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Chemical X

  By Tyler Fink

  Copyright 2016 Tyler Fink


  Tyler Fink may be considered an "ordinary" teenager. He likes school; hanging out with friends, and playing video games, but Tyler is about to embark on an adventure he never saw coming. A news report about a chemical spill sparked Tyler's imagination. He wonders what would happen if this were to become a reality? Who, if any of his friends would survive, how long could they? As they discussed this topic over an overcooked cheeseburger at lunch when the principal's voice cut through the lunchroom chatter via the loudspeaker ...

  What is to become of Tyler? Find out when you read Chemical X ...

  This book is a work of fiction. The

  names, characters, places, and incidents are products of

  the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and

  are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to

  persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or

  organizations is entirely coincidental.


  Thank you to all of my friends and family who stood behind me and pushed me forward. You guys are awesome and I can't thank you enough. Special thanks to Douglas Ward for pushing me to write this book, Gerald Clark for helping me write my introduction. Lastly I want to thank Levi Hargenrader for posing as the next victim to the zombie firefighters on the cover.

  Chapter 1 the Spill

  The day started off just like any other. I was playing the big hit video game Zombie Slayer 2000 when my father called me downstairs to watch the news. The lady began to speak "I am near the accident site where a PCC truck hit into another vehicle flipping over and spilling tons of Chemical X. If you don't know what Chemical X is it is Chemical Xyloidine the world's most dangerous chemical waste. They used it in the Cold War in 1945 shortly after the Second World War. The crash took place on Pittsburgh Street in Springdale around five o'clock pm. Both drivers were killed in the accident first respond is still cleaning the mess up," My mother turned and looked at me in shock. No one spoke for ten minutes. Until I raised my voice and said

  "Well, accidents happen, right?" my mother too shocked to speak just shook her head yes.

  My father then spoke and said "I hope they clean that up fast before someone becomes a zombie,"

  My mother spoke now "Tom stop trying to scare our kid,''

  "Hey it could happen, you never know," he said. My mother just shook her head in disbelief. Then I got a glass of soda and went to my room to continue playing video games.

  I plugged my headset into my controller and started to talk to my friends. I asked them all "What would they do if a zombie apocalypse broke out," They all just told me they would try to live until the end. It was ten o'clock pm so I told them I would talk to them in school about it and I went to bed. When I woke up I got dressed and went to meet up with my friend Dillon. He was a cool kid, but he was always late to everything. He also was one of my best friends. We were supposed to meet up ten after seven, but he didn't show up until seven fifteen. We started walking to school, and then I asked him

  "What would you do in a zombie apocalypse''? He turned a said

  "Do you remember the plan that we made three years ago"?

  "Of course, I remember we meet up in the ally then we head to the cemetery and grab guns and knives" I assured him.

  "That's what I am going to do," He said.

  Then we continued to walk up the long and steep hill. It was a Friday that meant it was garbage day and the whole street reeked with garbage. So we ran up the hill and plugged our noses. I had a gym class first period we had to play basketball. Most of us were able to play, but the fat kids couldn't keep up with my one friend Chuck. He was a fat kid with big glasses and he was short but he always had nice clothes. He was very intelligent but acted, as he wasn’t. He was nowhere close to being an athlete, but he tried, though. After gym class, we had English and then science. I was never good at Science I always seemed to struggle with it. In History class, I sat next to two of my friends, April and Troy. She is a sweet girl and also very smart, but she couldn't kill a fly if she had to. I had the biggest crush on her since third grade. Troy, on the other hand, happened to be one of my crazier friends and would probably last long in a zombie apocalypse, He happened to be very unintelligent and a great athlete and also very strong.

  Finally, it was lunchtime. I was in line when I looked out of the big windows in the cafeteria when I saw a group of people walking towards the school. They were pretty far away so I didn’t worry about it. After I got my lunch I sat down with my friends Dillon, Troy, Chuck, and April. We all started to talk about the car accident that happened on Pittsburgh Street. Most of us laughed it off and made jokes about a possible zombie apocalypse. We all ate our food and had a good time I finished my food and got up to throw it away when I saw one of the teachers looking at the group of people they were extremely close at this point. The teacher saw that most of them were bleeding or their clothes were ripped so she opened the door so she could help them. When she opened the door, the group came in and started biting her and wouldn't stop the other teachers, in an effort to help, tried to pull the guys off of her. The men were biting everyone. Panic set in rather quickly and people started running out of the building. One of the men ran toward me, so I grabbed my lunch tray and hit him in the head; he stumbled back and came at me again, so I punched him in the face. He fell over, so I grabbed my tray and started to beat his face in until my tray broke and when it did I got off of the guy and saw that he wasn’t moving so I reached in to feel for a pulse when I jumped up and grabbed on to me.

