Read Circle Seven Page 11

  Chapter 10

  As we returned back to the motel we were finally able to discuss the purchases that were made at the spiritual store.

  "So, Zohar oh king of all the nerds and dungeons and dragon players, what else did you get besides the wand." Bilal asked.

  "Whatever the spirits led me to brother." I replied.

  "I made a come up in that joint, got a pentacle necklace, the Sefer Yetzirah, chalice, and some tools to get to work with my mediation." Nyema said.

  “That’s crazy; I got a pentacle necklace too. I see our mother’s influence is always present as she loves her pentacle necklace. I wasn’t event thinking just grabbing whatever felt right.” I said.

  "You did not get any type of oracle Nyema?" I asked.

  "No need brother; I am an oracle.” she replied.

  "Well, I am not an oracle so I grabbed a pendulum to guide me through the craziness our psychopathic parents got us into. But I did grab a pentacle chain too; I have been stuck in the car with you all for too long." Bilal said.

  “This situation may not just be our parents doing at least us being a part of it anyways.” I said to them.

  “What do you mean?” Bilal asked.

  “Dad explained a long time ago that our paths are chosen by us prior to our arrival in the physical form. Under those conditions we just choose the route not the destination.” I said.

  “Get out of here with that existential mumbo jumbo; I never bought into this stuff 100%. There were times when this felt like the most perfect situation ever then we would leave the house and have to deal with reality and regular people. All the mediation cannot prepare for not being accepted as a kid. I just wanted to fit in and when after all these years it finally happens. Boom! We are in Phoenix, AZ and I have to start all over but now we are criminals.” Bilal said.

  “If I did pick this scenario for myself, I am an idiot.” He continued.

  “No need for your life story Bilal, we were there but there is some truth in what Zohar is saying. I do not believe in random occurrences, there is always some plan and we are not in this position just to be captured I cannot and will not believe it.” Nyema said.

  Together it seemed that we were a great trio although we were missing a big cog to our engine as Skylar was en route. When our other family arrived we knew that the real work would commence.

  "I hoped you all grabbed everything that was necessary for what needs to be done. This journey we are about to embark is not going to be easy. We are still waiting for your uncles from back home to join us but every second counts, so we must continue to work. I need you all to study these books inside and out and share them with each other. I need you to focus your meditations on the stones that you hold and light the candles and incenses to influence your desires into this world. Things are speeding up children, you will see your desires appear as needed but a focus is required from each of you. Whatever you did before I promise you was not good enough anymore. Any success that you have seen through your efforts prior to your arrival in Arizona was only scratching the surface of the possibilities. The need for greatness is apparent now.” my father urged.

  My mother interjected, “The government is planning our extermination, and we must do the same for them. First and foremost it is imperative that we first master ourselves for through that the world is our oyster. The control of the breath is the first thing to control through that we will teach you all everything that you need to know. But without that you will be no different than the dumb and blind that are following the leadership of the president without question."

  “So, did you all use your gifts in order to get us here?” Nyema asked.

  “Your mother and I shared a vision one night that showed people getting tortured but it was not their physical body crying for help it was the light that illuminated beyond the physical; some call it an aura, astral body. Whatever it was it haunted us.” my father said.

  “After that date your father and I had numerous moments of clarity where we able to still our thoughts to reconnect with that space and each time the vision got clearer and clearer until one day we could not see anything else.” My mother told us.

  “But how much did you see?” Bilal asked.

  “We saw troops, concentration camps, and all of our family us fleeing to Arizona but we were always happy in those visions which did not make sense with so much pain surrounding us. Yet, it makes sense now as we are together with these calculated movements from that vision although tense but enjoying each other. The rest I am not sure you are ready to hear.” My mother said.

  “No they need to hear and understand how serious this is.” My father said.

  “We have worked with you from the time that you were children to get you to this very point. I hate to put this all on you all but you have gifts that you mother and I cannot even imagine. It is you that will get us out of this situation. I have wavered on if I was going to tell you but I feel you must know. We have been tainted from birth by our parents because we only grasped this information in its entirety in our adult years. You on the other hand have been exposed from time immemorial and were not interrupted your reality was carefully cultivated. Your external environment had you question us as it should have but you are here. You did not run which shows me that you are ready.” He said to us.

  All of the work our parents put us through was coming full circle. Our first lessons were about the contributions of our people. My father thought it was necessary to break these psychological chains of slavery that weighed him and others around him down. It was systemic, he was only taught to get a good job and take care of his family. Noble indeed but what of the injustice around that he saw perpetrated on his people both foreign and domestic? There was a concentrated effort to break them down. My father never understood why that was occurring in his younger years only that the thought of it all troubled him deeply. But his parents crippled through the fear of the civil rights movement and its disastrous aftermath pushed him into the realm of normality where gainful employment was the only out and concerns about a history that provided only impediments to that employment were looked at as trivial pursuit.

  But Bilal, Nyema, and I were different. We took that idea of normality and turned it up on its head in this upside kingdom. My father was encouraged by our mother whose parents and grandparents infused her with a sense of self which my father used as a crutch when he questioned his direction in life. My mother was the backbone of the house. Where we all drew from her strength, she may have had a sense of obsessive compulsive disorder but we learned attention to detail through her eccentricity. And now it was time to put it all to practice as we got to the work which seemed to have been preordained.

