Read Circle Seven Page 10

  Chapter 9

  “Time to wake up!” my father told us.

  “Are you serious dad, its like 9am?” Bilal said.

  “Come on dad, ten more minutes.” Nyema pleaded.

  “This is our first day all week we did not have to travel can’t we just have a like another hour?” I asked.

  “We have an appointment, get your clothes and lets get going NOW. “he ordered.

  “I didn’t know we signed up for boot camp.” Bilal said.

  “Let’s just ready and get this over with.” Nyema said.

  “Yeah, he seems to be in one of his moods.” I said.

  Getting dressed we smelled breakfast. It was a pancakes, eggs, fruits, juice, and sweet potatoes. It was so long since we had a decent meal although it was not home cooked we would take what we can get at this point.

  “No McDonalds?” Bilal asked.

  “Bilal, you know that stuff is not real food.” Nyema said.

  “Well fake food taste good!” He said.

  “Bilal, we have never eaten that stuff you know we need the right food in order to reach the height we have to attain.” I told him.

  “Yeah, a boy can only dream I guess.” He said filling his mouth with the food at the table.

  “Bilal I think you would eat anything.” My mother said.

  “I don’t think I could do caviar though, fish eggs just sound disgusting.” Bilal continued.

  “But you’re eating chicken eggs.” I said.

  “Yeah but when I think of fish eggs all I can see is the movie Finding Nemo, I cannot bring myself to eat Nemo.” Bilal said.

  “Bilal just shut up and eat your food. I think you could possibly be labeled clinically insane.” Nyema said.

  “Of course, I could look how I was raised.” Bilal responded.

  “Alright finish up and meet me at the car.” My father said stepping out of the room toward the parking lot.

  “Mom, do you have any idea where we are going?” I asked.

  “If I told you I would have to kill you.” She said.

  “I hope when I get to be old like you guys I can keep my humor in a situation like this.” Nyema said.

  “I hope I never have to go through a situation like this again, I don’t know what you are talking about Nyema. I think you may be the insane one.” Bilal said.

  “Let’s get out of here before dad has an aneurism.” I said.

  The drive was a quick one because before I knew it we were passing a spiritual store. These stores are special as they are different than any other because they have candles, books, stones, wands, daggers, cups, pentacles, statues, and talismans and that was the tip of the iceberg. It seemed risky with all the government surveillance that was sweeping the country and was being constantly reported on the radio and television. But my father took us five stores down to a bakery.

  "Peace to the Gods." my father said in salutation to the man at the front of the store.

  "Peace be unto to you and your seeds Ak." the clerk owner responded.

  And with those subtle words a door was opened in the back of the shop that connected to the basement and underground we went bypassing the other four stores and reaching the spiritual shop. My father seemed to have this all down pact which made me feel at ease. It also reinforced his professing of preparation for these events which even further made it seem so real to us. This was not random occurrence my father was in complete control of the situation and it was impressive to see.

  “Dad, you are supposed to be the king of Mike Viking it.” I asked.

  “Stakes are too high to be making stuff up on the fly. If we do not handle this perfectly we force unnecessary dangers upon all of us. I am not willing to risk that; not with you all, not now, not ever.” He said.

  “Still, it is impressive because you are the worse planner of all time.” Nyema said.

  “We are all perfecting; I am no different from either of you all. I just try to better each day but I appreciate you all taking notice. I guess it take a crisis for me to plan anything. Your mother already gave me her list, you all need to get whatever you feel is necessary for this journey but make it quick we have to get back to the other shop and buy some groceries so we cannot be here all day or it will look suspicious." my father instructed to us.

  "No pressure." Bilal said to me under his breath.

  “Nyema you are looking like you are trying to solve the mysteries of the universe.” I said.

  “Who knows when we will be able to come back to a place like this? I want to make the most out of this opportunity and not waste it. I suggest you do the same.” She said.

  “Yo, check out that wand, that’s mine.” I said.

  "Really?! Nyema, how much you want to bet he grabs a broomstick next?” Bilal said.

  “I am not listening to you I know I can do magick how do you think dad got us out here. This will just be a reminder of what I am capable of. But stop talking; I got to focus on these items so many to choose from.” I told him.

  The next thing I saw was a booked called "The Book of Illumination, The Key to the Gates of Lights", I grabbed that right off the shelf. I also grabbed several candles, several different stones, a pentacle necklace, and a tarot deck.

  “Now, that it was I am talking about the Book of Coming Forth By Day. That’s that old school magick right there Zohar. What you know about that? You talking about wands I need a dagger never know when you have t o shank a soldier” Bilal said.

  In addition he also got candles, stones, a pendulum, and a pentacle necklace.

  “That’s the Sepher Yetzirah, the Book of Creation. If we ever needed a tool to help us create something better this was the time.” She said.

  Nyema also purchased a chalice, candles, stones, incense, oils, and a pentacle necklace.

  We all got to the register and checked out. We then went back the way we came, grabbing some bakery donuts, bread, and coffees and headed back to the car toward the motel. We were so preoccupied with getting found out by the National Guard that we did not even discuss any of our purchases. This was unique in the sense that we always compared notes with what we bought. We would tease each other of what was considered silly such as my newly purchased wand. But we had none of that, a sign of the times I guess. It was something that needed getting use to where a part of the childhood I loved so much was disappearing into yesterday so quickly.