  Dillon ran over and tackled the man then he stomped on the man's head. So we walked out of the cafeteria in the halls people were running all over the place and a guy grabbed onto Dillon so I grabbed him and push him into the door and his head went through the glass. His body sagged down and after a little; his head was cut off from the glass. As soon as that happened we looked back and saw the head roll over to us and Dillon kicked the head away.

  "Dude that was pretty sweet," Dillon told me.

  "You didn't think I was going to let my best friend die this early did you?" He just shrugged his shoulders and we continued down the hall when we saw a lady trying to bite Chuck when Dillon and I ran over and I ripped the girl off of him and I smashed her head on the edge of the wall.

  "What's going on?" Chuck yelled.

  "It's the zombie apocalypse!" I told him. We then kept moving toward the exit and we saw Troy fighting off a zombie when we got over to him he had finished it off with April Sitting down in the corner.

  She then got up and hugged me said thanks and we all left the building. We all went to my house, my parents weren't home, and I thought they probably died. I had no time to mourn their deaths. We grabbed as much food and water as we could and left. Before leaving, Troy asked me if I had anything we could use for protection. I went downstairs to my dad’s tool room and grabbed a hammer a couple of knives and a screwdriver. Troy took the hammer and I grabbed the screwdriver. Chuck looked at me and asked

  "How do I use one of these things?"

  "Just stab them in the head that always works in games and movies," I said.

  "How do you know it will work?" Dillon asked me.

  "I don't know do you have a better idea?" I said. Troy looked out the window and looked back at me pale.

  "I don't think we are going anywhere anytime soon," He said.

  "What's the problem?" I asked him.

  "Those things are everywhere!" he said.

  "That's not a problem at all we can just stay here until it dies
down or when it's okay to leave we can try to look for some survivors. We have many options here. We can vote to see what everyone else thinks we should do,” I said. I turned around to ask the group what they wanted.

  "Okay everybody, we should vote for a leader and vote on what to do next. Raise your hand if you want Troy to lead us," only one person raised their hand and it was Troy.

  "Now if you want Dillon to lead us to raise your hand," No one raised their hand not even Dillon. "All right, what about me" everybody's hand was up.

  "Well, I'll be the leader then. Now we need to decide on what we are going to do next. We can either go out the back door and go to the high school and look for some survivors or we can just stay here and play it safe for now. So if you want the first choose, please raise your hand," Everybody's hand was up.

  "Okay, I guess it's time to look for some survivors," We left through the back door and walked across the grass. I was in the front and Dillon was next to me Troy was in the back Chuck and April were in the middle.

  "So what do we do if one of us gets bitten?" Dillon asked me.

  "I am not too sure, maybe we wait it out or we just kill them," I told him.

  "I think we should just kill them no point to wait and see if they are going turn or not," I shrugged my shoulders and we continued on. As we were walking up the street ten zombies followed us Troy yelled up at me. I looked behind us

  "Shut up we don't want to attract any more of them," I said.

  "What are we going to do'' Dillon asked me.

  "We can't just go down there and kill them, we would risk getting one of our own killed," I told him. I looked back again and Troy started to swing at the zombies. He connected with the first zombie’s face it fell over and Troy went to swing at another and that swing got a zombie in the head, but this time the hammer got stuck and then I started to run down the street to help him but as I did a zombie sunk his teeth into Troy's head. Troy let out a scream so bone-chilling that it gave me goosebumps. Dillon ran down the street and stabbed the zombie in the face and blood flew from the zombie. Dillon didn't hesitate to drive his knife into Troy's thick skull. I looked over at April and she started to cry. I Walked over to her and hugged her and told her we have to keep moving. Chuck was shocked and didn't say a word. When Dillon came back no one said a word to him we all just looked at him as blood dripped from his knife. As we made it to the top of the street we saw many people running out of the school, we saw our one friend Emma, she was just like April they both were very good friends. When April saw her, she ran over to her and hugged her.

  “Hey Emma do you want to come with us, we have food, water, and shelter,"

  "If you don't mind," she said.

  "Is anyone else in there" Chuck asked.

  "Yes there are a lot of people in there," she told us. I just looked at April and she looked at her friend and started to speak.

  "We have to go in there," April said. So we opened the doors and walked in.