Read Chemical X Page 4

  Chapter 4 the Drive

  When we all got up I started to tell everyone about the plan and how we were going to get one of the cars from the street and use it to drive to the cemetery. After telling the group the plan I looked over at Chuck and he began to speak. "Well sounds like a great plan and all, but who is going to drive,"

  "Me, of course, because I am the only one with any driving experience," I said.

  "How long of a drive will it be?" Emma asked.

  ''About ten minutes at the most" I said.

  "How many bitters are outside?" Chuck asked me.

  "About fifteen, maybe more," I said.

  "How do you think we are going to take them out?'' asked Chuck.

  "That's the thing we don't take them out we are going to try to sneak to the car and try to get inside of it before they see us," I told them.

  '' Sounds risky" Dillon said.

  "We can do it just trust me," I told them.

  We all slowly walked outside and saw all of the zombies. I looked over and saw the car that we are going to take. I turned back around and told everybody that's the car. Some of them nodded. I started to walk to one of the cars when one of them saw me; I instantly dropped down next to a wall. My heart started to race and I started to inhale harder. I slowly started to lift my head over the wall. When I looked over, the zombie wasn't there anymore. I sat back and looked over at my group and they weren't there my heart stopped. I started to look around and still didn't see them. Where did they go, I thought to myself. I ran back into the spot where my group was at.

  No one was there, so I went up the steps to the house. I went inside and they were not there, so I went back outside. I ran over to the car and got inside of it. When I did this something grabbed my shoulder I turned around fast and saw that it was a zombie. He grabbed onto both of my shoulders now I struggled to lift up my arm but when I did I pushed it back and grabbed out my screwdriver and stabbed it through the eye and kept stabbing it until I ran out of energy. I turned back around and sat down in the driver's seat. I looked down at my hands which were covered in blood. I wiped them off on my shirt. I started to look around for the keys until I looked down and saw the keys in and I turned it. It started up and I hit the gas pedal. You could hear the tires screeching on the cement.

  I didn't look back when I left. When I was driving, I turned right onto Pittsburgh Street and saw a massif horde of zombies. I slammed on the breaks and looked at all of the zombies. I took a deep breath in and out and pushed down on the gas and went speeding forward. I started to hit zombies left and right. I could hear the bodies hitting the car. Then, all of the sudden, the car slowly came to a stop. I hurried up and grabbed the backpack out of the back and got out of the car.