Read Chase Page 31

The door burst open followed by a dashing footsteps. Flaire Blaze made her way into the Old Wizard’s house. She went directly to the Archive Hall where Claw had been working. The Old Wizard was in seek of something when she barged in. “Skull made a barrier around the fortress,” she announced. “Aside from that, weird flower suddenly appeared on the midair.” She shook her head, resting a hand over her waist. Claw does not seem to hear what she had said. “What are you looking for, Master?” Flaire inquired. The room was in great mess. Books, parcels, pens and dirty socks? Flaire chuckled. Her master was really getting old.

  Claw sighed and replied, “I might have misplaced the book.”

  Flaire knitted her brow. “One of your ancient books?” she asked.

  The Old Wizard shook his head and pulled the drawers one by one. “The Archmage’s Book.” He flipped the book overhead.

  “The Archmage’s what??” The young woman suddenly widened her eyes. Could it be? Did they found the book? Flaire laid astounded until someone opened the door on her back. She turned around and saw a familiar face. Chase? Flaire hurriedly clung to his side, batting her eyelashes. The young man does not seem to mind her and went near the Old Wizard. He raised his brow seeing the room. Flaire spoke on his side, “You already found the book? Master had been looking for it. He might have put it somewhere.” The young woman scratched the back of her head and paused. “Where’s Sofia anyway?”

  “That’s the reason why I’m here,” he replied. “I went to her room but she wasn’t there. I thought she was here.” Claw turned to him, alarmed. Chase noticed the sudden look on the Old Wizard’s eyes. “Don’t tell me …” He narrowed his eyes. Sofia might have took the book and leave without a word. She might have seen a vision that interests the book. He remember the pale look on her face when he visited her yesterday but she never breathe a word about anything. He hurriedly leave the place. Flaire scowled. “What is going on?”

  Asmaria and Tristan entered the house. Chase went passed them and suddenly halted. “Have you seen Sofia?” he asked. The princess looked at him for a moment and said, “Ugh. Nope.” She bat her eyelashes with a knitted brow. Tristan shook his head and asked, “Why? Are you not with her?” Raven suddenly dashed in. The boy stopped by, raising a quizzical brow and inquired, “What?” Chase sighed and clenched his fist. This is no good. That stupid lass. He made a dart for the door in seek of the lost maiden. He used the perception spell to find her presence. The gem on his ear sparkled and a vision flashed. Chase saw the crowded town of Pendragon but Sofia was not there. Not even in the forest. He unfurled the vision on his thought and moved further into the woods, mountains and at last! He saw a vision of a girl riding on a cob with the book on her hand. She was heading to the Dark Fall Mountain all by herself. No. To the palace itself. His vision faded followed by a prickly, burning sensation on his forehead. Every spell cast cost something in return. Chase made his disappearance.
