Read Christopher's Journey: Sometimes it takes being lost to find yourself Page 28

  Chapter 17

  The snow ceased to fall so hard and the days got slightly warmer.

  “It’s not over yet.” Mrs. Browley announced from the stove as if reading Chris’ mind. “March is like this, it likes to tease us with the thoughts of spring but we’ll get dumped on again. I can almost guarantee it.”

  Chris smiled at her knowing exactly what she was talking about. He was accustomed to the weather patterns of Coar, after all, he’d lived his entire life here. They’ve gotten snow in late May before when in other years, that same day was 85 degrees. It just never could be predicted. It was learned to always expect the unexpected.

  It had been two months since the blizzard and Chris was finally completely back to himself. His strength returned at a snails pace and Chris understood what Priscilla had gone through going stir crazy in bed.

  Hanna began to cling to him desperately with the fear of losing him. "I've almost lost you twice, once before I even knew how much I loved you." she repeated to him on several occasions. "I know the Lord was with you and if it was His will to take you..." She never seemed to be able to finish the sentence. She only allowed the words to linger and float off into space.

  The words from his love devastated Chris as he remembered briefly begging God to take him. He couldn't bear to watch her heart crumble, so he kept that prayer a secret. God had a plan for him and it was apparent that Chris still had work to do.

  It was weeks after the storm that Chris was informed by the family that he had been down and mostly unconscious for almost two weeks and it had been explained by the doctor that he had been suffering from pneumonia. “A case this severe would kill even a young and healthy person. You’re a strong lad, Chris. Someone up there must like you.” he recalled the doctor saying to him the day he headed back to Shorlin.

  Chris did feel blessed. He struggled with many thoughts, however, of why. He felt he knew why he’d been struck down by the tornado. To get his attention. It worked, it got Chris’ attention but he felt he was doing so well. Why the blizzard? Was it just bad timing? Did God want to tell him that he was still dependant and should have sought help from the Browley’s instead?

  Another thought chilled him to his toes. Maybe it wasn’t God after all. The fact that he’d been growing closer to his creator and working diligently on improving his environment and himself, this could have been an attack from the enemy.

  The fact that God got him through the ordeal steered Chris away from thinking that He had anything to do with creating the occurrence. Chris was attacked and God had saved him, he remembered knowing God was with him. He felt the sheet was not a piece of cloth that protected him but it was Christ himself laying over him whispering ‘I will not leave you.’ His prayer was answered when Mr. Browley had come looking for him. If the family assumed that he had stayed at home, why come looking? The Lord had sent him.

  “I pushed down the feeling of having to come after you.” Mr. Browley stated one evening after. “I fought in my head whether it was even necessary but then realized that it wasn’t a fight within myself, I was fighting the word of God. If I had waited only an hour longer, I may not be telling you this today.”

  Chris felt like he wanted to stick out his tongue and gloat to the devil for trying his hardest for no reason. Chris didn’t dare. He wasn’t sure if that was what had happened and knew he never completely would but a prideful feeling consumed him knowing that the Almighty was on his side and he had conquered all.

  Chris’ thoughts snapped back into reality when he felt soft, tender arms reach around him from behind. Hanna gave him a big squeeze as Chris gently grazed his lips across her hand. She glided around him and took a seat next to him. A soft but gleaming smile spread on her face lighting up her eyes as she gazed at Chris lovingly.

  “So, less than two months until the big day, you two.” Mrs. Browley proudly stated.

  “Speaking of which..” came a voice from the doorway behind them. “I’d like to speak with all of you in the parlor if you don’t mind.” Mr. Browley announced.

  Nervously, Chris slowly rose to his feet, pushed in his dining chair and took Hanna’s hand as they walked into the parlor.

  Mrs. Browley came up behind them drying her hands on her apron, taking her spot in one of the two rocking chairs. Mr. Browley took his rocking chair as Hanna and Chris sat side by side on the sofa.

  “Do you know what this is all about?” Chris whispered to Hanna who only shook her head, no.

  “Sooo,” Mr. Browley began with a sharp exhale. “I know you two are making wedding plans, your ma, here has told me some of the things you’d worked on with her. I sat you two down today because I’d like to know what the plans are for where you both are going to live and how you’re going to make your living, son.”

  Chris looked at Hanna with wide eyes seeing that she was returning the expression.

  “I want to be a farmer.” Chris stated. “I guess I hadn’t thought about my own land. I have nothing to buy outright with.”

  “Well, you certainly cannot stay here forever. When you two are married, it’s time to fly the coop.” Mrs. Browley added.

