Read Chronicles of Lay the Search of the Black Crystal Page 2

ourselves," George said. "We can?" Jack asked. "Yes," Lay answered. The king gave Lay and his friends his blessing and said, "May you get what you are looking for and come back safely and have a great adventure." The king continued, "My men and I will leave tomorrow while you go on with your journey to the temple of Tot. My men and I will go back home." The following day the king and his men went back to Vicar while Lay and his friends went round the wall. After a day of walking Lay got frustrated and ran towards the wall, striking it ten times. Suddenly, the wall vanished. Lay and his friends were utterly surprised. "We should go back and tell king Voile," Lay said. "No, they're a day's march away. Let's send a pigeon with a message." George suggested. They used their only pigeon to send the message and finally went through the area that the wall had blocked. Jack asked, "What if something bad happens to us like being captured by the demon knights and taken to Flex." George answered while looking very confident, "There is nothing to worry about, besides the king gave us his blessing and Lay’s sword can sense evil and we have all eaten the herb that Sacra gave us. These will protect us from the demon’s magical weapons." Mary, appearing very bored, said "Stop boring us George, with those long speeches you are making." Lay said hurriedly, "The sword, it’s glowing again." Everybody stopped in shock. Jack said funnily, "Prepare to battle." Mary said, "It is not funny we can be killed." Suddenly, a squadron of demon knights attacked them from no ware, but since they had eaten the herb nothing could happen to them for their magical weapons did not harm them. They started fighting. Five soldiers descended on Lay mercilessly but the were defeated by him. The demon knights realized that their weapons were not working. The commander of the demon squadron said cunningly, "We surrender, we will finish you of latter and you will have no chance of defeating us." They went away laughing very hard. George said, " We have defeated them." Mary said, "That was too easy it may be a trap." "It can’t be a trap after all that energy we have wasted on fighting them," Jack said lazily. "Can you shut up! You are acting like a child." Mary said angrily. They set camp there and hoped that they will be safe during the night.

  Unfortunately, Lay’s sword glowed after every ten minutes. The stayed awake the whole night keeping guard. Mary asked, "Why is this happening tonight after all that fighting we did in the afternoon." "I do not know, maybe they are trying to make us tired so they can defeat us tomorrow," Gorge said angrily. Suddenly, a group of evil spirits attacked them at night. Luckily the sword that Lay was given was magical and protected them from the spells that the evil spirits cast upon them. Afterwards, four demon scouts came to where they set camp and attacked them. They each fought one of the demons matching them four on four. One of the demons said with disbelief, "How are you able to defeat us? We are stronger than you young people." Lay said, "You better get used to it. Though we are teens, we are quite strong." It came down to the head of the small group of demons and Lay to fight each other. The head demon (Sinton) said to Lay, "You can’t defeat me mortal." Lay said, "Yes I can." And Lay stabbed him with his magic sword and Sinton died immediately. Suddenly, Lay’s sword stopped glowing and finally Lay and his friends could go to sleep (It was one hour before sunrise).

  It was finally morning and Lay and his friends headed to the temple of Tot. On the way they met an old man and Lay asked him, "What are you doing here you should be at the land of Lord Voile. The old man said, "I am the brother of the demon Flex." Mary asked, "If you are the brother of the demon Flex, why are you very old?" The old man said, "I am very old because I have lived for centuries." Then Lay said happily, "If you are this old then that means that the demon Flex will be too old to fight us." Afterwards, Mary asked him, "What is your name old man." The old man replied, "My name is Simon." Then Simon looked back to Lay and said, "The demon Flex is not as week as me because he took all my immortality and all my powers." Jack said looking confused, "You mean we are fighting an immortal!" Mary said to Jack, "Isn’t it obvious that a demon who has lived for generations is immortal." They left the old man alone but before they went far, Lay had an idea. Lay went to Simon and asked, "How can Flex be defeated?" Simon answered him, "Yes there is a way but I can't tell you, you must find the way yourself." Lay asked him, "But how?" Simon replied, "Use your heart and you will know the way." At that moment, Simon went into the mist and magically disappeared.

