Read Church Blood Page 7

  He called Stu and told him to go home and he would fill him in tomorrow. Moss then found a 24 hour restaurant and all three had something to eat. Moss asked, “Is it possible to know when he has a captive at the warehouse?”

  Lanky was wolfing down some onion rings and with a mouthful said, “Yes, when the office lights are out he is in the back with his new toy.” Moss gave that some thought. His first reaction was a search warrant, but then he remembered he wasn’t a cop any more. He needed to think outside the law that he once so revered in. If indeed some cops here were dirty, then it stood to reason he would have a hard time enlisting their help.


  Moss made arrangements for a stake out each night at the warehouse. Nothing of any interest happened for a few days and then Moss got word that a pair of identical boy twins was abducted after school. The parents were of a high social class and very wealthy. A huge reward was offered and Moss was put on alert.

  He and Lanky stood around a corner of a warehouse building that provided a fair watch on the chop shop. It was common that around one am the shop would turn out the lights and the workers would go home.

  However, the day after the kidnapping, Moss and Lanky were on the job at one am when a stretch limo pulled up outside the doors. Moss raised the night vision binocs and sucked in a gasp of air when he recognized the person getting out of the back door was Cardinal Vito Guccilio!

  Chapter IX

  Moss thought the worse case that Vito was here for the two boys missing since yesterday after their school let out. There was no way he could rush in a save them. Hell, he didn’t even know if they were even here. Lanky had told him if the lights go out in the office, then bad things are going on in the back room. As it stood now he could only wait until after the Cardinal left and then see what happened.

  Moss blew a sigh of relief when not ten minutes went by when Vito came out, got in his limo and drove off. That meant two things. That he saw what he came to see and or he didn’t see what he came for. Either way it looked to Moss that he would be back soon.

  Regardless, he needed to discuss this situation with everyone including Stanley. The topic would be murder and that didn’t sit well with Moss.

  The following morning around ten am, Moss, Stu and Lee sat around a conference table drinking good coffee. Moss had just finished telling about last night’s adventure with Vito arriving on the scene.

  “What this boils down to Stu and Lee, is murder in the first degree. I see no options here. Stu, what do you think?”

  “I think we are in deep shit here Moss. However, I can justify it if you can. Lee what do you think?”

  “I want in on it. Three of us take those bastards on. Our court system sucks and it’s time we played a bigger role in doling out justice. I can’t imagine what they are planning for those two twins as playmates. I shudder thinking about it. We have the means, opportunity and the skill to pull this off. But, we do need to inform Stanley.”

  Moss listened with keen interest and replied. “How about this for a plan. Stu you take on Humpty Dumpty and Lee will back you up. I’ll go to the backroom and deal with Vito. I don’t think we will have any problems handling the job, but afterwards the kids will need medical attention and the cops will be swarming around the place. We need silencers and quickly in and quickly out with leaving no trace of us. Lanky said his gang would take care of the bodies. We can only hope the kids are blindfolded so they can’t identify us or anyone else for that matter.”

  “Then you are saying Moss we take the kids with us,” asked Stu.

  “Yes, and the only voice they will hear is Lee’s female voice.”

  Stu said, “Okay I in and let’s make a plan beginning with the chauffer.”

  Lee said, “I’ll get the hardware and silencers.”


  On a secure line, Moss told Stanley the plan. Stanley, surprisingly, was not shocked and whole heartedly endorsed the plan. He asked Moss if he needed back up and that he would fly out if necessary. Moss told him he didn’t need any help and said thanks for the offer.

  They discussed the plan until lunch time. Then Moss said he would see Lanky and Taco and tell them what was going to take place. He loaded up on two bags of Tacos and Cokes drove to the park and waited as usual. Thirty minutes later Taco showed up followed by Lanky.

  Lanky listened and so did Taco. When Moss finished, Lanky said, “If you take out the bad guys we will clean up the mess. We’ll even take care of the limo and the driver. The driver will be brainwashed and will never reveal what took place. Now, what time should we meet up?”

