Read Chase Page 25


  The Princess of Hesperia led them into a narrow opening at the base of the tower. The opening leads into an unsettling, ancient orbicular hall. It was dark inside but the torches alit the moment they set foot. Ancient writings was engraved on the floor that extends through its walls. Five pillars of gold stood on its center that glimmers on the light of the torches. Excellent carvings could be seen upon its ceilings. On the heart of the hall rest a tiny gem, shaped like a pyramid. It was translucent and quite insignificant. Might be just a mere decoration. They surveyed the place but there was no book, not even a page of it to be found. Asmaria sighed at the thought that leading them was just a fiasco. She turned her back to leave. Maybe she would just wait outside since she had nothing to do with the matter.

  Sofia narrowed her eyes as she stared on the wall. The place was somewhat familiar. It feels like she had seen it before on one of her childhood visions. She went near into the pillars of gold. The gem on the floor suddenly glistened. Sofia blinked her eyes and gazed down the jewel. Wasn’t it weird to put a gem on the center of an eerie hall without a purpose? A vision abruptly flashed. She saw a dainty hand twisted the gem and the vision vanished in nothing. Sofia wrinkled her brows. There was something peculiar on the stone. A combination might be. As days slips into weeks. Still there are months to leap. A rhyme echoed on her ears. She heard of it before. Chase went near Sofia. His hands touching the tip of his chin. They were both in a deep thought. Asmaria watched them with a wondering look.

  “So the Fall came as the summer passes by,

  A mighty sparrow soars up in the sky.

  As days slips into weeks,

  Still there are months to leap.

  Shed no fear not even a tear,

  For the pyramid stood yet on the desert's rear.

  In the battle foreseen, in no doubt you must win…"

  Chase heard Sofia spoke a rhyme. It was odd for her to recite a childish rhyme at times of confusion like the one they had. He sighed and asked, “What was those? A rhyme?”

  Sofia nod. “It just flashed on my head. I heard a woman’s voice deliver such phrases to me.” She turned to look up at him. “Odd isn’t it?” She turned her look back at the gem.

  “Will you recite it again?” Chase said. There must be something useful from that phrases, he thought. Sofia made a face. She cannot barely recall what she had said but managed to put things together somehow. Chase suddenly thought of something. “The fall came as the summer passes by… could it be that it denotes the Dark Fall Mountains?” He paused and continued. “For the pyramid thing, that jewel was shaped like a pyramid after all.” He laughed at his own predicament. He was completely blank. His mind does not seem to work well.

  She suddenly glanced at him. Why not? “You must be right,” Sofia said. “It was no rhyme. It was a prophecy of your world.” Chase gazed down on her. “I saw a hand that twisted the pyramid but…” She paused, lifting her head to meet his gaze. “I-I don’t know how. I never knew the pattern.”

  “Going back to the rhyme or to the prophecy perhaps,” he suggested. Chase bent his knees so he could see Sofia wide and clear. Maybe she could wake his inactive mind. He suddenly smiled as he stares upon the young woman. Sofia caught him and scowled. He put his impassive smile again and turned his look away. He could stare at her for days. Seven days a week. Seven? It was a number right? As days slips into weeks, still there are months to leap. Seven days a week. Twelve months a year.

  “Try seven or twelve,” Chase murmured. “Try seven first.”

  Sofia had a doubt but she still obeyed. “Where to? Right or left?” Chase came to a halt and suddenly raised his left hand but shifted to his right after a sec. Sofia shook her head, winding the gem to her right. The ground shakes and roars as she twists the gem. She turned to the man on his side who smiled with cleverness. The ground produced a gap on the ground just beside the gem. She continued twisting seven counts to her right and twelve to her left. The gap grow bigger and wider with every twists on the jewel. Sofia stopped at the last count but the gap was not fully accessible. Just a few twist remain and it will be unlocked. She let go of the stone and the gap closed again. The two sighed in unison.

  Chase run a hand on the strands of hair that fell over his face. He grabbed some lace on her dress. Sofia throw a grimaced look on him. He just smirked and tied his hair. Sofia blushed seeing how he look. Cute, with a ponytail on top of his head. He look like tame lamb. She turned her look away and said nothing. “For the pyramid stood yet on the desert's rear.” She heard him said. Sofia think of the pyramid. What about the pyramid? Rhombus. Pentagon. Octagon. Sofia sighed. Their nothing but shapes with sides. Sides? Three!? “Pyramid has three!” She exclaimed and started back in unlocking the gap. The ground trembles and ends with a deafening thud. She released the gem but it never close down. Asmaria went near them on wide eyes. Chase smiled and patted the head of Sofia. There were stairs leading underneath the ground. He took a step inside but Sofia took hold of his arm.

  “We don’t know what lies in there,” Sofia said. Asmaria nod in agreement.

  Chase set a comforting smile. “We would never know if we just stood here waiting for nothing.” He took her hands away and touched her face. “Wait me here then.”

