Read Christopher's Journey: Sometimes it takes being lost to find yourself Page 29

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  Two weeks later, the family sat down with their guests around the cramped table. Each of them had brought the chairs down from their bedrooms and arranged them the best they could. Some having to sit at each corner. Mason invited his friend, James and Priscilla asked her friend from school, Sophie to join them for dinner. Mrs. Browley invited the Moyors to join them as well.

  "I asked Ms. Rougen if she would like to come for supper. She was going to see if she could make it." Hanna told her mother as they prepared the meal. "It's funny how I see her differently than just a teacher since I've spent so much time working with her. It makes it even sadder that she's leaving us this summer."

  "That's why it is important to know people on the inside." Mrs. Browley answered. "I hope she finds the time to come."

  A soft knock sounded on the front door as the family was settling down for the prayer.

  "I'll get it." Hanna jumped up. She opened the door to find Ms. Elizabeth Rougen struggling with several packages.

  "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to finish up some paperwork and then pick these up." Ms. Rougen explained allowing Hanna to take some of her load.

  "What's all of this?" Mrs. Browley asked jumping up from her seat to help.

  "Oh, just some gifts for the children."

  "You didn't have to do that, Elizabeth." Mrs. Browley stated.

  "It's not much, Ruth, they are some of my personal things that I wanted them to have anyway. I want to leave a small piece of myself here so that I am remembered. I'm going to miss the children terribly." Ms. Rougen explained as her eyes slightly welled up.

  "That was very thoughtful of you." Mr. Browley smiled at her. "We saved a place for you, we all hoped you'd make it."

  Ms. Rougen took her spot to the left of Hanna. As the group said their hello's, they settled down into the prayer.

  "Our dear Lord Jesus. We thank you for this day and the food you have provided for us. We thank you that we are able to have our good friends here to help us celebrate the greatest gift you've given each of us, the gift of life. You are a kind and merciful God who loves and cherishes us, therefore, we are eternally grateful. Please bless this home, all who live here and all who leave here tonight to travel home. In your holy name, we pray... Amen."

  "Amen." Echoed through the room as everyone helped finish the prayer.

  The table buzzed with forks clinking on plates and random chattering amongst each member of the family and their guests.

  A moment of silence deafened the room until Mrs. Browley spoke up. "So, Ms. Rougen. How is Hanna doing with her studies?"

  "Oh, remarkably well." Ms. Rougen said pride-fully, smiling at Hanna. "I do believe this is her calling. There was barely anything to teach her that she didn't already know. She's a natural with the children and I see no problems with her passing her graduating test next week."

  Hanna blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment with all of the praise and compliments.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. Browley squealed. “She told me she was doing fine but never of how incredible she was progressing.”

  “Maaa.” Hanna stated, blushing again. Chris nudged her arm with his and threw her a smile.

  “Yes, indeed. I see no problems with her taking over the school come fall. I’m looking forward to seeing my family and being close to them again but it’s breaking my heart to leave Coar. It was such a hard decision but one that had to be made. God made it quite clear where he wanted me.”

  “We will miss you too, Ms. Rougen.” Sophie added. She then quickly turned to Hanna. “I’m glad you’ll be the new teacher, though, rather than a stranger coming in.”

  “Thank you Sophie.” Hanna stated in a warm voice.

  Chris straightened his wrinkled brow. He had not heard anything said after Ms. Rougen’s last comment and could not let it rest until he asked. “Excuse me, Ms. Rougen. I don’t mean to get too personal but how did you know where God wanted you? I mean, you said it was clear. How did you see the clarity?”

  A slightly puzzled look came over Ms. Rougen’s face. She looked deep in thought then smiled at Chris. “I listened.” she simply said.

  “May I ask what you heard?” Chris asked without even thinking about it first.

  “I prayed for God to guide me where He wanted me to go. It seemed at first that I wasn’t getting an answer until one day I received a letter from my family about a teacher position open. The perfect position that does not come about often. I then prayed about my school, here in Coar. Shortly after, the younger grades were having a hard time understanding their arithmetic. Without having been asked to do so, Hanna rose and began working with each student one by one until they understood. That’s when I saw my new teacher. Some of God’s answers are not screamed in your face, you need to keep your eyes and heart open to what He is telling you. Did I answer your question?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Chris replied. “I have been trying to figure out what God wants from me since He sent me here. I know I’m where I belong, now but it was hard to find the right direction.”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” Ms. Rougen stated as she pushed out her chair and went for the packages by the front door. “Like I said, these are my personal things that I wanted you all to have. They have all come from my family. I would feel honored if you accepted them.”

  She handed out the packages as each one ripped into them. “A dip pen and ink well for Priscilla, a dictionary that has been in my family for years for Mason, my teacher book bag for Hanna and Chris... I didn’t know why, but I felt compelled to give this to you. After talking with you this evening, I know why.” She handed Chris a small box. “This was my father’s.” she said with a single tear and a smile.

  Chris opened the box to see what looked like a pocket watch. He clicked the side to open it but instead of the time, he saw N, E, S, W with a spinning needle in the center. “A compass.” he stated quietly.

  “God is always your compass but as a symbol of that guidance, I want you to have this.”

  “It’s wonderful. I love it. Thank you.”

  “Happy Birthday to you all.” Ms. Rougen stated with a cracked voice. “I’m sure the cake is wonderful, but I must excuse myself and bid you all a good night.” She nodded to Mr. Browley and Chris but made her way around giving everyone else a short but tight hug.

  Chris was touched with the selflessness of the woman he barely knew. She could have taken all of these possessions with her to Minneapolis but decided to give them to people she cared for. She gave Chris much more than a nice silver compass, she gave him a little clarity for what he was looking for. Something he knew he already found but still doubted.

  ‘How could someone like me be so blessed?’ he often wondered. Chris stood back from the crowd and observed the family. ‘How could I possibly have doubts? Why would I want to be anywhere else?’

  Priscilla ran over and grabbed Chris by the hand dragging him back to the table. “C’mon, Chris. Time to blow out the candles... this is your cake, too.” She happily stated.

  The warm, soft lighted room rang out in song as each of them sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to one another. When they got to the part to say their names, everyone scattered out all four of the names in different orders causing a jumble of words. In an eruption of laughter, they couldn’t even finish the song.

  When the uncontrollable giggles ceased, Priscilla, Mason, Hanna and Chris gathered around to snuff out the candles together.

  “Make a wish.” Mrs. Browley said.

  Chris took another look around the room. What could he possibly wish for that he didn’t already have?