  “We should be in place at twelve thirty I think. They shut down at one am and that’s when the limo arrived last night. Have you enough people to take care of the shop guys?”

  Lanky smiled and said, “No doubt we do. Those guys are just workers and no problem. We’ll take care of them.”

  “Okay, then I’ll say bye for now and see you tonight.”


  Back at the office Lee was still not back. Moss found Stu in his office on the computer. Moss sat down and said, “The Latinos will meet us at midnight thirty. They’ll take care of the shop crew. How to feel about this operation Stu?”

  Stu sat back and put his hands interlocking behind his head and looked at his long time partner. “You know Moss thirty years ago we would never do this shit. But times have changed and we must change with it or perish. I can’t retire and do nothing. So, we either change with the times or fade away into dust. We could, on the other hand, call in the FBI. But that would only delay the inevitable. Next thing you know those Latinos would be departed and more people would die down there rather than here. No, I’ve no problem wasting the bad guys. How about you old friend?”

  “The cat was the last member of my family to move on. My son is doing fine. My life is mostly over as I move on a downward plane to the final resting place. I like the idea of removing bad guys and saving the good guys. Especially kids. I get real hot under the collar thinking what a grown up might do to an innocent child. I think tonight is pay back time Stu.”

  Lee walked in carrying a taped up box. She sat it down on Stu’s desk. She borrowed his letter opener and slit the tape. Inside were three pistols and silencers. A box of ammunition for each pistol was also inside the box. Neither Moss nor Stu asked her where she got the firepower, but was pleased to see the items for the nights work.

  Lee sat down and blew out a lung full of air. Then she said, “It’s going to be a long night guys. I suggest we all go home and take a rest. I know a nice deli that has a great salad bar. Let’s meet here at the office at eight pm and go have a light dinner.”

  All agreed and out the door they went. On the way to his new apartment, Moss thought about the two twins who by now must be scared to death. Not only that, but probably hungry and cold. Moss pulled into his underground parking and rode the elevator to his apartment. This new place didn’t feel like home to him. Suddenly he felt rather lonely and went to lie down on his bed. He smiled when he thought that he even missed the damn cat.

  He just started to doze off when his door bell rang. Moss wondered who would be ringing his bell and when he peered through the hole he saw Lee Post starring back at him. He quickly opened the door and she walked in. Moss stood there with the door still open and then she said, “Moss, close the door. I’m staying for awhile.”

  He did as he was instructed and closed and twisted the deadbolt. Lee said, “I could use a glass of wine if you have it Moss.”

  “Well, this is your lucky day Lee. Along with the milk I bought I scored a jug of white Chardonnay. I was feeling a little down and now you have stopped by, well, I feel much better.” Moss fetched the wine and puller. He looked for wine glasses, but damn, he couldn’t find any. He grabbed two water glasses and went back to the living room. His eyes hit the top of the coffee table where two wine glasses stood waiting for the fermented grapes.

  Lee said, “I figured you for the wine, b
ut knew you’d forget the wine glasses.” She gave off a radiant smile that melted his heart.

  “You figured correctly as usual Lee. I’ll not ask you why you stopped by, but am sure happy you did. I’m not making excuses, but once you get my age, having a relationship with a person of the other sex, isn’t easy. The, what do we talk about, surfaces and then I get all flustered. I’m not a deep person at all Lee. I’m just an average guy with all the usual wants and desires. My God, what am I rambling on about here. I’m sorry.”

  Lee cracked up laughing as she took the bottle of wine and deftly opened it to let it breathe for a few minutes. Then she said, “I was just looking for some conversation and having just moved here, like you, know few people. The one thing going for us Moss is that we know we are safe with each other. With so many wackos out there, we must be careful.”

  “I agree Lee. Even us guys must be careful. I for would like, if you have a mind to, talk about your experience in Canada both personal and professional. I’m a great listener, but if you’d rather not talk about it, then let’s talk about good food.”

