Read Chicot the Jester Page 59



  Thanks to the reinforcement which had arrived, M. le Duc d'Anjoucould go where he pleased; he explored the ramparts of thesurrounding country and castles. The Angevin gentlemen foundliberty and amusement at the court of the duke, and the threefriends were soon intimate with many of these nobles, especiallythose who had pretty wives. The general joy was at its heightwhen twenty-two riding horses, thirty carriage horses, and fortymules, together with litters, carriages and wagons, arrived atAngers, all the property of the duke. We must allow that thesaddles were not paid for, and that the coffers were empty, butstill it made a magnificent effect. The duke's reputation forwealth was henceforward solidly established, and all the provinceremained convinced that he was rich enough to war against allEurope if need were, therefore they did not grudge the new taxwhich the prince imposed upon them. People never mind giving orlending to rich people, only to poor ones; therefore the worthyprince lived like a patriarch on all the fat of the land. Numerouscavaliers arrived to offer to him their adhesions, or their offersof service. One afternoon, however, about four o'clock, M. deMonsoreau arrived on horseback at the gates of Angers. He hadridden eighteen leagues that day; therefore his spurs were red,and his horse covered with foam, and half dead. They no longermade difficulties about letting strangers enter, therefore Monsoreau went straight through the city to the palace, andasked for the duke.

  "He is out reconnoitering," replied the sentinel.


  "I do not know."

  "Diable! What I have to say to him is very pressing."

  "First put your horse in the stable, or he will fall."

  "The advice is good; where are the stables?"

  As he spoke a man approached and asked for his name. M. de Monsoreaugave it. The major-domo (for it was he) bowed respectfully, forthe chief huntsman's name was well known in Anjou.

  "Monsieur," said he, "please to enter and take some repose.Monseigneur has not been out more than ten minutes, and will notbe back till eight o'clock."

  "Eight o'clock! I cannot wait so long; I am the bearer of newswhich cannot be too soon known to his highness. Can I not havea horse and a guide?"

  "There are plenty of horses, but a guide is a different thing,for his highness did not say where he was going."

  "Well, I will take a fresh horse, and try to discover him."

  "Probably you will hear where he has passed, monsieur."

  "Do they ride fast?"

  "Oh no."

  "Well, get me a horse then."

  "Will monsieur come into the stables and choose one? they allbelong to the duke." Monsoreau entered. Ten or twelve fine horses,quite fresh, were feeding from the manger, which was filled withgrain.

  Monsoreau looked over them, and then said, "I will take this bay."


  "Is that his name?"

  "Yes, and it is his highness's favorite horse. M. de Bussy gavehim to the duke, and it is quite a chance that it is here to-day."

  Ronald was soon saddled, and Monsoreau rode out of the stable.

  "In which direction did they start?" asked he.

  The man pointed it out.

  "Ma foi!" said Monsoreau, "the horse seems to know the way."

  Indeed, the animal set off without being urged, and went deliberatelyout of the city, took a short cut to the gate, and then began toaccelerate his pace: Monsoreau let him go. He went along theboulevard, then turned into a shady lane, which cut across thecountry, passing gradually from a trot to a gallop.

  "Oh!" thought Monsoreau, as they entered the woods, "one wouldsay we were going to Meridor. Can his highness be there?" andhis face grew black at the thought.

  "Oh!" murmured he, "I who was going to see the prince, and puttingoff till to-morrow to see my wife; shall I see them both at thesame time?"

  The horse went on, turning always to the right.

  "We cannot be far from the park," said he.

  At that moment his horse neighed, and another answered him. Ina minute Monsoreau saw a wall, and a horse tied to a neighboringtree.

  "There is some one," thought he, turning pale.