  “Well, we need to get to work and start mastering the books that we picked up today.” I said to everyone.

  “Yes, take this time to understand why in the time of crisis you were drawn to this ultimate test.” My father instructed.

  “If this goes right, I will be greater than any athlete ever.” Bilal said.

  “Really, that is what you are thinking about right now, your legacy?” Nyema said.

  “I am thinking long term Nyema, being a freak is one thing but being remembered in the annals of history is on a completely different level.” Bilal said.

  “It will all be irrelevant if we do not put in the necessary work in order to achieve these lofty goals. So, I suggest we get to our studies.” I told them.

  Under normal circumstances when reading our books there was a period each night where we would discusses what was discovered and compare notes. Tonight was different we were each sunk into our selections, only taking time out to use the bathroom and eat. I was not sure if the stress of the things around us centered our collective focus or these were just good reads, perhaps a little of both. Still, we were engaged as were our parents.

  My father only grabbed one item from the store which was a package that he had received from the owner of the shop. The reception of
the package seemed cloak and dagger like watching a scene from Mission Impossible. I did not pay much attention to it at the store because I was so caught up in my own purchases. Yet looking back there was something strange about it all.

  “Hey, I will be right back I am going to talk with dad.” I told Nyema and Bilal.

  Making my way down the hall I could only help but wonder what was in the package and now with us all on the same page it would ease my mind to just ask so I can move on with my studies and not have the question troubling my mind. Knocking on the door I made my way into the room to get some answers.

  "So what did you get Pops?” I asked hoping for some big revelation.

  "Only what was necessary.” he replied.

  "Oh, mind if I take a look?” I continued.

  "Of course not, I was telling your mother that I was curious who was going to ask me about it first. In all honesty, this package is not for me. It's for all of us but specifically for you three." he said.

  "With all of this craziness going on around us we need a way to fight back, but not in the conventional way. Revolution in the way it is seen today is a farce. The global elite set it all up to put people in place as puppets to do their bidding. I do not see us having that luxury of garnering their support as we are the biggest threat to their existence. We have monitored your diet because the foods most eat are used to kill those who consume them, we have monitored the books you read because you also needed a proper diet of the mind, and we have monitored and pushed you to meditate because you needed the proper diet for your soul. But today you all picked different books than you have ever read before under extreme and unconventional circumstances that spoke to each of you differently. But I ask you why?"

  "For a distraction from the crazy?!" I responded.

  "Exactly!" he responded.

  "You all cannot be caught up in the drama of what is going on here. It has come the time to take everything from theory to practice. Your books are to supplement what is in this package. I had it sent her before the president's address because if we were caught with it while we were traveling not even the energy from the music would have helped us. This package was received and I stress that word very strongly, to me in my youth and had been a jewel in our Akashick Records library. It has given your mother and me the foresight about all the events that have recently transpired." he said.

  "So you knew this would happen the whole time? Did my aunts and uncles know about this too, and why did you keep us in the dark, and why didn't you do anything to stop it!" I said.

  "There was not much we could have done other than prepare and be on the offensive. We had no physical evidence other than the spiritual which in the eyes of many does not hold enough weight for the revolutionary actions that were required to stop it. We have shared with you several tools from your conception in the womb to this very moment to get all of you ready for what lies ahead. Although, we never explicitly told you why, we wanted you to live as free as possible and have as much of a childhood as you could. Trust me, the burden of knowing what was coming and ultimately what is required of us all is burdensome. But at this point I think you all are ready to know. So, in the morning we are expecting the rest of the family to arrive in town and we will discuss everything." my father replied.

  As I went back to my motel room shared with my brother and sister, I saw them still in their books studying heavily. I debated in my mind whether to tell them what was discussed with our father and were sick of the secrets although at one point necessary, these are different times and we all needed to be on the same page.

  "The family is going to be here in morning." I told them.

  Nyema and Bilal both began to glow excited that they were ok and in route to our destination.

  "That's a relief, with all the checkpoints and surveillance they have constructed it feels like border patrol, I am surprised that they have figured out how to move so freely." Bilal interjected.

  "Well I don't know if you all saw Dad get that package from the guy at the register in the spiritual shop but according to him through their spiritual work they foresaw all of this and were able to prepare in order for something they have planned. We are meeting tomorrow morning to discuss that very thing." I informed them.

  "So, that's how we were able to stay one step ahead of everything. That is amazing, whatever they have that allows them to see all this we need access to. We are not kids anymore we are a part of this now and need every tool in the shed in order to get out of this in one piece." Nyema replied.

  "So we have two oracles as parents or something? Man, this is getting stranger by the minute. I mean, I knew we were a little off compared to everyone else but had no idea how deep down the rabbit hole it went. But seriously, they had a plan? I just thought we were winging it day by day, now to come to find out they knew this was all going to happen and we were prepared, I can stop stressing. But I agree with Nyema, whatever they are using to get ahead of the government we need to get on that train." Bilal said.

  Their enthusiasm was becoming contagious. I guess they were right in this situation our parents were putting us in a place where we could survive this madness that has been encircling everything around us. I decided to grab my book and get back to my studies where I read until I fell asleep.