling red hair that extends down to its feet. Her eyes were beautiful like gleaming rubies. The woman draw near Sofia.

  “I’ve seen you’re looking for me,” the woman spoke.

  Sofia nodded. “You were Kali?” She saw a nod and blurted out, “You killed him.” She clenched her fist and released. She knew it was wrong for her to be angry. “He wants to break away from your curse.”

  Kali gazed at Sofia. “You know we have a deal and he borrowed all my strength just to save you — a fool who already surrender her sword even before the battle starts. And there is a price
to pay. We have a covenant made after all. And that covenant will end only if one of us perished,” the woman defended herself. She smiled and said, “Do you know how he risk his life to save you? Performing the summoning curse even if he knew that it will kill him after? He even cure you instead of curing himself, taking away the pain in you and enduring the burden himself. Using the healing spell is not that easy, Hunter. Whenever he healed somebody, their pain will be passed on him.”

  Sofia laid in silence. Tears fell from her eyes. She could not concealed it anymore. “A so-called love must be.” She heard the dragon spoke. It looked into her eyes. “You have a beautiful eyes. Your heart was pure so as your soul. Something dark was in trail of you both. I have hide his presence from that being for years but I guess there’s no use of hiding if cost forever.”

  She looked at the dragon for quite long and said, “You were connected with him by the covenant, weren’t you? If he was dead then why you still exists?”

  The dragon smiled. “Because he was not completely dead. You were still alive… you were his life, Sofia.” She held the Hunter’s hands. A bright red light spark and perished. “Use the Gift to win the war,” she whispered and begin to vanish in sparkling carmine particles.

  “Cure him and let him live,” Sofia said before the creature vanished completely. The dragon was gone but she could still hear its voice, “I already did. Now go. Find the book. Defeat the Dark. Win the war. ” Sofia saw an image of herself. The darkness was replaced with the blinding brightness. Thank you, dragon.

  Her eyes opened and she could see Chase on her arms. His color went back to normal. The wound was healed and no bruised was left. Sofia smiled, wiping her tears away. Being a Hunter was not bad at all. Chase opened his eyes and looked up at her with much curiosity. “What happened? Why are you crying?” He glanced over his hand and frowned. “The wound have healed.” Chase touched his forehead. His head suddenly ached.

  Sofia smiled and shook his head. Kali must have removed some of his memories. Memories that have no use of him now. She hugged him and he lay astounded. “That’s for saving me.”

  He hurriedly straighten himself. “Are you alright now? Why did you let go of my hand?” He looked at her, troubled. Chase smirked “Maybe you thought you’re a bird perhaps. You could have crushed all your bones. The real birds might be feeding with your flesh right now.”

  Sofia laughed. He will just put things up again. “I’ve heard that before.” Chase tried to speak but she put her fingers over her lips and said. “Sshhhh.” She heard soft creaking sound. She turned to the little being on the ground. Thank you, little one. The Lost Spirit nod. A voice speak on her thought. Hunter welcome. Sofia smiled and the spirit vanished. She turned to Chase and said, “I’m fine. We should find the way back to the clearing.”

  Chase took a gripped of her hand. “Before we did that, I want to know who dares to kill you.” Sofia was taken aback by his question. Would he tell him that it was Iris? The truth would hurt him. They have been together and the girl was important to him. Sofia never breathe a word. “Was it Skull?” She heard him but she made no response. “Or was it Iris? I’ve never seen her since you two disappeared.”

  Her heart beat wildly on her chest and was about to tell the truth but Chase simpered. “What a foolish thought. Of course she would never do something like that, would she?” Sofia found herself shook her head. “Then who?”

  “I-I-I never seen his face. It was covered with a hood.” Sofia lied. “I never seen Iris too.” She could not tell him. Not now. Chase draw out a breath of discomfort. He would never forgive who did that horrendous thing. Sofia gathered her skirt and hurriedly stand. She saw a significant edifice on a distant. It was hidden behind the thick branches of trees that only a keen eyes could see. She turned to Chase. “I saw something.”

  Chase looked to where Sofia points. “A tower?” He knitted his brow. Who would build a tower at the foot of the mountain that no one dares to get acquainted with? It was tricky. An urge to unfold the mystery behind the rock structure flowed on him. What if it holds the thing that they were searching for? He narrowed his eyes. A spark of curiosity could be seen on his handsome face. “On that tower we go.”

  Sofia sneered. “That’s what I’m thinking.”

