Read Circle Seven Page 12

Chapter 11

  As the sun crept upon the horizon as morning approached for another day in Phoenix; I woke awaiting all the day had to offer. The plate could not be any fuller with all the discussions last night. Before I could get my morning stretch out the way I turned over and saw that Nyema and Bilal were already gone. I assumed they were out running because they were the super athletes of the clan where I was the nerd who played every instrument. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed a good cardiovascular workout like the next person but did not have the dedication to it to start every morning with it like my comrades. So I just hopped in the shower to help get the sleep off.

  As I turned on the water, I was instantly hit by a dream from the night before. I saw ten spheres and I was each one. These spheres were up in the sky and I fell from one to the other as each one had so much water in them that they overflowed. They were each connected by tunnel slides like at a water park. I started from the top and slid all thy way to the bottom. But I did not have any fear; it was an escape from the seriousness of everyday life that was now so apparent. It also gave me a sense of calmness which was confusing because my natural inclination of being trapped in a sphere being filled with water would be panic but this was not the case. I decided to just roll with it all and make a mental note to jot it down on some stationary sitting on the nightstand in the motel room.

  As I finished my shower I heard the door closing and assumed it was Nyema and Bilal. I grabbed my towel rushing out to tell them of my vision, however to my surprise it was my three uncles there to wake me up.

  My uncles El Ra Sun, Musa, and Ra- Sta were interesting people. They had met my father in the summer following my sister's birth. Although my father went to school with Musa and El Ra Sun, they did not hang out on account of the extracurricular activities my dad did after school. My father never mentioned what these activities were, we just assumed they were clubs he was involved with that kept him busy where the friends he made were few and far between. Still, they were able to connect as adults and were as thick as thieves ever since. They found enjoyment in each other's company because it allowed for them to be themselves. Even in per-martial law era it was difficult to be different, especially being as different as they were. They always veiled themselves in normality. A practice that made my father sick to his stomach but he dealt with the circumstances in order to take care of his family. That was something he learned from Ra-Sta.

  Ra-Sta was the oldest in the group by several years. He had a wealth of information that he gladly shared with anyone who had a willingness to receive it. He looked at all of us like the future and we all looked to him for council with any questions we had that had any spiritual significance. While there was no leader among them Ra-Sta was a source of clarity due to his knack to connect ideas that on the surface had no connection and being that he was on this path the longest he was always available to lean on until we were able to figure things out and understand things on our own.

  But here they were waiting for me like I was holding up the process, and then I remembered the meeting of the morning. I was so caught up in thinking about that dream that had forgotten the itinerary for the day and I had no idea that everyone would be gathering for this meeting as well.

  "So, you finally decided to move?" Ra-Sta said in only a way that he would find amusing.

  "I had this dream I could not shake that I actually wanted to write down before I left. So I may have to hold everything up a little longer while I put it all down on this stationary." I replied.

  "No rush young king, we all know the significance of the dream world. Take your time to make sure you get everything down. We aren't going to rush you, we just wanted to make sure you were moving as your mother has the food ready and your father well, you know him, is making sure that you all have everything you need for what lies ahead." El Ra Sun stated with a glow that made me feel like he knew something that I didn't.

  Everyone was so calm. I wondered was all people that were being hunted by the government this way. I mean, I have been a nervous wreck and only seem to find any sense of calm from those around me. It was contagious yet unsettling the more I reflected in it. It just seemed crazy. But this is all I knew and I trusted them. I mean we had gotten this far at least, crossed state lines and have pretty much moved undetected where every time we turned on any media outlet it was over-flooded with stories of people across the country being taken away. Even worse families were being interrogated by the government if it was even suspected that they had any leaning to the spiritual.

  "Where is Skylar?" I asked El Ra Sun

  "You know her and your sister took off into our motel room as soon as we got here. Those two are probably planning a way to get to the mall or something because I know their limited wardrobes are driving them batty." he replied.

  "I am finishing these notes; I will meet you all in my patents room in a minute." I told them, I didn't want to rush but I would feel rushed with them hovering plus I needed to focus to make sure every last detail was right. I needed to get down every color, every shape. I did not know why but something was telling me it was necessary.

  My uncle Musa was different than the rest of them where I did not know him as well. His day job had him working odd hours so he missed a lot of our gatherings but whenever he attended he would always say something memorable and this morning was no different.

  "You keep those notes Zo because I had a dream about spheres last night too." he said as he closed the door.

  “How did you know about my dream Musa?” I asked.

  “Just because I am not around as much does not mean that I am not in tune to what is going on. We have a bond that goes beyond the day to day grid where we connect with each other whether it is a mediation session, a random thought, or a dream.” He said.

  “I have never felt it.” I said.

  “You have but you were not aware of it, you may not have been sure what that feeling was. But trust me moving forward you will be able to identify it. It is a powerful feeling to know that we all move as one.” Musa told me.

  “Well soon enough if what my father has been telling us materializes.” I said.

  “You are already finding the rhythm of the spheres which is why you are dreaming about them. But write down your notes and join us quickly for breakfast before your mother starts to look for you.” He said.

  When finished my detailing my dream I made my way to my parents’ room. I walked through the door the smell of fresh eggs, waffles, fruits, and grits hit my face like an uppercut. I had not really eaten in the past few days minus a snack here and there, so this was right was exactly what I needed.

  "It was difficult to save you a plate but I was able to manage. We were not sure you would make it but you know your brother and sister can eat but I wanted make sure that you ate first before everyone came back for more." my mother said.

  "Yeah, you were holding up the show but since you finally graced us with your presence we can eat and finally hear what dad wants to tell us." Bilal said.

  "So, let me speak for everyone when we say that we are happy that you four chose us for this journey. We are in troubled times where we are openly considered a threat and hunted to be controlled by the elite of this society who wish to maintain their grip on the power structure the world over. You are the ones that will lead this age of progress toward a different course than the current path towards destruction. As you know we have all been given some foresight through our specialties which we shall give to our children. For me it's the qabalah, for El Ra Sun it is the science of the occult. Through this you shall be able to shape a new tomorrow, what that is I cannot say for I cannot see it. It is something that through your discipline and effort that it will manifest." my father said to us all.

  "Everything that was purchased for the bookstore will be used to supplement this packet I will be giving to you for your work. The candles, oracles, talismans, stones, and books will all be a part of this process for you because it was no coincidence th
at you decided to pick them up. Your mother and I will be available for guidance but our main objective was to get you to this point and place this packet in your hands." he continued.

  "What is this packet dad?" Nyema asked.

  "It is a blueprint to navigate the Tree of Life. A means to manipulate the angles of light from the cosmos to influence the material your world based on your will." my mother explained.

  "This system is what brought your father and me together. I had never seen someone so concerned and invested in the spiritual as him. When we talked and I saw this was his focus I immediately took interest based off his peculiarity which does sound strange but it was a uniqueness that kept my interest which was hard to do back then. From that connection you were born. But your father has always had roadblocks in his study where each time he tried to master the tree one of his children was born. It was not until Nyema was about two years old that he started getting back to his studies. And in doing so he was able to foresee what is occurring in the world right now. When these visions became more real to him he shared them with me and I also began work on the tree. From this we got to the point we are at now, it is called scurrying the Tree of Life." my mother explained.

  From there it all began to take shape for all three of us. Every moment bringing us to this place came into focus. This scurrying that my parents did how could we use it to take the next steps toward freedoms? At that moment Musa came in telling us to turn on the radio.