Read Chronicles of Lay the Search of the Black Crystal Page 3

unjust." He quickly disappeared. "Oh my!” George exclaimed, “ We could have died at the power of that piece of rock.” "For an old man Sacra appears quite a lot," Jack said. They went on with their journey in search of the dark yellow crystal, which they would join together with the dark green crystal to make the dark blue crystal, which they were destined to find.

  They walked hastily fearing an attack from a demon in the area. Mary held up her head firmly and shouted, “A sand storm!” The sand storm came upon them with a fierce wind. Within no time the sand storm engulfed them. Everything went blank. Lay woke up finding himself in a vast chamber underneath the earth. Mary was jerked out of her deep slumber by Lay’s screams. Sacra appeared in the form of a ghost intent on avenging its death in-front of the four young children. Lay said, “I am glad to see you.” Sacra said, “For the rest of your journey you shall not manage without powers. I shall give you each your own powers according to the way I see you. For you Lay, I shall give you the power of the sphere and then you will be able to remove balls of fire and lightning from the palm of your hand.” A magical flash of light struck Lay on his chest and suddenly Lay was as powerful as Flex. Sacra continued, “For you Jack, you shall have the power of a wizard and with it the wizard’s wand that you will use to cast your spells. A wand appeared on Jack’s right hand. Sacra said, “For Mary and George I give both of you the same power. You will be able to control gravity.” With those words Sacra made a bright vortex appear and the children passed through it. The children appeared in a barren land. There was a thick fog. They could hardly see a thing. They heard a stampede coming towards them. From a distance they could see a large army with the greatest number of demons they had ever seen in their lives. Large clouds came over them with fierce winds. Sounds of thunder could be heard and the lightning struck the ground with enormous strength. Everyone was paralyzed with fear at the sight of the large army of demon knights headed by Lord Brenot, the spirit of the lost world. The great army came to an abrupt stop surrounding the four children. “Wow! That's a huge army,” George said with a trembling voice. “This is your last day in this godforsaken world,” Lord Brenot (the leader) hissed menacingly. Lay was struck by a bolt lightning and fell on the ground. Shortly after, he passed out. He woke up and he found himself in a vast desert. His three friends were awake. They went north with the help of Karat, the ruler of the skies. "What happened?" Lay asked. "Well....I...sort of....I asked Karat for help and he took us away from the attack." Jack answered. "Who's Karat?" Lay asked. "He's a giant owl that I saved once when he was small. I can only contact him once a year and only if there's an emergency." Jack answered. "I can't believe you never told us about that bird," Mary said. They came to an abundant village near a small, narrow river. Lay’s sword glowed brightly after a loud whistle penetrated the crisp, dry desert air. An old man appeared in-front of Lay and his friends. The old man had a long beard and held a long walking stick with his right hand. Lay drew his sword but the old man made the sword float in the air like a light feather from a desert bird then said calmly, “I do not want to fight with you children.” He continued, “I just need your help to defeat the evil spirit that has been terrorizing my village." Mary asked politely, “Where is the evil spirit found?” The old man replied, “The evil spirit is at the peak of Therese, up the great mountain of the desert, Mount Purtan. Take this potion and defeat it. The four youngsters trekked to the peak of Mount Purtan not aware of the dangers they were going to encounter at the great mountain.

