Read Chicot the Jester Page 60



  As M. de Monsoreau approached, he remarked the dilapidation ofthe wall; it was almost in steps, and the brambles had been tornaway, and were lying about. He looked at the horse standing there.The animal had a saddle-cloth embroidered in silver, and in onecorner an F. and an A. There was no doubt, then, that it camefrom the prince's stables; the letters stood for Francois d'Anjou.The count's suspicions at this sight became real alarm; the dukehad come here, and had come often, for, besides the horse waitingthere, there was a second that knew the way. He tied up his horsenear to the other, and began to scale the wall. It was an easytask; there were places for both feet and hands, and the branchesof an oak-tree, which hung over, had been carefully cut away.Once up, he saw at the foot of a tree a blue mantilla and a blackcloak, and not far off a man and woman, walking hand in hand,with their backs turned to the wall, and nearly hidden by thetrees. Unluckily, with M. de Monsoreau's weight a stone fellfrom the wall on the crackling branches with a great noise.

  At this noise the lovers must have turned and seen him, for thecry of a woman was heard, and a rustling of the branches as theyran away like startled deer. At this cry, Monsoreau felt colddrops on his forehead, for he recognized Diana's voice. Full offury, he jumped over the wall, and with his drawn sword in hishand, tried to follow the fugitives, but they had disappeared,and, there was not a trace or a sound to guide him. He stopped,and considered that he was too much under the influence of passionto act with prudence against so powerful a rival. Then a sublimeidea occurred to him; it was to climb back again over the wall,and carry off with his own the horse he had seen there. He retracedhis steps to the wall and climbed up again; but on the otherside no horse was to be seen; his idea was so good, that beforeit came to him it had come to his adversary. He uttered a howlof rage, clenching his fists, but started off at once on foot.In two hours and a half, he arrived at the gates of the city,dying with hunger and fatigue, but determined to interrogateevery sentinel, and find out by what gate a man had entered withtwo horses. The first sentinel he applied to said that, abouttwo hours before, a horse without a rider had passed throughthe gate, and had taken the road to the palace; he feared someaccident must have happened to his rider. Monsoreau ground histeeth with passion, and went on to the castle. There he found greatlife and gaiety, windows lighted up, and animation everywhere. Hewent first to the stable, and found his horse in the stall hehad taken him from; then, without changing his dress, he wentto the dining-room. The prince and all his gentlemen were sittinground a table magnificently served and lighted. The duke, whohad been told of his arrival, received him without surprise,and told him to sit down and sup with him.

  "Monseigneur," replied he, "I am hungry, tired, and thirsty; butI will neither eat, drink, nor sit down till I have deliveredmy important message."

  "You come from Paris?"

  "Yes, in great haste."

  "Well, speak."

  Monsoreau advanced, with a smile on his lips and hatred In hisheart, and said, "Monseigneur, your mother is advancing hastilyto visit you."

  The duke looked delighted. "It is well," said he; "M. de Monsoreau,I find you to-day, as ever, a faithful servant; let us continueour supper, gentlemen."

  Monsoreau sat down with them, but gloomy and preoccupied. Hestill seemed to see the two figures among the trees, and to hearthe cry of Diana.

  "You are overcome with weariness," said the prince to him, "really,you had better go to bed."

  "Yes," said Livarot, "or he will go to sleep in his chair."

  "Pardon, monseigneur, I am tired out."

  "Get tipsy," said Antragues; "there is nothing so good when youare tired. To your health, count!"

  "You must give us some good hunts," said Ribeirac, "you know thecountry."

  "You have horses and woods here," said Antragues.

  "And a wife," added Livarot.

  "We will hunt a boar, count," said the prince.

  "Oh, yes, to-morrow!" cried the gentlemen.

  "What do you say, Monsoreau?"

  "I am always at your highness's orders, but I am too much fatiguedto conduct a chase to-morrow; besides which, I must examine thewoods."

  "And we must leave him time to see his wife," cried the duke.

  "Granted," cried the young men; "we give him twenty-four hoursto do all he has to do."

  "Yes, gentlemen, I promise to employ them well."

  "Now go to bed," said the duke, and M. de Monsoreau bowed, andwent out, very happy to escape.