Read Chase Page 32

A hand grabbed the harness from her grip, charging the horse into a halt. Sofia turned around and saw Chase behind her. She sighed. How did he found her that easily? “I demand an explanation,” he said to her with a stern look on his face. He seemed so upset. Sofia turned her look away.

  “I’ve seen Iris. She was locked up on the castle,” she confided. Sofia gazed on him. “She needs my help.” She could not allow a friend to die. Even though the young lady had threatened her life, Iris admitted her guilt. Anyway, she was still alive after all. Chase sneered and shook his head.

  “You had been so sympathetic. She tried to kill you, remember?” He gazed upon her and narrowed his eyes. If he was to wear her shoe, he would do the same. “All right then, I’m coming with you. You cannot wander around all by yourself.” He poked her forehead. “Silly girl.”

  Sofia made a face and touched her forehead. “But I am afraid you can’t come with me. Skull will kill her. I should face them alone.” She raised the bow on her shoulder. “I have these, anyway.” He poked her forehead again.

  “Fool,” he murmured. “Do you think that thing could protect you? You don’t know exactly who you’re dealing with.” He yanked the horse and continued on their course. Sofia protested. Chase zipped her lips together with the motion of his finger. Sofia glared at him. He just smirked and smiled silently. He somewhat knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. “I’ll just have to hide my presence from that brainless creature.” He began to disappear. Sofia took hold of the leash.

  They took the alternate route to the castle. It was rocky and stiff but the cob was strong enough to traverse the path. They had passed a legion of armed men, thousands of them heading to the fortress. The men wore gleaming armors and swords hanged on their waist. Most of them travelled on foot. “Rebels,” a voice behind her whispered. Some of men carry an ensign on their hands. They might have come from different kingdoms that formed the rebellion against Hesperia. Sofia widened her eyes. It seems that the prophecy had begun. The terrible battle, the men that that turned to ashes and her death? She suddenly quivered. The two had soon reached the frontier. The palace stands just a distance from them. Soldiers were surrounding the whole fortress.

  “There was a barrier that protects the castle.” He appeared by her side and dismounted the horse. Sofia turned to the towering palace. It was as beautiful as the Etherian Castle but she could not see any barrier. It was invisible of course. Sofia sighed, a vision of a Hunter is far more different than that of warlocks. Chase lifted her off the horse that made her face reddened. She gathered her skirt together. He suddenly noticed the bruise on her knee. Sofia noticed him and laughed by the thought of her stupidity. “Oww… this one?” she patted her knee gently. “You know I’ve never ride a horse before on my own. So, ahmn… It takes something like this to — …” He was about to healed her when she flinched away. Chase stared at her, puzzled. Sofia shook her head. If he healed her, she would be cured but he was the one to suffer in return. “My pain is mine alone. You can injure yourself too if you’re jealous of my wound.”

  Chase simpered and gazed on her. “You’re quite an interesting girl.” Sofia set a candid smile but kept her silence. She was about to go when he held her wrist. “Don’t do anything foolish,” he murmured. “I’ll follow you behind.” Sofia nodded and he began to vanish in speckles of sparkling red dust. Sofia made her way through the fortress. The soldiers approached her, blocking the entry with their sharp spears. “I have to see your Master,” Sofia scowled.

  Snow appeared before them. “Let the girl pass.” Sofia tightened her gripped upon the book. Snow sneered and led her the way.

  The castle produces a petrifying atmosphere to her senses, making her shiver down to her spine. However, the thought that he was with her all along calmed her pounding heart. They soon reached the way into the palace. The door swung open before them. Candlelight welcomes them with its glorious radiance that filled up the entrance hall. Dazzling chandeliers hanged upon the ceiling. A throne of gold was place at the center of the hall, resting over the raised podium in between two pillars. A carpet of gold was laid beneath it with soft cushions of red. Banner of black hanged upon the wall with a portrayed of skull. Sofia narrowed her eyes. A sudden jolt made her moved onwards until she stands before the golden throne. A hooded figure appeared by the throne. The figure removed the hood revealing a woman of splendor and beauty. She wore dazzling jewels of diamond on her ears. Her hair was pitched-black and was tied into a fashionable bun. The velvet dress trailed after her every step. Her curvaceous lips produced a smile upon seeing her presence. “You must be Sofia,” the woman said. Snow vanished and appeared behind the woman.

