Read Chemical X Page 5

  Chapter 5 the Run

  When I got out of the car, running down the street as fast as I could I started to realize that there were too many zombies for me to take on. The zombies started to come my way I hurried up and grabbed the pistol that Mr. Anderson used and started to shoot at them. I shot the first zombie in the head and he fell over I turned around and jumped on top of a wall about seven feet high. While sitting down for a couple of minutes I realized the zombies were coming. I got up and started to run again then stopped when I reached the bridge. I stopped to catch my breath and I looked back to see how far ahead I was from the zombies. A long piece of rope was hanging from the bridge. I grabbed onto it and started to climb up it until I reached the top. I rolled over onto my back and looked into the sky. Then a zombie grabbed me and pinned me down I tried to push him off until I felt more pressure on my arms I looked past the zombies head and found that another one was on top of me I started to push back against them when I felt one of them fall off. I tried to grab the pistol it was out of reach. Then I got my arm free and grabbed the gun and shot the zombie in the head.

  I scrambled around then got up and saw all of the cars stuck on the bridge. Walking over to one of them and the windows was all dirty and you couldn't see inside of it. I went to wipe the window off when a zombie through its body against the window and in fear I shot the window and the car alarm went off. The zombie went to reach for me and I pulled my arm away and slammed its head on the shards glass. I composed myself and started to run away from the car. I slowed down when I reach the far end of the bridge. I stopped to catch my breath I grabbed out water and started to drink it. I then took a deep breath out and slumped over. Still trying to catch my breath I heard footsteps behind me I turned around fast and held my gun up. It was a tall zombie. He started to walk toward me after I made some noise. I looked at his face for a while until I realized who it was. It was Jax from my school. He was the star power forward for the high school basketball team. I was just the somewhat good point guard for the team. He had his lettermen jacket on. I sighed a little then I jumped in the air and stabbed the giant in the face. He fell to his knees and made a loud noise when doing so. I looked around for a little more, so I could figure out where I was.

  I started to walk towards the other side of the bridge. I looked at it and saw the massive pile up of cars and all the zombies surrounding it. I started to look left and right. I was trying to find an easy way around the chaos. I felt the cool breeze on my face and I smelled rotting flesh and I heard moans and groans of the zombies below me. I started to think about all of the movies and video games about the zombie outbreak. The first thing that came to my mind was in almost every movie or show they would rub zombie guts and blood on them and they would be hidden from them. I walked over to Jax's dead body and I drove my knife into his stomach and started to push it away to open up his body. I then stabbed his chest and pulled down I put my hand inside of him and pulled out his intestines and wrapped it around my neck. I then pulled out a hand full of blood and wiped it on my shirt and pants. I grabbed another hand full of blood and wiped it on my face. I turned my shirt around and wiped some on it then turned it back around I did the same to my pants. I tried hard not to breathe through my nose. I then got up and walked over the rope and started to climb down. When I got to the bottom, I walked over to the first zombie that I saw. He looked at me and started to walk toward me. He came up to me and still stared at me. He then walked past me. I exhale heavily then continued to walk into the horde of zombies.

  Every time I started to get near a zombie I started to sweat a bit. My screwdriver was in one hand and a small knife in the other getting ready for the worst to come. When I reached the other bridge I knew I was about half way there. I looked behind myself and saw the downed tanker truck that spilled the deadly Chemical X. I slowly walked over to the truck, which was flipped over on its side. I looked down and saw the green liquid I knelt down and smelled it. I came to regret this dissension. When I turned my head, I noticed a label on the truck. It had a bright yellow color to it and the words were in black they were also bolded. It was hard not to notice it. A banging sound was coming from the tank itself. Then a loud bang, it was getting so loud that it started to draw nearby walkers. I reached back and pulled out my hammer that Troy used. A walker came up from behind me and I pushed him down into the tank. A loud slam noise came out of it and he fell over I picked him back up and smashed his head into the tank and the head blow up on me and tons of blood and brain parts flow in my face. I wish I hadn't done that I thought to myself. I then pulled my shirt up and wiped my face off. I started to walk over to the other side of the truck to see where the noise was coming from. Bang, bang, bang is all I heard as I was walking around the truck. When I got to the other side there was a medium sized hole in the tank of the truck. I pulled out my flashlight and I shined it one the hole I tried my hardest to see the inside of it, but all I saw was darkness.

  Another thing I wanted to do was check the front seat for any weapons. I climbed up onto the truck. I reached down to the truck's door and pulled on the handle. Disappointment went through my body faster than a bullet coming out of a gun. My body reacted before my brain did, so I stomped on the window and my foot bounced off of the window. A jolt of pain went through my body so fast. I lost my balance and fell off of the truck and hit my head off of the hard cement. My hair felt wet, so I picked up my arm and began feeling my head. My armed dropped down and I saw that it was covered in red. I rolled over and looked up and saw a figure. I put my hand out guarding the bright sun from my face. The figure was a short and thin body I squinted my eyes and all I saw was beautiful blue eyes and long blond hair then complete darkness.