  Sofia shook her head. “I will come with you.” She clung to his side, leaving Asmaria behind. The princess watched in puzzlement. They leave her behind? She looked around and feel a sudden chill on her spine. She called for Sofia.

  “Do you want me to come?” Asmaria asked, clustering her skirt.

  Sofia turned back and smiled. “Do what you please, princess.”

  Asmaria hurriedly went with them. The path was dark and was made of earthen wall. Cold wind blew from which the path ends, bringing sudden creeps to their senses. They soon came into an earthen chamber with torches that lights up the whole place. It was huge with a significant dining table that was big enough to cater twenty guests and above. Tempting dishes was laid over it. Varieties of fruits lies at the center with a lighted candelabra. The dishes seemed to be appetizing and delicious with bread, cheese and all kinds of desserts. Sofia suddenly gasped. On the edge of the table sits a horrifying creature. It was in shaped of a human, green-skinned and was lanky with long arms and bare head. One thing she noticed, the creature have no eyes. It was definitely dreadful and ugly. The creature suddenly moved that made Asmaria screamed. It raised its hands high above so they can see an eye that lies over its very palm. The creature was a one-eyed monster — a Cyclops. Sofia noticed the golden vault on the wall above the creature’s head. The vault might holds the Archmage’s Script.

  They heard the Cyclops snorted. It was in a deep sleep. Without a sound, the three entered the earthen chamber. Sofia draw closer to the vault. She was just an inch away from the vault when the Cyclops snorted again. She halted in surprised and looked back. Chase took hold of the steel on his back that could be drawn in no time. Asmaria on the other hand was about to touch the grapes on the table when Sofia caught her. Sofia shook her head, alarmed. It was a bait. “Don’t touch anything,” she mimed to Asmaria. The princess nodded and smiled mischievously, putting its hands behind. Sofia draw a breath and continued. She had opened the vault. An ancient black book had been kept inside. She was about to reached for the book when the eye suddenly circled and gazed on her. Her eyes widened when the Cyclops had been awakened. Sofia flinched when its bony hands tried to take a grip on her. Chase draw out his sword.

  She turned to Asmaria. “Did you touched anything?”

  Asmaria gulped and set a wry smile on its face. “I… Ugh. I think I did. But just one.”

  Sofia glared over the princess. “I told you not to! It’s a bait!” The Cyclops stand as soon as its eye had been placed on its forehead and chased after Sofia. The once savory dishes slowly rots down. Worms appeared on the fruits and molds began to develop on the loaves of bread and cheese. Asmaria almost throw up, thinking that she ate a rotten grape. Th
e creature grab the princess’ wrist from across the table but soon manage to free herself with a shriek. Sofia tried to get hold of the book but her arms were caught by the one-eyed monster, lifting her and pitched her out of the chamber. Chase tried to catch Sofia but he was way too far and had stumbled down with her instead, right into the passageway and out the earthen chamber. They were both groaning in pain as they stand back to their feet. Sofia noticed the invisible barrier that hold her back when she tried to enter the chamber once more.

  “What are we gonna do now?” Sofia asked worriedly. “Asmaria was still there.”

  Chase smirked as he get rid of the dirt on his cape and suddenly touched his forehead. A droplet of blood runs down his face. He got a bruise on his forehead. Sofia landed on him and some stone fell from the wall. He wiped away the blood and gazed on the barrier. “All we can do is to count on that lady.” Chase sighed and added, “It was her fault after all.”

  Asmaria stumbled and bumped on the wall as she tried to avoid the creature’s grip. It runs after her from every corners of the chamber. Why was she the one left behind? She had nothing to do with the book! Though she admit, she was the one that had waken the sleeping monster. And she was very sorry for what she did. She turned to Sofia who was trying its best to get in. Sofia gazed at her and gestured something, pointing to the golden vault. The book. It might be the only way out. Asmaria screamed as she ducked, rolled and tripped just to get near the vault. A gleaming knife was on the edge of the table and the princess took hold of it in a flash of lightning. She reached for the book and embraced it tightly to her chest. The moment she turned her back to leave, the monster was just an inch away from her with its threatening eye. Asmaria thrust the knife onwards as she closed her eyes with a sharp squealed. There came the silence. The monster sank down to the ground. Asmaria laughed in victory as she saw the knife pierced the monster’s eye through its very skull. Sofia applauded in awed to the princess. The man beside her smirked. Asmaria give her final kicked to the Cyclops and hurriedly went near them.

  “Look out!” Sofia suddenly exclaimed as she saw the monster grabbed the princess’ foot and tripped. Asmaria screamed in fright and kicked away the bony hands on her feet. The princess crawled out of the chamber, extending her arms towards them. The barrier disappeared and Sofia took a gripped on the princess’ hand. Chase pulled her out before the Cyclops could take hold of her feet again. Asmaria pants for breathe as she leaned her back on the earthen wall. Cracks begun to emerge from the wall one after another. They heard rambling sounds and trembling of the ground.