  “I don’t mind at all Moss,” as took a sip of wine. I was with the Toronto Police for almost fifteen years as first a rookie cop and then as a robbery/homicide detective. I was set up and took a fall that kicked me out of the police force. I was gullible and stupid. In a way I’m glad it happened. I’m much wiser now and it appears this company is what I like. I don’t just want to sit in a receptionist desk, but am looking for some hands on stuff like we will do tonight.”

  “On the personal side, I was married to a cop and he was killed in the line of duty. It took me awhile to get over it and we never had any children. I wanted kids, but we waited too long I guess. Now, it’s too late, but life goes on. As for my free time, I write novels. After I was kicked off the force, I went back to school and gobbled up every creative writing class I could. My husband death benefits came shortly after that so financially I was fine. I’m rather successful at writing and can easily live on my royalties. But having a job is good and keeps me on schedule.”

  “Sounds good Lee. I’m just boring as hell. I spend my time mostly reading. Novels that is and have always subscribed to National Geographic. That’s about it. I never get too excited and am cool under pressure.”

  “Moss, let’s move in together. How’s that for being forward. I don’t beat around the bush. I see by the look on your face you’re not so shocked. I think we make a great team. After tonight let’s discuss it further.”

  “I’d like a small house or big house, but a house, not a damn apartment or condo. I like the idea of walking up to a front door and entering my home. I’m not a bad cook. But am totally flexible.”

  They drank the wine, talked some more and then took a nap together as it seemed to both sex was a little bit early in their new relationship.

  Moss woke up first and quietly went to the shower to wake up. While in the shower, shampooing his hair, the shower door opens and in pops Lee. She said, “I can’t remember the last time I showered with someone, but I’d sure like a back wash please.”

  Moss, ever the gentleman, did as requested and she reciprocated both the front and back of his stout body. Moss was shocked at how erect he had become. His thoughts flashed back thirty years. “Lord have mercy,” he said, as he released his so long stored sperm.

  Lee said, “And God bless the mess.”


  Moss and Lee picked up Stu at the office at eight pm. While grazing the salad bar, Stu noticed the two of them acting very different. It took him awhile to figure it out then he smiled at both of them with bulging cheeks of chicken salad. After he swallowed he said, “Okay you two. I see some electricity flowing between the two of you. I’m extremely happy for the both of you. However, we are about to commit murder and you two have found a reason to be attracted to each other. Kind of ironic huh?”

  Moss answered, “Yes, Stu we have found something that I can’t identify or define, but am comfortable with whatever it is. We both know at this stage of life, nothing is surprising. As usual, Lee here took charge and forced the issue. Men are weak and without motivation as the ARRP knocks on your door.”

  Stu noticed a grin on Lee’s face which meant she agreed with what he said. Stu grinned back at Lee and thought, women are a necessary evil for men. He gave a silent thank you to his wife of many years. Now it was game time. And this game was for keeps as people were about to die and Stu wished he wasn’t one of them.

  Back at the office, each member of the team spent some time checking their weapons. When they were all satisfied and comfortable with the weapons, they brewed a tasty cup of coffee.

  Lee said, “Stu, I’ll follow you into Humpty’s office and I’ll take out his visitors while you make sure he takes a fall and that nobody can put Humpty back together again.”

  They sat chatting until a couple hours before midnight and then drove to location. It was a cold clear night and a billion stars were shinning down on them. Moss prayed that one of those bright stars was the hand of God ready to reach out and protect the three of them.

  Lanky and Taco were waiting for them. Both were dressed in black and hard to see. Moss got out and walked around the side of the building across from the chop shop to whisper into Lanky’s ear. Moss told him they would go in right after the limo let the man out. Lanky said he would put the driver in the trunk and make sure he was quiet.

  Moss asked if he had friends nearby and Lanky grinned at him and said more than thirty of us are here to take care of business. We’ll make sure the workers stay nice and quiet, he told Moss. Moss handed him five grand in cash to pass out to his friends. Lanky felt the envelope and smiled with satisfaction. Taco was listening and watching then said:

  “Shit, soon we buy a damn taco stand.”