  They hurriedly started their way to the tower. A small lake rest afore the soaring bricked structure. Its verge was filled with vibrant flower that grows in abundance. A beautiful damsel glimpse from its opened window. Sofia saw her and the young lady hurriedly hide from her sight. “I saw someone up there.” Chase turned to her and looked at the opened window but saw no one. He smirked over the young woman on his side. Who would desire to live on that spooky tower? They circled the lake into the tower and finds that there was no way in. Sofia frowned. Is there a tower without a passage? Besides, she definitely saw a lady a while ago.

  Chase was searching something on the wall. “There should be something here.” Sofia found a strange looking rock attached to the wall. It was rounded and sable.

  “Was this the one you’re looking for?” She pointed the rock on the wall. Chase paused and count on something. There are things only warlock knew somehow. Sofia raised a brow as he watched the young man prodded a usual, ordinary brick that made up the tower. The brick sank into the wall followed by a deep, rumbling sound. A door burst open as the bricks sank and split into halves, unfolding a dark, narrow passage. They exchange glances and went inside. The passage leads them into a tiny chamber at the top of the tower. Chase unbolted the knob. A young woman that Sofia had seen before leapt out of the bed and suddenly smiled seeing the young man. Short, light tanned hair traced the corners of the young woman’s face. Her eyes were coal black and wonderful.

  “Are you here to save me?” The lady asked him with a smile. She wore a beautiful cornflower blue dress that falls down to her feet. An exquisite golden choker was worn around her neck. Sofia put her hood on and hid behind Chase. The girl was way too beautiful compared to her that had almost worn out. She was a living Rapunzel, Sofia thought. Just got a twist with its short hair.

  Chase made no response. It would be rude if he shook his head. The simplest course of action would be to say nothing. The young lady spoke again. “I’m a Hesperian princess that was locked here for a long time. My name was Asmaria Catharine vi Hesperia.” She draw near the tall, striking young man before her eyes. “You might be the prince I am waiting for to save me from this tower.” Asmaria went to embrace him but Chase took a step away, bumping into Sofia who made no sound.

  Chase sarcastically smiled. He might be a prince but there was something to consider. “I’m afraid there’s no need for that,” he remarked and pulled Sofia to his side. Sofia gasped and lowered her gaze as the young woman knit its brow. “I’ve already found my princess.” He smiled, putting his arms over her shoulders. Sofia silently blushed.

  Asmaria chuckled. “Oh dear. If only you meet me before her,” she said. She really admired his good looks and it was such a disappointment that someone had already claimed his heart. She sighed. “Well, what else can I do? Maybe I should find my prince out of this mountains.”

  He smiled, looking down at Sofia. “I think we should leave,” he declared and turned to the door. Asmaria followed them in a swift motion. Sofia let the princess walked before her. Asmaria smiled and hurriedly took the way down.

  Sofia turned to the princess and asked, “Who locked you up here?” She saw Asmaria slightly quivered that made her knit her brow.

  “U-Ugh…” Asmaria stammered. She could feel the choker tightened on her neck. “I-I… Ugh. I apologized I couldn’t tell you. I just can’t.” She lowered her gaze. Silence took place. What the princess had said put Sofia on deep thought.

  They were in the midst of the passage when Asmaria began to spoke. “What brought you into this Dark Fall Mountains? You’re the first being I’ve seen ever since, aside from the birds, the butterflies on the lake...and — …” The princess hesitated but managed to

  Sofia took the pleasure of answering into the princess’ inquiries. “We’re on search of something.” Asmaria frowned. “A book. An ancient book,” Sofia expounded.

  Asmaria nodded. “I’ve never seen any book on my chamber. I grew up on this tower but never seen any either.” A memory of her childhood flashed on her mind. The princess suddenly gasped and exclaimed, “I remember something. This tower has a labyrinth that leads to a crypt. I saw it when I was a child. I can take you there.”

  Chase turned to face the princess. “How can we trust you?” He gazed on the young lady. It was hard to trust on a stranger. They have met many creatures that was innocent enough to deceive them but they did in the end.

  Asmaria halted and stared back at him. “I put my life on every words I say, Mister.” She dared him. “You can kill me if you find me a fraud.” Sofia was convinced and throw a meaningful glance on Chase. He sighed. Sofia smiled on victory and said, “Alright then. Lead the way, princess.” Chase smirked. He could not believe the fortitude that this young woman have. A bravery that had stolen his heart.