  Chris and Hanna fell silent.

  “That’s what I figured.” Mr. Browley said with a smile. “The missus and I have been talking and we would like to give you your wedding gift early. The property that the sod house sits on, the entire lot I bought from Mr. Horton, we’d like to give to you. Chris, you have worked so hard for us and have overly paid your dues, I’d like to offer the supplies you need to build a house. Mr. and Mrs. Moyor have also graciously offered supplies for a barn as a wedding gift and at our last town meeting, almost every hand went up for volunteers for labor. It seems you’ve made a name for yourself in this town and it is a good name.”

  Chris’ eyes welled up a bit hearing about this immense generosity, not only from the Browleys but from the entire town. He could hear the pride ringing out of Mr. Browley’s voice and it touched him deeply.

  Hanna jumped a little in her seat as she squeezed Chris’ hand.

  “Sir, I... uh, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say, thank you, son. You’ve earned it and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my little girl. Now it is your responsibility to furnish your own team and seeds. Mr. Moyor will extend you credit to pay for them with your first harvest. You just make sure you’re a man of your word or you will forever lose your credibility in this town.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.” Chris said with a smile.

  “and I can help making stuff for the inside.” Priscilla shrieked as she bounced into the room.

  “Young lady, it is not polite to eavesdrop. Now, go on back upstairs.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Priscilla said, hanging her head down and turning toward the steps. Her quick and rambunctious ascend, however, announced that she was still as excited.

  “One last bit of business.” Mr. Browley stated, turning back to the young couple. “With gardens and crops going in, the town preparing their land and just the hustle and bustle of the spring, I was thinking that the wedding should be postponed a month or two. It wouldn’t be fair to the people to ask so much of them.”

  Both Hanna and Chris looked at one another shaking their heads.

  “This date is significant, pa.” Hanna exclaimed.

  “It really is, sir. It is significant to me especially.”

  “How so?” Mrs. Browley asked.

  “It’s the one year anniversary of my arrival here.” Chris began. “The day I arrived here did not seem significant then and I was actually very angry and bitter about being here but everything that has happened since has been a calling from God, a true blessing and I would, now, not have it any other way. I would not be the person I am right now without my mysterious travel here and I thank God for it everyday. It just seemed appropriate to marry the one I love on that same day. The significant day of the end of one chapter and
the beginning of the rest of my life.” Chris grabbed Hanna’s hand and smiled softly at her.

  “A significant day, indeed.” Mrs. Browley said, wiping the corner of her eyes with her apron.

  “I will see what I can do, then.” Mr. Browley stated. “We’ll have to begin the house and barn at the first sign of the spring thaw.”

  "It seems we have a mass of birthdays coming up." Mr. Browley stated at supper the next night.

  Priscilla began hopping in her seat. "Mine is first." she squealed.

  "You have one coming up also, don't you Chris? In May?" Mrs. Browley asked.

  "The 1st." he replied with a nod.

  "You will certainly be included in our celebration, then. It works out wonderfully that you fall into the area of the children's birthdays for we combine the three and have one big party. Priscilla's and Mason's birthdays are only eleven days apart, March 28th and April 8th, then a few weeks later on April 23rd is Hanna's."

  Chris glanced over and smiled at Hanna. They had already told one another when their birthdays were and Chris remembered hers since it was only about a week prior to his.

  "How are we going to plan the celebration this year, George?"

  "You're right, we normally have the party the first week of May but with the wedding that week, it would be too much for us and the town." Mr. Browley scratched his chin.

  "We'll figure something out. It's not usual to have so many things going on, on top of the normal spring preparation work. It's all such grand happenings, though, it needs to be tended to with happiness and full of thankfulness." Mrs. Browley stated.

  "Ma?" Priscilla hesitantly spoke. "Instead of a large birthday celebration, why don't we just have our closest friends over for supper and a grand cake for us all. I mean if that's ok with you, Mason and Hanna. Chris, you too."

  Mrs. Browley threw her husband an impressed look.

  "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Priscilla." Mr. Browley stated. "Mason, Hanna, Chris?"

  "That sounds good to me." Hanna replied.

  "I wasn't expecting any sort of celebration, so a dinner would be fine." Chris answered.

  Mason, however, looked a bit disappointed. He looked around the table to see all eyes on him then drew in a deep breath. "Can we have a layered cake?" He asked his ma.

  "Of course." she said with a smile.

  "Okay, then." Mason smiled.

  "It's settled. The sooner, the better." Mr. Browley stated in a positive roar.