Read Church Blood Page 6

  Moss looked up and saw Special Agent Tim Solder scanning the room. He spotted Moss and with a slight nod, acknowledged his presence and walked over. Moss shook his hand and introduced Miles. Tim wasn’t real happy to meet with a journalist but after he found out that Miles was a good source of information, warmed to the relationship. Especially when he found out that connection to the Cardinal Guccilio came from Miles and his staff.

  Moss said, “I saw a guy here that I recognize but can’t place him. He knows me and has seen me twice now. He checked in while I was waiting for Miles. Strangely enough he was carrying his own golf clubs. The last time I saw him was just a few minutes ago before you came in. He walked in, saw me, turned and left the way he came. There’s something suspicious about the guy and sooner rather later I will place him.”

  “To bring you up to date. The hit in North Carolina was a clean get away. We have agents pouring over videos from the airports and the other means of travel. Our best guess is he took Amtrak as it provides the best method of not being seen. One can board and hide away for a long time then slip out almost unseen. If the hit man is here in Phoenix then we’ll examine closely the video from Maricopa. What we would like Moss, if you would come to our office and view the video to see if the man you saw here fits the man from Amtrak.”

  “Sure. Glad to help. Let’s go if you’re ready Tim. Miles let’s meet up for dinner.”

  “Dinner at seven pm sound good to me Moss. Would you care to join us Agent Tim?” asked Miles.

  “If I can make it I will, but as you know, our lives are not our own when you work for the government.”

  Moss thought of the word ‘functional’ would fit the FBI office in Phoenix. It really lacked any warmth or friendliness from the moment you walked through the door. Polite frisking and through a metal detector made one feel like you had your picture on the post office wall, looking grim as hell.

  Blindly Moss followed Agent Tim to a room where a staff of agents was viewing a video. Introduction of Moss by Agent Tim was greeted by a nod of welcome. Tim said, “Let’s run the video from when the Amtrak train arrives at Maricopa until it leaves again. Moss sat at the head of the table as the video or mediocre quality began. The train seemed long to Moss and then it occurred to him the last time he saw a similar train was in Oklahoma sitting at a crossing rather lost looking for Stanley.

  Then it hit him. He remembered seeing a blonde haired guy looking out the window with a stare fixed on Moss. That was indeed the same person who walked into the hotel and checked in just ahead of Miles. Now having established that fact, Moss concentrated on seeing if the new suspect departed the train in Maricopa. Was this the break they needed? Moss by now was up on the edge of the chair staring hard at the video.

  Then he saw him striding with purpose to the station. He carried a large duffel bag and that was all. Moss said to Agent Tim, “That’s him Tim. The guy with a large duffel bag.” Moss had never viewed such activity as with that statement he just made. In seconds the picture was frozen, blown up and in no time was computer enhanced to reveal a very clear and distinct likeness of the man.

  Moss felt very old at that moment as the hub of activity went by him like a sports car with its top down. Even if he put the Rover to the test, it would be lost in the vacuum left by the newer model. Moss stood up and Tim gave him the high sign to follow him. After a long walk and up a special elevator, Tim knocked on an unmarked door. A deep throated “enter” was heard and Tim slowly opened the door to a very spacious, but functional office. From behind the desk stood the Regional Director of the FBI. At least that is what Moss remembered Agent Tim telling him the mans title was. John Atwater was a pleasant looking man either just knocking on the door of fifty or shortly would be starting on the down hill side of that magic number.

  Moss shook his warm hand and they moved to a round table that would comfortable seat six. After taking their seats, a young man arrived with a pot of coffee and three mugs. John Atwater said, “Moss, I’ve waited a long time to meet you. I really doubt if you know it, but you are well respected in law enforcement circles. I know your former captain very well and he will miss you. I was eves dropping on your viewing the video and want to thank you for helping us. I think now it’s just a matter of time before we put this guy behind bars, but, Moss, like you we feel some bigger fish are pulling the strings here.”

