Read Circle Seven Page 23

Chapter 22

  We saw them planning a tomorrow where only those affiliated with them were able to continue on and those who were not were going to be wiped out. We were not able to see the future but everything that had led up to this point.

  “Do you think that this is what Mom and Dad saw?” Nyema asked.

  “I am not sure but it says a lot about us being that we are making such progress.” Bilal said

  “We have not even begun the scurrying with the tree just experiencing the spheres. And they are definitely making an impression on us.” I added.

  We heard a knock on the door, it was our father.

  “Did you all let them candles burn all night?” he asked.

  “Yeah we had a good session.” I replied.

  “Excellent, well get ready for school, and Zohar make sure you use the music to avoid a day like yesterday.” He said.

  “Who said something?” I asked furious at the two for even the thought of a betrayal.

  “Zohar, we have been with you since we got home where did we have the time?” Nyema asked.

  “You all just do not get it do you?” Bilal asked.

  “You all did not see it, they knew everything. I saw them having a conversation about this whole thing around the time of last winter solstice. They have seen it all but know that our latent abilities are stronger than theirs because we are older. We come a different time prior to them.” He said.

  “Bilal you just took a dive and you are too deep to follow.” I said.

  “Let me try to state it in a better way.” Nyema said as she interjected.

  “Mom and Dad know more than they are telling but I don’t think they thought we would progress so quickly because their frame of reference is themselves. We are completely different because how we are their children yet they are ours in a spiritual sense. It is the upside down kingdom where nothing is as it seems. How they are having us pave the way, they were sent here to pave the way for us. It is a reciprocal relationship.” Nyema added.

  “I was having a hard time with that, but I kept it to myself.” Bilal said. It seemed kind of selfish to just sit back and let your kids handle the whole saving the world thing. But now I know differently.

  “I was struggling with that all day yesterday.” I responded.

  “Well, we know better now and have to act accordingly; we are the grand architects of this plan. We have to make sure we avoid not only failing our parents but most importantly ourselves.” Bilal said.

  This was the first time that I had seen Bilal serious for more than 20 minutes in my whole life. I understood the magnitude of the situation. This was night for revelations where our destiny began to take shape. This whole time we were waiting for our parents to fully disclose what was going on and all along we had to look within ourselves.

  Still we had to lower our levels and believe you me we were flying high. After getting ready for school we made sure we each listened to our music on the way out the house. As we went to get Skylar she came out of the house wearing hear headphones too. We all laughed knowing that regardless of what we were doing in our separate lessons we were still doing the same thing where our road led to the same destination. We listened to our music on our walk to school where nothing was said but we all walked with purpose and a sense of knowing that we knew who we were and nothing could stop us.

  “You all move in synch.” Zayin said as we were walking up the steps to the school.

  “We have been around each other too long I guess.” I replied breaking formation with the group as we entered school grounds.

  I began to allow Zayin to give me more information about Aleister. Although through last night night’s meditation I had already known everything I needed to about the subject which was Aleister this was a great way for Zayin to let his guard down around me. Something inside of me was telling me that he would be useful to our endeavors.

  “Aleister is the worst kind of bully. The rich kind I am not sure how that is possible with his dad having a federal job but is mom must be going something high level in something unless his dad was a dirty agent. The kid drives top of the line cars to school and has all the newest gadgets. Unfortunately, being in high school that is what matters in the eyes of the popular kids.” He said with a mixture of jealousy and resentment in his tone.

  “No different from back east.” I replied.

  “Yeah, I guess that is right, but in New York I did not live in an area where rich kids could move comfortably so this is a difference. My friends back home would have gone to town on that type of silver spoon kid.” Then I realized that Zayin was not so different from us. He just did not have the guidance that we had; still there was an opportunity for him to be a part of our clique which I saw that he wanted and the more normal people around us the better. Normality is always the goal in school although it had more of a feeling akin to a jungle where only the strong survive.

  I was not the type that felt that people came into your life by chance. My experience last night reassured me of that feeling I have always had. In searching to get more information about Aleister I gained more insight into Zayin. The only thing I was not sure about was the touchy subject of the global events shaping the world as we knew it. However, I needed to not be so obvious in how I addressed the topic as current events were not a topic typically discussed unless forced by a teacher.

  “I am still kind of stuck that Aleister tried to label me as a terrorist.” I said.

  “My parents always told me that you cannot believe everything you see on TV or read in the papers. We have spent a lot of time in Flagstaff, AZ where they have taken a lot of the spiritual people away. Before you got here there was a complete sweep of the area. There were a lot of good people that we got to know very well since we moved.”Zayin said.

  “Yeah people are catching hell back home in DC. It is complete chaos, people you thought you knew as good people now labeled as terrorist it is all hard to imagine.” I said in response.

  Ring Ring Ring!

  “That’s the bell, we better get to class.” I said.

  Zayin showed some potential in that brief conversation but I had to vigilant in what I gave him because during this time you never knew who people were and how they would react when the pressure from the government came. Still, I had a bigger problem on my hand which I foresaw which was Aleister in homeroom.