  On their arrival at the peak of the great mountain, a great fog darkened the blue sky. Lay’s sword glowed brighter than ever. A spirit appeared in-front of Lay and laughed hysterically. “ Who dares come to my lair?” the evil spirit asked. Lay drew his magic sword and said, “We come here to destroy you and to lift the curse that you have put on the people of the village. "The evil spirit roared and transformed into three great beasts. Lay charged and jumped in order to kill one of the beasts. Unfortunately, the beast hit him with great force and Lay fell down on the hot desert sand. The beast came to where Lay was lying and lifted up its front paw then dropped it in order to kill Lay. Jack ran as fast as he could, leaped forward and drew his sword. He went under the beast and thrust the sword in the beast’s chest. He was happy for he prevented the beast from killing Lay. Mary took a bottle from her pocket and poured the potion inside the bottle on the beast. They were amazed when the beast fell down and died. The beast burned and the other two beasts burned up into ashes too. The fog lifted and the sun’s rays shone brightly on the desert. They went back to the abundant village by the river. They were perturbed to see a lot of people in the village dancing and singing songs of joy. The old man appeared in front of them and he said, “Thank you for saving my wonderful village. I shall give you four teenagers each a great gift. For the three boys I give you wisdom and great strength and for the only girl I give you great wisdom and the power of great speed in your fighting." The entire village thanked them. The four continued with their search of the black crystal. They were very happy for they had succeeded in doing a very hard task that no one from where they came has ever done. Suddenly, a gigantic creature appeared in-front of them. The creature had four heads, it had four large paws with sharp claws and two inscribed marks on its left paw. “I recognize those marks on the beast’s left paw, it is one of Flex’s demon creatures," Lay said. The gigantic beast jumped up and let out a terrifying roar. It looked straight into Lay’s eyes and said with a terrifying voice, “ I have been commanded by the demon Flex to kill you four teenagers.” With those words it removed its claws and it charged. Lay drew his sword. He was surprised when he hit the beast. The strength the old man from the village gave him was so great that the hit from Lay's sword threw the terrifying beast yards away. The rest of the group got enough courage to fight the great beast. The beast was filled with great fear. It let out a loud scream. Two other beasts came upon hearing the loud scream from the great beast. The teenagers ran for their lives. Fortunately they saw a cave. They entered the cave and hoped that the beasts would leave them alone. One of the beasts tried to put its hand in the cave but was surprised to remove nothing. Its paw was cut off its leg. The four teenagers went deeper into the cave. It was cold and misty in the cave. They were very scared of the dangers that they could encounter in the cave. A shadow passed right by them. They could see red glowing eyes on the walls of the cave. A loud howl was heard and a pack of wolves with very sharp fangs chased the teenagers. They drew their weapons and started to kill the wolves one by one. The surviving members of the pack fled. The four teenagers hurried to find the exit out of the cave. Fortunately, they could see sunlight enter the cave through a very narrow hole. “We are saved.” George said happily. They ran as fast as they could to the small hole. They used their swords to widen the hole and got out of the cave unharmed. Sacra appeared in the crystal and said, “I have a task for you. I want you to go to the plain of warriors and take the forbidden stone, which might help you find the black crystal.” He immediately disappeared. They then set off to the plain of warriors.

  They travelled day and night by the guidance of Sacra and the moon of the night. They travelled through the cold winter, facing all odds. They arrived at the plain of warriors in the season of spring. At that moment, a great army of the un-dead came to them and attacked them. They had never seen an army of dead warriors before. In Vicar the undead were a myth. They drew their weapons and charged at the undead army. Suddenly, a ball of energy was floating in the air. Clouds of thunder darkened the pale blue sky. The teenagers were amazed to see the dead warriors turn to dust right in-front of their eyes. The ball of energy turned into a crystal and fell onto George’s palm. “It was the crystal that has saved us.” Lay said very surprised. A piece of stone came out of the ground. Sacra appeared in his physical form and said, “Give me the stone.” Lay gave him the stone and Sacra tapped it with his finger and the piece of stone turned into a scroll. They tried to read the language inscribed on the scroll
about the black crystal. They were surprised to see a spirit of an old man appear in the scroll. The old man said, “I will tell you about the scroll,” he continued, “The scroll was written by three powerful wizards from the great abyss where they were imprisoned. They escaped by combining their powers together and destroying the force that was imprisoning them. They came to this plain and wrote the direction to the dark yellow crystal which when combined with the dark green crystal at the stone tablet of Tot will turn into the black crystal and it will also open the gateway to the temple of Tot. You must follow the moon in the night and the clouds in the day.” With those words the spirit disappeared.

  The teenagers went to the tablet of Tot, following the direction the spirit gave them. They followed the clouds in the day and the moon in the night for ten days days until they came to a vast land with old ruins. They could see a great army near the temple of Tot from a distance. They were surprised to find out