  Moss waited for more to come but apparently that was all he was going to say for the moment. Moss thought it safe enough to thank him for his kind words. After doing that Moss added, “Yes, my partner Stu Williams was the first one to speculate that a force of power was behind the assassinations. The sad part is if we take out their hit man, they will just replace him with an unknown again.”

  “We’ve thought of that Moss. However, we can’t let this guy take out a Catholic Cardinal, but what we can do is prevent it and hope for the best. Now if you’ve any ideas, now is the time to throw them on the table.”

  Moss liked this guy. It was nice to work with someone intelligent, but not overbearing think everyone should notice his high position. Moss said, “If this is our man, then we could sweep him up, grill him, and see what mistakes the money behind the assassinations came from. He’s had to have conversation with them and other methods of contact. With the resources of the FBI once this guy spills his guts; all avenues of leads could be pursued.”

  John Atwater smiled at Moss knowing what was said and what meaning it really meant. The day of eliciting information by gentle persuasion was over. After 9/11, down came all barriers of finding out what was what. Information was needed and that information had to be reliable. Government and the people demanded it. A location outside the States, like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba was perfect for a not so quiet interrogation.

  John Atwater said, “Agent Tim, why don’t you pick up the suspect and let’s see what he has to say. Also, I’m curious as to know what’s inside his golf bag besides golf clubs”

  John stood up signaling that the meeting was over. He shook Moss’s hand and with a warm smile wished him well in his new position as a private investigator. He said, “Your welcome to call us Moss and if we can help, we would be happy to assist you.”

  The irony was that the suspect Steve Langley had disappeared golf bag and all. The FBI did find his finger prints and now the manhunt was on. By evening the news had his picture flashed cross the TV screens and evening papers sported his picture.

  Steve had already landed at LAX by the time the FBI boys had discovered him gone. A search discovered the golf clubs in a dumpster. He’d went shopping and got a hair cut along with a dapper looking hat. He looked the part of a business man. The FBI spent hours looking at videos of the airport and he’d slipped them once again.


  Cardinal Vitro Guccilio was packing his bags for the trip to Arizona. He wasn’t due to leave until tomorrow evening, but he wanted to make sure he never forgot anything. The night was drawing to a close and Vitro had special plans for the evening with his new friend Mark. Mark would drive him to the airport the next day and wait patiently for him to return to LA.

  Steve checked into a middle of the road hotel. Apparently his employer had the foresight to resort to plan B if Phoenix got too hot. Another package waited for him at the bus terminal. By nine that night Steve had the address and was sitting outside the Cardinals temporary residence.

  Steve thought the large house in an upscale neighbor hood a little ostentatious for a clergy man but it was none of his business. What he needed now as a plan and then go into hiding for a spell. His instruction included the cardinals’ time schedule of leaving LA for Arizona. The more Steve thought about it the better he liked the idea of a hit at the airport while the cardinal unloaded his baggage. However, that would limit his exit strategy; unless he was to take a flight somewhere as a passenger?

  What he really needed was a good disguise. With that settled, he drove back to his hotel in his rental car and had a good night sleep.

  Moss was sleeping heavily when his cell went off. His head cleared quickly when Stanley said who was calling. He apologized for the late call, but Moss was needed in LA first thing in the morning. Stanley would pick him up at the airport in a barrowed corporate jet.

  On the way to LA Stanley explained the situation. He told Moss that Ivy Consulting and Security had been hired to protect the good cardinal Vito Guccilio. Apparently the church had thought Vito Guccilio was in imminent danger. Ivy had their people on the case, but Moss with his vast experience would be better at observation.

  Moss said, “Stanley, we need to find a double for the cardinal and make sure the stand in is Kevlar to the maximum. Now we are assuming that the attempt will come from a snipers rifle and or a personal attack. We need to broaden our thinking about other ways to eliminate other than the before mentioned.”