  Sofia laid in silence, gazing at the stranger on her face. The woman laughed and said, “I love those eyes of yours.” A dagger appeared on her hands. Sofia knitted her brow. “However, someone was prying over us.” The woman cast the dagger to her side that made Sofia gasped, wide-eyed. Chase. Drops of blood fell on the floor. The dagger seemed to be restrained by an unseen life form. A young man appeared beside Sofia with a dagger on his bleeding hand. Sofia turned at him with a worried look. Chase smirked and spun the dagger gracefully on his wounded hand then casting it back to the woman with unpredictable, swift movement. The woman was taken by surprised. She turned the dagger into dust before it had struck her eyes. Snow made poisoned pins out of the strands of her hair, alarmed. The woman laughed wickedly. “What a wonderful knight you were…” She noticed that the wound on his hand healed fast, leaving not a single scar. “…or should I say, a prince perhaps. So it was you then. The living Etherian Prince? What a wonderful Gift of Healing you have.” The woman set a feint smile and whispered to herself. I hate Etherian blood. How did he managed to slip into my trail and hid his presence for years? I had been too neglectful!

  Chase set out a sardonic smile. “Where was your master witch?”

  The woman smirked and replied, “I’m afraid you were right in front of her.” Chase chuckled. Is this witch making fun of him? A scepter appeared on her hand. He was taken aback not by the scepter but by the mark on her hand. The man who killed her mother bore the same mark. He clenched his fist. He could feel his blood burning on his veins. Sofia was also stunned seeing the mark of the skull on the woman’s hand. That woman… she was Skull? All this time they were battling against an Eve?

  Skull laughed, echoing the castle. “I knew you’d be like that. Not everyone knows of this. Only my faithful servant sees me in my real form.” She continued to laugh. “A horrible wizard? The late King’s adviser? I’ve made them all to trick those foolish people.” The scenery around them changes. The dazzling chandeliers disappeared and the candlelight were replaced by flaming torches. The elegant hall had been turned into raging abyss. Everything had been just an illusion that had tricked their eyes.

  “So you’re a brainless witch after all,” Chase said with a scorn. He draw the sword from his back. Skull had been infuriated but managed to hold back her rage. The woman sighed and parked herself on the throne. She let out a comforting smile on her lips. After she had killed the Hunter she would kill the Prince. The Archmages’ Script and the dagger will soon be hers. Two birds in one stone. Wonderful.

  Sofia began to speak. “Where’s Iris?”

  Skull turned to her and replied, “Oh, your worthless friend that had failed me?” The witch shook her head. “I couldn’t believe you had risk your lives for her.” She gestured something with her finger. Hooded men appeared with Iris on their side. The young woman was filled with dark bruise all over her face. Her clothes were almost threadbare. Iris lifted her face and was surprised to see them.

  “Sofia,” the young woman whispered. Tears run down her cheeks. “I’m glad you were alive. I’m sorry. I-I had been weak. Leave now! She will kill you!!” Iris cried and tried to escape from the hooded men. Skull laughed wickedly, gesturing her servants to leave. The shackle had been removed from the young woman’s feet. Iris run towards them but the grou
nd sank before her. Sweltering lava could be seen beneath the ground. Fire suddenly ablaze from the cleft that made Iris flinched back in terror and slipped her feet, losing her balance. Sofia gasped and run towards the fault. Luckily, Iris had made use of a spell, making the vine emerge from the soil which she had grasped before she fell into the blazing hell. Sofia let out a sigh of relief. Chase pulled Sofia behind, away from the fault.

  Skull walked down the throne. “Now, prince…” she started. “I’ll give you an option. Leave the Hunter and save the girl? Or die together with them?” Iris began to slip from her gripped of the vine. The young woman tried to use another spell but her strength was not enough. Chase narrowed his eyes. Iris had been good to him and he never blamed the girl for loving him that much. But he was sorry that he could not love her back.

  “Save her,” Sofia said. “I’ll be fine. Trust me this time.”

  Chase gazed down on her and shook his head. There might be another way but the vine would not last that long before he could think of a plan. Skull made an earthen bridge. It would be better to let the Hunter decide for herself. A wicked smile drawn from her lips. Sofia run towards the bridge. Chase tried to stop her but she had already crossed. Darn! That fool!