  At almost exactly one am a black stretch limo pulled up to the door. The security guard nodded and passed on making his usual rounds.

  Silently, lanky and four of his friends had the driver silenced and stuck in the trunk. Lanky waved at Moss. Moss, Stu and Lee were followed by a herd of Latinos all with stealth cross the open area in front of the warehouse. A few waited for the guard to come around and the rest entered the warehouse.

  It was the end of the shift for the night so all the workers were putting their tools away. Moss never looked back as he led the way up the stairs to Humpty’s office and on around back where the kids were being kept. Humpty’s office was fronted by glass so Humpty could view the happenings down below. Moss continued on around the corner as Stu and Lee entered the office. Moss heard a silenced round being fired and then a bunch more that he couldn’t count.

  Moss, gun in hand, slowed down and tried to catch his breath from climbing the stairs. Shit he thought, you are not in good shape old man. Silently Moss vowed to hit the gym once the job was over.

  He came upon a steel door and listened with his ear against it. Silence greeted him. A sound proof room he figured as he tried the door knob.

  Unbelievable it was not locked! That could only mean Vito Guccilio expected company to come. Moss slowly opened the door. The room was lit up like a Hollywood scene with lights everywhere. A stage sat against the back wall. Camera stands with TV type cameras were covering all angles on the stage. Moss quickly looked for the two boys. He saw them draped over a carpeted barrel with their white backsides pointed at the cameras. A slow burn rose from his neck seeing the two innocent kids about to be sodomized.

  Moss saw Vito off to the side slowly getting undressed and so intent was he on the two subjects he failed to see Moss moving quickly to the side of him. Moss tapped Vito on the shoulder and when he turned to see the pistol in his face, a look of fear spread across his face as Moss placed a slug between his eyes. The Cardinal fell to the floor and Moss rushed over to untie the two boys.

  He told the two boys he was a cop and not to worry that they would be home safe in a little while.

  While Moss was makin
g his way to the steel door, Stu and Lee entered the office door to find Humpty sitting behind his desk. Lee saw two black haired Latinos sitting with their backs to the door when Humpty saw the two white people with drawn guns. He tired to get his hand in drawer for a weapon but Stu had slowed him down with a shot to the chest.

  Lee quickly shot the other two before they could stand up. Then to make sure Humpty was dead, Stu placed a shot to the temple as Humpty lay on the floor. Lee said, “Stu, I’m going to see what Moss has discovered. He might need some back up.”

  Stu told her to go ahead and that he would look around for some cash that might come in useful.

  Lee found the steel door open and entered gun at the ready. Moss was cutting off the plastic ties around the wrists of the two kids. Then she stopped and stared at the scene in front of her. My God, she thought, this is a television studio complete with cameras and bright lights. She saw at a glimpse Vito the former Cardinal lying naked on the floor.

  She panned back to the stage to see Moss had the two crying boys standing up. Lee looked around for something to cover them up with and seeing nothing that looked like their clothes walked up to the blue curtains behind the stage and yanked them down. She took her knife out of her boot and cut two nice sized strips to cover the two boys up. They still had their eyes duct taped and Moss shook his head no to removing the tape. He didn’t want the two kids to identify any of them.

  With the kids Moss and Lee hurried to the front of the office and found Stu with a sack full of something. He grinned and down the stairs they went. Moss noticed the workers were tied up and duct tape was over their eyes as well.

  Going out the door lanky said, “We’ll take care of the mess and deliver the boys home. Nobody will want to know who we are.”

  Stu handed Lanky a black sack and said, “Here this will cover the cost of disposal. Share with the past families of missing love ones, if possible.”

  “Gracious, any place any time we are available.”

  Moss and company drove back the office and Moss asked what time it was. Lee looked at her cell phone and said, “It’s almost one thirty in the morning. I’m starving and let’s go get something to eat.”