  “I’m not sure I follow you Moss,” said Stanley. What other methods are there besides poison, fire and other usual things that can happen.”

  “I’m not sure Stanley, but we try and think how it might be accomplished other than by the usual methods. A car wreck maybe.”

  “Well, we may thwart this attempt, but we can’t guard the cardinal 24/7 the rest of his life. What we need to do is to catch this guy, find out who hired him and cut off the money flow.”

  Landing at LAX at nine am, Moss and Stanley were met by a person from their office. Max Lemon started talking almost from the time they entered the car until an hour later when they pulled into a residential driveway. At the end of the drive, Moss couldn’t remember what the guy told them. What he did hear was the cardinal was whisked away under cover of darkness. His double was undergoing make up and being dressed for the trip to the airport and on to Phoenix.

  Apparently the show was to demonstrate that the real cardinal was being driven to the airport by heavy security. Moss realized that the assassin would come no where near this place and it would be at the airport if something were to happen.

  Standing in the driveway, Moss looked at the neighbor hood viewing an upscale residential neighborhood that showed no activity other than at the cardinal’s residence. Moss said, “What do you think we should do Stanley?”

  Stanley, a few inches taller than Moss clearly had scanned the area with a critical eye said, “No way would he try a hit here Moss. The airport or nothing is my thoughts. However, with around five million passengers a day travel through LAX finding one man would be next to impossible.”

  Steve had cruised by the cardinal’s residence twice. What he saw he didn’t like. The place was crawling with security and no doubt the word had gotten out that his life was in danger. Steve drove to a fast food location, found a wifi spot, and sent off an e-mail telling his employer that the hit was off.

  After having a tasteless burger a new message came in. Steve read it eagerly. All it said was to wait and new instructions would be forthcoming. He thought he might just take a hike and leave this assassin business for another day. He’d take the rest of the day to hang around the airport waiting for a new mail to come in. He would wear his new disguise and people watch. Just out of curiosity he would hang around the check in counter that catered to the Phoenix flight at four pm.

  After checking his rental car in Steve went to a newsstand for some reading material. Sitting in a position to observe the passengers, Steve watched to see if the cardinal arrived early or just when the boarding call came. If nothing else he would get a clear look at the cardinal for the future if it was needed.

  About an hour before boarding call, Steve noticed two men walking to the boarding area looking around rather furtively. One was old and the other middle aged. Behind them walked two black suits that were obviously government men. It soon became clear that a switch had taken place and Steve smiled having discovered the ploy. It was then he wished he had a weapon and would take all four of them out.

  Steve went back to his magazine reading when he felt something poke the back of his neck. He started to raise his hand when he heard a soft voice with authority say, “Don’t move. The barrel of a 38 is pointed at your neck. After what you have done, I’d like an excuse to pull the trigger. Now slowly, very slowly move your right arm and hand to the right and rest it on the back of the bench next to you. After that move your left arm and hand to the left as you did the right one.”

  Steve did as instructed and soon he was handcuffed with his arms behind him. In no time he had leg shackles on and a hood over his head. A wheel chair was provided and he was off to interrogation. Moss breathed a sigh of relief and said to Stanley, “Thanks for the loan of the gun. It makes me feel good to know we caught and cuffed the bad guy. What I’m scared of is this revengeful killing will continue until the church decides to do something different.”

  “I agree with you Moss. But we have our challenges ahead of us and what you’re working on is more important in my book of life.”

  Chapter VIII

  The day after Christmas Moss decided that living in a motor home was for the birds. He missed his little house and decided to rent an apartment for over fifty-five people. He found a storage rental place to park the motor home and moved into a two bedroom apartment not so far from his office.

  By the first of January he was good to go with all things necessary for his creature comforts. But now it was time to get back to work. The day after the New Year, Moss decided it was time for another round of tacos.

