Read Chemical X Page 6

  Chapter 6 the Mysterious Figure

  The sound of voices woke me up from my deep sleep. When I opened my eyes I was tied down to a bed with gauze around my head.

  ''You took a hard hit to the head" a ladies voice told me.

  "Who are you?" I asked her.

  "My name isn't important right now, I have a couple of questions for you," she said.

  "Okay go right ahead and ask them," I said

  "First question what is your name," she asked me.

  "My name, my name is Tyler Fink," I told her.

  "Okay Tyler I have a few more questions for you," She said to me in a polite tone. "Next question, where is your group?''

  "They all left me when I needed them the most," I told her.

  "Okay, the last question have you been bitten or scratched yet?" she asked me.

  "Of course not'' I said back to her quickly.

  "Well all we can do is untie you, we aren’t going to let you in our group yet," she told me.

  I heard a large steel door being opened right after she told me this. A big muscular man came into the room and untied me and told me to stay put. I just nodded my head at the statement he made. I looked down at my wrists and saw the marks left by the rope. I started to feel them and then got up and started to walk around the room. Then the lights came on and I immediately covered my eyes. I continued to walk around the bright white room. There was a bed in the corner and a trash can in the other. On one of the walls was a window with a hole on the bottom of it. A tray of food then came through the hole. I lightly jogged over to it. I grabbed the tray in a rush. The food looked so good and smelled great. It was a fresh salad with a bottle of water and a napkin and a fork. I grabbed the fork and began to dig in I reached over and opened up the water and started to drink it. After I was done eating I wiped my arm across my face and got up and asked the lady if I could just be let go.

  "But why would you want to leave our group?" she said to me.

  "Because I am still looking for my own group," I told her.

  "By the looks of it I don't think they want you back," she said back.

  "Yeah, maybe your right but I will never stop looking until I find them all. I always told myself no man or woman left behind. So far they aren't dead nor running from me we just got split up so please let me go, I said to her assertively.

  "Fine if you want to leave so bad then we will let you go in the morning," she told me.

  "Thanks and I want all the stuff I have had when you found me"

  "Oh and what if we don't give it back to you" she answered quickly.

  "I will find out who you guys and girls are and I will kill you," I said to the woman behind the walls and the doors.

  "Well then you are an aggressive little one aren't you" then she started to laugh.

  The door opened back up and the man was back but this time, he seemed to be angry and ready to fight me. "Well let's see how you will do against the strongest guy here," she said to me.

  "That’s all you have"

  Then I grabbed down at the hidden knife I had strapped on my hip. He ran at me and I ducked down and slashed his knee cap open and blood started to ruin the beautiful white room. He fell over and let out a strange scream and I ran over and stabbed him in the throat and pull the knife across his neck and watch the blood spray on the walls and then it was silent and all you could hear is the blood bubbling up in his opened neck. The door started to close very slowly so I ran out the door before it closed.

  As I went through the door I realized that I didn't have my backpack or any of my weapons besides the knife. I looked around the corner and ran down the hall. I reached a door and I pulled on the door handle, it was locked. It was an old wooden door with the white paint peeling off and you could old colored started to emerge. I took a step back and kicked the door by its handle and it flung open and smacked the wall. The room was dark the only light I had was from the doorway and I went to the wall and started to feel it. That was until I smashed my finger along something on the wall. I had to hold in my scream because the pain was so intense all I did was hold it. I pushed on the random button on the wall and the lights started to flicker on. I turned around and in the middle was a browned stained table with my backpack on it. I ran over to it and zipped it open and I looked inside and it had all of my stuff in it. Then I thought what if this was all just a big plan and I was supposed to kill that man and reach the door and my stuff to be in it, but why would they let me kill one of their own instead of just killing me then and there. They could just be playing with me like a cat and a mouse. then it came to my mind that I didn’t have my shotgun so I started to look around the room until I heard a voice coming from the doorway asking me.

  "Are you looking for this," I turned around fast to find a young girl about five years older than me. She was wearing a new bright white shirt with white pants and white shoes.

  "Well yeah, that is kind of my gun," I told her.

  "Come and get it," She aimed the gun at me and I jumped behind the table and flipped it over and then she started to shoot at me. I started to push the table toward her and I heard her reloading she I grabbed my knife and stood up fast and throw it at her. It was like the knife was in slow motion. The knife finally hit her in the stomach she dropped faster than a bag of bricks. I walked over to and she got up fast and shot me in the shoulder I think I dropped faster than she did. She lay back down I rolled over and pushed the gun away from her and she got up and jumped onto my back and started to choke me. I pushed up and ran into the wall and spun her around and slammed her off my back. I ran over to my gun and pumped in a shell and she got up and I blasted her back to the wall. I walked over to the table and grabbed my backpack and shut off the lights and slammed the door behind me and I started to walk up and down the halls looking for and exit. After thirty minutes of looking I found another door but this time, it has a knob on it so I turned the knob and pushed on it opening the door. I covered my face because of the bright sun then a warm breeze of air.

  After going outside I had started to feel loads of pain in my shoulder. I screamed and looked over at my wound and it was bleeding through my shirt. I admittedly grabbed my shoulder. I felt behind it and I felt the bullet on the other end. I pulled my shirt off and I grabbed the bullet and started to pull but I couldn't because I was in too much pain. I put on my shirt and walked away from the building. Where in the hell am I, I thought to myself. I walked around the building and saw that I was in Cheswick. Well, at least I am closer to the cemetery I told myself.

  I started to walk toward the street and didn't see a zombie. I then stopped when I reached the road and started to think about which way I needed to go because I was not that familiar with the area. I looked down one street and saw the pool place and a medical store looked down the other street and saw a pizza shop and a bar. I started walking to the medical store it was called Harry's Med Shop. All I could hear was the crunching of rocks underneath my feet every step it got louder and louder my heart rate started to skyrocket my breathing started to get heavier and I finally got to the doors and reached out to open them and I would not open and I kept pulling and pulling nothing worked I started to get angry when I realized it said push not pulled. I had to laugh then face palm myself then I pushed on the doors and they opened with ease. I walked in and saw that it was completely dark.