  They continued their journey to the temple of Tot. After hours of walking they could see the temple from a distance. There were demon guards everywhere. They went along the bushes as they came nearer to the guards. When they finally reached them they attacked. The demons didn’t know what hit them. Some tried to fight back but they were defeated. Some ran away and others fought. It was a battle between humans and demons. Lay and his friends soon defeated the guards of the temple of Tot. They entered the temple and Mary said, "This is a very large temple, how will we find the black crystal." Then Lay remembered what Simon said before he disappeared. Lay said to everybody, "Remember what Simon said," Mary said, "We remember. He said, 'use your heart to know the way' ." Then Gorge said, "That’s it! The heart of the temple is the top of the temple, which means the black crystal is there. Flex is at the top of the temple!" They hurried to the top of the temple. Hoping to get the black crystal and defeat the demon Flex. When they reached the half way point of the stairway, they were surprised to see a gateway portal and that the rest of the stairway was missing. They each went in hoping nothing bad will happen to them. The gateway transported them to the top of the temple where Flex and a couple demon knights attacked them. They fought and finally won them. The demon flex was the only one who remained. Lay told his friends to get out of the temple for Flex had destabilized it and it was about to collapse in a few minutes. "What about you Lay?" Mary asked. "Don’t worry about me just go." Lay demanded. His friends went through the time portal and out of the temple.

  After that Flex said to Lay, "You will never defeat me." Then Lay remembered the one and only thing he was taught by his grandfather when he was a small boy in the village in Zun. He realized that the way to defeat Flex was to throw him off the temple. The magical temple had three stages of fall. The first stage sealed off ones powers, the second took one's soul to limbo and the third turned one's body to ash thus the ultimate death. They started fighting and Lay took the crystal that was there at the roof and stabbed Flex in the heart while pushing him off the temple. Flex fell down the temple and died. Soon after, the temple collapsed and fell to the ground. Lay’s friends started to mourn for him. At that moment, Lay came out of the cloud of dust that engulfed the site holding a dark green crystal.

  Mary was so glad to see Lay that she went and hugged him. "I thought you were dead," she said. "This crystal brought me here before the castle collapsed," Lay replied while showing the crystal to his friends. George complemented by saying, "It must be a very powerful crystal. But it is not black." Suddenly, Sacra's face appeared in the crystal. Sacra said, "You have past the first test. Not many people have succeeded in passing the test. There is one more crystal left for you to get." Lay interrupted by saying, "The black crystal!" Sacra continued, "No, be patient young boy. The real castle of Tot will appear when you join the dark green and dark yellow crystals together at the stone tablet of Tot. They will join and make a blue diamond shaped crystal, which will enter the stone tablet and open the doorway to the temple of Tot. I shall guide you by the power of the crystal you have in your possession." Suddenly, Flex appeared in-front of them, looking fit as ever, and said, "The only way to kill me is at the real temple of Tot. That was at the abandoned temple of Lira. We shall meet again young mortal." And with a evil laugh he suddenly vanished.

  "Great we are stuck with that guy forever," George said. "Look at the bright side, we are not dead." Jack said jokingly. Sacra suddenly appeared in the dark green crystal and said, "The four of you must hurry and go to one of the castles of the demon Flex and retrieve the dark yellow crystal right now. You must follow the directions the crystal will give to you." At that moment, the army of demo
n nights that they fought in the castle immediately appeared. Lay’s sword glowed brighter than ever. They drew their weapons and charged. The demons out numbered them. The demons rounded them up and held their swords high up ready to finish them off. In the nick of time just before the demons killed Lay, Mary, George and Jack, the crystal flew up and hundreds of lightning bolts struck the demons, killing them instantly. Jack said, "Wow! The crystal helped us." Mary commented, "It must be a very powerful crystal." George said, "That crystal can fight for us. Look at it this way. We won’t have to use a single muscle." Lay replied, "Maybe, maybe not. It could be deciding by itself when we need help or when we do not need help from it." They continued with their journey to find the dark yellow crystal.

  On the way they found a peace of rock, it was black and yet quite shiny. They wondered whether it could be the dark crystal. Immediately, Sacra appeared in the peace of rock and said, "Do not touch this rock, it changes someone’s character to be evil and