Read Circle Seven Page 22

  Chapter 21

  As we made our way back home we discussed that however brief our mediation session was last night it worked. Our energy was rising off the chart, we were feeling closer to each other, and circumstances that would have been problematic resolved themselves as we were willing the outcome.

  We made a pact to keep the event of the day to ourselves and I promised to keep focus on what was meant for us. I realized that our parents had not put everything in our lap and just left us. If done correctly they had given us the blueprint in order to do something special, it was just up to us to make the most of the opportunity.

  As we finished our homework I began to get more into my Gates of Light book and my brother and sister did the same with theirs. At 10 o’clock we sat down to work on our next sphere of the tree of life which covered the idea of wisdom.

  Learning about this sphere was eye opening. It showed us that the whole tree was a constant progression. Where the crown covered unity this sphere was a break from that to pure masculine force, it is initial duality or separate polarities from the complete unity and self sufficiency of the crown sphere that is free to act. It is like lighting from the sky that comes into shape from the darkness but is uncontrolled, and without direction have the ability to strike anywhere.

  It was very similar to our day where the raw unbound energy that I pent up created a new environment that we all were able to operate under. I was not sure that I was imagining this all or this was really happened but through our brief studies the tree was becoming a part of our everyday life whether we were aware of it or not. I enjoyed this all and found a sense of comfort in it. I was no longer angry at my parents, well at least for the moment. They had given us a great gift that allowed us to experience this world through a different lens than others.

  Regardless of the plans of the corrupt elite that were running this world we were a part of something that would be meaningful to those that were in a similar plight.

  After the study session on the second sphere where we focused on its qualities and began the process of stilling out minds and letting those description sink into our consciousness. We all put on our pentacle chains to keep us grounded in the meditation. It allowed our bodies to get a subtle energy life line that we would to direct us back to our bodies after the meditation session was over.

  Nyema grabbed some candles and placed them in a circle around us. Today we decided to a ten breath count to try to increase the breathing rhythm from the day before. Bilal was really excited about the challenge; I think it was the athlete in him that helped him to push himself. No matter how normal he wanted to be, I knew this was what he enjoyed to do the most. It was how we were raised and it was in him like it was in us. And he always got this crazy look in his eyes like he knew something special was going to happen.

  As we went into the meditation we felt a part of us that we never felt before. It is difficult to put into words but I will do my best. We all felt connected but went to a place in us that was beyond our bodies and mind yet we remained connected, then there was a abrupt separation and I felt like a ball in the pinball machine just bouncing all over the place but I was conscious of where I was going and it was all over the twelve signs of the zodiac. From Capricorn through Sagittarius, I was able to see very distinctly all these constellations up close and I was able to take in the energy that they were giving off and the constellation was taking from me all that I had that was negative. It was a cleansing. All of my thoughts and concerns about what was going on in my personal life and school life felt inconsequential.

  In that moment I felt the lives of 12 separate but connected people where I caught glimpses of all their hopes and all their dreams. Yet I felt that they were me but not sure if this was the product of meditation gone wrong or something profound. I had this issue of skepticism no matter how deep I went there was still this concern of being wrong. Yet, a voice said to me “DO NOT QUESTION, THIS IS WHO YOU ARE!” and with that I let go. Engulfed in the beauty that was the zodiac as I traveled across the solar system in what was known to us in ancient time as a great year. Through that wisdom I was able to see everything that had occurred for the last 25,920 years. It was like our mind was like a computer getting a stream of information downloaded into our mainframe.

  It was not until the sun broke over the horizon and shined over the center of our circle that we had realized we had been in this state all night. Yet we were not tired. On the contrary we were refreshed feeling as if we had a full night of rest.

  We looked at each other still stuck in the awe of what we experienced. This packet was unlocking the keys off the universe and we had only cracked open a few pages getting familiar with the tree of life but organically it had begun to share it secrets with us. Nothing was a mystery anymore. The reasons why everything was occurring was a clear, it went far beyond what my parents were able to comprehend. It was not just power the elite were occupied with but a plan of mass extermination.