  Iris saw Sofia and said, “What are you doing??! Get back! Stay away from that witch!” Skull gestured something and the vine had been cut into halves. Iris began to fall. Chase came to save her and took her out of the cleft before the fire sparked another blast. Iris turned to him, “You should’ve let me die.”

  Chase sneered. “Why do think I should do that?” He laid her down the ground.

  “I’m a traitor,” Iris replied and lowered her gaze. “You really loved her?” Chase simpered but he never breathe a word and turned his look upon Sofia. Though he never said anything, Iris could see how worried he was. She took a deep sigh and accepted her defeat. She felt pity for herself. Pathetic, Iris thought. The girl she had tried to kill had risked her life to save her. How cruel she must be!

  Chase tried to follow Sofia but Snow had made a barrier to keep everyone out. The woman disappeared and tried to attack him from behind. He avoided the pins and draw a rose from his cloak. It flamed on his hands. He cast it over Snow with the burning petals surrounding her and went into an explosion by the snapped of his finger.

  Skull went near Sofia. “Hand me the book, Hunter.” Sofia flinched back. “Worry no more, dear. I won’t hurt you,” Skull added.

  “The rebels will soon find you,” Sofia said, hugging the book tightly on her arms. Skull laughed and said, “Look where we are Hunter. Do you think those filthy peasants would find me?” The witch vanished and appeared behind her. “Besides, they’re going to die soon.” A vision flashed. Sofia saw the golden flower on the midair. It grows larger and larger, huge like the height of a century-old tree. She saw the legion, the barrier was restraining them from entering the castle. The Palace Soldiers cast their swords towards the rebels. Dreadful Chimeras began to descend from nowhere and begun to attack the people. The terrible battle had begun. The Horde of Darkness had found the passage into the Hidden Valley. They had breached the barrier and attacked Pendragon. The flower begun to bloom and everyone die. The scent of the flower had killed them. Its fragrance was wonderful yet deadly. She saw the poor Lost Souls turned to dust for they cannot die. What was left for them was to perish and become part of the world. The prophecy vanished. Sofia felt the witch’s fingers began to crawl over her shoulders until it reached her throat. She heard Skull scoffed. Sofia tried to run but her hair had been seized by Skull, tugging her back with a wicked smile on its lips. “I see you want to play with me Hunter.”

  “Let her go!” Chase remarked, casting a spell on the barrier. Snow aroused from the dark flames caused by the explosion. She formed a sword out of the gleaming crystals on her hand. She was about to stabbed him from behind when Iris warned the young man. He rolled over and thrust the sword right into her heart. The image vanished and turned into dust. It was just an illusion. The real one appeared on his side. Snow cast out the poisoned pins on her nails and draw away like greased lightning. He managed to block all except one that hit his arm. Chase hurriedly pulled out the pin and slit the flesh, sucking out the venom before it destroyed him. He stripped a piece of cloth from his cloak and tied the wound.

  Snow laughed. “How was that?”

  Chase gazed back at Sofia. Skull had taken away the book from her with a dagger on its hand. Sofia began to think of something and suddenly asked, “What else do you want from me?” Skull chuckled, putting the knife over her throat. She could not hide that somewhat she felt terrified about her life. But she should never surrender. Not until she had freed this world.

  “Don’t you know that only your blood could unlock the book?” came the reply. “The Hunter’s Blood.” Sofia shuddered. “Why do you think they had sent you to the human world? Because of the late King? No. Because it cost your life.”

  Sofia chuckled. “Well then, I accept defeat.”

  What? What was that girl saying? Chase narrowed his eyes. Accepting defeat means accepting her death. He kneeled down and wrote something on the ground. Snow arced a brow. The ground where she had been standing begin to turn into a deadly quicksand. Chase raised his sword, thrusting it not to the figure on his front but to the one on his back. Iris saw no one behind him until she saw drops of blood dripping from his sword. Snow had fooled him once but she could not fooled him twice. The figure on the quicksand was nothing but a fraud. Snow had been struck right into her chest. The dagger on her hand fell on the ground before it had been stabbed on him. She spit blood out of her lips and sank down. Chase draw his sword out on her chest. Snow was panting for breathe. He turned to the barrier. It was still there. Iris tried to stand but her legs seemed so numb. She turned around and noticed the poison pin on her thigh. One of the pin might have thrown at her without her knowledge. Snow smiled wickedly on her. Iris grimaced. A vine emerges from the ground and choked the witch to death. She pulled the pin and hid it on her back.