  “We should leave,” Chase announced. They ran back to the stairs as the Cyclops run after them trying to claim back his possession. Asmaria handed the book to Sofia and clustered her skirt. They took the earthen stairs back to the crypt. The gap closed down after the princess who came out last. Asmaria patted her chest as she gasp for air. “I-I-I would never wished to do that again,” the princess remarked.

  Chase smiled coyly. “We’re just about to begin.” Sofia chuckled and turned to the book on her hands. The Archmage’s Seal was engraved on its surface. It was certainly the book that they were looking for. A golden chain binds the script together with a strange lock fastened to it. The lock itself has no opening for the key. Suddenly, a deafening sound echoed the crypt. Rocks fell from the ceilings of the hall. The tower would collapsed in no time.

  “I-I think we — ...” Asmaria hanged her words when Sofia dragged her out of the hall. Chase led them out of the labyrinth and out the tower before it began to collapse into pieces. They stood by the lake, watching the mighty tower sank down into the ground before them and started to turn into dust particles until it vanished into nothingness. Sofia let out a sigh of relief, seeing that they were still alive. Asmaria suddenly screamed. The two startled and looked around for possible threat until they found none.

  Chase sneered and shook his head. Another psycho perhaps. Sofia glared to Asmaria and asked, “What was that for?”

  Asmaria smiled and replied, “An aftershock?” The two exchanged glances and smiled to themselves. It might that horrible to be locked up in the castle. Horrible enough to cause slight mental impairment. Asmaria suddenly laughed and said, “Hey! I was just kidding. I knew that look.” The two woman chuckled.

  Tristan hurriedly run to meet Sofia upon seeing them came out of the forest and into the clearing. It was almost dark and a fire was made. “Are you alright?” Tristan asked Sofia. The young woman smiled and nodded. Chase laid in silence. Soon came Raven and embraced Sofia tightly. Sofia patted the child’s head and smiled. The boy turned to his master and hugged him too. Chase scoffed and finally smiled in silence.

  “We’re really worried about you folks,” Tristan started. “You’re gone for hours.” The two made no response. They were too tired and weary of the things that just happened for that certain time. Tristan sighed and said, “We looked all over the area for you but we never find even a shadow of you or Iris.” The young man lifted his hand with a dagger filled with blood. “We found this by the stream instead. We thought someone might be terribly hurt that had bothered us even more.”

  Chase narrowed his eyes. He knew that dagger. It belongs to Iris. He looked down on Sofia with a probing look. Sofia slightly quivered seeing the dagger. Chase began to spoke in a fretful tone, “Speak.” He knew Sofia was hiding something. The young woman looked into his eyes, teary-eyed. She knew Chase was upset and displeased of her lies.

  “Ugh. U-Ugh…” Sofia stammered. Tristan knitted his brow. What could be this two were saying about? Sofia bit her lips and crumpled her skirt. She still could not say it.

  “It was Iris who tried to kill you, right?” Chase asked, enraged. His voice was subtle yet harsh. Sofia nodded and hold back her tears. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth earlier?”

  Tristan noticed the blood stained on Sofia’s chest and widened his eyes. He could not believe that Iris did something like that. She was a kind, gentle girl. What made her do that? Jealousy. Tristan gritted his teeth and shook his head. Sofia began to speak, “I didn’t tell you because you would hate her and… besides she was just blinded by the love she had for you.”

  Chase scoffed. Stupid girl. He clenched his fist and walked away without a word. He could not face her now. Sofia tried to stop him but Raven caught her hands and shook its head. “Let him be alone. He will come back if he wants to.”

  Asmaria popped out of Sofia’s back, worried. Tristan noticed her and frowned. She smile and wave a hand to the young man. He might be that knight’s friend. He was also good-looking that made Asmaria smiled to herself. Sofia sighed deeply and sat above a large stone. Raven sat beside her and saw the book on her hand. The boy gasped, wide-eyed. “The Archmage’s Script??”

  Sofia nodded and forcibly smile. “We found a strange-looking tower in the heart of the forest. The book was kept on the crypt and was guarded by a one-eyed creature.” Raven quivered hearing her story. She decided not to tell the whole thing.

  “Asmaria,” the princess introduced herself to the young man. “Princess Asmaria Catharine of Hesperia,” she added and slightly bowed her head.

  Tristan smiled faintly. He was in no mood for courtesy. “Tristan,” he said curtly. Asmaria nodded knowledgeably. He was definitely like his friend but she was still interested over him. Maybe he was her prince. Who knows?

  The night fleets rapidly under the moonlight. They decided to travel back to Pendragon with Princess Asmaria. Old Claw might have an idea how to unlock the script. With the book, there stood a chance and that hope dwells brightly on their hearts as they traversed the path back. The sudden disappearance and treachery of their friend Iris might have brought grief to their hearts but they were somehow gladdened with the new acquaintance that journeyed with them back to the warlock’s lair.