  Earlier that morning he sat in his office listening to Agent Tim tell him about the people who had hired Steve Langley to assassinate the pedophiles. If Moss understood him correctly a group of very senior powerful businessmen in Boston had decided to take the law into their own hands.

  Unfortunately, there was nothing they could charge the old timers with. All they did was smile and say talk to my lawyer.


  Moss ordered a dozen tacos and a few giant cokes to wash it down with. He drove to the park and waited for someone to show up. Moss smiled when he made sure the sack was open and the windows were down to let the taco smell drift through the park area.

  Sure enough, here came Taco rubber necking around to make sure no one saw him with a white man. Taco dug in like there was no tomorrow and soon brother Lanky arrived to enjoy the spoils of Taco Bell. Moss waited patiently and then Lanky said, “I hear Humpty is back in town meaner than ever. They said he had a bad holiday as someone wacked his mother. Mr. Moss, I hope you can put this guy down. He’s making a really bad name for us Latinos. If you will pick me up at midnight tonight I’ll show you where he hangs out. However, you must drive something besides this English Rover as it’s too obvious.’

  “I’ll meet you at the Taco Bell at midnight in a non-descript car. I’ll be parked in the parking area with my parking lights on.”

  Back in the office Moss told Stu and Ms. Post the plan for the night. Stu said, “Let’s play this smart and I’ll back you up a few blocks away. We’ll stay in contact by cell phone.”

  “Good idea and we’ll need to rent a couple cars for a while. We don’t want them traceable. Lee could you handle that end of things?”

  “Indeed I can. I have some old driver’s licenses I can use. I never throw anything away. You never know when you might need it. If my husband were still alive he’d roll his eyes at the spare bedroom and garage.” Moss grinned and Lee caught his nice smile.

  Stanley called for an update and Moss filled him in on tonight’s plan. He told them to be careful and be safe.

  Moss, Taco and Lanky met at midnight. Moss was directed to South Phoenix near Broadway not far from Interstate 10. Surprising there was more activity than Moss thought as they cruised the area. It seemed like Lanky knew his way around here very well. They found a nice spot to park hidden from most every direction. Stu drove by and then found a place about six blocks away that was consisted of a gas station minimart.

  After parking Moss waited for Lanky to give the instructions. Lanky told them to wait a few minutes and he would g
o look around and be back. Taco took the opportunity to talk to Moss he said, “You know Mr. Moss, Humpty took our sister and killed her. That’s why we are helping you take this guy out. Even the guys that work for him hate his guts. We’re hoping that you will not capture him alive. If you capture him we would like to dispose of his body. We have something special planned for him.”

  “Well, my little Taco friend, we have to catch him first. When he kidnaps the girls, where does he keep them?”

  “Upstairs in his warehouse behind his office, from what we know about it.”

  About then Lanky returned and told Moss to follow him quietly. Moss had dressed for the occasion in dark clothes. He followed Lanky for what seemed a long ways and then hugging the side of warehouse, Lanky pointed at a steel warehouse with the doors slightly open.

  Moss realized how out of shape he really was. Lanky was not even breathing hard and he was panting like a dog. Moss dug out his binocs and gazed at the warehouse. He could see sparks flying from a cutting torch and the occasional bang, bang of a large hammer upon metal. Moss wanted a closer look at the inside, but Lanky shook his head and whispered wait a minute.

  It wasn’t but a few seconds when a guard walked around to the front of the warehouse and then slowly continued his rounds. Moss was very happy he’d brought Lanky along. Lanky whispered that they had about five or six minutes until the guard returned. Moss timed it and sure enough here came the guard again. As soon as he disappeared around the side, Moss and Lanky hurried over to the open door and gazed in.

  Moss was happy the night was dark without a moon. He took a quick look and paid more attention to the office upstairs where lights were blazing and he could see people moving around. Downstairs it appeared about five or six guys were working on some cars. Lanky jerked his arm and they left just in time. Moss caught his breath and then they went back to the car.